Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Amos 5:24

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry His Word with us wherever we go. 

This week we will work to memorize our key verse for the book of Amos, God’s declaration for righteousness and justice to flow. 

“But let justice flow like water, and righteousness, like an unfailing stream.” 
—Amos 5:24

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25 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Traci Gendron says:

    DOROTHY – thank you for the scriptures. Really makes you think about how you’re living. I had a hard time at church today. A couple songs had me in tears. I felt like I couldn’t get my breath. That hasn’t happened to me in awhile. It has been a year and half since Tanner passed. Grief comes out of nowhere.

  2. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Afternoon She’s and Happy Pentecost Sunday!! Let the Spirit fall on us, and be JOYFUL in the Lord!

    These verses seem so relatively simple; help the poor, be fair and just, merciful….I mean, we “know” this as Christian, and as “decent” people…right? Yet…we have gone askew. We have tried to better ourselves despite who we step on or move aside, we say something derogatory or in a whisper against someone, or pass by quickly and turn our head on the homeless, hungry or poor?! We allow others to stand up or speak up for the silent. We have gotten lazy, or on a different path. Hmmm. It’s hard, the life given to God- it comes sometimes with persecution or accusations, snide remarks, or backlash. But God tells us, and Paul reiterated over and over, that we must die to ourselves, be in an upside-down world, and “take heart,” have courage. Let God fight our battles helping us, guiding and directing through the Holy Spirit. The only way we can do this is being close to him, in the word, knowing the armour, and clinging to Jesus! Lets pray for each other. Lets be the Light in the dark! I want to make a difference of a life well done for you Lord. You have saved us, and are making us new in your sanctification, holy to your standards. Lord help us. I feel like I fall short most days and others on a high, filling the indwelling.

    I had so many conversations with SO many different people today at church (3 services greeting and promoting small groups!). We are all on our paths, in different places and stages. Lord, meet us all where we are, in guidance and love, forgiveness and Mercy and Grace!! We need YOU Lord, boy do we need you Lord!! Make your presence come alive, Lord, shine your light upon us….

    Amen and Amen.

    1. Colleen DeVeau says:

      Thank you for this, RHONDA J. I come into agreement with your prayer. Father, help us not to be just whitewashed Christians but Your hands and feet even when it is hard. May we truly love You with our hearts, souls, minds, and strengths, and let that love for You spill out of us onto others like a stream that never runs dry.

  3. Cee Gee says:

    The NIVrV translation encompasses what we have read this week. I will attempt to memorize the CSB version!

    “I want you to treat others fairly.
    So let fair treatment roll on
    just as a river does!
    Always do what is right.
    Let right living flow along
    like a stream that never runs dry!”
    Amos 5:24 NIrV

  4. Mari V says:

    My interpretation from today’s verse. “God’s got us.” Happy Sunday sweet She’s. Its amazing how I feel when I get more than seven hours of sleep. Lately (and for a long time) I’ve been sleeping under seven hours and feeling depressed. Though I work for school, my job is year-round. And though I’m grateful, sometimes I wish I could afford to take the summer off. Maybe someday.

  5. Ashley White says:

    I will work on memorizing this today! I hope you all are having a restful Sunday!

  6. Lissa says:

    I inquired about them awhile back. They are not providing them anymore.

  7. Jen Francone says:

    I just save the image of the memory verse to my camera roll, then I make that my wallpaper for the Lock Screen. The dimensions don’t fit quite as well, but it works for me.

  8. Cheryl Blow says:

    Love the scripture!