The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Open Your Bible

Romans 8:1-4, John 14:15-20, John 14:25-26, John 16:1-15, Titus 3:6-7, 1 John 4:13-15, Joel 2:28-29, Ephesians 1:13-14

We are the heroines of our own story. At least, that’s the lesson we are taught in our most beloved childhood fairy tales and animated movies. The princess, the underdog, the orphan, and the star-crossed lovers all receive their happily ever after because of their internal strength and sheer determination in the face of colossal challenges. 

As much as I love a good old-fashioned story where the good guy or gal wins, this idolized belief in the “self-made” hero as followers of Jesus is a misleading one. As hard as we try to overcome temptation and do the right things, we come up short. We simply can’t become more like Jesus by our own will or strength. And when we inevitably fail to live up to our ideal of a “good Christian,” we are left wallowing in our inadequacies and uncertain of where we stand with God. 

Thankfully, the gospel teaches us that we are not the heroines of our story or faith! God doesn’t expect us to fake it til’ we make it when it comes to our personal transformation. Instead, through Jesus’s death and resurrection, we are able to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The same Spirit of God that raised Jesus from the dead now dwells within every believer (Romans 8:11). Through faith in Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit has been poured out on us abundantly (Titus 3:6). His Spirit alive in us is a guarantee of the eternal life that awaits us.

Romans 8 teaches us that the Holy Spirit’s constant presence in our lives empowers us to live free from the power of sin. He continually reveals the truth to us and guides us in the ways of Jesus Christ (John 14:15–20,25–26). We are never alone; He is always with us. The gift of the Holy Spirit is proof of God’s unfailing love for us. The heart of God toward us is one that longs for intimacy with us and desires for us to experience life to the fullest, which comes by relying on the power of His Spirit.

As you reflect on today’s reading, ask yourself, “Who is the hero of my story? Who is the real power behind my spiritual maturity? Am I relying on my willpower to follow Jesus or the empowerment of the Holy Spirit? Am I trusting in my moral strength to do what pleases God and exemplifies Jesus’s love, or am I trusting in the leading of His Spirit?” Today, hear the Holy Spirit’s invitation to lean on Him, to receive from Him. Lay down the impossible job of acting like Jesus, and allow the Spirit of God to empower you to become more like Jesus from the inside out. 

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41 thoughts on "The Gift of the Holy Spirit"

  1. Mercy says:

    The reading today brought some heaviness to my heart from a past memory that felt like yesterday. And I felt led to press into such gracious truth that gripped me. Thanks be to Him who has comforted & strengthened me so that I might recover. So here goes…
    We are warned, that we will be “killed” by those who don’t know God, but assume they do God a favor (John 16:2). They have a “notion” of God but don’t know what doing God a favor truly is. They don’t know what God likes or hates. Who are these people doing God’s service? unless it’s those who are in ministry, those who are “serving God”, having a form of godliness but deny the true power thereof (2 Tim 3:5). They will kick you out of synagogues/churches (John 16:2) through a form of “church split”, a set up, a silent treatment in the front but with gossip and persecution hovering behind. Who can kick you out of church unless those who run church, unless it’s those in leadership? Take heed sisters to what Jesus is really saying. What a pressing warning! This reminds me of what GWINETH52 wisely mentioned couple of days ago, THE YOKE OF DESPAIR through a form of bullying (the church hurt!) that these people will try to put on you. It’s a form of demonic attack, thinking they are serving God when “killing” you. Their conscience is deceived and twisted. May God’s grace help us to discern when something is off with whoever that might be, so no evil yoke of despair and grief or condemnation can be put on us. I am praying for you dear sister if that might be you or someone you know that gets entangled in this twisted evil work. May God give us wisdom to navigate/escape peacefully & discreetly to avoid such trap TO BE KILLED. “These things have I spoken unto you, that you will not be made to stumble” (John 16:1). “These things they WILL do unto you, because they HAVE NOT KNOWN the Father, nor Me” (John 16:3). God will be your defense, but exercise wisdom and discernment for it’s also a defense (Ecclesiastes 7:12 KJV) …. For things are surely dark in these last days. Stand firm in our faith & hope. In a little while, we shall see Him (John 16:16). After all, this life is just simply a little while. To God be all the glory. Be blessed dear sisters.

  2. Teresa Donley says:

    @Cindy Hannah ; thank you for sharing the note in your Bible that gives scriptural references of how we can know the Holy Spirit is active in our lives. I wrote them in this study book and will add them as notes in my Bible as well. I know I will be referring to them often, as I have struggled for a while now to “feel” God’s presence with me. These verses are already giving me peace of mind in reassuring me that the Holy Spirit lives in me and is active in my life.

  3. Heidi says:

    I am actually taking Trinitarianism (study of the Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit) in seminary right now and it’s fascinating AND impossible to understand :) lol :) A book (for anyone really interested in all of this) that is small and SO great is “Delighting in the Trinity” by Michael Reeves. IT’s not a tough read but oh wow does it open your eyes of understanding to how amazing this gift of the Holy Spirit is – and WHAT it is… so enriching…

    Nicole (commentator today) mentioned “He continually reveals the truth to us and guides us in the ways of Jesus Christ” and THAT is what I’m asking God about right now.

    Because of a few months of things occuring, we found a new (great!) space to move into and have vacated/packed/put things into storage while we went to FL for spring break. Came back to find (because it’s new construction) the city had not yet given occupancy-approval certification on the new building so we had nowhere to go. We found a VRBO that gave us a 2-week stay with the belief that THIS SAT we were moving into our home. Not so fast, as C.O.from the city still has not been issued. We are able to extend our VRBO stay for another week but ya’ll – we have 3 young kids and while the older 2 are doing well with all the instability, the 3 year old is so confused. He’s well overall but we’re noticing some emotional changes and clinginess that we believe is due to him just having no clue where his home is and all of his things. And that brings us to that point – we are still living out of our week’s worth of Fl Spring Break clothing. Going on 3 weeks of the same rotations and it’s getting a bit old. ;)

    Prayer – what. do. we. do? Certification of occupancy isn’t expected now until mid/late MAY. It’s expensive staying in a VRBO that long. We DO have other living options we could take as (since permits had not been secured) we never signed on the new place. We paid a fee to reserve it, but we are not legally bound to it.

    God is our foundation. We are praying our feet stay securely fastened to HIM so that where He moves? We automatically move, and do so in full security in Him. We need wisdom and discernment on what WE need to proactively do. This is a weird space to be in – unexpected for sure. I would love to see signs of Him working. I know He is…

  4. lisa chapek says:

    @Allison Bentley, Yes! Love that verse too. Think about the percentage you give for a typical down payment – 10%,20%? If the work and presence of the Holy Spirit in my life now is 10-20% of my inheritance to come….OH, WHAT AN INHERITANCE!!!

  5. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Thursday! What a great reminder today. As I often wonder is this sign from God to be strong and brave or is this a sign to go the other direction. Thank you so much for all of your prayers ladies I cannot thank you enough. We will see what this weekend brings me and I pray to be lead by God to know what is right.

  6. Sarah D. says:

    @Michelle Patire, I definitely feel you about social media!! We should all do a social media challenge or something! I gave up social media for Lent but honestly I didn’t fully stay off of it, so I think I am going to do it again until my birthday next month. It’s definitely good to take breaks. Praying for you @Kimberly Z, for wisdom and the Lord would direct your steps!

  7. Claire B says:

    Michelle Patire and other Social Media strugglers. First I am 66 and have grandchildren. I use FB because of relatives not on Instagram that I want to “keep up with”. I try really hard to only scroll once a day on FB for a few minutes (I usually set a 15/20 min limit)to see updates regarding friends and family trying to get info out to a lot of people at one time. Instagram is my dark hole believe it or not. It is where I can get distracted with Reels and Ads. To try to combat this I set up a separate Instagram account to follow Influencers and businesses that I enjoy (retired life). I only flip to that account a couple of times per week. It keeps my real Instagram focused on family and friends’ pictures of themselves and their families. It has been freeing and keeps me from a constant “check for updates” mode. Hope this helps. I don’t think it’s bad I think it is discipline that you can do with setting limits. Doesn’t mean I don’t follow a rabbit down a hole every once in a while but when I do I can hear the Holy Spirit say “ENOUGH” or “ERASE THAT”!

  8. Cindy Hanna says:

    Like others have mentioned, I have struggled sometimes with grasping how the Holy Spirit is at work in my life. I have notes on 1 John 14 in my bible that help me remember how the Holy Spirit’s presence can be evident to a believer. I hope others may find them helpful too. The Holy Spirit is evident in these things: The aptitude / understanding for spiritual things. (1 Cor 2:14). The desire for prayer ( Romans 8:26). The realization of new standards of conduct in our lives. (Rom 2:12). The ability to overcome or put to death the deeds of the body.(Rom 8:13).  A sense of ability to accomplish the impossible. (Eph 3:16). The realization that we have a new love for all men. (Rom 5:5). The realization that we are maturing in the fruits of the spirit in our lives. (Gal 3:22). Personally I would add: A thirst for the word. But I don’t have a scripture reference to back that thought up. Have a wonderful day She’s!