The Gift of the Holy Spirit

Open Your Bible

Romans 8:1-4, John 14:15-20, John 14:25-26, John 16:1-15, Titus 3:6-7, 1 John 4:13-15, Joel 2:28-29, Ephesians 1:13-14

We are the heroines of our own story. At least, that’s the lesson we are taught in our most beloved childhood fairy tales and animated movies. The princess, the underdog, the orphan, and the star-crossed lovers all receive their happily ever after because of their internal strength and sheer determination in the face of colossal challenges. 

As much as I love a good old-fashioned story where the good guy or gal wins, this idolized belief in the “self-made” hero as followers of Jesus is a misleading one. As hard as we try to overcome temptation and do the right things, we come up short. We simply can’t become more like Jesus by our own will or strength. And when we inevitably fail to live up to our ideal of a “good Christian,” we are left wallowing in our inadequacies and uncertain of where we stand with God. 

Thankfully, the gospel teaches us that we are not the heroines of our story or faith! God doesn’t expect us to fake it til’ we make it when it comes to our personal transformation. Instead, through Jesus’s death and resurrection, we are able to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The same Spirit of God that raised Jesus from the dead now dwells within every believer (Romans 8:11). Through faith in Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit has been poured out on us abundantly (Titus 3:6). His Spirit alive in us is a guarantee of the eternal life that awaits us.

Romans 8 teaches us that the Holy Spirit’s constant presence in our lives empowers us to live free from the power of sin. He continually reveals the truth to us and guides us in the ways of Jesus Christ (John 14:15–20,25–26). We are never alone; He is always with us. The gift of the Holy Spirit is proof of God’s unfailing love for us. The heart of God toward us is one that longs for intimacy with us and desires for us to experience life to the fullest, which comes by relying on the power of His Spirit.

As you reflect on today’s reading, ask yourself, “Who is the hero of my story? Who is the real power behind my spiritual maturity? Am I relying on my willpower to follow Jesus or the empowerment of the Holy Spirit? Am I trusting in my moral strength to do what pleases God and exemplifies Jesus’s love, or am I trusting in the leading of His Spirit?” Today, hear the Holy Spirit’s invitation to lean on Him, to receive from Him. Lay down the impossible job of acting like Jesus, and allow the Spirit of God to empower you to become more like Jesus from the inside out. 

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41 thoughts on "The Gift of the Holy Spirit"

  1. Allison Bentley says:

    14 The Holy Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance, until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of his glory. – Ephesians 1:14 I forget how much I love this verse!!! The Holy Spirit is proof He’s coming back for us!!! Happy Thursday sisters!!!

  2. Claire B says:

    ♥️Trying harder every day to lean into the Holy Spirit and not my own head.

  3. Traci Gendron says:

    SEARCHING – I like “walks alongside”. I just need to remember it. I too miss Churchmouse. I pray she is okay.

    Lay down the impossible job of acting like Jesus, and allow the Spirit of God to empower you to become more like Jesus from the inside out.

  4. Mari says:

    God is so good! I needed to hear this. I am on my worst enemy. Thank you, Nichole for writing an amazing devotional. The scriptures we read, and this beautiful devotion was a great reminder to me not to be so hard on myself. I fail all the time and sometimes I feel so bad, BUT GOD, I take a deep breath and try the again the next day. I will keep depending on the Holy Spirit to empower me to do what I’m supposed to do. Happy Thursday sweet She’s!

  5. Sarah GraceMobley says:

    Praying for your family, Candace!

  6. Rhonda J. says:

    @ Candace, Sorry for your loss and prayers for your MIL!

  7. Rhonda J. says:

    Good morning She’s!

    I have to admit, despite growing up and being a Christian all my life, the Holy Spirit was a little blurry in my mind. After all, we referred to “it” as the Holy Ghost. lol. But over the last decade or so I have come to realize the importance and magnitude of Him. Before I had probably thought I was doing my walk on my own and my own wisdom of loving Jesus. Now I know that I have to rely on the Holy Spirit to make me more like Jesus and produce the fruit. This is true in my relationships, my wisdom, and testimony! In my witnessing, in my longings, in my reading the word. It is all by help of the Holy Spirit. He prompts our direction and guides us, and gently corrects when we veer. The intuition when we know something is wrong. I have been so nervous to pray out loud and for people but I know now I don’t want to speak my own words, I want to rely on the Holy Spirit to speak through me and give me the words to share.
    Yesterday in prison we had such a beautiful time and I was gifted to pray for three different people and what an amazing gift! What a Joy to share the Love of God and how it can change our life and perspective! Yes they are in jail, but wasn’t Paul?!! We told them they can choose how to go from here!! Almost all 8 made the decision to accept or renew their heart to Jesus! It just makes you want to share the gospel and hope with everyone you know!
    I like what you wrote Rachael from Texas…”grace is opposed to earning but it not opposed to effort.” We have to be careful not to become too lazy in our walk with the Lord too. Yes, dependence on the Holy Spirit in partnership with you WALKING (that’s the effort piece!) with Jesus. –SO GOOD and TRUE! Amen and Amen! May we keep WALKING in Faith and the HOLY SPIRit to become like Jesus!
    Have a good day!
    @Kimberly Z– prayers for you! In my experience, they are ex’s for a reason, lol!! So be sure to listen to the Holy Spirit’s nudging! Prayers for you! I know we get to a point where we get lonely and want to make it happen. Unfortunately, after my divorce, did that too often and have many regrets that came from bad decisions that came from loneliness and wanting a marriage.

  8. Michelle Patire says:

    Hey @Kimberly Z- was just praying for you more in depth.
    I don’t know the full story of what’s going on with you and your ex. But I want to share, as I was growing closer to the Lord when I moved to NY in 2016, I happened to run into a high school boyfriend twice on my commute to work. We often got on the same train as me. I moved to NYC after a breakup and felt the Lord calling me to a season of singleness, but I struggled so hard to not find my value in romantic relationships. Anyways, when I saw my ex, I prayed and said “God, if he’s meant to be in my life, he will reach out.” This happened twice and he never reached out.
    Not sure why God allowed this. Maybe it was a test of Satan. I am not sure.
    God knows what we need. I am praying you truly heed His voice and are surrendered to whatever He says. His Spirit guide you and keep you.