The Exodus

Open Your Bible

Exodus 12:29-51, Exodus 13:1-22, Genesis 50:24-25, Psalm 106:6-12, Hebrews 11:22, Hebrews 11:27-28

God’s people had been living as slaves in Egypt for 430 years to the day on the very night Pharoah burst into Moses’ and Aaron’s presence, urging them to leave.

“Get out,” Pharoah said. “Go”

After living as captives in Egypt in a place that was not their true home, the children of Israel grew complacent in their lifestyle of faith. Would they trust God to suddenly, urgently lead them away from a life that was known and comfortable even though it wasn’t where they were designed to live? Would that urgency of fleeing on foot in a great mob under the leadership of Moses, the one who faced the anger of Pharaoh in a house full of death, be enough to send them out into the unknown, away from safety, security, comfort? 

God is a God of rescue. We may wait years for deliverance from areas we are captive: fear, hard relationships, difficult living situations, physical or spiritual poverty. Deliverance testifies to His power. “He saved them for his name’s sake, to make his power known” (Psalm 106:8). 

There will be a moment where we too sense Him saying to us, “Now. Go. Get up.” There will be an opportunity to depart what has been comfortable, to exodus into a place unknown and frightening and exciting all at once.

Will we speak that truth? Help that friend? Reach out to that lonely person? Move to the new neighborhood? Stay in the current neighborhood with a renewed purpose to be the one that reflects the God that longs to be worshiped?

As Christians who have been comfortable in our setting, our surroundings, our language, are we willing to be led out into an emerging new landscape? What does this look like in all that has been familiar—our friendships, our family relationships? How will God’s urgent, insistent call to rise change how we speak in difficult conversations?

God will lead if we will go. He promises as you go, He will lead you to take courage as you walk away from what has been familiar. Out of comfort. Into the wilderness. Only there will you come to know Him and depend on Him like never before. 

You were not meant to stay in captivity. You were meant to rise up and go out, in the middle of the darkness, in the middle of the chaos, into a new place of relationship with Him. Rise. Go! 

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47 thoughts on "The Exodus"

  1. Kimberly Ziehl says:

    Loved todays reading. In a season of life where it feels a bit lonely considering I am 30 and not married I know Gods timing ia much biggert

  2. Kimberly Ziehl says:

    Loved todays reading. In a season of life where it feels a bit lonely considering I am

  3. Kimberly Ziehl says:

    Loved todays reading. In a season of

  4. Terri Baldwin says:

    I love how Moses took the bones if Joseph with him ….. Joseph said, “ God will certainly come to your aid ; then you must take my bones with you from this place.” “Rise up and go out, in the middle of the chaos, into a new place of relationship with Him. Rise ! Go!”

  5. Terri Baldwin says:

    That’s a lot of people……you would think it would be pure chaos.

  6. Harley Nunez-Hamrick says:

    I love this!

  7. Harley Nunez-Hamrick says:

    I noticed that too. It kinda goes into my wonder of why God hardened Pharaoh’s heart if we have free will and Pharaoh could have just been selfish and non-believing to begin with and naturally have a hardened, stubborn heart.

  8. Katie Lathem says:

    I’ve been struck by the tiny details of this event. God knew the people needed gold to make items for the tabernacle, but carrying that much gold in large quantities would be difficult and likely require lots of beasts of burden. Instead, God already had the Egyptians decked out in fine jewelry that was easy to carry! God knew what He was doing even when it didn’t make sense to the Israelites. Same goes for His work in our lives!