Day 5

The Conquest of Jericho

from the Joshua reading plan

Joshua 5:10-15, Joshua 6:1-27, Exodus 3:1-6, Romans 8:31

BY Jen Yokel

I’m fairly confident most of us who grew up in the church have a whole collection of children’s Bible songs in our brains, ready to surface when we read Scripture—at least, I know I do. And every time I read Joshua 6, I hear little kids’ voices from my past, singing:

Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
Jericho, Jericho
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
And the walls came a-tumblin’ down

But stories like this one in Joshua can be more troubling to read than the song might suggest. Destruction is disorienting when what we long for is peace. I find it helpful to ask what passages like this teach us about God’s character. What does He want us to know about Him?

In this story, we see Joshua lead the Israelites to enter the promised land. It appears this will unequivocally be Israel’s victory tale—until Joshua comes face to face with a mysterious man with a sword, drawn and ready. Whose side is he on: Israel’s or their enemy’s? “‘Neither,’ he replied. ‘I have now come as commander of the LORD’s army’” (Joshua 5:14). This battle, then, is the Lord’s. So, the real question is, whose side is Joshua on? 

Some say this figure is an angel, and others believe he is God Himself. Regardless, we know this soldier represents God’s presence. The commander’s first instruction? “Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy” (Joshua 5:15; Exodus 3:2–6). And Joshua does that, declaring where his allegiance truly is.

The Lord gives Joshua a set of specific instructions: march around the city walls every morning with priests and trumpets and the Ark of the Covenant, then return to camp without saying a word. No battle cries or attacks. Just presence, day after day. 

On the seventh day, Israel let out the final trumpet blasts and Joshua gave them permission to “Shout! For the Lord has given you the city.” (Joshua 6:16) We see Joshua’s utter trust that God will keep the promises to Abraham, Moses, and to him. The stronghold of Jericho’s walls collapses. There’s destruction, yes, but also enduring mercy for Rahab (v.25). Perhaps, then, this is the story of victory within some grander mission—the tale of God’s people who come to possess what God had long-promised them, a gift truly worthy of their shouts.

Whose victory do we long to see? We are called to fight the battles the Lord calls us to, which are “not against flesh and blood, but against…evil, spiritual forces in the heavens” (Ephesians 6:12). God is faithful. If He’s called us to something, He’s already very much in it with us, fighting for what He has promised. And if God is for us, who can stand against us?

Post Comments (90)

90 thoughts on "The Conquest of Jericho"

  1. Bunny Lightsey says:

    We always think of Gods love and forget his

  2. Paula Strong says:

    Again, after receiving my book God has spoken to me a different message. Obedience. God used a prostitute to fulfill his mission. She obeyed. She was willing and listened. If God can use her he can use me if I am just willing to listen and obey. My obedience lately has been through my finances. I have been unable to leave my home due to my daughters immune system. God has been working on my tithing. Guess what? My finances actually improved? God does amazing things when we are obedient!

  3. Ashley Cole says:

    Like a lot of you, I am struggling too on the violence. Two things have helped me so far. Rahab had the chance to preach and tell the truth within the wall – so hopefully the number of people she could save was high! The other is we have free will and though it is heartbreaking, not everyone will be saved. God knew that and chose the best path for his people.

  4. Sarah Hamm says:

    I am struggling with this study. Battle of Jericho? They sacked the land because God said. Violence is done in the name of God today. I am really struggling to extrapolate spiritual truth from these verses. The historical narrative is intere

  5. Beverly Watley says:

    Amen Paula

  6. Paula Strong says:

    Like a lot of you I have struggled with all the killings and death. I know that God is all knowing and there was a purpose in this. What is the deaths were because he knew what their future was and he was protecting us?

  7. Paula Strong says:

    I have always struggled with that too but I know God is all knowing. I wonder if he had not had that happen what could have happened to our future?

  8. LivingJoyfully says:

    There’s a spiritual that my choir song that rings in my head. “The Battle of Jericho” By Moses Hogan. Powerful!

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