I’m fairly confident most of us who grew up in the church have a whole collection of children’s Bible songs in our brains, ready to surface when we read Scripture—at least, I know I do. And every time I read Joshua 6, I hear little kids’ voices from my past, singing:
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
Jericho, Jericho
Joshua fought the battle of Jericho
And the walls came a-tumblin’ down
But stories like this one in Joshua can be more troubling to read than the song might suggest. Destruction is disorienting when what we long for is peace. I find it helpful to ask what passages like this teach us about God’s character. What does He want us to know about Him?
In this story, we see Joshua lead the Israelites to enter the promised land. It appears this will unequivocally be Israel’s victory tale—until Joshua comes face to face with a mysterious man with a sword, drawn and ready. Whose side is he on: Israel’s or their enemy’s? “‘Neither,’ he replied. ‘I have now come as commander of the LORD’s army’” (Joshua 5:14). This battle, then, is the Lord’s. So, the real question is, whose side is Joshua on?
Some say this figure is an angel, and others believe he is God Himself. Regardless, we know this soldier represents God’s presence. The commander’s first instruction? “Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy” (Joshua 5:15; Exodus 3:2–6). And Joshua does that, declaring where his allegiance truly is.
The Lord gives Joshua a set of specific instructions: march around the city walls every morning with priests and trumpets and the Ark of the Covenant, then return to camp without saying a word. No battle cries or attacks. Just presence, day after day.
On the seventh day, Israel let out the final trumpet blasts and Joshua gave them permission to “Shout! For the Lord has given you the city.” (Joshua 6:16) We see Joshua’s utter trust that God will keep the promises to Abraham, Moses, and to him. The stronghold of Jericho’s walls collapses. There’s destruction, yes, but also enduring mercy for Rahab (v.25). Perhaps, then, this is the story of victory within some grander mission—the tale of God’s people who come to possess what God had long-promised them, a gift truly worthy of their shouts.
Whose victory do we long to see? We are called to fight the battles the Lord calls us to, which are “not against flesh and blood, but against…evil, spiritual forces in the heavens” (Ephesians 6:12). God is faithful. If He’s called us to something, He’s already very much in it with us, fighting for what He has promised. And if God is for us, who can stand against us?

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90 thoughts on "The Conquest of Jericho"
I can’t explain his awesome works or his plans. Just grateful for them ❤️
“And if God is for us, who can stand against us?” AMEN ❤️
The Lord has worked so many miracles for me this past year it’s crazy!
I love to be reminded that it’s not about us. “Neither” side he is on, he’s on the Lords. Are we on his or our own?
The battle is the Lord’s
If God is for Stephanie, who can be against Stephanie?
His righteousness! We also have to remember that He sees the beginning AND the end. Sometimes in His righteousness is where His salvation shines the brightest. Rahab is just one example. We will have to wait until we are in Heaven to know how many were saved because of His acts of righteousness! Praise God!
We always think of Gods love and forget his
Again, after receiving my book God has spoken to me a different message. Obedience. God used a prostitute to fulfill his mission. She obeyed. She was willing and listened. If God can use her he can use me if I am just willing to listen and obey. My obedience lately has been through my finances. I have been unable to leave my home due to my daughters immune system. God has been working on my tithing. Guess what? My finances actually improved? God does amazing things when we are obedient!
Like a lot of you, I am struggling too on the violence. Two things have helped me so far. Rahab had the chance to preach and tell the truth within the wall – so hopefully the number of people she could save was high! The other is we have free will and though it is heartbreaking, not everyone will be saved. God knew that and chose the best path for his people.
I am struggling with this study. Battle of Jericho? They sacked the land because God said. Violence is done in the name of God today. I am really struggling to extrapolate spiritual truth from these verses. The historical narrative is intere
Amen Paula
Like a lot of you I have struggled with all the killings and death. I know that God is all knowing and there was a purpose in this. What is the deaths were because he knew what their future was and he was protecting us?
I have always struggled with that too but I know God is all knowing. I wonder if he had not had that happen what could have happened to our future?
There’s a spiritual that my choir song that rings in my head. “The Battle of Jericho” By Moses Hogan. Powerful!
I understand exactly what you’re saying I feel that same way!
Amen Gina
God is so good and faithful! I also love that this message demonstrates that no matter what our sin (Rahab the prostitute) if we believe and are faithful God is with us and we will be saved! Our sin doesn’t define us or give us identity. God does!
Yessssss so good! I didn’t even think about that. Wow! A small fulfilled until God returns
This is amazing! We just need to show up to the battle, God will do the behind the scenes work!
I love that song ♥️
Totally the veggie tales song is what I heard in my head.
Praise the Lord
I am struggling with this too. So hard to comprehend this as part of a good God’s will
Shelynda – thank you for the recommendation on Andrew Judd’s article “Thinking Through Old Testament Violence. It helped me digest and work through some of the negative feelings I have of the violent events that happened in the book of Joshua
I am struggling with the death of every living thing “…men, women, young and old…”. It’s hard for me to swallow that this is direction from our God.
God works through our struggles!
The taking off the shoes “you’re on holy ground” sticks out in my mind. Going into shoeless homes used to be annoying, but now ,after living in an Asian country where it’s the norm, I’ve realized how wonderful this practice is. Now all the shoes with their dirt and germs stays in the hallway while my house feels clean and safe. So it’s a small thing that feels good. In a small way I’m keeping my space and home “holy” if not holy then healthier mentally and physically. It’s not exactly the same but it sticks out in my mind of creating a special space.
Jade, yes I have some of those same feelings. I’m happy I am alive now where I don’t have to make animal sacrifices for forgiveness too. I don’t think I was cut out for OT life
I know this is not the main point of the story but verse 12 “the manna ceased”! I never thought about the fact that they had been eating manna all this time!! That’s probably silly but it never occurred to me. God had been directly providing for them for all those years and the moment they enter His promised land it stops. Promise fulfilled! He had been giving them bland survival food out of His mercy and then when they enter the land they get the bounty of His rich provisions in the place he intended for them to be. Such an amazing metaphor for they way we experience God now here on earth compared to the way we will experience Him in heaven when we enter His true rest!
Great reminder!
The song I hear when I read about Jericho is the Veggie Tales classic… “keep walking but you won’t knock down our wall! Keep walking but she isn’t going to fall!” Haha!
Reading things as an adult yes- I see God’s sovereignty, and I understand better the symbolism. But, like some others, things like the destruction of the children and animals is one of the reasons I tend to read the New Testament and not the old. I don’t like to think of the Jesus I read about in the NT ever saying “well the whole city is bad” and destroy innocent kids and animals. I’m a vegetarian and a lot of the OT makes me sad. But I’m trying to understand that these things were necessary for God’s plan, and that these things do sadden him… but it can be hard to swallow.
But other than that- I pray to have the faith they had, to march around a fortress with no weapons (I was wondering why no Jericho soldiers were even trying to shoot them down or something? But I suppose God didn’t allow them to.. He put fear in them to make them not try?) and know that God will do it- even if it seems like a ridiculous way! ♥️
So Awesome is our God! This song was on my mind this morning called, There is Another in the Fire. Here is a link; https://youtu.be/ScK3v5gcBK0
So powerful and beautiful! Thought I’d share! May we be more in awe of Him each day and give Him praise that only He is due! He is Good and His merry endure forever! There is None above Him!
Another In The Fire
There’s a grace when the heart is under fire
Another way when the walls are closing in
And when I look at the space between
Where I used to be and this reckoning
I know I will never be alone
There was another in the fire
Standing next to me
There was another in the waters
Holding back the seas
And should I ever need reminding
Of how I’ve been set free
There is a cross that bears the burden
Where another died for me
There is another in the fire
All my debt left for dead beneath the waters
I’m no longer a slave to my sin anymore
And should I fall in the space between
What remains of me and this reckoning
Either way I won’t bow
To the things of this world
And I know I will never be alone
There is another in the fire
Standing next to me
There is another in the waters
Holding back the seas
And should I ever need reminding
What power set me free
There is a grave that holds no body
And now that power lives in me
And I can see the light in the darkness
As the darkness bows to Him
I can hear the roar in the heavens
As the space between wears thin
I can feel the ground shake beneath us
As the prison walls cave in
Nothing stands between us
Nothing stands between us
There is no other name
But the Name that is Jesus
He who was and still is
And will be through it all
So come what may in the space between
All the things unseen and this reckoning
I know I will never be alone
There’ll be another in the fire
Standing next to me
There’ll be another in the waters
Holding back the seas
And should I ever need reminding
How good You’ve been to me
I’ll count the joy come every battle
‘Cause I know that’s where You’ll be
Words and Music by Chris Davenport & Joel Houston
© 2018 Hillsong Music Publishing CCLI: 7124907
“There’s destruction yes, but also enduring mercy”. WOW.
Thank you for sharing that definitely helped me :)
Caroline Bridges- Oh! Yes ! He’s got the whole world in His hands! The little bitty babies, you and me brother, and on.
The church instead in a battle like never been seen before rt now!! We need to remember our God can part the seas and bring down walls. So He has us! He has this! We just need to step forward with NO fear!! God does not work in fear!! If God is for us, who can be against us!! Meaning NO ONE, NO PANDEMICcan bring God’s bride down!! We can March just like Joshua n the Israelite’s!!!
Well said!!
Amen! This is so good!
For those sharing that they struggle with the violence depicted here, that’s where I am too. It’s hard for me to celebrate death and destruction, even of the “bad guys”. I sit with that tension while reading a lot of the Old Testament, especially when referring to mass killings, children being killed, women being raped, slavery talked about so casually, etc. On cursory reading, it doesn’t fit in with my idea of a loving God that seeks to redeem His creation. I read an article (it was a quick read!) by Andrew Judd… “Thinking Through Old Testament Violence” and it gave me some points to consider that help me reconcile some of the seemingly contradictory truths that I’ve been wrestling with. I just wanted to share in case it helps anyone else too! A google search will bring it right up. I’m thankful for this community where we can share, learn, explore, wrestle, and work out our faith (even the tricky parts) together. Happy Friday, ladies!
What a glorious victory. I agree that the war tactics sound somewhat ridiculous with the silent marching for 6 days straight. The people within the Jericho city must have looked on and mocked the Israelites. But I notice how stern Joshua was when he commanded, when I bid you to shout, then you can shout. Praise God for stern God-fearing leadership. A story I learnt from this lesson is that, though a promise is given, we still need to fight to take ownership. A promised land is not easily available without a fight. King David was anointed king, but he still had to fight to get that kingship from Saul …for years. What is your “promised land”? Let us fight to get our “promised land”, may it be our healing, may be it our marriage or children, etc. Take your promised land. The stronghold of the enemy- “that thick wall” shall crumble down, for our victory, because God will be fighting for us. A side note, archaeological evidence shows the surround city walls of Jericho were 6 feet thick at base, and 12 feet high. All that sturdy structure just fell straight down. God is real. His prophetic instruction is real. Just loud shouting and trumpet won’t cut it. Hallelujah!!!!Thank you Lord for bringing us the victory over our enemies.
The reminder that stands out to me most after today’s reading is this – the great, big God – the God of Abraham, Isaac, Moses, Joshua…is the same great, big God that we serve today! Have hope – He is great, He is big, He is God, what a mighty God we serve! Psalm 95:3-7
A good reminder, we have victory in Christ, our battle isn’t against flesh and blood.
What a ridiculous plan! Right? I mean, who overtakes a city by walking around it?
BUT the Lord had prepared his people for this. The recent miracle of crossing the Jordan had prepared them to trust God, even if the plan seemed crazy.
I also can’t help but think of the manna stopping! 40 years! Can you imagine? Your daily routine, your daily food for 40 years just stopped showing up.
I want to believe that this was another tangible miracle for the Israelites. They had grown used to having the manna. Probably forgot it was a miracle in the first place. And now it’s almost as if the Lord is saying “get ready! The promise is finally here! Trust me!”
Waiting and listening for God’s direction! Always your faithful servant Father God.
This brings to mind the song “Fighting For Me” by Riley Clemmons:
“You will never stop fighting for me
When I can’t fight for myself
Every word is a promise you keep
‘Cause you love me like nobody else
You stand up for me
In the darkest night
When my faith is weak
You’re still by my side
You will never stop fighting for me
You will never stop fighting for me”
There is no one that can stand against us when we have our Lord!!!❤️
“Just presence, day after day”…. That says so much about our relationship with God.
Also, I keep hearing Elvis in the back of my mind singing “Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho…”
I had never paid it attention about the soldier with the sword showing up to speak to Joshua. But it is very comforting to know that not only is God with us, but He is ready with sword in hand and battle-ready to fight with us.
Taylor, I just wanted to thank you for your comments today. I’ve been battling a stomach issue since Christmas and they are just now treating it. It is 2 weeks of complicated drug schedules that don’t seem to be helping much. But God…(as our Tina says) is working. I trust that. All of you ladies were so wise today but Taylor your words reminded me that He is for me! I forget that.
In this chapter again, I see Joshua’s partnership with God. “what does my lord want to say to his servant.” Always waiting, willing, and listening. I love that about Joshua. I wondered what the folks inside were thinking. They couldn’t leave. They know the reputation of the Israelites. Did Rahab say anything? Did anyone ask-Rahab why are all your family now living with you?
God’s destruction is real. Stories like this remind me of God’s power and holiness.
Yes, it’s difficult to wrap your mind around the destruction. What really stood out to me though was that the leader of God’s army said to Joshua that he is on neither side. So many times we want God to choose sides (like humans do), but just as the author pointed out Joshua (we) need to be on God side and not expect Him to choose sides.
Don’t you wonder what the people inside the walls thought? Did they watch people circling them for the first 6 days? Did they taunt them? I am so curious what this felt like for them. But I love that it’s about God and not them!
I struggled with this story today more than usual. Yes, the victory was great, but so was the loss. I can’t wrap my mind around the loss of life that happened in Jericho that day. And I trust God’s heart completely, but still i struggle with it. The idea of Rahab and her family watching everything and everyone they’d known be destroyed makes her faithful life that followed so much more powerful. And I was struck by the curse Joshua pronounced:that anyone who wanted to rebuild that place would suffer the loss of their son. Eerily reminiscent of the sacrifice the Father willingly made in rebuilding/restoring humankind. Even this story of loss and destruction in Jericho is, I know, redeemed through Christ. So I sit with my struggle today, uncomfortable but secure in the love of God.
Did anyone else do the Esther study last month? I see a parallel between how the Bible keeps repeating that God gave Joshua fame and reverence and a good name, just as the Bible said about Mordecai. Or goal should never be fame or popularity, but God does use these often!! If we have these we should use them as tools for the kingdom, not personal gain.
Elections always leave me weary. I’m so tired of us vs. them. I’m exhausted by the labeling. I’m exasperated by slick speeches and petty pandering. I’m over false promises from both political parties.
That’s why I appreciate the Commander in today’s reading. He’s only on one side, the Lord’s side. Let me be known for that as well. Let my convictions, my platform, my policies, be in lockstep with His. Not me vs. you. But me WITH Him. God alone. In all things, always.
I love this story and I love the song. Thanks for the background on it TC! It is amazing and I say it over and over God works in mysterious ways, rarely something straight forward yet we expect things to happen in simple easy ways in our lives, I want to share a story about my son who started working in the credit department of a bank last year. Growing up he struggled with learning and memory! Many days of literal tears over school work. He did eventually graduate from college but had one math class he had to take 3 times! The only thing that kept me sane was realizing we was at least learning to work and and persevere. Last night he received an award in front of the entire bank as the rising star of the entire bank because of all his hard work and willingness to learn and how he has upheld the bank during COVID and all the challenges. Before this job he was a forklift driver at Costco. Mysterious ways and amazing results. Hang in there you mommas working with your kids, you never know who will go where, it’s surprising!
Today I’m trusting in Him. He sees the steps before me, He knows why this door has been closed (because His is better). Lord help me to trust.
That closing line hits home! “If God is for us, who can stand against us?” I feel this message is a call to trust. Trusting in his timeliness and his reasoning. I also like the correlation of taking off the sandals upon holy ground between Moses and Joshua as a symbolic gesture of their alegence to the Lord.
Obedience “releases” God to work in amazing ways… for my good and for His glory. The hardest part of obedience is to be silent. To listen. To be still. Oh the anticipation. The expectation. What will God do??
This. Yes.
The troops were silent until the seventh day when Joshua instructed “Shout! For the Lord has given you the city.” Knowing and trusting God’s promise, their shout was one of praise. Yet, the walls didn’t collapse until AFTER the troops gave a great shout. That is faith! Lord, may I continually live in Your presence and have faith to be silent until the Spirit prompts, all the while trusting that You are fighting for me.
Also ladies I ask for your prayers for a family I don’t know personally but found on Instagram who just lost their 2 year old daughter to cancer. Their Instagram is @positivelypenelope. My heart just absolutely breaks for them
“I’m gonna see a victory! I’m gonna see a victory for the battle belongs to You Lord!” from the song “See a Victory” by Elevation Worship. Our battle, whatever we are facing right now (mine is the uncertainty of job searching) belongs to the Lord and we can claim the promise that He is FOR US. What great Truth today! I love what others have said pointing out the obedience, trust, and submission of the Israelites in this passage. May I have similar obedience to the Lord!
Have a great weekend sisters! <3 Lifting up prayers for those in Texas (including my grandparents and aunt) who are struggling.
I can still hear her voice. I don’t remember her name but it was at choir at a public school. And we sang that song. Joshua fight the battle of Jericho. I was just a kid and I didn’t what it meant about then. I’m glad I’m no longer there and I know what it means now. And one thing is for sure Our God continues to fight our battles. Even when He seems silent, He’s not. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. His are the footprints on the sand.
He’s got the whole world in his hands
Does anybody else remember singing this song as a kid or is it just me?
Knowing this story of the battle of Jericho, I’ve been asking God all week what my Jericho walls are in my life. Today, He’s pointing out the battle strategy. Even when I try to anticipate where God is working, He’s teaching me how He’s working! Silence and obedience while He works instead of me telling Him how to do it or just doing it myself in exasperation.
Because the commander of God’s army shows up, we know the battle is His. Just like we know today our battles are the Lord’s through Christ. Joshua teaches us that obedience and submission to God’s will are key to victory. It’s up to us whether we are going to take care to listen and be obedient to God’s voice in challenging times.
Yes! I know God has called me to raise Jesus-following boys and eventually young men. I know he is fighting for my children, and I will fight for them daily. I will trust that my God is FOR my boys and will give them everything they need for godliness!
When God took away the manna He replaced it with something even better… sweeter. LOVE THAT
I loved the reminder that the Israelites were still eating manna! It’s been easy to see the huge ways the Lord had provided for and protected them throughout their journey. But I’d forgotten that He was still providing their very basic need for food every single day. I’m seeing this reminder with fresh eyes this morning.
“No battle cries or attacks. Just presence day after day.” I found this to be such a wonderful reminder to be a consistent presence in our world. While I realize there is a time for “battle” I think we can often be too quick to be loud and aggressive instead of being a consistent presence- and not just consistently present but also consistent in following Jesus.
God will give you victory!
I think I’ll be processing this one all day…so many deep truths to consider. But the battle belongs to the Lord, and I just need to be obedient in how he calls me to fight. He is faithful, even if the plan seems strange to my natural understanding. God’s got it!
ERB – praying for good news on your test results next week and peace for you as you wait. Thank you for sharing that quote, I need to learn to listen to understand!
I can never read this story without seeing visions of Veggie Tales in my head! But beyond that, what stands out amid the destruction of the city is the fresh start for the Israelites and redemption for Rahab and her family. God is faithful and good.
TC- thank you for sharing that! I’m teaching about the Underground Railroad and freedom quilts today, so I’m thankful to have learned that from you!
Today’s scripture was, to me, a beautiful illustration of God keeping His promises, in His timing and according to His plan. How great is our God?!
I love Romans 8:31!
I can’t wait to read it! ❤️
Yes! If God is for us, who can be against us! For neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor present nor futere, nor any powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation shall support from Your love, Father, which is found through Jesus Christ our Lord!
Such a conviction… do I pray for victory for myself? Or for God’s glory? Thank You Lord for reminding me of this truth. You are the victor… always!! And Your mercy is do great!
Although many of us may know it as a Sunday School song, “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho” is actually a Negro Spiritual that was sing by enslaved people as they escaped. The line “and the walls came tumbling down” alluded to their escape and eventual freedom from slavery. This resonated with me as I read the verses and devotional today. My ancestors sang of God’s delivery as they made their way to freedom -the former slave Israelites trusted God in battle – and I, too can trust him.
Silence is a powerful friend or foe.
It can bring rest and peace.
It can foster insecurity and fears.
One the right side of silence there is empowerment and a building up.
On the wrong side; destruction, separation, a breaking down.
You show yourself Lord, in all things, even silence.
Oh Dana so true when we know what God wants from us we feel His presence and strength, so often it is a fight to get to His promise. The journey is always amazing and so worth it.
A spiritual battle was fought with God’s presence alone. How great is our God!
Prayer Request Update: my 24hr medical test went great! I won’t know the results until the end of next week, but will keep you all informed!! Thank you SO very much for praying!!! ❤️
I LOVED today’s reading!!
I learned that they were still eating manna up until the day after Passover and that as soon as they ate from the land God provided, the manna stopped!
Joshua 6:10 blew my mind!! I realized how OBEDIENT Joshua, the priests, and the armed men of Israel were!! They didn’t grumble, complain or say this battle strategy was completely crazy… but instead they TRUSTED & walked in SILENT (except for the trumpets) CONFIDENCE knowing their God WOULD deliver to them what He promised. What AMAZING FAITH!!!
Lord may I walk, listen, hear, trust, obey, and have faith like this…Amen.
This quote keeps coming to mind so I will leave it here…
“The biggest communication problem is that we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply”
-Stephen R. Covey
I wrote too much..lol. my comment has gone for approval!!!
Sending love wrapped hugs.
A lot went on in that week that lead to the fall of Jericho.. a lot!
The presence of God. The obiedience in removal of shoes to stand on holy ground. Specific instructions to march round the city walls, in full regalia, yet silently for 6 days. On the seventh day, March around city walls seven time whilst blowing trumpets. Shouting, for victory was at hand. Trust. Destruction.
Ah, there it is..
But God..
Mercy for Rahab and all her family.. one of Gods many plans and purposes.!
What I saw, as i read was, Jesus’s blood line..of all the people, ONLY Rahab, the prostitute, (would one day be mother to Boaz) and her family were saved in that Destruction, in that total collapse of Jericho..
Heres my thing, God’s plan and purpose for Rahab was not prostitution, and though we know this was her past, that, for sure, was not her future. Rahab, is one of the very few women mentioned in Jesus’ genealogy.. that swells my heart!
What we did wrong, or have done that is unspeakable, is and will not be our future or definition, where God’s mercy is.. He uses and will use, when like Rahab we confess and surrender to Gods mercy. Rahab had one hope. One Who is Hope. “The Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below,” she believed, she trusted, she had hope..
But God..
He saves, He redeems, He gives us hope for now in our circumstances and for the future generations..
Rahab may have been a prostitute, a mess, a fallen woman, but see how she rose, by God’s grace, to be an ancestor, straight bloodline to our Jesus..
I was just wondering, a pause for thought really, did all this happen to save one woman and her family. . For the future of mankind..
Either way..
But God..
Praying your weekend knows Gods blessings each of you here and your families. He is good, He is God.❤❤❤
“God is faithful. If He’s called us to something, He’s already very much in it with us, fighting for what He has promised.”
Come Lord Jesus, Come