When my brother and I were young, Mom would read to us aloud every morning. We were home-educated, and one of our family’s daily practices was morning devotions and making our way through a classic novel, curled up with blankets.
At the time, I didn’t always appreciate this practice the way I do now. There were days when the three of us could barely keep our eyes open, listening to Old Testament passages and Hemmingway. But, looking back, I see this was a gift. One passage we memorized was Psalm 139. I can confidently say this psalm is part of the fabric of who I am now, just like The Yearling or The Old Man and the Sea.
Mom knew it was important to carve out this intentional time to let God’s Word and other stories form us. Reading them aloud helped us remember them. Reciting the same Scripture verses familiarized them so that, one day, when we faced troubles, we would hopefully be able to recall the truth.
This practice planted Psalm 139 deep down into our bones. I will never forget it—nor the beautiful imagery it paints about God’s faithfulness in our lives. Had my mom only read Psalm 139 aloud to us once, it’s unlikely we would be able to recite the poem twenty years later. But repeating the words made all the difference.
“These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart,” reads Deuteronomy 6:6–7. “Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Even when we know something to be true, it’s so easy to forget things sometimes (2Peter 1:12). God knew His people would need every opportunity to remember His Word, His ways, and His never-ending love, and so we see these calls for remembrance all throughout Scripture.
What a blessing to have God’s Word as a reminder of His love! These stories of deliverance and faithfulness—both to the ancient Israelites and to us today—are now woven into the fabric of our lives. They’re part of our heritage. Believers for thousands of years have been reading them, reciting them, studying them, and wrestling through what it means to apply them to our lives. When we repeat God’s Word and remember His ways, our faith is strengthened. This practice keeps truth at the forefront of our minds. And, hopefully, as we walk with Jesus over time, these passages become lived, shared experiences with God.
“I will remember the LORD’s works,” reads Psalm 77:11–12. “Yes, I will remember your ancient wonders.
I will reflect on all you have done.”
May it be so.
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46 thoughts on "Remember God’s Word and Ways"
Exactly what I needed to hear and be reminded of.
Thank you God for the miraculous ways that You remind us of Yourself.
Wow! I love this!! I really need to be better at memorizing scripture. May it be so!
I am on a wonderful trip that some of you prayed for me to go on with my foster son. This is a beautiful devotional to do as I reflect on all God has done to open up doors for this trip. Questions I’m asking myself as I go through this study, do I praise the Lord, and seek him with gratefulness with as much further as I do when I make requests to the Lord and ask for answered prayers? This is such a beautiful reminder to seek the Lord at all times when I am in need of an answer and also in the mundane days oh, how I love God‘s word!
@Traci Gendron, praying for you right now.
Thank you Mercy.
Good evening sisters, wanted to list your individual needs, but am in a B&B out-of-state and not able to write all down. So I lift prayers for healing, in sympathy and in gratefulness. Did anyone see the episode of the Chosen, where Jesus is just a little boy and Joseph is reminding him who his real father is? He tells him how he hopes he is being a good earthly father and taking care of him for his heavenly father. He then says he doesn’t have much to give him and presents him with a box of tassels. They have been passed down in Jesus lineage. You don’t see the box again until Jesus starts his public ministry. Very powerful. Blessings.
Have been reading the devotionals for a couple of years but have never commented. I really do appreciate the faithfulness of God and the encouragement and support given to each other. I would like to join the Facebook group, not sure if I needed to comment to be recognized. Remembering is such a great way to see God at work during difficult times. God bless each of you !
Question please. Is the APP still not working. I see the book there but it says purchase error and will not open. Anyone have info? Thank you
Hey there! Unfortunately, we are still experiencing a glitch in our app that isn’t allowing People of Remembrance to download. We encourage you to keep checking back on the app for updates. In the meantime, feel free to read along through our website until we are able to get this issue fixed – https://shereadstruth.com/plans/people-of-remembrance/.
“Not to follow after your own heart and your own eyes, which you are inclined to whore after. (Numbers 15:39 ESV). This is a strong statement! Do not whore after the lusts of your own heart and eyes! Ouch. Father, may You guard over my heart and my eyes. Amen Kelly (Neo), my thoughts exactly, home décor stores usually have those wooden signs or canvas, follow your heart… NOT.
Thank you Peter for stirring us up by way of reminder (2 Peter 1:13 ESV). May we continue to stir one another up this way as well.
@ALAYNA: I am so very sorry, prayers for strength and comfort to your family on this sudden and tragic loss.
@TRACI: prayers against the melanoma possibility, peace for your heart and mind.
@MARINA: prayers for supernatural strength and grace for the Moldens family as they fight against cancer beside their dad, healing miracle for their dad Jaime.
@MARI V: strength for your friend’s family going through the loss of their dad.
@SHARON JERSEY GIRL: healing and salvation for your cousin Scott.
@THERESA: for Arlo and for your family in the preparation for surgery, finance from God’s storehouse. Rejoicing over the minimal pain by God’s grace.
@RHONDA J: I love Word Docs too :)
Be blessed dear sisters. ❤️
Remember, His divine power has granted to us ALL THINGS that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him. We have access to that “ALL THINGS” whatever that it is… that you might need.
Psalm 77:11-12 Yes, I will reflect on all you have done meditate on your actions.
I need this right now. God carried me through so many scary medical situations and He will carry me again.
ALAYAN – praying for you and your sweet family during this time. I can only imagine what you’re going through. @TRACI G – Praying your eye is just a mole! I have one of those too and have always just had it watched to make sure it’s not growing. Praying the same is for you. I’m also a radiation therapist so I know how daunting it could be if you’ve seen a family member go through that. Praying for all of you this weekend!
Can I ask for a prayer request? My brother died in a car accident yesterday and we found out late last night. Please pray for him. And for my family. I think I’m still in shock.
TRACI GENDRON- I am praying for you right now. I’m praying this spot on your eye is nothing serious. I pray you receive God’s peace as you are waiting for an answer about what it is. I pray you feel God’s loving presence and His comfort in all you’ve already gone through.
I had had many eye surgeries throughout my life, and just need to share that every time the surgeon has told me I’m going to lose vision permanently, it has either been temporary or not happened at all. The last surgery I had this past summer, which I didn’t even know I needed, has given me the clearest vision I’ve had in many years. Praise God for His continuing miracles, and praying for a miracle of healing for you, too.
Today’s reading brought home to me the importance of knowing God’s Word. All those verses memorized in Sunday School as a child are ingrained in me. When I used to work with Alzheimer’s patients in hospice care, it always amazed me and made me smile every to see someone who really couldn’t carry on a conversation or even remember their own family recite The Lord’s Prayer, The 23rd Psalm or start singing old hymns. Amazing Grace and The Old Rugged Cross were often sung. I sang those and others to my own mother when she was dying. Hearing the old hymns allowed her to open her eyes and smile, when it had seemed she was unable to communicate at all. I pray that I’m always able to quote Scripture and sing the old hymns that say so much about my Lord.
I need prayer. I feel like I’m falling off my axis. I went in for an eye exam and there is a spot that we have been watching. I was told it was just a freckle. Today I went to a new doctor in Florida. He was on the cold side. He told me it was possible melanoma and I felt weak. I have been through so much with Tanner and then Tom having prostate cancer at the same time. Tom had severe complications from the radiation. I just don’t have much oomph let in me for such things. Thank you
@Rhonda J, what is the name of the Facebook Group for those of us who’d like to join?
Theresa, my heart has been thinking of you all week. I can only imagine how you feel and the tumultuous week of caring for your son and setting up appointments and surgery. I have 4 kids ages 4-12, and on Valentine’s Day our 4 year old rambunctious boy was running down the hall to go to bed when he slipped on dirty clothes on the floor that should’ve been picked up like I asked and ended up hitting his chin on a step stool which was also NOT where it was supposed to be. My immediate reaction was to get annoyed that it happened in the first place, but as my husband scooped him up to bring him to me I felt awful for my first reaction being anger. Thankfully we were able to clean him up and apply butterfly sutures that seem to be working fine. Not nearly as unfortunate as your situation, but as a mom I know how fast things can happen and the swirl of emotions we feel. I am praying for you all! I love how God is always faithful to show Himself our Provider when things get overwhelming. Thankful that you guys get to experience an extra dose of grace during this time! You are loved!
oh, and PS: my kids are all piled in the living room this morning watching a movie on this slow Friday morning while on a break from homeschooling. And they are watching “The Good Dinosaur,” and the main character’s name is…..Arlo! Makes me smile at the silly details God can be seen in. Every time I hear the name I smile and think of your little man who is probably being as silly and wild as mine.
Please pray for my friend Jesse who is 73yo who fell on Tuesday and fractured his hip and is in surgery this morning. He was answering his front door and was not using his cane or his walker. He has several other medical issues including Parkinson’s, mitral valve heart issues, and difficulty with mobility with pins in his spine from surgery last year. Praying for his comfort and peace, and for him to feel God’s supernatural presence and his surgeon’s hands to be directed by God and bring healing to his body. Thank you.
“Therefore I will always remind you about these things, even though you know them and are established in the truth you now have” 2 Peter1:12 this verse stood out so much to me. As a believer for 20+ years I still fall short (just last night I was gossiping about a family members spouse) and I am so grateful the HOLY SPIRIT tugs on my heart and REMINDS me this is not what God gave you a tongue for!!! I will admit this happens more often than I am proud to say (not just gossip, but other thoughts of jealousy, fear, resentment, pride, the list goes on forever) BUT GOD always reminds me of my sin so that I can repent and receive Gods beautiful mercies! The more I am anchored to Him the easier it is to “do what is right and good in the Lords sight “ Deuteronomy 6:18 Happy Friday She’s! Lifting up requests this morning ☮️❤️
This call to remember, remind, recall is dinn no powerful
One day at a very low time in my life, I sat down and just started to remember -recall-remind myself of all that God has done in my family’s life. Once I started it was hard to stop. It was overwhelming all the miracles God had done for us. Some little, some huge! For example, I had cysts on my ovaries that ruptured and my surgeon told me afterwards that I should not have survived! Or at a time when my husband was out of work and trying to sell cars, our home was going to be foreclosed but we kept praying and keeping our commitment to pay our tithes, someone I hadn’t seen or heard of in years, sent the exact amount we needed and to pay tithes on it! But God!
This is why we remember how God gas always been faithful and we share these memories to build others up! God is faithful!
Writing God’s word on my heart and in my brain so He is always closeby! (He is always closeby whether I realize or not)
Thank You, God, that You are always near. I need just remember and trust.
Thank you for everyone’s comments and words of encouragement. I’ve been with SRT since 2016 and very rarely comment. I’m seeing a lot of new names, which is very exciting!
What is the FB group?
NUMBERS 15:41 – I am the LORD your God …
I am the LORD your God. (repetition)
So many times I feel ‘inconvenienced’ when reading repetitive phrases in Scripture. Today, I am reminded of the need for repetition to aid memorization. Like you, KAREN ELIZABETH, I find it much harder to memorize these days. I have come to realize this : when I was a child we had the KJV only. Then churches brought in the NIV, and other translations followed. The problem for me isn’t so much the ability to memorize as it is reading the verse in different translations. Now I focus on re-reading in one chosen translation (usually the one that has some of the verse already in memory – KJV or NIV) and I have done better. Still working on it! ❤
I have to share a little nonsense today! As I typed out the phrase in the previous remark – ‘churches brought in’ auto correct changed it to :
‘churches bungee I dudes’!!! What???!!! Hahaha I hope it doesn’t change it again upon posting!
SEARCHING – Yes, neither remembering nor forgetting. Kind of like neither hot nor cold. Yikes! Thanks for that ‘shake up’ today! ❤
TINA ❤ – You rascal, you!!! Thanks for the chuckle! And especially the ❤! Love you!
When I read verses like these, I think of the hymn –
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!
Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore Thee
Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea
Cherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee
Who wert, and art, and evermore shall be
Holy, holy, holy! Tho’ the darkness hide Thee
Tho’ the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see;
Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee
Perfect in power, in love, and purity
Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth, and sky, and sea
Holy, holy, holy; merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!
Praying in agreement precious sisters! God sees, God hears, and God knows. ❤ May we go into this weekend with remembrance of the beautiful promises and Truth we encountered this week!
THERESA – holding your precious Arlo ❤ in my heart!
Anytime I read a reference to sewing or creating in the Scriptures I get excited because I am a maker also. I have sewn for a living for over 30 years now- not clothing, but home fashions. Window coverings, pillows, bedding big bay window cushions, etc for my own clients as well as other interior designers.
I love the reference of Blue tassels, (LOVE blue anything) because I have sewn an abundance of things through the years with tassels on them- tassel fringe, long tassels for chair ties, etc. I have a problem with throwing any ‘useable’ size scrap of anything away, though, so there is a sizeable accumulation of bits that I possess. My ‘someday’ stash- someday I’ll make something out of that…!
But my big question is: the first thing that Adam and Eve did was SEW fig leaves to cover themselves. How did they know how to sew? :-)
Have a blessed day, dear She’s!
v 11 “and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 1:3-15). Yesterday I did not comment. As I started our devo, I had texted my sweet friend Michelle (and former boss and GREAT friend) who now lives in Texas. It was her birthday. We’ve known each other for many many years. We went to the same church, worked together, our kids knew each other. We’ve been texting and calling one another a lot lately as her daddy was nearing the end of his life here on earth. A very loving, sweet and godly man who LOVES Jesus and LOVES people. I didn’t comment or even finish the devo until the evening as I received a text back letting me know she now rejoices as she “shares” her birthday as the day her daddy entered into glory! I thought to myself what a BEAUTIFUL and selfless way to remember her daddy. I know the family well and we are grieved but now our dear John is COMPLETELY healed! No more cancer or pain. Please pray for the Kitchel/Bond/Campbell family as they walk through this season of life. AND I hope its OK, to add, today would of been my own daddy’s birthday. He would of been 93. My dear sweet friend Michelle and I had the privilege of having been blessed with God-fearing fathers who LOVED Jesus and LOVED people.
TINA and SEARCHING, you both touched my heart deeply with your blessings and encouragement!! I needed this more than I thought or knew!! Thank you!! ❤️
Today’s scriptures and notes: there is SO MUCH in what we read today!! Wow!!
2 Peter 1:3-15
*Wow!! There is SO MUCH in these verses!!! I feel like I could go on about them for days!!! May the revelations given be made LIVING and active in my/our lives!!! I also really liked the reminder of the “bodily tent”. Our bodies are temporary but our spirits are eternal!! May we live focused on the eternal!! And may we follow through with everything God has asked and is asking of us no matter the cost!! Amen.
Numbers 15:38-40
*remember the Lord’s commands and don’t prostitute yourselves by following your own heart & eyes. Wow!! That is POWERFUL and convicting!!! What/where are the “tassels” in my life? May I follow, remember and represent God in every aspect, thought and decision I make!! Amen.
Deuteronomy 6:4-13
*Remembering God through obedience.
**Love the reminder to put and keep God first, to bind ourselves to and carry Him with us wherever we go and in whatever we do!! Also love the reminder that it is through obedience that we remember, and keep Him first!! Another important thing that stood out to me in these verses was God’s provision!! He alone gave His people a “turn key” land filled with abundance and blessings!!! It’s so easy to forget God and what He has done & provided once He has fulfilled & provided it!! May we never forget, but instead cling to Him whether we are in need or in abundance!! Amen.
Psalm 77:12 Psalm 119:16
*May we actively live out these scriptures!! Amen.
Have an AMAZING day Ladies!! And may we take God with us wherever we go and in whatever we do!! Amen. Xoxo
Reminder- If you are joining our FB group of SRT-She’s, please answer the question that you are apart of the bible study SRT (not just a YES! I want to know you are from HERE!
It’s so exciting that we have 141 members of the group!!! What a fun way to get to know each other, connect, and share a little more of our lives!
@Mercy- My digital journal is just using Word Documents! I keep the tab up while I do SRT, that way I can ‘copy and paste” comments, and write my own. I have so many “comments” copied through all the studies!! I also have tons of journals over the years that I write down my thoughts. But since I lay in the morning with my laptop, it is a easy way rather than pen and paper.
Good Morning Dear She’s!
I love the “remember” and how it coincides with growing in our relationship with Christ. When I remember Jesus’ life here and all it represents it changes me. I remember what he did, how he acted, what he suffered, all of it as I read and reread and put it in my heart!
Can you imagine, we have the word of God, the ministry of Jesus…we have it all in the way of the bible, and not only do many majority of the people don’t have one, BUT the christians that do have one sadly do not even read it. What a shame, what a sorrow, it hearts my heart as I was one of those. But God, He came to me, in my heartbreak, and changed me slowly, and I REMEMBERED my dear deceased mother’s example, of reading her bible every morning, so I decided I was going to as well. And then I found SRT and not only made it a daily habit, but rejoice in this habit. This studying and remembering grows my faith. It is not just a relationship with Jesus, but in addition a KNOWING. A knowing that God is God, the Same GOD, with so many, many examples of who He is, what He does, how He does, why He does. How can we not find the bible the most exciting, amazing book ever??!! It is living, breathing and moving…it is my source of life. If I want to grow, if I am willing to grow…I will want to know and remember.
Thanks for all the comments! I love coming here first thing, every morning. Reading and remembering with you all!
Prayers for dear Arlo. What a great name, and prayers for the little guy ! Isn’t it hard for him to eat in the wait to repairing?? And I can’t believe he has minimal pain…PRAISE GOD for that! You are a good mamma, we see your heart. And praise, that you have the money to pay up front!!
A song for you today and one of my favs “Same God” by Elevation Worship!
I need tassels on my garments… I’m just sayin’.
The promised land… God promised, and He followed through, of course (even though the Israelites did absolutely NOTHING!) Isn’t that the way for us too, sweet She’s? It sure is!
And I pray that my boys remember what we taught them growing up. Their “walk” is not the same as mine, and it is hard to remember that.
Now that music is stuck in my head, TINA! Of course, there are worse things, right?
I have been praying as I have read requests the last couple days… I need to go back and “review” them and write them down. (And, while writing, I think I will start a gratitude journal today, as opposed to sewing tassels on my garments. I do not like sewing!)
Dear She’s,
My niece has a dear family (the Moldens) whose 2 young boys she cares for while their parents are at work. Their dad, Jaime, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and of course he’s going through the grueling rounds of chemo (which is not working), CT scans, at which time a new devastating issue was found, a pulmonary embolism. Today he is set up for a blood transfusion and then surgery. We ask for your prayers for this beautiful young family in Georgetown, TX during this difficult journey.
The importance of remembering God, His words, His truth, His provision for me time and again. As was highlighted in the devo, repetition aids in remembering. The picture journal TAYLOR mentioned, gratitude journals (thank you MERCY ❤️ for sharing research), gratitude/praise/blessing jars mentioned by several – all of these provide ready access to our histories of what God has done for US.
Thinking about forget vs remember, and that so many times I don’t do either one. What God has done is still in my mind, but I don’t actively focus on those blessings/rescues and thank Him :/
TINA ❤️ amen! And sister, I’m thinking you were quite the handful for your mum! :)
JULIA C – amen
FOSTER MAMA – good to see you. praying for motivation, wisdom and guidance to tackle things as needed, when needed.
BUTTONBERRY – thank you for your testimony on your touching friendship with Laurie
SHARON JERSEY GIRL – love that you pointed out taking that first step of faith. Praying for your cousin Scott, for salvation, treatment and healing as he faces the prostate and lung cancer.
And Sisters – if the men in your life aren’t being screened for prostate cancer, I encourage you to encourage them! The PSA bloodwork was part of my husband’s annual checkups and his cancer was caught early as a result.
ERB ❤️
HEIDI – good seeing you pop in here. Praying as you manage your schedule
THERESA – praying for Arlo in the pre-op, and next week’s surgery. What a wonderful blessing that his pain is minimal! Also praying for your work situation.
Thank you @ Aimee for this prayer.
Romans 2:4 tells us that God’s kindness is what turns us to repentance. I’m working this morning specifically to remember all the ways God has shown kindness to me. In this current season I’m in, I need these reminders that He’s always been with me and has never failed me. And He won’t start now.
Thank you for your continued prayers, ladies. We have my son’s pre-op appointment this morning. We are also working to get finances all lined up for his surgery, as we will need to pay a couple thousand dollars up front based on what our insurance doesn’t cover. I cannot tell you how much I’ve felt your prayers these past few days. Thank you for letting the Lord use you to lift up my little family. God is working and coming through for us. One example: my son is experiencing very minimal pain, despite the broken jaw and four fractured teeth. The doctor gave us narcotic pain medicine for him but he hasn’t needed one dose. Our bigger challenge is keeping him from being too active because he just wants to run and jump and play like any other six year old boy. The doctor was amazed that he wasn’t hurting so much more based on the x ray. But we know that God in his mercy has extended this little bit of grace to us in this time. He is a good good father! My son’s name is Arlo if you would continue to remember him in prayer.
TINA- thanks for the good laugh this morning!
As a child, I memorized scripture for Sunday school and at the Christian school I attended. Admittedly, I am not very good at doing it as an adult. Thankfully, many of those versus I learned as a child come back to easily. Remembering God’s word and law, meditating in it day and night. Talk about it with my children regularly. Continue to strive to work on these practices, not by my own strength but by humbling myself to the power of God.
That the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart are pleasing to You my Lord. Your Word in store deep in my heart so that I may not stumble. Let Your Word be life and strength for others and to me. In Jesus name, Amen
LYNNE FROM ALABAMA..Both yourself and Jack are in my prayers sweet sister.❤
THERESA.. Praying you find peace in this guilt you feel over your little man’s accident. May the words peace wash over you..❤
FOSTER MAMA…Praying for you to find the strength, motivation, not and wisdom! The story of the friends who believes in Jesus, lifting their friend through the roof of the house comes to mind.. Lifting you in the same way..❤
BUTTONBERRY.. Such a wonderful memory of your friend.. BUT GID. ❤
TERESA DONLEY.. Remembering with you, dear sister. Holding you close in prayers.❤
KRIS.. I imagine God is so very happy and thankful for you. He loves you..❤
SHARON JERSEY GIRL.. Prayerful your meeting went well. “All my life you have been faithful..” I love this song, I love you dear sister. .
Praying for your cousin Scott, and praying you will get the opportunity to tell him of the old old story of Jesus and His love..( The song popped into my head).❤
RHONDA J..I love this song, thank you for the reminder, so goid. Love you.❤
CEE GEE..❤ here one for you!❤
SEARCHING.. Tears flowing! Ahh, dear sister, God is good, isn’t He? Yes, He loves you/us, and I love you!❤
BARB.. WOW. God is goid, oh so very good. Praying He continues to carry you..❤
CHERYL BLOW..singing with you, for He is so WORTHY of my song. Praising with you.❤
MICHELLE PATIRE.❤ Indeed we know God works ALL things together for goid. Amen.❤
GRAMSIESUE.. both Steve and yourself are in my thoughts and prayers. Prayerful you know His grace, peace and loving arms around you both.❤
ERB.. Praying BLESSINGS over you dear ERB.❤
VICTORIA E.. Hoping you and yours are well. Sending much love across the pond.❤
DANIELLE BYES. He is faithful. Thankful you get to have your mama for longer.. BUT GOD..❤
JULIA C.. Morning!❤
DEE DEE.. Welcome. Join us sometime.. We’d love to hear from you..❤
And all sending much love across the pond..❤
In Numbers 15, God wanted His people to wear tassels on the edge of their clothing so that they would look at them and “remember all the Lord’s commands and obey them and not prostitute [them]selves by following [their] own heart and [their] own eyes.” What struck me about this was how counter-cultural that is today. We hear the world say “follow your heart” and “you be you” as mantras of self-empowerment. Instead God says, “Follow MY heart” and “you be holy (as I am holy)”
SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – prayers that Valerie and Scott are open to Jesus
BUTTONBERRY – thank you for sharing Laurie with us❣️
SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – How was your lunch date with your friend Valerie? Praying for your cousin Steve’s treatment and for you to share the gospel with him.
BUTTONBERRY – Thank you for your beautiful testimony. Prayers for you as you are missing your dear friend Laurie.
FOSTER MAMA – Praying for God to give you the physical and mental energy you need.
MERCY – ❤️
I tell the story of running away with the circus one summer,(truth) and the letters I wrote to my mother. In one letter, I told mum I had been called to stand in for the trapeze artist who was poorly and couldn’t perform. This letter was to entertain and bring laughter, and I assumed mum would see the humour in it. You see, I told mum, in my haste to get ready, I forgot to wear underwear!!!
Remembering is a beautiful thing, and I chuckle now as I recall the phone call I received from mum, a couple of days later!
Seriously though, as I read the verses, and the devotional, My thoughts took to a time when I was hungry for God’s Word, hungry to know this Father God who would send His Son to die for me, who would promise to never leave not forsake me, who promises love ME warts and all without judgement. I remembered a picture I had for someone when I prayed for her , of her seeing the Bible to her heart..
Your Word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path.. Psalm 119:105 says, such truth.
I will remember the LORD’S works.. Absolutely and for sure..
I will remember..
I will remember, your goodness and grace to me, O God.
I will remember your kindness and mercy to me.
I will remember, for always, your loving arms around me in my darkest hours, O God.
I will remember your provision in my need.
I will remember your help in my times of trouble and strife..
O Lord God, I will remember, for always, until you call me home, I will remember, with gratitude, thankfulness and praise to you.
Thankful to remember, Lord God. May I also ‘sew’ your Word to my heart, so I never forget.❤
Happy Friday! Much love to all covered in hugs and prayers..❤
Remember, meditate and love.
Remember who God is and what he has done. Meditate on his Word and let His truth sink down deep into your heart so that His love for you may overflow to others.
When once Thou visitest the heart,
Then truth begins to shine,
Then earthly vanities depart,
Then kindles love divine.
– From the hymn, O Jesus King Most Wonderful
Dear Father,
Visit our hearts. Reveal your Truth. Let us experience your perfect Love today.
What struck me today was that following Gods law starts with remembering his deeds. That’s the reason the Israelites gave to their children and Peter states the people who lack the good works have forgotten the cleansing of their past sin. Remember how God saved you and we will follow him. I’m currently in a Presbyterian church and we are not big on crosses or anything but I think that God telling the people to have these physical reminders on their clothes etc can be useful for us as well. Clearly we need to see something to remember.