Remember God’s Word and Ways

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 6:4-25, Numbers 15:37-41, Psalm 119:16, Psalm 77:11-12, 2 Peter 1:3-15

When my brother and I were young, Mom would read to us aloud every morning. We were home-educated, and one of our family’s daily practices was morning devotions and making our way through a classic novel, curled up with blankets. 

At the time, I didn’t always appreciate this practice the way I do now. There were days when the three of us could barely keep our eyes open, listening to Old Testament passages and Hemmingway. But, looking back, I see this was a gift. One passage we memorized was Psalm 139. I can confidently say this psalm is part of the fabric of who I am now, just like The Yearling or The Old Man and the Sea

Mom knew it was important to carve out this intentional time to let God’s Word and other stories form us. Reading them aloud helped us remember them. Reciting the same Scripture verses familiarized them so that, one day, when we faced troubles, we would hopefully be able to recall the truth.

This practice planted Psalm 139 deep down into our bones. I will never forget it—nor the beautiful imagery it paints about God’s faithfulness in our lives. Had my mom only read Psalm 139 aloud to us once, it’s unlikely we would be able to recite the poem twenty years later. But repeating the words made all the difference. 

“These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart,” reads Deuteronomy 6:6–7. “Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Even when we know something to be true, it’s so easy to forget things sometimes (2Peter 1:12). God knew His people would need every opportunity to remember His Word, His ways, and His never-ending love, and so we see these calls for remembrance all throughout Scripture. 

What a blessing to have God’s Word as a reminder of His love! These stories of deliverance and faithfulness—both to the ancient Israelites and to us today—are now woven into the fabric of our lives. They’re part of our heritage. Believers for thousands of years have been reading them, reciting them, studying them, and wrestling through what it means to apply them to our lives. When we repeat God’s Word and remember His ways, our faith is strengthened. This practice keeps truth at the forefront of our minds. And, hopefully, as we walk with Jesus over time, these passages become lived, shared experiences with God.   

“I will remember the LORD’s works,” reads Psalm 77:11–12. “Yes, I will remember your ancient wonders.

I will reflect on all you have done.”

May it be so.

(44) Comments

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44 thoughts on "Remember God’s Word and Ways"

  1. Mari V says:

    @Traci Gendron, praying for you right now.

  2. Mari V says:

    Thank you Mercy.

  3. Donna Wolcott says:

    Good evening sisters, wanted to list your individual needs, but am in a B&B out-of-state and not able to write all down. So I lift prayers for healing, in sympathy and in gratefulness. Did anyone see the episode of the Chosen, where Jesus is just a little boy and Joseph is reminding him who his real father is? He tells him how he hopes he is being a good earthly father and taking care of him for his heavenly father. He then says he doesn’t have much to give him and presents him with a box of tassels. They have been passed down in Jesus lineage. You don’t see the box again until Jesus starts his public ministry. Very powerful. Blessings.

  4. Dee Dee says:

    Have been reading the devotionals for a couple of years but have never commented. I really do appreciate the faithfulness of God and the encouragement and support given to each other. I would like to join the Facebook group, not sure if I needed to comment to be recognized. Remembering is such a great way to see God at work during difficult times. God bless each of you !

  5. Gayle Gartin says:

    Question please. Is the APP still not working. I see the book there but it says purchase error and will not open. Anyone have info? Thank you

    1. Hannah Lamb says:

      Hey there! Unfortunately, we are still experiencing a glitch in our app that isn’t allowing People of Remembrance to download. We encourage you to keep checking back on the app for updates. In the meantime, feel free to read along through our website until we are able to get this issue fixed –

  6. Mercy says:

    “Not to follow after your own heart and your own eyes, which you are inclined to whore after. (Numbers 15:39 ESV). This is a strong statement! Do not whore after the lusts of your own heart and eyes! Ouch. Father, may You guard over my heart and my eyes. Amen Kelly (Neo), my thoughts exactly, home décor stores usually have those wooden signs or canvas, follow your heart… NOT.

    Thank you Peter for stirring us up by way of reminder (2 Peter 1:13 ESV). May we continue to stir one another up this way as well.

    @ALAYNA: I am so very sorry, prayers for strength and comfort to your family on this sudden and tragic loss.
    @TRACI: prayers against the melanoma possibility, peace for your heart and mind.
    @MARINA: prayers for supernatural strength and grace for the Moldens family as they fight against cancer beside their dad, healing miracle for their dad Jaime.
    @MARI V: strength for your friend’s family going through the loss of their dad.
    @SHARON JERSEY GIRL: healing and salvation for your cousin Scott.
    @THERESA: for Arlo and for your family in the preparation for surgery, finance from God’s storehouse. Rejoicing over the minimal pain by God’s grace.
    @RHONDA J: I love Word Docs too :)
    @JULIA C:❤️

    Be blessed dear sisters. ❤️

    Remember, His divine power has granted to us ALL THINGS that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him. We have access to that “ALL THINGS” whatever that it is… that you might need.

  7. Traci Gendron says:

    Psalm 77:11-12 Yes, I will reflect on all you have done meditate on your actions.

    I need this right now. God carried me through so many scary medical situations and He will carry me again.

  8. Kimberly Z says:

    ALAYAN – praying for you and your sweet family during this time. I can only imagine what you’re going through. @TRACI G – Praying your eye is just a mole! I have one of those too and have always just had it watched to make sure it’s not growing. Praying the same is for you. I’m also a radiation therapist so I know how daunting it could be if you’ve seen a family member go through that. Praying for all of you this weekend!