Remember God’s Rescue

Open Your Bible

Exodus 2:23-25, Exodus 6:2-8, Exodus 12:1-42, Exodus 13:3-16, John 1:29-30

Have you ever stopped to really think about how God made our bodies? He could have made us more like calculating robots with the ability to download and regurgitate information, but He didn’t. He made us fragile, with emotions and souls. He made us with five senses: taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. I’m sure there are a myriad of reasons our Creator did this, but sometimes I wonder if God created senses to help us lock in memories. To remember what He has done for us and through us. Has a song from decades past, a bite of your grandma’s cooking, or an old perfume ever transported you to locked away memories?

If you grew up in the church, you likely have heard the story of the exodus dozens of times, but we must not allow it to become rote recitation. Becoming apathetic to the miraculous work of God in the scriptures and in our hearts renders us without joy as believers.

Let’s slow down, and transport our senses to what the Passover experience may have been like. I like to imagine how it would have been if an Israelite woman had kept a diary entry at the time. 

“While I wait for either certain death or salvation, I feel tightening in my chest, giving way to self-soothing deep breaths. My thoughts race—will this be the time Pharoah really lets us go? Will Yahweh be all He says He is, or will His wrath turn on us too? It’s getting dark! Twilight is the signal…now silence, shortly followed by wailing Egyptians. I smell blood, bitter herbs, and meat wafting up through windows and under our noses. Has the angel of death passed over us?” 

I’m sure the Israelites thought they wouldn’t soon forget the drama of this night, but God knew they would without intention. Even in the instructions for the first Passover, He began to set up rituals for remembrance.

We forget, too, but thank God He does not forget us.

The rescue from Pharaoh’s slavery points to our even greater rescue from sin—which is central to the big-picture story of Scripture. The exodus Passover lamb also calls us forward to the Lamb of God that would be coming for a once-for-all sacrifice: Jesus, God in the flesh. 

John the Baptist declared: “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).

Take some time today to meditate on how God has been faithful to you. Look at the past circumstances He has worked in. Maybe they are prayers answered or unexpected deliverance. Hold these earthly blessings with dear thankfulness, cultivating remembrance to allow God to comfort you in current worries or unknowns.

(42) Comments

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42 thoughts on "Remember God’s Rescue"

  1. Natalia Aguilar says:

    I decided to follow the study of being People of Remembrance because it’s been difficult for me. God is so faithful, even in times when I’m not or in times when I forget Him. He has worked through generations and generations, leading the way from the beginning of time and the beginning of the world. He has never once forgotten me. I’m slowly accepting that I have to work to keep my zeal. The world will work hard to take away the heart that keeps me fighting. And I know how easily swayed I can be at times. I need to fight and fight and fight and fight again. Something as simple as reading scriptures, meditating, praying – these are things that I have previously taken for granted. But I’m re-learning how incredibly effective it is and keeping me tethered to God and His spirit. Thank you Lord for your never-ending mercy on me and your consistent, unwavering love for me.

  2. Ada McCloud says:

    God is good. His hand in my life. Decisions. Opportunity. Amen

  3. Linda Fenwick says:

    The imagery of the first night of the release from slavery and their exodus is so dramatic to me. I can imagine the excitement and still fear of Pharaohs among the people. But at the same time the joy of knowing God has made this happen for His people because of His love for them.

  4. Annika S says:

    Been through a hard week. But God gave me these emotions to lock in memories of his faithfulness. I love that.

  5. Dee Dee says:

    I have been reading the devotionals for quite some time but have never commented before. I really do appreciate the effort and support given to each other. God bless and keep each member of this group and the writers for how they do draw us back to Him, the ever faithful One. Peace to all today. I would like to join the FB group and saw that my status is pending. Wasn’t sure if I needed to comment to be recognized, so there you have it!

  6. Adrienne says:

    If Jesus had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. That is the BEST measure of love on Valentines Day. ❤️ He loves you, sweet She’s!

  7. Alayna says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️ I’m having trouble with the app. I hope it’s fixed soon!

    Today’s reading really underscores the importance of remembering and celebrating God’s rescue and redemption throughout history and in our own lives. That is something I need to work on.

    1. Hannah Lamb says:

      Hi! We are currently experiencing a glitch in our app that isn’t allowing People of Remembrance to be downloaded or purchased for our users. This issue has been reported to our app development team, and they are currently working to get the problem corrected as soon as possible.

      In the meantime, you can read along with People of Remembrance on our website at Like our app, you will find the daily scripture along with the devotion and community board through our website.

  8. Gwineth52 says:

    Dear Shes
    Well spoken, SRT sister, Kris, for the following,
    under today’s reflection “remembrance of God’s rescue”:

    “But this thing I do know: by applying the blood of Jesus, we are saved. I pray right now that all who read this will apply (declare, cover) the blood of Jesus on everything in your life; yourself, your family, your homes, your jobs, your possessions, your finances, your health, your mind (thoughts), your conversations, your past and your future.”

    My goodness, how I needed to experience these words intimately.
    Perhaps especially on this Ash Wednesday, as those receiving the imposition of the ashen cross on our foreheads. “From dust you came, to dust you will return”.
    Behold: we are breathing in the dust of our ancestors…
    through antiquity,
    through Abraham, Isaac & Jacob.
    Thanks be to God.

  9. Missy Csonka says:

    Thank you God for sending us so many reminders of your faithfulness and promises to us. I have really been starting to notice all the parallels in scriptures in the old testament and the new testament when Jesus physically walked the earth. Ever since I started my journey with SRT back in November 2033 with the GIVE THANKS series. And have been moving forward with our community reading plans. I love learning about all the Easter Eggs that I have found along the way thru out The Word. Hope the past 3 days has blessed you like it has me. Grateful for this amazing group of ppl that founded this community and that God directed me here with all of you.

    Many Hugs and Love ❤️ to all of you on this Valentine’s Day. Jesus will always be my favorite Valentine and my true love in this broken world

  10. Donna Wolcott says:

    May I remember about all the rules the Israelites needed to follow and WHO replaced them, our savior Jesus. Where would I have been in the story. Theresa prayers for you and your son, prayers for healing and for a “momma’s heart”. We can ALL celebrate Valentine’s Day in our love for our God. Prayers for so many in need.

  11. amy says:

    I’ve been thinking a lot about covenants and following through with things. As I saw the list of things the people had to do to be freed and survive, I wondered how many of us today would survive. Would we be willing to follow every step that was required in the 1st place or would we maybe last a day or two and say, “Never mind? I’m good.”
    This is something I’m praying about. I want to do as God asks. I often start with good intentions and then life happens and it’s all over. I have to start another day.

  12. Tricia C says:

    THERESA I am praying right now for you and your family. I am sure it is difficult for you. The Lord will be with you every step of the way. Lean in to Him. ❤️

  13. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day ladies! Using the website today but what a pain haha. I am so grateful for Gods unexpected blessings. I remember being so angry that God let what happen to my dad happen because I feel as though I pray everyday for people to be safe mentally and physically. I told a friend I was angry because he didn’t listen to me and she kindly told me well he did because your dad is still alive! Such a. Great reminder.

  14. kris says:

    P.S. I have since googled this question about the Egyptians, and I have read that, yes, some Egyptians were saved by applying the blood on their doorposts. God gave them a warning before each plague, and if they believed in God, they were also saved. And in the same token, not all the Israelites were saved because they did not obey God. So, it’s all about believing and applying God’s truths to our lives that saves us. All of us. No matter what your background is, no matter who your parents were, no matter what your lineage is…. Jesus’s blood covers it all.

  15. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Happy Valentines Day, sweet SRT sisters! ❤️

    Theresa— Praying for your son’s complete recovery and no guilt for you. Accidents happen (especially with kids). Also praying about your job.

    Searching, Cee Gee, and others—I love your song selections! I especially love the old hymn suggestions as they bring back lots of fond memories of the church I grew up in.

    Karen Elizabeth—Praying for Kailand and Cathie as they have surgery today. ❤️

    Linda in NC, Jasmine H, Rhonda J, Gramiesue, C., Adrienne, Alayna, Teresa Donley, Katya, Evers, Danielle B, A Walton, Mari V, Mercy and all others—I am praying for your needs/requests. May God give you His strength and peace as you wait on His perfect timing.

    Have a blessed day! Love you all (or y’all as we say in Alabama )!

  16. Kris says:

    What really tugged at my heart today is when the angel of death passed through Egypt, killing the first born son in every family. Can you just imagine if you were one of the Egyptian women, and found your first born dead??? Did they have a chance to make it right with God?, were they warned that something like this would happen? Just because someone was born into an Egyptian family, they were punished? This doesn’t seem right, it doesn’t seem just. Were any of the Egyptians believers in God because of the influence of the Israelites? I have a lot of questions. But this thing I do know: by applying the blood of Jesus, we are saved. I pray right now that all who read this will apply (declare, cover) the blood of Jesus on everything in your life; yourself, your family, your homes, your jobs, your possessions, your finances, your health, your mind (thoughts), your conversations, your past and your future.

  17. Adrienne says:

    Please pray for a lady I know (Sharon). She fell down some stairs at her house and suffered a pretty significant head injury. Part of her skull has been removed for a short time (kinda like Kai’s… KAREN ELIZABETH). Pray for His will to be done in her healing. The left side of her brain was injured, but she is staring to use her right side, and seems to have ok speech. Praise Him for that.

  18. Allison Bentley says:

    “God saw the Israelites, and God knew” exodus 2:25 Ladies- God sees you and knows!!! What a relief right? He hears my cries and remembers me!!! I couldn’t help but think of the everything new study when reading Exodus 12:4 “invite your neighbor” God wants us to love one another- this is happening; bring your neighbors over, save each other! How beautiful!!! Then reading the Exodus (12:29-40) just points out how important it is to obey the Lord- I wonder if someone may have “saved a little extra- because of their doubt” and was actually struck down too like the Egyptians ? Something to ponder about my own obedience. “By the strength of His hand” I have been “brought out of slavery” Praise God it is His strength not mine!!! Praying for all your requests this morning! Happy Wednesday She’s ☮️❤️

  19. Amanda says:

    WOW – today’s reading and devotional really hit home. I loved the hypothetical diary entry of an Israelite woman. It really made the passage and story come to life for me. May we remember God’s rescue in the good and the bad times. Thank you Lord, for hearing our cries and rescuing us in times of need

  20. Maria B says:

    When I read these Scriptures, I always think of the Passover scene in the Ten Commandments film. While I had read the kids Bible, this was my first time as a child to see what that night would have been like. The cries always scared me, remember thinking what a terrifying night it would have been. Now as an adult and with context, while it still sounds terrifying, I think what an exercise in faith in God it must have been, to do as told by Moses, while all that was going around. So thankful for a God that protects us and always delivers us, when when it is not in the way we want, but instead in the way he knows is best for us.

  21. Cee Gee says:

    KATIE B – search on Facebook for


    and it should come up. Hope to ‘see you’ there! If that doesn’t work, try it with
    ‘SRT SHES’. I can’t remember which one worked for me!

  22. Cheryl Blow says:

    I pray that we never take for granted the great price Christ paid to redeem us! How beautiful to see God’s plan unfurl for our redemption! That’s why He told the Israelites to remember how He had saved them to prepare their hearts for Christ.
    We need to share our redemption stories to show others how Christ came to redeem them.
    Help us Lord to become apathetic to all of your miracles. Give us new perspectives into your word.

  23. Mari V says:

    THERESA,praying right now for your family.

  24. Michelle Patire says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day friends ❤️ God bless you and continue to help you remember His lovingkindness! ❤️

  25. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Good morning sisters – Happy Valentines Day! For God SO loved!❤️❤️…What stands out to me today is God’s mighty hand. His hand is mighty enough to stretch out against Egypt and remove the Israelites from their bondage, (Exodus 7:5, Exodus 13:3, Exodus 13:9) and mighty enough to hold us so tightly in His hand that no one can ever pluck us out of it! (John 10:27-29) What a comfort to know that Jesus holds us in the palm of His hand and He never, ever lets us go.

    @Jasmine H. – praying for your husbands interview today!
    @Karen Elisabeth – praying for Kailand, praise God that he is improving! Also praying for Cathie, may she come through it all with no infections or complications.
    @Theresa – I am so, so, sorry to hear of your son’s accident. And as guilty as you might feel – don’t blame yourself, it was an accident. May he have quick healing and may you have peace in your heart and mind as you nurse him back to health.
    @all my sweet sisters that have a hard time with Valentines Day, I am thinking of you and praying for you. Know that you are loved. ❤️

    Have a blessed day, and keep opening your Bibles!

  26. Michelle Patire says:

    Theresa – stopping a moment before I start this devotional to pray for you and your family.
    Lord God, please be near to Theresa. What happened this week has been shocking and hard to emotionally process. Please help her to talk or acknowledge You, as she sorts through her feelings. Help her to not be weighed down by grief or guilt, let her release that and know that she and either son are forgiven. Help her to trust You for her future with her job. You are with her. You will not abandon her. Your word says you are with us always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20 NKJV) Lord God, heal her son and help him to process all this as well. Let there be harmony in the home. I believe all things work together for our good, for Your purpose Lord. That is what Your word says. Let Theresa cling to this and know you are with her, and you anticipate all things. You are in our past, present, and future. You already know everything before it happens and you are there with us as we walk though it. Let Theresa be still and know You are God. Be exalted over her, her family, and her job. Be her rock and her fortress. Be her shield and strength. You are the answer. You are our breath. Be near to her family and comfort them. Let love and grace be seen and know . We thank you, Jesus. In your name I pray, Amen.

  27. Adrienne says:

    JULIA C… still “meh” but better, thanks to prayers of my sweet sisters. Hope to get outside more this week. Had soooo much I wanted to get done yesterday. But didn’t. I felt very unmotivated. Sometimes just saying out loud that we feel out of sorts… helps. (Recognizing our state gives us some direction on “what to do next”, you know?). Thanks for asking.

  28. Erica C says:

    Help me to always remember You, Who You are, and all You’ve done! Thank You, thank You, thank You!!!

  29. Adrienne says:

    SEARCHING… sometimes we have the same takeaways… that is so sweet. ❤️ I posted first and am now reading others’ posts.

  30. Adrienne says:

    That’s good, Kasey Moffett… “We forget, too, but thank God He does not forget us.”

    I don’t know who we would compare the “new” pharaoh too that forgot about Joseph, but it sometimes we feel that we have been forgotten.

    But we haven’t.

    Remember His great sacrifice for you on this Ash Wednesday (and every day, of course), sweet sisters. He remembers you!

  31. Searching says:

    Exodus 6: And God spoke to Moses and said to him: “I am the LORD. 3 I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name LORD I was not known to them. NKJV

    What an introduction! What a privilege Moses had.

    The children of Israel were so obedient in Ex 12:28, sadly we know from history that it was short lived.

    Two choruses that come to mind this morning- Trust and Obey, and also Oh God You are my God and I will ever praise You.

    KRIS & ADRIENNE – same on yesterday ❤️

    praying for:
    SHARON JERSEY GIRL – your son’s safety in driving each day, especially in bad weather
    DANIELLE B – dad’s test results and upcoming surgery
    HEIDI – patience and guidance in these days, good to see you❤️
    KAREN ELIZABETH -Kailand and Cathie’s procedures today, medical teams and smooth recovery

    THERESA – ❤️ oh my goodness, things can happen so quickly! praying for your son and for you! Your sisters here are praying and we know the Lord is with you, your son and family – praying for His comfort and guidance. Praying for wisdom for medical professionals. And praying for your work situation.

  32. Anna Leonor says:

    Theresa- praying you find peace and strength to face the day!! Take a breath and know God has you and your family in his loving hands.❤️

  33. Jamie ❤️ says:

    What seemed like odd, strict rules had such a big purpose. How to dress when they ate, how to cook, etc… all to help them remember. I am so grateful for the mercy that took the place of ritual. Oh Lord, let me never forget. God told Moses, they (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) didn’t know me as the Lord, but you will be my people and I will be your God…You will know me as the Lord your God. (Ex. 6) I believe he knew the Israelites would struggle in what was coming but still he made this promise. He pulls us closer, even though we do not deserve it. ❤️

  34. Cee Gee says:

    KAREN ELIZABETH and THERESA – Praying for each of the concerns you mentioned. Praying KAILAND and CATHIE have successful surgeries with no complications and that results exceed what the doctors expect. May God be glorified!

  35. Cee Gee says:

    GOD HEARD, GOD SAW, and GOD KNEW. That stood out to me in the first passage. God STILL hears,sees, and knows every little need and big need in our hearts. What a marvelous God we serve!

    May we each practice more remembrance and share willingly with others. That is our testimony.

    John 1:29 – “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”

    HEIDI, so good to see you! You are often in my thoughts and I have missed you! ❤


    Happy Valentine’s Day, my precious SHES. Praying for those of you for whom this day is hard/ sad. May the strength of the LORD uphold you and happy memories sustain you. No names as I don’t know all this fits, but just as the Word says of the Israelites, God hears, sees, and knows. May you/we take comfort in that! ❤❤❤

    Remember, if all the live celebrated today, there is no greater love than the love of our Heavenly Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ..
    “Oh, how he loves you and me. Oh how He loves you and me. He gave His life; what more could He give. Oh how He loves you. Oh how He loves me. Oh how He loves you and me. (old hymn)

  36. Theresa says:

    Ladies, my family is in need of prayers today. Over the weekend my oldest son tied my youngest son’s hands behind his back. When he came to find me, I spun him by the shoulders to walk out of the room, not seeing his hands were tied behind his back and he lost his balance and fell. He needed seven stitches in his chin, and yesterday we learned he also broke 4 molars and his jaw. He will need to have surgery to repair it. I am so devastated. The guilt I feel is immeasurable.

    I also had a situation at work yesterday that has left me with a lot of uncertainty around my job. I love my company and what I do there. It would have been a terrible enough blow on its own but coupled with the news about my son it’s almost unbearable.

    I am so emotional and overwhelmed that I can barely even get my day started. I don’t even feel like I have the word to pray for myself. Please pray for my family. We need a touch from the Lord. I need my rescuer to not abandon me.

  37. Karen Elizabeth says:

    As we enter the season of Lent, I have been reflecting on the number 40 in the Bible. I already knew Lent was a reflection of Jesus 40 days and nights of temptation in the desert before he started his public ministry. But there’s so much more. 40 days and nights of rain for Noah. Moses went up the mountain for 40 days and nights while God gave the 10 commandments. Israelites wandered 40 additional years in the desert. There are more, I’m sure, but these are the ones that come to mind. Testing, temptation, reliance on God. As the Israelites prepared to leave the slavery of Egypt, these are the things they too needed to go through and learn.

    For those who’ve been praying for 14-year-old Kailand, thank you ❤️ I saw a FB post from his mom this morning. After nearly 6 weeks sedated and on a ventilator, they are going to place a tracheotomy today. Please pray that procedure goes smoothly and that this can be a successful step towards recovery.
    Additionally, my Bible study leader Cathie is having a reconstructive surgery today. She has had multiple infections from prior surgeries for her breast cancer, so praying this one goes smoothly with no infections or setbacks.

  38. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Four hundred thirty years in Egypt. Generations that knew nothing but a life of hard labor for Pharaoh. Yet God, in His timing, had a plan for a great deliverance. All a shadow of the Deliverer to come that made a way for freedom from the bondage of sin and the devil

    A WALTON – agreeing with you in prayer that this offer is the one!

    JASMINE H – praying that your husband’s interview goes well today and he finds favor with the company

  39. Heidi says:

    Oh- Happy Valentines Day friends ❤️

  40. Heidi says:

    I have not had a lot of extra minutes to post lately, or even come back and read comments/prayers midday as I used to. Life is just in a busy season – well, and, the flu has gone through the house and taken about 3 weeks from start to finish for myself/the kids. I think Ryan is now getting it.. uhg.
    BUT- anyway- God’s patience has been a key theme in my life for the past year or so. It’s becoming clearer that while He has plans and definitely wants to move me along in them, He’s much more concerned that I’m moving along WITH Him, gleaning all that He has in the PROCESS, not me staying hyper focused on the destination. In fact, the destination is going to have so much more depth and purpose only IF I take the time to let Him work in me (as SLOW as it may make me feel!!!!!!!) Tiny-step by tiny-step along the way. It’s almost like I need to change perspective to see each place I am along the way as the “current destination”, though not get stuck there. Slow is very very hard for me… I’m incredibly action oriented and just want to keep going!! Lol… but remembering His kind patience and seeing what a gift that is to me is something I’m grateful for, no doubt.

  41. Julia C says:

    Exodus 12:29 | The Lord struck every firstborn male in the land of Egypt of the families who didn’t have the blood of the lamb on their houses.

    John 1:29 | The Lord gave his firstborn son Jesus, who came down to earth as The Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world.

    Dear Father,

    You rescued us from our sin. You redeemed us. You are our God and we are Yours.

    Let us never forget Your Perfect Love.


    Dear sisters:

    MARI V – Praying for the tests you need to do

    TINA – ❤️ God doesn’t cease to surprise us by showing his love in unexpected ways.

    ADRIENNE – How do you feel today?

    VICTORIA E – How are you?

    ALL SHE’s – Praying that you can feel his love today!