Remember God’s Rescue

Open Your Bible

Exodus 2:23-25, Exodus 6:2-8, Exodus 12:1-42, Exodus 13:3-16, John 1:29-30

Have you ever stopped to really think about how God made our bodies? He could have made us more like calculating robots with the ability to download and regurgitate information, but He didn’t. He made us fragile, with emotions and souls. He made us with five senses: taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. I’m sure there are a myriad of reasons our Creator did this, but sometimes I wonder if God created senses to help us lock in memories. To remember what He has done for us and through us. Has a song from decades past, a bite of your grandma’s cooking, or an old perfume ever transported you to locked away memories?

If you grew up in the church, you likely have heard the story of the exodus dozens of times, but we must not allow it to become rote recitation. Becoming apathetic to the miraculous work of God in the scriptures and in our hearts renders us without joy as believers.

Let’s slow down, and transport our senses to what the Passover experience may have been like. I like to imagine how it would have been if an Israelite woman had kept a diary entry at the time. 

“While I wait for either certain death or salvation, I feel tightening in my chest, giving way to self-soothing deep breaths. My thoughts race—will this be the time Pharoah really lets us go? Will Yahweh be all He says He is, or will His wrath turn on us too? It’s getting dark! Twilight is the signal…now silence, shortly followed by wailing Egyptians. I smell blood, bitter herbs, and meat wafting up through windows and under our noses. Has the angel of death passed over us?” 

I’m sure the Israelites thought they wouldn’t soon forget the drama of this night, but God knew they would without intention. Even in the instructions for the first Passover, He began to set up rituals for remembrance.

We forget, too, but thank God He does not forget us.

The rescue from Pharaoh’s slavery points to our even greater rescue from sin—which is central to the big-picture story of Scripture. The exodus Passover lamb also calls us forward to the Lamb of God that would be coming for a once-for-all sacrifice: Jesus, God in the flesh. 

John the Baptist declared: “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).

Take some time today to meditate on how God has been faithful to you. Look at the past circumstances He has worked in. Maybe they are prayers answered or unexpected deliverance. Hold these earthly blessings with dear thankfulness, cultivating remembrance to allow God to comfort you in current worries or unknowns.

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42 thoughts on "Remember God’s Rescue"

  1. Ada McCloud says:

    God is good. His hand in my life. Decisions. Opportunity. Amen

  2. Linda Fenwick says:

    The imagery of the first night of the release from slavery and their exodus is so dramatic to me. I can imagine the excitement and still fear of Pharaohs among the people. But at the same time the joy of knowing God has made this happen for His people because of His love for them.

  3. Annika S says:

    Been through a hard week. But God gave me these emotions to lock in memories of his faithfulness. I love that.

  4. Dee Dee says:

    I have been reading the devotionals for quite some time but have never commented before. I really do appreciate the effort and support given to each other. God bless and keep each member of this group and the writers for how they do draw us back to Him, the ever faithful One. Peace to all today. I would like to join the FB group and saw that my status is pending. Wasn’t sure if I needed to comment to be recognized, so there you have it!

  5. Adrienne says:

    If Jesus had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. That is the BEST measure of love on Valentines Day. ❤️ He loves you, sweet She’s!

  6. Alayna says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️ I’m having trouble with the app. I hope it’s fixed soon!

    Today’s reading really underscores the importance of remembering and celebrating God’s rescue and redemption throughout history and in our own lives. That is something I need to work on.

    1. Hannah Lamb says:

      Hi! We are currently experiencing a glitch in our app that isn’t allowing People of Remembrance to be downloaded or purchased for our users. This issue has been reported to our app development team, and they are currently working to get the problem corrected as soon as possible.

      In the meantime, you can read along with People of Remembrance on our website at Like our app, you will find the daily scripture along with the devotion and community board through our website.

  7. Gwineth52 says:

    Dear Shes
    Well spoken, SRT sister, Kris, for the following,
    under today’s reflection “remembrance of God’s rescue”:

    “But this thing I do know: by applying the blood of Jesus, we are saved. I pray right now that all who read this will apply (declare, cover) the blood of Jesus on everything in your life; yourself, your family, your homes, your jobs, your possessions, your finances, your health, your mind (thoughts), your conversations, your past and your future.”

    My goodness, how I needed to experience these words intimately.
    Perhaps especially on this Ash Wednesday, as those receiving the imposition of the ashen cross on our foreheads. “From dust you came, to dust you will return”.
    Behold: we are breathing in the dust of our ancestors…
    through antiquity,
    through Abraham, Isaac & Jacob.
    Thanks be to God.

  8. Missy Csonka says:

    Thank you God for sending us so many reminders of your faithfulness and promises to us. I have really been starting to notice all the parallels in scriptures in the old testament and the new testament when Jesus physically walked the earth. Ever since I started my journey with SRT back in November 2033 with the GIVE THANKS series. And have been moving forward with our community reading plans. I love learning about all the Easter Eggs that I have found along the way thru out The Word. Hope the past 3 days has blessed you like it has me. Grateful for this amazing group of ppl that founded this community and that God directed me here with all of you.

    Many Hugs and Love ❤️ to all of you on this Valentine’s Day. Jesus will always be my favorite Valentine and my true love in this broken world