I Will Set You Free from Sin

Open Your Bible

John 8:34-36, Romans 6:1-23, Romans 8:1-11, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Psalms 103:12, Revelation 21:22-27

We’ve all tasted the sweet relief that comes with a bit of freedom. But there is a world of difference between the temporary freedom of summer vacation and the eternal freedom we have in the kingdom of God. In the Gospel of John, Jesus proclaims that “if the Son sets you free, you really will be free” (John 8:36). Those listening to Him were undoubtedly confused. In offering freedom, Jesus was implying they were somehow slaves, but they weren’t enslaved to anyone, not legally or physically anyway. How can you be set free if you aren’t in chains?

Apart from Christ, we are bound to our sin. This was true of the people in Jesus’s day, and it’s true of us now. Scripture is saturated with references to what life apart from Christ looks like. We were once slaves to sin (John 8:34) and ruled by death (Romans 6:9). Sin reigned in our bodies (Romans 6:12), and we stood condemned (Romans 8:2). But Jesus went to battle for us against the powers of darkness and came out victorious. His promise of freedom is a timeless one meant for anyone who comes to Christ. It doesn’t elapse or depend on our own merit. If the Son frees you, then you are free.

Our invitation into God’s family is an invitation into an abundant life that is no longer bent low under the weight of sin. It’s an invitation into an eternal way of being, one where our sin is uprooted and cast as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). It is an invitation to freedom.

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47 thoughts on "I Will Set You Free from Sin"

  1. Allison Sherwood says:

    God, please help me feel the weightlessness of you carrying my sin.

  2. Lolly Regan says:


  3. Qua Taylor says:

    Praise God! He will set you free.

  4. Taylor says:

    I have been set free from sin, guilt, and shame! I’ve been walking in a specific sin for quite some time, and God has been putting on my heart to surrender it to Him and lay it down at the foot of the cross. After months of wrestling within myself I finally laid that burden down and I feel so much more free as a result of it! I know I will struggle with this sin probably throughout my life but I’ve finally given it to God and I know He is faithful to make beauty out of these ashes <3 Thank you Jesus that you have called me out of death and into LIFE!

  5. Erricka Hager says:

    “I am no longer a slave to sin. I am a child of God!” I love this reminder that sin is no longer my master and that I am made new and alive in Christ. I love that I am now in the process of sanctification and to become pure to the day I meet Christ face to face in awe of his beauty and wonder.

  6. Jessica Williamston says:

    When the enemy brings up the issue and sins of my past I turn it around by thanking God for keeping me through my transgressions and for delivering me into a realization of how forgiving my God is. I then remember the love He washed me in letting me know I am his daughter set free from condemnation.

    1. Jessica Fuller says:

      I love that so much! What a great way to turn the enemy’s plans against him.

    2. Haley McGee says:

      This is a good idea Jessica. I really like it and how applicable it is. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Amanda Salgado says:

    Did the last paragraph get cut off?

  8. Bailey says:

    I enjoyed this! I think sometimes I can be too hard on myself when I mess up! I also enjoyed how no fruit comes from our sin so if we want life it is best to walk away from it. I needed to hear both of these! Thank you!

  9. K D says:


  10. Jennifer Anapol says:

    This lock down has me feeling like I am in a type of prison. I love that God has set all of us free, and this reality isn’t based on our circumstances. Thank you Jesus! ❤️

  11. DOROTHY says:

    Churchmouse do you get outside and just enjoy the weather. I don’t know hat the weather is like where you are but here in the Kansas City area I can at least go out and sit on my patio. Lately it has been chilly but I can still sit out there with a jacket on.
    WOW Jamie I never thought of those three words that way. You have given me a whole new perspective on it. May I pass your words on to some of my friends please.
    Angie my prayers go out to you and your husband.
    Haley Watson you gave me somethings to think about.

    1. Patty Malottki says:

      Hi Dorothy, I’m Kansas City too! My front porch has been a great friend to me!

  12. Jessie Pipp says:

    I was really struck by Romans 6:20-22. When we were slaves to sin…what FRUIT came of it? When I’m stuck in a cycle of sin…what fruit comes of me continuing to stay stuck in the same spot?!! Nothing! But because I have been set FREE from that cycle of sin…the FRUIT I receive is sanctification and eternal life!! What a beautiful way to think about it. I’m going to work on memorizing this verse so in temptation I can speak this truth over myself.

  13. Jenna says:

    I was listening to a program on the radio yesterday that was talking about the lies that Satan tells us. One of these lies is that when we sin he makes us think we’re worthless and beyond hope. That is a lie that is so easy to believe, but I’m thankful that God has given us promises to fight these mistruths.

    These are two verses that give me assurance and encourage me to keep fighting the good fight when Satan tempts me to despair.

    John 10:29 “My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.”

    God is greater than my sin. He is holding onto me and will not let go. He will see me through to the end.

    Galatians 5:1 “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourself be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.”

    I don’t have to walk in my old ways anymore. I have victory in Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to resist sin and walk in righteousness. Thanks be to God!

  14. Traci Gendron says:

    John 8:35 A slave dies not remain in the household forever, but a SON does remain FOREVER. Do if they Son sets you free, you are free. When I allow doubt to creep in I just need to focus on Hod and His Word. Our sin is uprooted and cast as far from the East is from the west. I’m so thankful.

  15. DOROTHY says:

    The Lord has indeed set me free from all my sins yet I go back and sin again. But God continues to take me back time and time again no matter how many times, all I have to do is ask for forgiveness. Christ died on the cross and was resurrected for this to happen. Christ said all I have to do is believe and have faith. I believe, have believed all my life, I have not strayed. Yes there have been times I have not been to church regularly but I still believed and I still read my Bible regularly. As I grew older my faith grew stronger because I would learn more and more about God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. This faith has gotten me through many hard times and will continue to get me through all I have to do is ask God and Christ for help. My faith has also taught me to praise God and Christ in the good times and to pass the love on. This weekend I passed this love on by paying it forward. My niece had never cashed my rent check I wrote and sent her for April before she died. Well being the good Christian I am I tried to pay my sister who was paying her bills. She wouldn’t take it. Then I found out Molly, my niece had never paid the rent and my brother who is helping me right now paid it, I tried to pay it to him and he would take it. Well now that I have you confused, my April rent never got paid to any one. The family I work with has had several things come up with their house that they were struggling to pay for and God spoke to me to pay it forward to them. That is exactly what I did.

  16. Krystle says:

    Like Angela, I too woke up this morning feeling condemned and ashamed of sins long past. Thank God for His sweet mercies with this timely Word! Praying to keep my mind set on things of the Spirit! ❤️

  17. Ashley White says:


  18. Haley Watson says:

    I wonder if humanity could have really understood the depth of God’s love for us had things always continued in the perfection of the garden. Because we became sinful, God was able to demonstrate His love in such a powerful way. Look at the lengths to which He went to rescue us! The sacrifice! The suffering! The great rescue plan that has been woven into all of human history! We are able to see all that because of the fall into sin.

    Think about the relationship between people and their earthly parents. When people look back on how they were raised, what really speaks love is not what the parents gave their children, but what they sacrificed for them. For an exaggerated example, think of a very wealthy family who gives the kids fancy things but the parents are always off traveling. Compare this to a family without wealth, but where the parents sacrifice their time, their own desires, maybe even their lives for their children. Which children will feel more loved? Lavishing blessings is great, but it doesn’t speak love as much as personal sacrifice.

    God wanted us to know BOTH kinds of love. He wanted to bless us, but more importantly He wanted to show that He would sacrifice himself for us. If life were always perfect, He never would have gotten to show us the deepest form of love. I have often wondered why He even gave us the choice in the garden. Why did He make available a tree with fruit of such heavy consequence? Why would it be His will that we would fall, be ejected from the garden, and evermore live with suffering? Perhaps this is why.

  19. Diana Fleenor says:

    In reading the devotion and then the thoughts of you lovely ladies in the comments, I was struck by the contrast that various people view the concept of sin. Some of us know and see our sin, realizing how much we need our Lord and Savior. At times reminders of our sin can take precedence over reminders of the grace and freedom we have been given. Satan wants us to remember only our sin and forget the grace given to us. However, like many of you expressed here, the word of God tells us this beautiful promise of freedom from sin which the devil doesn’t want us to remember. Hallelujah for the victory the Spirit of Christ has over his attempts to condemn the children of God!

    Then, I think of another group of people. These are ones who minimize or deny the reality of sin. My heart aches as I pray for these deceived ones who need the mercy of God to open their eyes to the truth. Without awareness of sin, one cannot repent, turning to God in this good news of grace through faith in Christ. For if sin isn’t a thing or a big deal (as some family members have claimed), then what would be the need for repentance, the need for a Savior?

    For a time I did not really understand where this kind of thinking came from. Then, I became aware of the New Age/New Thought beliefs that are becoming more and more prevalent in our culture and have even influenced the church. As I began to understand these beliefs that many hold, I saw the very ideas I’d heard from personal relationships. Beliefs that thinking in the terms of sin was “unhealthy”.

    I know that I have brought these concerns into our discussion often over the last few months. It is because like the apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches. Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to fall, and I am not indignant?” (2 Corinthians 11:28-29). Yet, even in the midst of this concern, weakness and indignation, I have a great hope as I pray to the one who is able to save, whose mercy I pray to pour out on the church and free people from deception and ground us in the truth. I pray for many unbelievers who currently hold to New Age/New Thought beliefs and reject the truth of the gospel to have their eyes opened. To God be the glory as he does a mighty work! Amen.

    1. Traci Gendron says:

      Thank you Diana! I had a great prayer life and Bible Study back in my 30’s. I had been baptized in the church. I had several negative events happen 5-6 years later. I turned away. I cannot get past it. I feel that God is not as close to me now. I have asked for forgiveness so many times that God is probably thinking “let it go”. I want to accept that He has forgiven me. That I am still a child of God, yet I struggle. I feel like a hypocrite.

      1. Jennifer Wing says:

        Traci — praying over you to know and feel the depths of Gods love. I imagine him tenderly beside you in the beginning when he felt near, and in the hard negative stuff and in the turning and the turning back. Always tenderly beside you and never with his love being larger or more true in the good places than in the hard places.

      2. Bessie H says:

        Traci, I had a similar experience a few years ago. I was praying, yet again, for forgiveness when God whispered to me. He said, as clear as day, “Forgive yourself. I have already forgiven you. Tears flowed at His grace and mercy to me. I still occasionally have to remind myself of that, but less and less often.
        I pray that you will forgive yourself and find peace in His arms. He loves you and just wants you for Himself. I heard Dallas Willard say that God just wants to clear the books of the sin and get back to enjoying us. He is anxious to separate the sin as far as possible so that our relationship is restored.

  20. Angie says:

    Little comforts from yesterday and today’s readings for me:

    Ephesians 1:14 “The Holy Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance, until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of his glory.” Thank you Lord for the down payment/gift of the Holy Spirit. Your love for us is evident always, even to giving us the Comforter, our Guide during this time until the redemption of the possession – until the time we come home. May our hearts and lives be full to overflowing with praise and glory to you.

    We are holy and blameless in love before him…blessed with an imperishable undefiled, unfading inheritance in Jesus Christ our Lord.

    “Enslaved to righteousness which results in sanctification” is right where I want to live.

    And my friend Kate’s favorite verse, Romans 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, because the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.

    I read, but did not write yesterday. My husband was exposed to the Corona virus. It should not have happened, but it did. Saturday evening he started running a fever, and had some other symptoms. He was not better by Sunday. While I do not have symptoms presently, we were told we should both be tested. We went Monday morning and will get the results in 48 hours. I am praising God that I am feeling well and can give my husband the care he needs, as well as take care of things around home. I am praying that we will rest in our God and Father during this time. I am also praying that the Holy Spirit will guide us in his care. My husband is not always good about stopping when he is sick. The fact that he has stopped, speaks volumes. I pray it is just sinus’ or a head/summer cold…but if not, we still rest in the hands of our God. Certainly He will use this for good in our hearts as He draws us nearer to Himself. The best news…would be we do not have it…but if we do, may God be glorified.
    I hesitated to share because I do not want the SRT feed to be about my loving sisters-in-Christ’s concern for us. Prayers, while filling these posts with the greatness of God and His tremendous promises, would be the desire of my heart.

    1. Elizabeth Carlock says:

      Prayers of healing for you both and best wishes for the best possible outcome.

  21. Mari V says:

    I am set free!, When those uninvited voices try to tell me I am not worthy, I can lash back “I am free because Christ conquered death for me!” My sins have been casted as far as the east from the west. That is HIS promise to me and you! Psalm 103:12.
    Reminds me of the song by the Newsboys: I am Free

    1. May D says:

      Mari – was wondering what happened with your sons friend who was in an accident – Nate? Is he well?

  22. Angie says:

    Dorothy, I lift you before the Lord this morning. I am sorry for the loss of your precious niece. I recognize that your mourning covers a broad scope as she was your roommate and friend, as well as family. I am thankful you have found a place to move to, and I pray that it will be a good place. – That God will use it for good in your life and in the lives of those around you. As heavy as this is, you mourn much, because you loved well. That is beautiful, wise, and honors God. May God’s feathers surround you and His wings cover you. Shalom sister.

  23. NanaK says:

    Heidi, your words really resonate with me today. Thank you for sharing them. Today, and every day, I pray more of YOU LORD, and less of me!

  24. Heidi says:

    One of the most disheartening things to me is the concept of being free but walking enslaved. The fact that so many of us allow whispers of the enemy to convince us to put chains on ourselves. Whispered reminders of failures, short-comings, poor choices, lost tempers, etc, convince us we deserve chains and we then live a freed life tied down and limited and never truly experience the freedom He set us free for! It’s just heartbreaking. It’s the Israelites stumbling through the desert decade after decade… they had been fully delivered and yet they wondered around aimless and trapped by their own issues that they refused to “sacrifice” up to their Rescuer. When we die to our sinful desires, we sacrifice temporary pleasure for life-altering, circumstance-surpassing peace, joy, and fulfillment. It’s unreal to me the amount of times IN A DAY I will instead, sacrifice the freedom from my savior for the chains of discontentment, anger, and selfishness.
    Praying today that I may allow His freedom to rule my choices, reactions, and my thoughts, that I may experience new freedom and that OTHERS then get to experience it as well.

  25. Sue says:

    The Living Bible’s version of 2 Corinthians 5:21 states:
    “God took the sinless Christ and poured into Him our sins. Then in exchange, He poured God’s goodness into us.”

    We have God’s goodness, God’s righteousness, in us. May this affect how we live today!

  26. Nancy Singleton says:

    There is nothing like knowing that Jesus washed me whiter than snow with His blood, shed on the cross for my sin! Oh how I love you Lord, & how thankful I am to be yours, bought with a price. Today’s verses take me back to the moment of my salvation, when I fell on my face at the foot of the cross in filth & shame & arose transformed by His amazing love: set free from sin, forgiven, eyes wide open & heart willing to obey. Oh what a Savior!! Though 40 years have passed, & yes, I’m still a sinner, as we all are this side of Heaven, I am encouraged to continue to grow in the love & knowledge of the Lord, & in the fruit of the Spirit. SRT is one of the tools that keeps me focused on God’s Truth. Love & blessings to you all!

  27. Terri says:

    Romans 6:16. You are slaves to the one you obey- sin or obedience. There are only two choices. I have found it is with God all a matter of the heart. You are either with Him or against Him.

  28. Lizzie says:

    Thank you that you hold me fast. Luke 10:19-20 it is your power that saved me, and I trust in you. Please guide me and confirm to me your truth every moment, you are so good! I love you, Abba Father! 1 Peter 1:3-9, please give me a stronger faith and please help me rest in you through the highs and lows of life. Hebrews 11:1, Ephesians 6. You are perfect, Jesus became sin for me and rose again and my name is written in the book of life, so I am free indeed, a child of the living, faithful God! Lord, please take my heart and let it be consecrated to thee, take my moments and my days and let them flow with ceaseless praise.
    I love you, thank you for your great love!

  29. Jamie says:

    My hope is that more people grasp such an AWESOME revelation! But it is a heart choice. Jesus has opened the door to your jail cell. You are the only one who can choose to walk through it and be free from your sin that Jesus took upon Himself. One of my favorite lines in the entire Bible is “it is finished.” IT IS FINISHED. It is done. You are FREE.

  30. Angela Sutherland says:

    The enemy was on me this morning, heaping shame about choices long past (and long forgiven!) I was struggling to open my Bible, feeling unworthy. So I prayed and then dug into today’s scriptures, and the sweet assurance of Psalm 103:12 washed over me and reminded me of God’s ability to let go of my mistakes, and the invitation for me to let go too. I’m no longer a slave to sin…I’m beginning to understand that that means more than just the present act of sin, but it includes the weight and shame of past sin as well. I’m free because the Son has set me free! And I can walk into this day with way more confidence than I started out with!

    1. Daughterofa King says:

      I have experienced quite a mind battle this last year and I’m working through the residue of that now. “6For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” From my studies this verse is where I cling. It’s daily practice to set my mind on the spirit. For me it’s a discipline of starting my day with Him. My mind will run away if I let it and For months now I’ve been in training to discipline my thought life one thought at a time. To take captive one thought at a time. Remembering old is the hardest part…. afraid of thoughts resurfacing … but I just keep on chasing Jesus.. every day.. reminding myself of truths and praying with thanksgiving for what I need. I hope this is encouraging. A great book I finished recently is “get out of your head” by Jennie Allen. It’s awesome!

    2. Kit Papandrew says:

      Yes to all of this! I struggle all the time with really understanding what it means for me to be free in Jesus and shaking the weight of past sin. Praying for you, Angela, that you’ll continue to feel HS presence to knock away those thoughts of old sin. Love to you. ❤️

    3. Jen Brewer says:

      Also following Jennie Allen’s podcast and have Get Out of Your Head on Audible that I’m listening to as well. ❤️❤️❤️Such an important discipline to take our thoughts captive to Jesus! With you ladies in this battle.

  31. Brittany says:

    Yes I had the same thoughts this morning…. what if I am really not God’s but meditating on the Scriptures makes those lies flee.

  32. Churchmouse says:

    I’m getting a bit restless, itching to be set free from the restraints imposed in the attempt to control this virus. I pray daily for the discovery of effective medicines and an even more effective vaccine. I know these discoveries may be a long time coming, yet I look forward to that day. I look even more eagerly to being set free permanently from this earthly life. Jesus took my sins, removed them at the cross and conquered death itself when He rose from the grave. Because He lives, I have new life, a freer life right here right now. Because I believe in Him and what He did, I have the vaccine to prevent death – salvation through Jesus. He promises an eternal life more free and more grand than I can imagine. That day is coming. The vaccine against death already exists. I hold it in my heart. What do I have to fear? I am not chained to this life. I have ultimate freedom.

    1. Christina Fowlkes says:

      Great parallel!

  33. Tricia C says:

    Glory to His name! I am free indeed! All because of Jesus! Hallelujah!

  34. Blessed Beth says:

    OH how I love this reminder Ps. 103:12, ‘As far as the east us from the west so far has He removed our transgressions from us.’Satan so often tries to make me feel inadequate, less than I should, but we are so blessed as our God knows how we feel and patiently awaits and guides us back. He provide scripture and the Holy Spirit to assist we. He knew what we would need before we were born. Thank you Jesus for being so patient and loving with us.

  35. K says:

    I was caught up in my automatic thoughts. The enemy tells me that’s it. You aren’t God’s But, after I read this, I thought that’s not true. I’m free.! What a beautiful verse: To who the Son sets free is free indeed!