I Will Adopt You into My Family

Open Your Bible

Matthew 19:28-30, John 14:18, Galatians 4:1-7, Ephesians 1:3-14, Ephesians 2:1-10, 1 Peter 1:3-4

The word gospel simply means “good news,” but sometimes it can be difficult to fathom just how good the news really is. The gift of God is not only the forgiveness of sins, nor is the gift just everlasting life on a renewed earth, free from sin, death, and pain. God goes further than that: He brings us into His family, with all the rights and privileges that come with being a child of the King (Galatians 4:7).

God’s Word says, “He has also raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavens in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:6). Notice that this is our current status. According to this verse, we have already been raised up to take our place beside the Lord. We are God’s children, so we have a seat with the family, right next to Jesus. But that’s not all. We are there for a reason: “so that in the coming ages he might display the immeasurable riches of his grace through his kindness to us in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:7).

How could we even begin to calculate or imagine what an infinite God might mean by “immeasurable riches”? Peter described them as “imperishable, undefiled, and unfading,” and “kept in heaven for you” (1Peter 1:4). We will need to wait for these. But there is a greater gift still, and it is ours right now: God Himself. “And because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, ‘Abba, Father!’” (Galatians 4:6). We get to call the Maker of heaven and earth Abba, the same intimate and familiar term Jesus used of the Father (Mark 14:36). Calling this news “good” doesn’t seem to quite do it justice.

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50 thoughts on "I Will Adopt You into My Family"

  1. Ada McCloud says:

    Belonging Heir Chile of God

  2. Trenna Stewart says:

    Help me God.

  3. Amanda Teske says:

    Glory, Hallelujah!!! I am His child. GOD’S child! I get to be with Him forever and ever. He is making me new every day, and growing time to be more like Him. And one day, I get to go home and be with Him and have eternal riches that will never fade. And Jesus. I get Jesus. He died to give me that. It can’t get any better than this!!!

  4. Allison Sherwood says:

    Agreed! Such a hard concept to grasp yet it’s already ours!

  5. Tiffany Taylor says:

    To say “Abba” and know that it is God’s delight to be this towards us is such an indescribable gift!

  6. Cheri Powell says:


  7. Lolly Regan says:


  8. Claire Faith says:

    I love being part of God’s family, I don’t think I always fully grasp the reality of this, but it’s amazing!!

  9. Amanda McWhorter says:

    It is such a precious reminder of Gods intent to adopt us into his goodness and light. I don’t know about you all but I struggle with waking up in the morning and looking for my sin. I let it become an obsession and I don’t ever look for Gods rest. I have to keep reminding myself that I am not a slave to those sins anymore. And I have to keep choosing to look for God. Amen.

  10. Grace Sharp says:

    Not because of what I can do, but because of what he’s done. ❤️

  11. Chipo Samantha Chironga says:

    Adopted into the heavenly kingdom

  12. Lise Mangiza says:

    The verses in Ephesians have always been close to my heart; I was adopted into an amazing Christian family at birth and that has enabled me to view my 2nd adoption into God’s family as all the more special. God has had it ALL planned out since before the beginning; and I stand as a daughter of the Most High with all the privileges of that adoption!!

  13. Melissa Mcronney says:


  14. Laurie Lee says:

    I am always struck by God’s kindness and mercy towards me. It reminds me that He desires me to be kind and merciful to myself, much less others.

  15. Moriah Nichols says:

    The verse that really stuck out to me was, “He has shown immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness towards us….” So many life giving words in one verse. Immeasurable, riches, grace, kindness. I often feel unworthy of His lavish love, but knowing that He chose me and calls me His own reminds me I don’t have to do anything to prove my worth. He’s already done that. ♥️

  16. Taylor says:

    Abba, thank you for these women who so passionately wrote encouragement to my soul today. Please be near to me today and give me your strength to stand up to temptation. Remind me constantly, as Lisa Z said, WHOSE I am. I am not of this world. I am a child of the victorious King. My place in this family is secured, guaranteed. Be near to me today so that I may walk in freedom, and not under the bondage of sin and shame. I love you so much. I hope I make you proud today <3

    1. Angela Rohr says:


  17. Kristen says:

    Thank you, Lizzie. I want to believe this and walk in this freedom. I will get on my knees and pray. As Juliet said, we have access to God, because of Jesus. We can come before the Throne of Holy God, because of Jesus’s sacrifice and Blood. Yes, I know the Word says to come boldly. I heard a message by Dr. Charles Stanley that said to come reverently and on our knees because of who He is! The One True Sovereign God. He said coming this way and in humility will change your prayer life. (I’m paraphrasing, but I will link the sermon.) https://youtu.be/PlgFpXJXW38

    Also, I looked at the Message version of Ephesians and it was amazing.

  18. Amanda Salgado says:

    What amazing future we have as daughters in Christ! ❤️✝️

  19. Jessica Williamston says:

    The title alone for today shocked my heart that God cares so much to align the issues of my heart with this simple strong message. Was on the verge of tears Longing for a family and feeling the empty spaces of my immediate family who are so far from me . I’m grateful to be set apart but at the same time it hurts that I dont have connection with them. But God had adopted me I’m no longer abandoned. I know connection with God is the topic of my season as he is pruning what’s not of Him in me. I draw nearer to Him. He covers it all!

  20. Danielle McCutcheon says:


  21. Blessed Beth says:

    Dorothy I am praying for you, that you can rest in the Lord’s arms and let Him calm your mind and guide each step you take.

  22. Jennifer Anapol says:

    It’s so awesome that we are a part of the family of God. It doesn’t matter how alone we may feel right now, our feelings don’t the change the reality.

  23. DOROTHY says:

    Churchmouse, Blessed Beth, Lisa Z, Lizzie, Erricka Hager, Traci Gendron your comments are what I needed to read to help me through my day. I hope you don’t mind but I will be putting them on index cards so I can read them throughout the day.
    Amen GrammieSue Amen
    Thank you all for praying for me and the words of encouragement. God bless all my SRT sisters.

  24. Pam Williams says:

    3 of our 20 grandchildren are adopted so these passages took on great meaning for me years ago. We have a double life as we are seated right now in Christ at the Father’s right hand where Jesus reigns in victory. We sit there as we also sit in our imperfect bodies in an imperfect world. Bith are true. That’s what makes me long for that day when our redemption is complete. What a glorious day!

  25. Churchmouse says:

    Praying for you, Dorothy. Your testimony of pressing through this extremely difficult time is a glorious witness to your strong faith. Let those emotions of grief and sadness pour – they reveal the depth of your deep love for your niece. I’m sure it’s hard to leave your home where you have so many memories – but you always have them in your heart. Praying You feel the arms of Jesus holding you tightly as the beloved child you are. He is your security blanket.

  26. Krystle says:

    Praying for you Dorothy! ❤️

  27. Ashley White says:


  28. Jenny Lucas says:

    It’s amazing to know that we are already seated next to Him just as children on Earth are seated next to their parents. We are in an intimate relationship with God that allows us to call Him “Abba” as Jesus did. I know I sometimes forget about the relationship I need to always be working on with God, I get distracted with everything here on Earth and even when I’m lonely i forget. But this just solidifies the fact that I’m never alone and I am always with Him. He will take care of me forever.

  29. DOROTHY says:

    Sisters, ever feel like “you are off your game,” like you just can’t focus or you mind keeps wandering. Well that’s me today. I have had to read and reread scripture and the devotional just to have it make sense and comprend it. I feel like just breaking down and crying. I spent yesterday packing because I will be moving June 20th. I guess some of it is the memories. Please sisters pray for me to be able to focus and “get my head on straight” for the rest of the day.

  30. Traci Gendron says:

    God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying , “ABBA, Father!” GI 4:6 what a privilege to get to call the Maker of heaven and earth Abba, the same intimate and familiar term Jesus used for the father. We are so blessed to have this relationship with our Father. I call to him to sit with me and give me comfort and he does. God is a gentle loving father. I choose to walk with Him. Amazingly when I slip, he stays right near to me. Gently waiting for me to turn my face back to Him. I’m so thankful that he does not leave my side.

  31. Haley Watson says:

    It’s awesome to think of words like “sealed” and “guarantee” when it comes to our inheritance as children of God, our place in his kingdom. Can anyone or anything put asunder what the Holy Spirit has guaranteed?? No! I looked up the dictionary definition of guarantee and was struck by what I found:

    a formal pledge to pay another person’s debt or to perform another person’s obligation in the case of default.

    1. Tina Chutz says:

      I love that Haley! That God uses legal terms makes the promise feel all the more substantial and unbreakable. What got me were 2 words from Ephesians. They are , “But God…” Those two little words broke open my heart in such gratitude to God that he did not leave me in my trespasses and sins. HE took the initiative and sought me out and saved me. HE did something. What fatherly love!

  32. Erricka Hager says:

    I don’t have to try to be anything or anyone other than what Ephesians 1 says that I am. I don’t have to control this, or push boundaries, or pretend. I am who He says I am.

  33. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    I love God’s promise – that we, having believed, are “sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the day of redemption…” (Ephesians 1:13,14). It’s a done deal-guaranteed! My salvation is secure through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. It reminds me of the chorus to a children’s song that I learned long ago: “I’m adopted, hallelujah! I’ve got a new song. I’m adopted, hallelujah! I fin’ly belong. I’ve got a brand new family overflowing with love. I’m a child of my Father above.” Hallelujah!

  34. GramsieSue says:

    Yesterday I celebrated my role as a Mother. It is one of my favorite roles. I birthed four children and gained four more when they married. I dearly love each one of them.
    Today I celebrate my role as daughter of the King! By far the best role. He chose me…despite my messy, sinful life. And He loves me…despite the moments I’m unlovable.
    I am truly blessed.

  35. Monie Mag says:

    Our new birth, our adoption, our inheritance, all from a loving God who from the beginning had a plan to redeem us for Himself, He wanted us this much! All that He’s done, is doing, and will do is about us being with Him, a love relationship! Rejoice for our inheritance is imperishable, undefiled and unfading! No, good news just doesn’t describe the love our Father lavishes on us. We are free to love because He first loved us.

  36. Lizzie says:

    Ephesians 2:4-7, “But God, who is rich in mercy, because of his great lovear that he had for us, 5 made us alive with Christ even though we were dead in trespasses. You are saved by grace! 6 He also raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavens in Christ Jesus, 7 so that in the coming ages he might display the immeasurable riches of his grace through his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.”
    Ephesians 1:13-14, “In him you also were sealed with the promised Holy Spirits when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and when you believed. 14 The Holy Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance, until the redemption of the possession, to the praise of his glory.”
    Galatians 4:6-7, “And because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba, Father!” 7 So you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then God has made you an heir.”
    Through family struggles, and emotional struggles, the trials that God has allowed to grow us closer to Him, remember. Remember that He is teaching you. That He loves you. That you are not condemned, but held in the loving grasp of a perfectly loving and holy Abba Father. So worship, pray, confess, and walk in freedom and victory. Because you are a child of God, redeemed. He already has the victory, so worship on your knees, arise and know that He has already won, and submit yourself to humbly obey His battle plan, because it probably won’t match yours. His sword is stronger and no matter what you face, when you don’t understand, and you’re not good enough, and life is too hard, and you have to repent again, and you feel defeated, remember. You already are His child, nothing can take that from you, and He already is your dad, and His love is unchanging, you are sealed. So praise Him, take on His yoke, and watch Him change your heart. He has the victory, so walk in it!
    Praying that each of us choose to walk in His love, He is our dad, and He loves you too!

    1. Lindsay Healey says:

      Thank you so much for this message. I’m going through a very difficult time in my marriage right now, and this was such an encouragement to me.

  37. Beth says:


    Your words were so inspiring to me…just what I was feeling as reading this morning. Shining God’s light is so much a part of His calling, especially in these difficult times. I’m standing alongside you sister, another warrior princess who is ready for battle and thankful also to have been rescued from the pit of my past.

  38. Kathleen King says:

    I could not feel more refreshed being reminded that I can call out “Abba…” My heart just feels held. It’s as if the weight of the world just subsides for a moment. I’m someone who visualizes the Lord just embracing me.. holding me like a father holds and embraces a crying hurting daughter… it’s the most comforting safest place I can find rest. We sang a worship song yesterday that said He stays the same… His love doesn’t fluctuate based on a mood or something I’ve done. He loves me the same every day. No matter what.

  39. Bessie H says:

    I grew up in a wonderful Christian family. My parents were devoted followers of Christ and loved by many. Growing up I vacillated between wondering why God chose to put me in such a family, feeling unworthy, and grateful for God’s blessing. A few years ago it occurred to me that my earthly family paled in comparison to the family of Christ and the joy of being a part of God’s family. What an incredible gift to be called a child of God.
    You may have heard Tim Keller preach on being called sons of God. God is not being sexist, but talking about how sons were the specially chosen to receive the inheritance of the father. We are all sons of God. What great joy and honor that is to all who will accept this immeasurable gift.

    1. K D says:

      This is a good word Bessie. Thanks.

  40. Juliet says:

    We are in the middle of an adoption now- it’s been a long draining process but I feel like Like I’m learning the Gospel and seeing so many parallels in the word. Ive gained fresh perspective to see how God invited us in, laid his life down so we could be close to Him and have full access as a son & daughter. It’s stunning.

    1. Christen Price says:

      I felt that way when we went through our adoption too. We are chosen!

  41. Lisa Z says:

    Yes! What hope is ours! Sometimes, I forget I am the daughter of a King. Not just any King, but THE King. Lord, help me embrace my inheritance. Help me reveal Your Son to this hurting world. Remind me of my place in Your family so that I may carry on the family name in such a way that makes You proud. I want to do Your will. Help me do Your will. I want to shine Your light. Help me shine Your light. I want to be more like You. Help me be more like You. Thank You for adopting me into Your Holy Family. Please remind me constantly whose I am so that I may embrace my role as warrior princess for Your truth and light. Thank You thank You for pulling me out of the pit i to Your loving arms.

    1. Jennifer Martin says:


    2. Sharon W says:

      Lisa Z, Thank you for your message this morning. I want to absorb all you wrote for us Daughters of The King! I too have had the priviledge of being His warrior princess for TRUTH and LIGHT as well as saving me by lifting me up out of the pit and into His loving arms. I love how His strong right arm always has me in the shadow of His wings.

  42. Blessed Beth says:

    I always feel so humble at the thought of calling our God, Abba, what an honor it is and what a gift, the Holy Spirit, I could never get through life without the assistance , guidance and comfort He offered. And the fact that Jesus was willing to give His life for me, I sit speechless. Three gifts in one, thank you! What a blessed way to start Monday!

  43. Churchmouse says:

    We who are in Christ are blessed, chosen, holy, blameless, adopted, redeemed, forgiven and sealed. Once children of wrath we are now heirs of all that our Father possesses. We have the Holy Spirit as assurance now until we see Abba face to face then. We have a living hope!