God’s Presence Is with Us Always

Open Your Bible

Matthew 28:16-20, John 14:15-31, John 15:1-8, John 15:26, John 16:13-15, John 20:19-21, 1 John 3:24, Ephesians 1:13-14

A few years ago, we planted two blackberry bushes in our backyard. Since he didn’t quite understand the concept of “ripeness,” my two-year-old son often walked to the plot and picked off a green or yellow berry, only to drop it with disappointment into the soil. “You can’t pick them when they’re green,” I told him. “They need to stay on the vine.”

God’s presence is a mysterious concept. At times, I’ve felt His closeness like a breath on my cheek. Other times, I’ve had to trust that His nearness is truth—regardless of my emotions or circumstances. If I trust Jesus, then I must take Him at His Word, and He tells me over and over again through Scripture that He will not leave me behind, He will always be present, and even when He is not physically present, the Holy Spirit will stand in the gap. God’s presence in my life is like the nutrients that move from soil through the vine into an unripe raspberry. Cut off from the source, nothing blooms. Cut off from His presence, I will be nothing but wasted potential.

Often, I can be tricked into believing that in order for me to experience God’s presence, I need a plush upholstered chair, a window that emits plentiful natural light, a cup of just-brewed coffee, a journal, and a good pen. Silence. But God is present with me, even when I am not aware of Him. And if God is always with me, then He is with me in the chaos of the day, just as much as He is in the precious moments of morning quiet. In the Great Commission, Jesus is sending His closest friends into oppositional territory, to places where they will be persecuted, hunted, and ultimately, killed. And despite that terrifying reality, Jesus promises them: “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20).

Jesus is with you too—today, yesterday, and forever. No matter what you’re facing. No matter the sorrow, past or present, He is here—grieving with us, celebrating with us, growing and filling us with His Spirit, and helping us take steps forward with hope.

There is no check-list of calm or solitude required for God’s presence to attend to your weary soul. He is here now. He is with you, always. His presence flows into your heart, whether you feel it or not, whether you see it or not. All you must do is stay on the vine.

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20 thoughts on "God’s Presence Is with Us Always"

  1. Ada McCloud says:

    Stay on the vine. Amen

  2. Michelle Patire says:

    Hello Shes. Posting late tonight. Haven’t had time to do this devotional until now, 7PM.

    @Emily, I haven’t fully read all the other post suggestions, but it is good to practice being still with the Lord. I saw some other Shes mention they like to play gospel music. That helps! But sometimes, I practice shutting off the noise… Like when I am driving.. and just praying in the silence. Whether that is out loud or in my mind.
    I think if you ask God for more of Him, He won’t withhold Himself. I read that verse, “I won’t leave you orphans” with a longing… Like Jesus longing to be with us. He didn’t have to give us His Spirit.
    But He longs for intimacy. That’s really been on my mind the past 24 hours. I wrote here a few weeks ago I was longing for friendship intimacy. Yesterday, after doing my devotional, I was journaling and realized how near Jesus was all the time. Like really sat with the idea that He never leaves me alone. He was basically saying, “You desire intimacy – but you have it always, with Me.”
    That melted my heart… To feel and believe God’s intimate love for me. I am currently single. I have not dated since the Lord told me to trust Him for a husband. It’s been years… But knowing Jesus’s love… It satisfies.
    Emily, I pray you seek God’s presence until He meets you. He’s already present with you, now, but I pray He is made manifest to you. God bless you ♥️ Jesus loves you!!! I pray you feel it, truly!

    @Victoria E ♥️ praise God ! May you have patience and take this one day at a time with the things yet unresolved and still difficult.

    @Rhonda J ♥️

    Sarah D ♥️ I pray God’s peace and grace to you in this final month of the school year… may you continue to trust Him and ask Him for strength in your work. As His word said today, without Him we can do nothing… May you lean on Him for the strength to build what matters ♥️ God bless you!!!

  3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    So thankful for the reminder today in Ephesians 1:13-14 that as born again believers in Christ – we can never lose our salvation. We are sealed – until the day of our redemption! The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance. Praise God that He loves me, He has saved me, He has sealed me – I am His for all eternity!! Nothing can take me out of the palm of His hand.

    @Sarah D – prayers for endurance & energy as your last month winds down, relief from your dizziness and God’s will concerning your “friend”.

    @Julia C. – thank you for asking, my back is doing much better – after 2 visits to the chiropractor.

    @Danielle B. – continued prayers for your dad’s recovery from surgery.

    @Emily – praying for you to feel God’s presence & be able to spiritually connect with Him. Kris gave some very good suggestions!

    Have a blessed evening ladies!

  4. Rhonda J. says:

    Hey Hey My She’s!

    I have been reading everyday and by the time I get through that, the devotionals, and the comments I’ve had to get going! It has been a busy week, a weary, emotionally tired week, and a crazy jail ministry week yesterday…and it’s only Thursday!! And then my last small group is on Saturday morning! (It’s been a great read- “Put Your Warrior Boots On” if you want a book to pump you up to get out there and be a Jesus Strong woman!)

    Kris, I love how you put the ways you feel the Lord’s presence, I adhere to those as well! I definitely have Christian music on non-stop that follows me everywhere, all day long. (not that I don’t get SOME quite time with the Lord and no noise!)

    CeeGee- It was sad to hear about Mandisa! Thank you for sharing the lyrics…although I know the song and sing along, I apparently didn’t know any of those main lyrics except the chorus, and they are GOOD!!

    Prayers for all the requests! Praise Victoria E!

    I might have to leave my crazy Jail ministry story on FB!