I Will Provide for You

Open Your Bible

Matthew 6:19-21, Matthew 6:25-34, Matthew 7:7-11, Philippians 4:10-20, Psalm 23:1-6, James 1:17

God will provide for you. This may seem like the easiest promise for God to fulfill, but for some of us it can be the most difficult to believe.

Since the beginning, God has been our Provider, giving us the air in our lungs and the food in our bellies (Genesis 1:29; 2:7). But with the first temptation, our relationship with God’s provision has changed. The serpent convinced Adam and Eve that God was holding out on us, that it might be better if we provided for ourselves (Genesis 3:4–5). And that lie has governed much of our behavior ever since. We may still want God’s gifts, but in our sin, we want them on our own terms.

When Jesus came, He modeled dependence on God, forsaking worry and the cares of this world for a life of contentment and abundance. He spoke truth to break the devil’s ancient lie, declaring that whatever we may build for ourselves on earth will crumble in the end; only that which is eternal—what is stored up in heaven—will last (Matthew 6:19–20). And He reminded people what had always been true: that “every good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17). God feeds the birds and clothes the flowers of the field, and we are much more valuable than these (Matthew 6:25–34). But greater than any gift from the Father’s hand is the Father Himself. As long as we have Him, we can have joy, for He is enough (Philippians 4:12–13).

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99 thoughts on "I Will Provide for You"

  1. Allison Sherwood says:

    It’s always such a good reminder that God is always giving us exactly what we need! The hard part is me remembering and believing it, haha.

  2. Ashley Cesare says:

    One of the things that stood out from today’s reading was “The serpent convinced Adam and Eve that God was holding out on us, that it might be better if we provided for ourselves (Genesis 3:4-5). And that lie has governed much of our behavior ever since.” How many times have I tried my hardest to do “damage control” on scenarios that I feared would happen (yes, many scenarios that the enemy spoke into my head.) I have tried to take control so many times to be left unfulfilled and even more anxious. Through this deviation and active focus on trusting our Lord, the ultimate Provider, I have found my rest in trusting in Him. Lord, help me to continue forsaking worry and the cares of this world, just as you did on Earth, and trusting fully in you. All of this, so I may live the content and abundant life you have planned for me. Jesus, I trust in you!

  3. Kristen Brock says:

    I needed this glimpse of hope today. Thank you for sharing your story of waiting in singleness and how God provided. ❤️

  4. Maiya K says:

    Love this Dawn…thank you!

  5. Claire Faith says:

    I can testify that God has never left me wanting, I have everything that I need. Thank you Jesus that you are so faithful to your promises!

  6. Amanda Stricker says:

    God will provide!!

  7. Qua Taylor says:

    Amen! This is exactly what I needed, as I’m going through some difficulties, and God provided me with the very reminder and words that I needed! I sought and I found. Thank God!

  8. Linda Yager says:

    DAWN, Thankyou for the reminder, I needed so much in this moment

  9. Linda Yager says:

    Thankyou Dawn , in this moment I sooo needed that

  10. Mica de la Horra says:

    I have to make a decision about my work… Everybody tells me what to do, but I really don’t have peace about it. I need to get an answer this Friday. This reading was just what I needed to remember God’s promises. I pray to do the right thing, and get His peace in this season ❤️

  11. Leslie Warnick says:

    Thank you Dawn!

  12. Anastasia McLeod says:

    Thank you Dawn for that insight! What a beautiful reminder!

  13. Rachel Thompson says:

    This promise feels so fake and a slap in the face in light of everything going on, I accept that sin destroys good but how can God promise to take care of those who follow him when I know for fact millions of earnest Christians go without…

    1. Margaret Terry says:

      Hi Rachel, I have struggled with this for a long time too, I was hoping in reading the comments to see a little clarification on that. But I saw your comment and it seemed to firm up something I have suspected about this for a while. While it’s true that God provides for our earthly needs, our spiritual needs far outweigh earthly needs since this is a temporary home. We don’t know what God is doing in the spirit with those who “go without” in the same way that some suffer physically in ways we cannot comprehend a loving God would allow. In this sin soaked world there are so many things that are not “supposed” to be, but ultimately for those who truly love God, His presence and promise of life with him for ever, is the true provision, even to the point of death, because that is when we enter into the true heaven where everything is perfect, unlike the imperfect world. I think it might be our perspective on what “providing” for us truly means, as hard as that is to figure out. I do agree though, it’s hard to settle into this promise when we see people whom we feel “aren’t” being provided for.

      1. Christina Mendez says:

        Excellent answer, Margaret! So true.

    2. Rosalie Clare says:

      I think Margaret’s answer is excellent, very true. I found this podcast I was listening to a few months ago with Jill Briscoe very helpful because it shows that people in far worse situations than people we know still manage to find joy. Hope it’s helpful https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/made-for-this-with-jennie-allen/id1466667116?i=1000471642485

  14. Susan Crosby says:

    Wonderful reminder about not being anxious about anything in light of what’s been going on for months concerning the virus pandemic or as one well known bible teacher refers to it as a plague. The verse about do not be anxious for tomorrow is definitely a verse of comfort. When I feel like my faith is wavering I tell myself O ye of little faith and that verse jolts me back into the truth of God’s promises.

  15. Melissa Mcronney says:


  16. Dawn Andreassen says:

    you are so welcome

  17. Taylor says:

    My freshman year roommate and I constantly left notes for one another simply stating TLWP. The Lord will Provide. That became a cornerstone of our friendship as we shared all the joys and trials of being a freshman in college. I’m thankful that God PROMISES He will Provide for us. It may not look like what we expect, but He commands us to not worry. To trust and obey. So terribly hard sometimes, but He is faithful. I want to enter into this season of singleness in total dependence on God to provide for my every need. He knows the desires of my heart for a Godly husband and to raise a family that knows and loves the Lord. Until that day comes I will rest in the promises of God and have JOY because HE is enough <3

    1. Katie Howard-Browne says:

      I love this! I want to start leaving notes like that :) I just wanted to share a word of encouragement since I know the season of singleness all too well! For me it was almost 8 years of waiting to meet the guy God had for me and meanwhile all my friends were getting married and starting to have kids. It felt long and lonely at times, but God grew my faith SO much through it and I learned that He is so faithful, provides all I need and is so kind and merciful. He brought a husband into my life at just the right time, when I thought hope was lost….he gave us a wedding that totally displayed His glory with a double rainbow and weather that cooperated exactly with what we needed…it started hailing the second everything was over and everyone was in awe that God timed everything so perfectly! So never lose hope and expect great things from Him because He is a God who loves to bring beauty and glory out of waiting and hardship :) Praying for you ♥️

    2. Helena Rose says:

      I love this!!

  18. Lisa Hermansson says:

    I love these verses today, I have since my break up had nothing but confirmation that God is with me and provides for me and my new life. After I had broken up with my fiancée (after three years together), he helped me move out and back up to my family which is about 500km away, we had a calm and friendly break up, talked about everything.
    Once back home, I moved in with my parents, which has worked out fine. I got a job, the school decided because of covid 19 to do the rest of the semester at a distance. I got an apartment. Everything I could possible need he has provided for me! I feel safe and I feel I am on the right path, I have faith that he knows, and he knows better that I do what I need, so I walk in faith and remind myself that with him, I can go through the motions, and I will not need anything.

    When I started to look for apartments there was this one that I got really excited about, and I really wanted it, I didn’t get it – I was of course a bit disappointed, but I too God that “I thought this apartment was perfect me, and I didn’t get it, yes I am disappointed but I also believe in you, so there must be another apartment for me that’s even better, so good I can’t even imagine it right now” and it sure was. My new place is bigger, it is closer to work, and I will be neighbors with my sister <3 amen

  19. Brittanie Sanchez says:

    This is a struggle right now for our family as well. Before this pandemic we were looking to move into our own home. But then we were forced to stay with my parents. Tbh it’s been a blessing in disguise. I’m so grateful to have my parents still. I’ve never needed my mom so much. Idk what God has in store for me and my family, but I know He will always have my best interests at heart. He is a good God. And He will always provide no matter what.

    1. Katie Howard-Browne says:


  20. Haley says:

    thank you for this!!!

  21. Lauren G says:

    I needed this today. I am a healthcare provider and single parenting my 2 young kids while my husband is deployed. I’ve had a lot of anxiety about EVERYTHING in life lately, but my mind tends to fixate on things like food. I’m fearful that at some point I’m going to get COVID and have to quarantine for a few weeks with the kids. I keep checking my food supplies and trying to recalculate in my head what we would go through if we were quarantined. A good reminder to stop obsessing and trust that whatever happens, God is going to provide.

  22. Jessica says:

    Dawn, I screen shot your emphasis on the Lord’s Prayer. Having it written out so plainly can be so life giving. Thank you for sharing and reminding me of his truth.

  23. Kinesha Cox says:

    Such an amazing reading.

  24. Dawn Andreassen says:

    The Lord is my shepherd—
    (that’s relationship)
    I have what I need—(that’s supply + provision)
    He lets me lie down in green pastures—
    (that’s rest)
    he leads me beside quiet waters—
    (that’s refreshment)
    He renews my life—(that’s healing)
    he leads me along the right paths—
    (that’s guidance)
    for his name’s sake—(that’s purpose)
    Even when I go through the darkest valley—(that’s testing)
    I fear no danger—(that’s protection)
    for you are with me—(that’s faithfulness)
    your rod and your staff — they comfort me—(that’s discipline)
    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies—(that’s HOPE)
    you anoint my head with oil;—
    (that’s consecration)
    my cup overflows.—(that’s abundance)
    Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life,—(that’s blessing)
    and I will dwell in the house of the Lord—(that’s security)
    as long as I live.—(that’s eternity)
    ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:1-6‬ ‭CSB‬‬

    1. J B says:

      This is awesome, Dawn! Thanks for sharing

    2. Jen Brewer says:

      Beautiful and true! Yes yes yes. Thank you, Dawn. ❤️

    3. Christina Leal says:

      So beautiful.

    4. Margaret Terry says:

      That’s awesome Dawn!!

    5. Justine Smith says:

      Thank you for this.

    6. Lele Murray says:

      Amen and thank you x

    7. Maddie Hensley says:

      Thank you!!!

  25. Ashley Thomas says:

    For me, the parts of scripture telling me
    not to worry always stick out. I have spent too much of my life worrying. It’s only in the past few years, as my relationship with God has strengthened, that I’ve been able to let go of those worries. That saying “Let go and let God” I really try to do that when worries come my way. I don’t mean I’m over here without a care in the world, but I pray and I give it to God. He makes my burdens light.

  26. Camden M. Pigg says:

    I smiled when I saw the “promise” for today. Perfect timing. The devotional says we believe the lie that God is holding out on us, and we need to make things happen on our own timing. We can’t trust God to provide our needs; we have to do it ourselves. I am currently experiencing a job loss and searching for my new direction. I am trusting that God will provide and that He has a better plan despite this devastating loss, and that I can trust him with this plan.

  27. Natasha R says:

    Taylor, I am praying for you! I was 5 years

  28. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I pray that more than any material thing that God gives me, I would be thankful for his presence most of all!

    1. Jen Brewer says:

      Yes! ❤️❤️❤️

  29. K D says:

    I’ve struggled a lot with joy today…so this was very much the reminder that I needed.

  30. Linda G says:

    God has never, ever let me down, even more so after I divorced my gay husband. (It took 28 years to find that out!). As a single mother, I was terrified but The Lord always came through. He has cared for me again after I lost my job early last year and continues to provide during this season. If I ever begin to worry I look back on all the instances of his faithful care and relax.

  31. Ashley White says:


  32. Arleisha Strauder says:

    I have to admit that for me this can be the hardest thing to believe. I have heard countless testimonies about God providing for people in miraculous ways but have not seen it in my own life. Rather, what I realized after reading this is that I have seen it but not recognized it! Often my mind goes to material things when I hear about God’s provision but it is not just material things that He provides! He provides the air in my lungs everyday and so much more! Forgive me ABBA for shortsightedness and focusing on material things only when it comes to Your perfect provision! Perhaps this is why Matthew 6:31-33 became one of the verses you illuminated and let me know you wanted to me to commit to memory so that I can be reminded of all of the ways You provide for me and that I will always know that You will provide!

  33. Melinda Hier-Goetz says:

    I am really struggling lately. But I read these devotions everyday and am reminded that He is always with. He sees me and hears me and knows my pain. He is my Good Shepherd and He is carrying me through this rough patch I’m going through. I am grateful for that and trying to remember to keep me eyes lifted UP.

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:


  34. Courtney Bailey says:

    Lately I have been feeling overwhelmed and lost, but this brought me back. God will always provide. I do not need to worry.

    1. Melinda Hier-Goetz says:

      I am with you, sister! Such a struggle. So grateful for His love.

  35. Traci Gendron says:

    Lord help me to remember Your presence is my greatest gift! Let me lift my face toward Yours daily. I want to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. To store up treasures in heaven not here on earth. As long as I have Him i will have joy.

  36. Lori Bernat says:

    I think in this anxiety provoking time, it’s an excellent reminder to not worry about tomorrow, but to trust that God will provide for us.

    1. Jennifer Anapol says:

      I agree. I am trying to just live one day at a time.

  37. DOROTHY says:

    So I have made Philippians 4:13 my verse to live by because the Christmas after my son died my brother and sister-in-law gave me a bracelet with that verse on it. Every since then I have made that verse my verse to live by. I also fully believe in giving my worries and cares to God. Sometimes it is harder than others but at the end of everyday if I find myself bother or worried about something I go to God in prayer about it. I have a friend who I love dearly but she worries a lot and she has a hard time sleeping. I have told her many times she needs to give her worries and concerns over to God and Christ , yes she is a Christian, and she would feel and sleep better but she doesn’t want to believe me. I love the last sentence of our devotional, “As long as we have Him, we can have joy, for He is enough (Philippians 4:12–13).” I will be writing this on index cards and but it all over my apartment.

    1. Mari V says:

      Dorothy, Phil 4:13 has become my life verse too. It went from being my running mantra to my life verse. Close to 3 years ago I took a real hard hit and this verse has helped me survive and be where I am today.

    2. Traci Gendron says:

      Dorothy much love to you. I have a son with a fatal illness. I’m trusting God to take care of us no matter the outcome. Your words touched me today. ❤️

      1. Linda G says:


  38. Monica P Goforth says:

    Kirstyn, I am praying for you and your baby. I pray that his heart will be healed. God is faithful and He is enough.

  39. Diana Fleenor says:

    ANGELA SUTHERLAND, I love what you said of how important it is that we bring our doubts and fears to conversations with the Lord. I know what you mean that when we try to handle these thoughts and feelings on our own, we are actually not trusting him to provide for us in that manner. At times, I have had the need for the Holy Spirit to expose this tendency in me to deceive myself into thinking, “I’m not afraid,” or “I’m not doubting,” when in reality, deep in my soul I am. So, my intent is to no longer even assume I am or am not fearing or doubting, but I ask the Lord to reveal the truth of what’s in my heart. Oh how we need him in every way!

  40. Victoria Fowlkes says:

    This is my biggest struggle… trusting God to provide. It makes me feel ashamed because I KNOW better in my heart but my actions tell a different story. I have had many relationships with men over the years who provide for me and take care of me and I set that as a priority over whether the man I chose to be with is Godly. I seek and pray for God to heal my desires and align them with His desires. I am giving this to God and ask for your prayers.

    1. Traci Gendron says:

      I too was this way. I finally decided no more. I now have a very loving kind husband who believes in God. I believe we all have our path and I needed to go down a bad road to know what is good. Prayers to you to find that love.

  41. Kirstyn Wright says:

    I needed this today. There’s too much to type, but these Scriptures today answered some very specific prayers. I have an important ultrasound today on my 19 week old son, who was showing a heart defect and other issues at my last ultrasounds. Please, if you read this, pray for Colton’s heart today, that it would be perfect and healed!

    1. Jazmine Parker says:

      Praying for you and Colton ❤️

    2. Connie Adams says:

      Praying for you and your son.

    3. Jennifer Anapol says:


  42. Kirstyn Wright says:

    Wow. I needed this today. I have been walking through the hardest journey these last 5 months. There’s been times I don’t even have any more words to pray, so I just pray Scriptures. And last night was one of those nights, as I face an important doctors appointment today. I fell asleep pleading God for a word from Him, for Hum to whisper Scripture over me as I slept.
    You see, I spent most of January fasting and praying for Provision for my family. And then, at the end of the month, I found out I was unexpectedly pregnant with baby #7 at 46 years old. This was certainly not the “provision” I was praying for. I have no health insurance (the rest of my family does, it was too $$ to add me). I had to quit my work from home businesses because I was on bedrest due to devastating nausea. I had to cancel upcoming ministries and mission trips. I was so confused about what God was doing!
    Then came ultrasounds and blood tests that have shown baby has a heart defect

    1. Ally Nelsen says:

      Kirsten, I am praying for you and your family. I pray that you feel God’s peace, and trust that even when we don’t understand him, and don’t see it, he works everything for the good of those who love him, and you clearly love him.

  43. NanaK says:

    Holli, your words could have come out of my mouth this morning… HE is enough!
    I frequently use song to combat the enemy. Replace his words in my head with songs of praise…
    Tricia, thank you for sharing the hymn, it’s perfect to fight the enemy with throughout the day. And Churchmouse, I found myself humming, “You’re a good, good Father” as I read what you wrote. That too will be in my mind today! CURLTOPANGEL, I didn’t recognize that hymn, but I like it! Thank you all for sharing!

  44. Maura says:

    So Great is our God, our Provider. Angie, praising Jesus for your negative results. Asking His healing for your husband and protection around you both. Blessed daily by your own writing and heart for the Lord. Praying for all of you Sisters that we walk in the provision of our Father for His abundance to clothe is, feed us as He does not just physically, but as only He can in knowing all our needs mentally, spiritually, emotionally that we be full of the Holy Spirit and shine His light. He is Mighty. Hugs to you All, He has us wrapped in Light.

    1. Nancy Singleton says:

      Praying in agreement with Maura for you, Angie, & your husband.

  45. Doris says:

    He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. Before man was created, God had provided for him.

    2 Peter 1:3 _ According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue:

    Genesis 1

    To come to know Him as Jehovah Jireh
    To come to know Him as Jehovah Rohi
    To come to know Him as Jehovah El Roi

    To truly know Him would bring all the peace we would ever need to carry us through the tribulations this world has to offer.

  46. LeAnn Schmitt says:

    Amen Tricia C!

  47. Kelly says:

    I know your story all too well. I also dated a man who didn’t share the same faith but I wasn’t nearly as strong as you and couldn’t bring myself to break up with him. Ultimately in the end, he broke up with me. Looking back, I see the undeniable blessing that the break up and pain truly was. I’m now married to a man who loves Jesus. We have a little boy and I just can’t imagine raising my child with someone who didn’t share the same love for our God. He prays with and for my son and I am so so thankful. I will pray for the same blessings for you. I know that God is so proud of your obedient heart and I’m standing with you through this difficult time.

  48. Angie says:

    I will provide for you. A simply worded promise. A promise without boundaries. A promise all encompassing. A promise divine for eternity. A promise to rest in.

    From the essay, the line, “But greater than any gift from the Father’s hand is the Father Himself. It reminds me of a song I love, “More than Anything.” The verses are perfect…(I hope you will look up the lyrics)…the chorus speaks my heart: “Help me want the healer, more than the healing. Help me want the savior, more than the saving, Help me want the giver, more than the giving. Oh help me want you Jesus, more than anything.”

    I try to listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting. I also recognize my own propensity for certain things…for example, my weakness is books. I love to read, good books that draw me closer to the Savior. When I feel prompted to purchase books, I have to be careful that to try to distinguish…is it me just wanting, or the Spirit saying, “yes, I want this for you.” A couple years ago I felt prompted to buy, Gracelaced, by Ruth Chou Simons. I’ve picked it up over the years and considered reading it…but knowing it wasn’t the time. I’ve considered giving it to someone but felt that wasn’t the purpose either. So I waited. This week I have been drawn to the book like a magnet…a Holy Spirit magnet. This is what I read today:
    “God calls us to lay down our frantic striving and fears to discover what might be in store for us as we wait, trust, weep, ad rest. Jesus’ character-as our refuge, as trustworthy, as sufficient, as ever-present, as wise, as merciful, as in control, and as sovereign Lord-breaks through the harsh cold of the season as He steps in to carry our burdens, reminding us that true rest comes when we rest in Him.”
    I have been working on memorizing Psalm 91. Whenever I read of God as our refuge…I am drawn back to it.
    God is good, all the time. I love Him and I trust Him.
    My test results came back, I am negative. Praise God.
    My husband’s have not. He is very sick…but it still could be a very bad flu.
    Either way, I thank God. How very kind of Him to allow me health to care for my husband, and hopefully finish this school year for the children online. I hope to get my husband’s results today. There was some confusion yesterday. I waited on hold for 2 1/2 hours without any help. My husband fears he will have to be retested. I am praying against that. It would not be good for him (or anyone else) to go out with this fever. Dorothy and others, thank you for your prayers. Churchmouse, God has gifted you with an ability to be concise in words that point to and honor Him, while encouraging His children. It is a gift that you share with us and we thank you,…and our God who gives you the words. May each of our lives be a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God.

  49. Tash says:

    The LORD is my shepherd,
    I lack nothing.

    I lack nothing.
    This really stood out to me today.

  50. Taylor says:

    Wow this devotion came at the perfect time. God was calling me out of a relationship with a man who I loved and respected so dearly, yet we did not share the same faith. God has had on my heart for MONTHS to surrender this relationship and trust that He will provide a man who loves the Lord in His timing. For so long I fought back, trusting in myself rather than in Him. It took so much strength and courage, but yesterday I broke up with him. Ever since early high school, I’ve never really been single for a long period of time. I think God is calling me to singleness for a season to learn how to truly depend on Him and walk in His will, not my own. I really struggle with trusting God as I like to take control of my own life. This is going to be such a hard journey for me, and I know Satan is going to be poking at some very deep wounds. I want to ask you sisters for prayer that God would fill me with His love and peace, that God would break these chains of loneliness and pride and bring me into a season of true surrender, trust, and faithful obedience. I’m so thankful to have an amazing group of friends and family who are supporting me, and I’m thankful for my sisters in Christ at SRT who I know will be encouraging me through prayer <3

    1. Margaret Lindsey says:

      Proud of you, will be praying❤️

    2. Natasha R says:

      Hi Taylor, I am praying for you. I was single for 5 years before I met the man who is now my husband. Those years were spent getting to know myself and getting closer to God. I’m excited for you in this new season in your life!

  51. Lizzie says:

    Hebrews 10:23 ❤️

  52. Heather HH says:

    What a fitting reminder in this time where the headlines speak of food shortages. We are reminded quickly that no matter how food secure we thought our country was this virus is a fight the 21st century hasn’t faced. The verse telling us to be content really stuck out. It’s a great reminder that we weren’t promised this life would be easy but we are promised God will be with us and provide for us.

  53. CurltopAngel says:

    A Hymn Praising God for His Provision — O WORSHIP THE KING (Words by Robert Grant)

    O worship the King, all glorious above,
    And gratefully sing His wonderful love;
    Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days,
    Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise.

    O tell of His might, O sing of His grace,
    Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space!
    His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form,
    And dark is His path on the wings of the storm.

    Thy bountiful care what tongue can recite?
    It breathes in the air, it shines in the light;
    It streams from the hills, it descends to the plain,
    And sweetly distilled in the dew and the rain.

    Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail,
    In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail:
    Thy mercies how tender, how firm to the end;
    Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend!

  54. Holli Brown says:

    Abba, you are enough. All of my strivings fall short, but you are enough. My plans fail, but you are enough. My thoughts wander and worry, but you are enough. You are my great treasure and reward; you are the now of eternal life. You are Peace.

    1. Melanie Johnson says:


  55. Angela Sutherland says:

    Wow! Taking it back to the Garden to show where our relationship with God’s provision was changed…that just shows me that doubt in God’s ability to provide/lead is like the precursor to all sin. I don’t think this means we can’t ask God honest and open questions about situations or decisions, but when we leave Him out of those conversations, the questions become doubts in His ability, His character and His love for us, even if we don’t realize that’s what we are doubting. I need to make sure that I’m honest and open before Him even when I’m struggling to understand how He could provide in a given situation…I don’t want to entertain doubts without God being in on that conversation. The enemy would love to keep me isolated in that mindset and draw me further and further down the path of doubt. God IS who He says He is. He IS faithful, always. His Word IS true and the enemy is a lying snake!
    Thank you, Father for your provision. It’s perfect and your timing is always perfect. And thank you for your patience when doubts creep in. You are such a good, good Father!

    1. Christina Fowlkes says:


  56. Churchmouse says:

    Angie, I just saw your post from yesterday. Praying for a good report for you and your husband re: the virus testing. I know your strong faith will sustain you, regardless of the result. Yet I pray that neither you nor your husband test positive. Prayers and hugs from here.

  57. Churchmouse says:

    Who would have thought that I’d be praying for hand sanitizer and clorox wipes? What once was an occasional purchase has become far more frequent. I chuckle over my priorities now – oh how some have changed. Before you sweet ladies send me links to sanitizer and wipes companies, let me say I have enough. Wants vs. Needs. Luxuries vs. Necessities. Truly, this is the season for better discernment. Not only of cleaning supplies but of all that I pray for. I like to pray BIG and so I take everything before Him. I remind myself that God is not a genie in a bottle however but a good good Father. He provides what is best for me which means some of my prayers will not be answered “yes.” I trust in Him. I may be in a testing time or a wilderness time, yet He will provide. Just like the good good Father that He is. What a blessed daughter I am!

    1. Lynn S says:

      Thank you for this reminder, Churchmouse. ❤️

  58. Blessed Beth says:

    Lehua you and I are on the same page. God wants us to fill our thoughts words and deeds with Him. When we realize we can leave everything at Him feet and be on His word we are better able to be about His work.
    This takes awhile and right now is the perfect time to start, He knows want our best. I tend to misplace things and get disruffled, and something as simple as this can set the tone for the rest of the day. So now I say ‘Lord when you know it is best, even though I think it is now, please show me where it is. And He does! Or shows me a different direction to solve what I think I need.
    Something as simple as this is helping me with the big problems I face, that in His eyes really aren’t, and I give Him permission to remold and use me, especially me thoughts.

  59. Tricia C says:

    This song came to mind this morning:

    Standing on the promises of Christ my King
    Through eternal ages let his praises ring
    Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing
    Standing on the promises of God
    Standing, standing
    Standing on the promises of God my Savior
    Standing, standing
    I’m standing on the promises of God
    Standing on the promises, I cannot fall
    Listening every moment to the Spirit’s call
    Resting in my Savior as my all in all
    Standing on the promises of God
    Standing, standing
    Standing on the promises of Christ my Savior
    Standing, standing
    I’m standing on the promises of God

    Have a blessed day Sisters!

    1. Jane K says:

      Thank you! Hoping this songs runs through my mind and heart all day.

    2. Katie Fleming says:

      I’ve been singing this song in my head for days! I hear it as my church choir used to sing it when I was a little girl, it was so powerful. I’m so glad I was raised in a strong Christian household and I am so excited to share that with my own child ❤️

    3. Allison Bentley says:


    4. Rachael McClellan says:

      This song is in the devotion book for this study. :-)

  60. Keva Richardson says:

    God, Thank you. You provide day-by-day, second-by-second and so this morning I want to thank you for this perfect love.

  61. Beloved says:

    Dear Christina, He sees you. He knows you, He is always with you.

  62. Lehua K. says:

    Thank you God for the blessing of provision. You know what is best for us. You remind us about the things that matter and to let the rest go, to not worry ourselves and to trust in You. When You say to store up for ourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy, I am reminded of Your other teaching to guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.. That we are to study Your Word so that it can be the positive input we use to flush out the negative input and lies that the world loves to feed us. And we do this so that ultimately You can use us for Your glory and to help others come to know You as we do. May I remember to be intentional with feeding my mind and thoughts with the fruits of Your Word, so I can be best equipped to do the work You have graciously called me to do. Amen!

  63. Christina Montes says:

    Lord heavenly father please Restore all the hearts of those who just started to truly walk with you and belive everything you promise it gets so hard and lonely at first❤

  64. S J says:

    Thank you God for giving me what I need