I Will Make You Glorious

Open Your Bible

John 11:17-27, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, 1 Corinthians 15:35-58, Romans 8:12-17, Daniel 12:2-3

The kingdom promise of a glorious resurrection can be a confusing one. It is hard to imagine a world where believers are raised in glory and power—their natural, earthly bodies having been transformed (1Corinthians 15:40, 42–44). The promise of glory stands in contrast to just about everything that we experience on a day-to-day basis here on earth.

The natural bodies that will be transformed in the final resurrection are the same bodies that endure all sorts of affliction here on earth. Similar to God’s promise to make everything new, His promise to make us glorious is the reimagination of biological life itself—a body without pain or hardship (Revelation 21). Inherent in this promise is an acknowledgement of the physical struggles we often experience on earth and a reminder that the pain and fatigue we experience will not last forever. The bodies of believers in this life battle sickness, heartache, and brokenness; in the new heaven and new earth, those things will be no more. Our bodies will “bear the image of the man of heaven” (1Corinthians 15:49), Jesus Christ. We will shine “like the stars” (Daniel 12:3), taking on a measure of beauty beyond what is possible in this age.

Living with this promise in view is an example of what it looks like to experience the already-not-yet nature of God’s kingdom. We have already been given the glory of having the Spirit of God reside within us (Ephesians 1:14), but have not yet experienced the glory of the new bodies we will one day inherit. That day may seem far off, but because of Christ, it is also a guarantee.

(62) Comments

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62 thoughts on "I Will Make You Glorious"

  1. Jen Janssen says:

    What an amazing and glorious reminder that all of this is temporary! That it is preparing us for an incomparable weight of glory. I admit I can get consumed by the troubles, my troubles here, but one day, one glorious day it will be redeemed. And until that day we have the assurance on earth that we are never alone. What an awesome God we serve!

  2. Allison Sherwood says:

    The already-not-yet life on earth is such a balance, but a beautiful opportunity to experience the beauty of God’s creation on earth and the glory of God’s invitation to eternal life with him. What a blessing!

  3. Donna Rowse says:

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful thoughts. ❤️

  4. Grace Sharp says:

    “As we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. “
    How easy it is for me to look around and see so much pain and brokenness and feel so hopeless. I needed this reminder that the unseen is eternal, and Jesus has overcome this world. ❤️

  5. Laurie Crary says:

    Thank you for sharing these thoughts. The Lord bless you.

  6. Laura Smail says:

    I think even more exciting than the promise of a body free from pain and fatigue is the assurance that there will also be no more body image issues and comparison in heaven.

    1. Sandi Wellnitz says:


  7. Taylor says:

    Jesus thank you that these momentary afflictions will not last forever. Thank you that you give us your Holy Spirit to be WITH us in our suffering, and that You are preparing a place for us in Heaven to spend eternity with you. I pray for those who are experiencing physical sickness and suffering, specifically for Angie’s husband and for her to protect her from illness. I pray for those that don’t yet know you, my ex boyfriend and Mario, that they would come to know and love you as their Lord and Savior. Thank you that even though the idea of eternity can cause fear and trembling in some of us that You are God and we are not. We are not meant to know everything; however, I pray that those feelings cause us to continue to seek You and lean into You even though we don’t understand everything. I pray over each of my sisters at SRT today that we would shine brightly for you in our interactions with others, for our labor in You is not in vain <3 Amen

  8. Susan Crosby says:

    The last sentence of the devotional says that the day of receiving our glorious bodies may seem far off but it’s a guarantee…I feel as though in the last couple of months with all that’s going on that day for believers doesn’t seem far off at all. Soon and very soon we are going to see the King❤️

  9. Diana Fleenor says:

    JESSIE PIPP, I love your honest about your anxiety when pondering heaven. I wonder if it would be helpful to you (& to others) to consider the responses of Isaiah (Isaiah 6), Daniel (Daniel 10) and John (Revelation 1) when they encountered the visions of heaven and the throne room. Each of them expressed by words and body being overwhelmed in these visions. What’s comforting to me is that the Lord strengthened them to stand up and take it in through his power and means of grace! Realizing this helps me to trust that though I might even faint at the sight, it is the Lord who will lift me up! Hope that’s an encouragement to you.

  10. Renee Harvey says:

    Your words are absolutely beautiful. Thank you!

  11. Erricka Hager says:

    My struggles are temporary and I find complete hope in that truth. It helps me each day to continue to persevere. I’m an overcomer because I have a savior.

    1. Katie Howard-Browne says:


  12. Jessie Pipp says:

    To be honest, I struggle with severe anxiety anytime I dwell on Heaven or eternity for too long. I have to change subjects or think of something else. It’s always been like that for me, ever since I was little. I think it’s partially because my human, finite brain cannot comprehend that which is infinite. Eternity is FOREVER. Never ending. I don’t know why, but that terrifies me. I hate that I struggle with that, because I KNOW our home is in Heaven, that we are not meant for this world and that it is so much more glorious than I could ever imagine. But it’s so easy to get stuck in the here and now, the tangible things of earth. To want those things to last forever. I have a long ways to go but this devotional was a good reminder of what is waiting for me.

    1. Cassandra King says:

      I have been a believer for most of my life, and I’m 42. I’ve been reading the Bible since I have memory of pictures in a children’s Bible. However, I am the same as you!! I get some overwhelmed with trying to think about eternity I have to shit down. You nailed it! We are trying to think of something infinite with our finite minds. I get anxious as well, but then I’ve learned to release it and just say, “I can’t think about this, Lord, because it’s a little scary and overwhelming. I’m trusting you.” Then I just stop thinking about it. You are NOT alone!

    2. Lisa Hermansson says:

      Jessie, you are not alone in these thought. I don’t think about it, I focus on today, this day that has been given to me. Today I live here, on earth, with its struggles and it’s joys. Thinking about forever, death, heaven – that brings me anxiety.

      You are not alone <3

    3. Katie Howard-Browne says:

      I totally relate to you- I get so much anxiety around death and also thinking about eternity. I don’t know if it will help you at all, but I started reading the book HEAVEN by Randy Alcon and it has really changed what I used to think about heaven and has gotten me more excited for it :)

  13. Jenna says:

    Lately, I have been listening to the song “Light & Momentary” by the group For All Seasons on repeat. The song is based on today’s passage from 2 Corinthians 4:17-18. It has been an encouragement to me so I thought I’d share!

  14. Jenny Lucas says:

    It’s hard to think about what it will be like when everyone is raised from the dead and we have eternal life. Especially thinking about a life without sickness, sadness, heartache, brokenness, sin, etc. since it’s what we’ve gotten accustomed too. But, I needed this reminder today that He will make us glorious and will raise us up to be with Him. I know I’m not perfect and make so many mistakes, but if I just remember my relationship with Him and the “end goal,” then that will help me through anything.

  15. Ashley White says:


  16. Pam Williams says:

    Angie, praying for your dear husband and for you to get and stay healthy

  17. Pam Williams says:

    Thank you Churchmouse. I frankly despise that John Lennon song, but love the truth of ” I can only imagine”.

  18. Mari V says:

    I am so thankful for that guarantee of all of us one day being united with Christ. Pain will not last forever. Our struggles and heartaches will be no more. I long for that day. I believe it because it is HIS promise for you and I.

  19. DOROTHY says:

    Heidi, I love what you said about loss and honoring people and allowing the sting of loss. I so agree. I have lost a son at a young age — 18 years old — and a niece who was like a daughter to me also at a young age — almost 35 years old — tragically. I turned to God and Christ each time and mourned with them at my side. I was able to make it through both because of that but I know that they mourned with me.
    Nancy Singleton you are so right and sometimes that is the best thing to do.

  20. DOROTHY says:

    Paula Kline, just keep reading your Bible and these devotionals and the comments. Also pick up and read some of the books recommended. Just don’t give up. It takes time. You won’t learn everything you need to know in one or two years. My father told me once you can never stop learning about God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Now you don’t have to agree with what everyone says but be open and listen. Two of my favorite Christian authors are Joyce Meyers and Beth Moore because they have both struggled in their lives and with their faith. Hope this helps.

  21. DOROTHY says:

    As I read many of these verses it just reaffirmed my beliefs that I will be meeting my niece, my son, my parents and many other of my loved ones in Heaven when I die. The verses from 1 Corinthians are the ones that struck me the most, I guess because I don’t remember hearing them before but WOW they pack a punch about death and your soul. The last paragraph of the devotion just hit home with me. This is a devotion I needed because something about the last several days, I have been down and missing my niece and my son. I may be printing this devotion off so I can be referring back to it to help me through the coming weeks as I prepare to move. God seems to know when we need something. God is good all the time, all the time God is good.

  22. Mel says:

    Praying and declaring healing for your husband, Angie. ❤️
    May God’s protection and strength be upon you and your husband and all the home treatment is going well.
    Thank you to all sisters for sharing today.

  23. Terri says:

    Prayer for Angie’s husband. Heavenly Father thank you for completely healing him. I thank you that the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is in him. Let him be healed quickly with no residual effects. Lord let your peace, comfort and strength be upon them. Somehow Lord I even dare to ask that the joy of the Lord be their strength. A happy heart does well like a medicine.

  24. Traci Gendron says:

    I remember my son telling me back when is was in kindergarten, that when he dies he will no longer be sick. That God will give him a new heavenly body. The comfort of that was huge then and still today. We hold do tightly into this world forgetting what is yet to come. Thank Lord for the promises you are showing us. I feel like Churchmouse, will I dance? Will I fall to my knees in awe? I can only imagine.

  25. Liz A says:

    Reading about the promise of eternity is good for my soul right now. This virus has caused a lot of us to be alone with our thoughts. I truly feel he is using this time to reach the hearts of those searching for Him. My friend Mario is so close. Please, pray that he takes the next step of allowing God to transform his life and to find a church home where people can mentor him.

  26. Diana Fleenor says:

    HEIDI, I had a similar notation of the ‘not yet’ of the victory over the sting of death as you described. I’m don’t think I’ve seen this ‘then’ marking of victory over the sting of death as clearly as I did today.

    ANGIE, I pray for the Lord to continue to heal your husband and to protect you. I am so encouraged by your hopeful and courageous heart that I imagine you would attribute to the Lord. I will do that with you, thanking him for being the one to uplift our hearts and souls in these overwhelming times.

    CHURCHMOUSE, I recent read John Piper’s book “The Coronavirus and Christ” and in it he referenced John Lennon’s song, “Imagine” much in the same way you did, turning his thoughts and the minds of his readers to this very promise of a glorious eternal heaven and earth. Lots of good truths in the book, recommend it highly.

    In reading the passage in Daniel, I’m reminded of the call to be “those who are wise [to] shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” Many need this turning. Many who call themselves Christians but hold to a prosperity gospel belief. Without understanding that suffering is part of God’s plan to refine and purify the church, being prepared to suffer isn’t on their radar. I continue to pray to be one who lovingly, yet boldly, points others to the whole counsel of the word of God in order to embrace both the promises and the warnings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May together we be lights into the darkness!

  27. Liz A says:

    Reading about the promise of eternity a

  28. Churchmouse says:

    Angie, adding my prayers for your husband’s recovery and for your protection. Grateful you have medical professionals in your family to advise you. That’s a blessing. The Great Physician is always in, makes house calls, and has superior knowledge and the greatest of compassion. You and your husband are entrusted to His care. You two are in the best of hands.

  29. Lisa Z says:

    I cry most days reading SRT and all the comments. I am just in awe and humbled by the power of His love. By His grace which calls me daughter, by His Word which reminds me today that I am to inherit His glory. What a good, good Father!
    I love the Lazarus story and the encounters with Martha and Mary. They were such intimate friends! Jesus as friend really shone through to me today, a friend that shares everything. A friend that gives His best always. A friend that raises from the dead. A friend that laughs and cries with you. A friend that joins me for wine and song and celebration. A friend on whose shoulder we may cry. A friend who is my brother. A friend who carries me when I fall. Thank you Lord!
    How amazing is His love. How blessed we are to be His!
    Thank you SRT sisters for walking this journey with me! You, too, are amazing!!

  30. Jill K says:

    Angie, Your words blessed my heart. What a beautiful story about your mother-in-law! I will pray for you and your husband. Remembering Jesus words “in this world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world”

  31. Alexis says:

    Praying protection from the virus for you Angie, and swift healing for your husband. Our God Reigns!

  32. Dyan Yoder says:

    “As we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,”

    What peace washed over me as I read and reread this passage this morning.
    Thanks be to God!

  33. NanaK says:

    AMEN! Chuchmouse. Angie, I am praying for the LORD to lay His healing hand upon your husband, to grant wisdom to all who are caring for him , and to surround you with His protective arms so you don’t get it too!

  34. Gina says:

    Will be praying for your husband and strength for you.

    What a beautiful story of your mother in law. My dad still sings that song! It was my grandma’s favorite.

  35. Angie says:

    I am blessed every day as a teacher. Every year the little ones come into my classroom. We live, love, and grow, together. They are not the same when the year is complete. I am not the same when the year is complete. This year’s class was delightful. The thing my kiddos taught me most this year was to take time to laugh. To relax in the joy.
    I shared last year that when my mother-in-law was dying twice she had heavenly experiences. She was at the point of her ability to talk being minimal at best. She sat up, staring other worldly and said, “It’s so beautiful. How can it be so beautiful.” And then laid back down. Another time she sat up, eyes open and sang, “How beautiful Heaven must be,” an old Jimmy Swaggart song. I was beside her and she looked at me and waved her hand to join her in singing…but I didn’t know the song – then.
    I love these verses of truth that speak of our changed state. No matter how easy or difficult today, tomorrow may be…we are promised absolutely incomparable eternal weight of glory. We are promised that these bodies of dust will become bodies like our Man of heaven. Our corrupt will become incorruptible. Death not will be but, has been swallowed up in victory! God gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
    “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the Lord’s work, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Cor. 15:58 The Spirit joins our spirit in testimony that we are God’s heirs, co-heirs with Jesus!
    The Daniel versers are so clear. Verse 2 – their are two choices: disgrace w/eternal contempt OR grace w/ eternal life.
    and verse 3 is your verse…each of you ladies – “Those who have insight will shine like the bright expanse of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” Our insight is given from the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. Shine! Shine brightly for your labor in the Lord is not in vain!

    My husband’s results came back and he is positive for Covid. Praise God for our nurse practitioner daughter-in-law, my sister who is an RN at a Kentucky hospital, and my friend whose daughter works in Washington D.C. in the Covid area of the hospital. They have advised at the present time, since he can breathe, not to go to the hospital yet. I am doing all the things they are telling me for him. Last night something may have improved with his fever – it was a different night. We are praying so. His headache has lessened as well. Praise God. Now he seems a normal-kind of sick. There are so many things where the Lord went ahead and prepared us, provided for us; because nothing surprises Him. Your continued prayers are appreciated. I believe fully that is why he is doing better. If I do not get it, it will be because of the protection provided from my Father. If I do, I pray to use it for His good, to honor and glorify God. May the Lord’s will be done. I am a child of the King.

    1. Melissa Graves says:

      I’m praying for you all as well. Thank you for sharing ❤️

    2. Mari V says:

      Praying for you and your husband Angie!

    3. Jen Brewer says:

      Been praying and will be ❤️

    4. Brenda Davenport says:

      Will be praying!

  36. Laura says:

    When I was going through a very dark time almost 4 years ago, the promise of life NOT on this Earth kept me going. I held onto it – thanking Jesus that THIS was not my home! I must admit, though, that now when things are going well and I don’t feel in a pit, I lose that feeling a bit. I don’t want to go through continual suffering to feel that anticipation – I need to thank God for the “now” and praise Him for the “not yet.” May I always remember the closeness that I felt when God walked through the fire with me, and look forward to that closeness with Him for eternity!

  37. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “For the trumpet shall sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” (1 Corinthians 15:52)Oh how I long for this body to be changed! To wake up with out pain, to be able to go for a walk without pain, to lift my head with out pain! I can’t wait for this body to put on in-corruption. I am so thankful for scripture that gives us a reason to hope…”For our light and momentary troubles are achieving us an eternal glory that far out weighs them all.” (2 Corinthians 4:17) I may have pain on this earth, but compared to the glories of all eternity, they are but a moment, and with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives within me, I can keep going – one foot in front of the other – one step at a time, giving praise and thanks to my gracious, heavenly Father along the way.

  38. Lizzie says:

    2 Corinthians 4:17, the worries of here do not compare to the glory of there, Psalm 23:6! His love, His joy, His strength, His holiness, is ours. We praise you Lord!!!

    1. Amy Spradling says:

      Love this summation! Thank you Jesus for your wonderful grace to us!

  39. DianM says:

    I believe, I can imagine…at one point I would have NEVER believed there would be a world wide virus stealing the lives and livilyhood of so many. It seems like a plot in a movie, not real life. Yet it is…I can believe in the Kingdom. I can believe in spiritual bodies and I am excited!

  40. Heidi says:

    The idea of death losing all power and all effect is, honestly, seemingly unbelievable and gives me such hope… However I also think it would help our impact greatly if as believers comforting those in pain of loss to remember that today, in this present time and age, death DOES have a sting. Death DOES have the victory. Praise God it’s a temporary victory… but scripture is clear- “ When this corruptible body is clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body is clothed with immortality, THEN the saying that is written WILL TAKE PLACE…” So often and too often we jump to making those statements now, hoping to encourage one another through loss, but in reality we need to honor loss and allow those hurting to feel that sting. Ignoring it or “scriptur-ing” it away is disrespectful and damaging to the human person going through a human loss. We can simultaneously, through Christ, have HOPE in the midst of our pain and loss, but let’s not deny one another the permission to feel and process that loss.
    So grateful for a God who weeps with us, sympathizes with us, and stays with us. And so grateful the pain of this world will eventually come to an end.

    1. Nancy Singleton says:

      Very true. We can walk alongside the grieving, often without saying a word.

    2. Jen Brewer says:

      Well said, Heidi.❤️

  41. Terri says:

    Churchmouse. I love it! I feel we are receiving so much propaganda from the media and TV. No matter what they say. We are not going throughout this together! We are going through this at the same time with God in us, beside us and for us.

  42. Daughterofa King says:

    Sometimes when I read about eternity my chest wants to explode… it’s such a glorious mystery. I just can’t fathom something so wonderful… I don’t know how to even wrap my brain around it. I don’t think we’re suppose to. I love the image of knowing Jesus is preparing it. I understand more now in life about seeking first the Kingdom. If I put on that lense of laboring for Him, serving others, humbling myself, confession, loving selflessly, forgiving others… enduring this world will be met by a glorious unfathomable eternity with God…..that’s seeking the Kingdom.

  43. Holli Brown says:

    From Romans 8:12-13: but if by the Spirit, I die to the deeds of the body, I will live! In this current, eternal life, I am dying to self so that I might live abundantly here on earth. One day, I’ll live gloriously with Him! Such hope and promise for these momentary, light afflictions that honestly don’t “feel” so momentary or light. Jesus, thank you for your promises!

  44. Lindsay Graham says:

    The older I get the more unfathomable eternity is. My earthly mind can’t begin to comprehend the new heaven and new earth, our new bodies, and awakening in glory. But this is faith, that I lean on the Spirit to help me understand that which is beyond me. I follow Christ’s example of a how to live a life of love on earth. And I worship the magnificent Creator Father God. This world is not my home, even when it is the tangible one I am experiencing. Knowing that we have a promise of glory changes everything.

  45. Churchmouse says:

    John Lennon wrote “Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us. Above us only sky.” Balderdash! Not listening to him. Scripture has much to say about the kingdom of God here on earth and yet to come. Scripture assured us we will serve a resurrected Savior with resurrected bodies on a resurrected earth. My imagination may be limited but I know TRUTH. Sorry, John but I am singing this: “Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel? Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of You be still? Will I stand in Your presence or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing hallelujah or be able to speak at all? I can only imagine. I can only imagine!”

    1. K D says:


    2. Andrea P says:


  46. Paula Kline says:

    The eternal weight of glory. The bodily resurrection. The new heavens and new Earth. It’s enormous. I sincerely struggle to even generate a glimpse that isn’t a cartoon vision from my childhood Bible. How is this possible? I feel like Nicodemus “How can a grown man be born again?” All of the practical limits I’ve accepted as givens loosening at the hinges, causing both awe and fear. Life is so much more than I thought, isn’t it? Jesus help me to understand, or at least understand enough to be transformed. Maybe this is the point, I AM transformed by the humility that comes from realizing I am so very far from grasping so very much about this life and the next.

    1. Christina Fowlkes says:

      I definitely share your feelings of awe and fear. Sitting and trying to grasp eternity feels impossible and of course there’s the fear of the own known, the natural resistance to change.. but we are so blessed to know that what God has in store for us greater than anything we can imagine or think. It will be completely new and it will last forever and ever.

  47. S J says:

    Let us live to be able to Rise with Him In heavenly bodies