The best stories end with good triumphing over evil, the hero saving the day, and peace being restored to the land. But the story we are living will have a greater ending still. God promises to make all things new and to bring goodness from every broken and twisted thing. How this will happen is largely a mystery. In the midst of this world breaking and twisting around us, the heartache and sorrow we experience doesn’t seem to contain even a spark of goodness to be fanned into flame. So this, of all God’s promises, may require the greatest amount of faith.
The Bible does give us a glimpse into the final outcome: a world where God dwells with His people and “grief, crying, and pain will be no more” (Revelation 21:3–4). That God could take the murder and theft and lies of this world and transform it all into a place that feels like heaven is beyond our ability to comprehend. And yet, we see it in the cross. The most broken and twisted thing imaginable—the murder of the Son of God—became the greatest good thing the world has ever known.
Through the cross, God has made a way for His goodness to permeate our world and overtake the curse we all live under. Every pain and hardship we suffer is being worked “together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Though we cannot fathom how it will be done, we can trust that it will be, because we can trust the One who has made this promise. All of the promises of God found in His Word are as certain as He is good. He is the reason for our hope, and the hope of the Lord does not disappoint (Romans 5:5).
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58 thoughts on "I Will Bring Goodness from Every Broken and Twisted Thing"
Thank you for sharing, praying for you and your friend’s family!
I needed these amazing words of encouragement from our Lord. Today, I was informed one of my dear friends had passed away. She was very young and had an abundant life. She was the kindest person you would know and her smile and laugh were infectious. All day, I questioned why she was called home so early. I was in shock and disbelief. I felt extremely sad. Tonight’s reading gave me hope that she is living a new life in an environment we can only dream of right now – in heaven with our savior. How beautiful! He promises us a place there and surely, turns all broken things to good. Although my heart still aches in this loss, I have joy in knowing I will see her again in that heavenly place!
I needed these amazing words of encouragement from our Lord. Today, a dear
I am reading this much later. I prayed for you today Lindsey Ellingwood and for your son. ❤️
Wow!! God knew I needed these scriptures right now as I am currently going through something. I’m always in shock when he shows up in this type of way
What a HOPE of glory we have an eternity with Him where there will be no more tears. That’s a future I am looking forward to. Thank you Jesus for paying the price for me to know You.
Truthfully, I have not even done today’s Word yet, but just the title makes may heart sing…”There is another in the fire!”
Psalm 31 was such a sweet picture to me about how my adversities do not define me and that God will NOT turn me over to the enemy when I am in His hands. He is so good, y’all.
1 Corinthians 2:10-12
I was struck by God’s deep desire for us to know Him. He longs for us to draw near to Him and know Him. He does not want to remain a mystery. He gives us His Spirit so that we might understand His thoughts and deep secrets. ❤️
As i read this, I looked back over the hard, broken, and pain filled places in my life and got a tiny glimpse of how those things have been woven into things that are good, for God’s good and glory, in my life. I can only imagine what it will be like in Heaven when we have the full picture.
Sometimes for me it is so overwhelming that we have this promise to look forward to. But when I look back i see his faithfulness throughout my life, Thank you Lord, for your faithfulness in the past, and your faithfulness to me in the future.
Praise God! I am comforted knowing the God goes before me and prepares my future. That takes a huge burden off of my shoulders ❤️
Psalm 31:7-8 really stood out to me when reading today—“I will be glad and rejoice in Your love, for You saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul. You have not handed me over to the enemy but have set my feet in a spacious place.” This is the second time the phrase “spacious place” has come up in my reading today, and I realized that in the broken friendship I have been wrestling with, the Lord has provided me a spacious place. I would not have asked for it on my own, but if not for this spacious place, I likely would have never addressed the hurt, anger, and fear that had overtaken my heart. In this spacious place, I am finally learning to embrace vulnerability. I needed this spacious place; the Lord saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul, even when I did not. Thank You, Lord, for knowing our deepest needs and for bringing goodness from every broken thing.
a God like that would give us HIS OWN THOUGHTS to comprehend!!
I have been following SRT for months now, reading the scriptures with you, pondering the essays, and praying for you all from my home in Colorado. This is my first request for prayer to my beloved SRT sisters in faith. My sister is going through a terrible time in her life. She will be turning 51 soon and has hit rock bottom. She and her fiance have broken up and gotten back together repeatedly over the past three years. She is not working and has not worked in about 18 months, due to hormonal issues and the stress of menopause. I am going through the same physical issues but I have a wonderfully supportive husband and good doctors to advise me. My sisster is nearly destitute. She is wanting to come and stay with us (from Virginia) for a week or two to get away from the stressful relationship. My husband has a severe heart condition and I am worried about the stress this will create for him as we begin to meet with the vascular surgeon and his team of specialists to discuss treatment options. I have prayed for my sister to turn to God and to make better decisions. I’m concerned that she will expect us to take on financial responsibility for her as we have a history of bailing her out. All of this sounds so negative and for that I’m sorry. Friday’s reading has pushed me to write to you all for prayers. God bless you dear sisters in faith. You have become my support network and I find peace in following your love and heartfelt comments. Love to you all.
Praying for you and your family. May God’s grace be evident in this difficult season… He will provide the right amount of grace at the right time, even in situations that seem too messy and complex.
19 How great is your goodness
that you have stored up for those who fear you
and accomplished in the sight of everyone
for those who take refuge in you. -Psalm 31
I just read a bunch of these verses yesterday!! So cool when God keeps teaching you things!
We are filled with His Spirit and what no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind can comprehend what He has prepared for us, He will work it all for the good of those who love Him, for the good of His children. We will be victorious, more than conquerors, through Him, we are His sons, heirs, brothers and sisters in this family, as we anticipate perfection and a greater fulfillment to come!
I love this Psalm because like many of the psalms, it is filled with God’s promises that those who seek our Father, relying on Him and the beauty of praising God does wonders in our lives. We can still trust that God’s plan is being worked out and that His plan is good.
Amen…powerful.. Lord I need You
Thank you, JESUS!!!!!!!
I am grateful for what has been giving freely to us from God. Trying to look to our hope for the future as our nation mourns and goes through these trying times. Continue to give thanks that God is our hope through it all.
This is such an important promise from God. Whenever I wonder why God lets bad things happen in this world, I think back to this promise. God will bring good out of our difficult times. I know we are all clinging to this promise, especially during our current season. I know I can look back and see the amazing things he brought out of challenging seasons. As I look forward, I believe he will continue to bring good out of our challenging times.
I love how She Reads Truth circles back to the Cross every time. I’m so broken and worn out from the drudgery of work. I want to glorify God in it but it’s so hard. Sometimes when I seem to focus too much on myself, I look back at the Cross.
These passages are my hope and anchor. I lost my father last month, the most godly man I know was called home to Heaven. My peace is in His Promise- that He defeated the grave and death itself and has prepared a place for us.. a place with no more tears, sorrow and pain, where our Lord and Saviour is seated on the Throne. I may not feel or quite yet see the good out of this, but Faith goes beyond feelings and sight. Today’s reading was very timely for me.
Praying for you and your family Lindsay Ellingwood. That you feel His Everlasting Arms holding you and see His love poured out on you all. He will be your peace and strength and provide for all your needs. Know you are loved immensely.
Thank you Maura.
Read today’s reading a little later than normal. So loving this study of God’s promises and the scripture. So strengthening is the Word. Praising God for His redeeming sacrificial love that takes this broken and twisted life and provides for it, freed it from sin, and is transforming it. And heard the song Fight my Battles by Bethel Worship to know that when it looks like I’m surrounded, I’m surrounded by You my loving Jesus and that is how I fight my battles by the depths of You. Hugs Sisters.
Thank you Father God!
This promise has been my stomping ground for nine and a half months. My battle cry.
In the middle of our VBS week last summer (2019) where we were saturated in the truth that God is good…my husband, Daddy to our 6 year old son, associate minister at our church..very suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. The brokenness and twisted season that we walked through and are still walking through has had some moments that seem impossible. But I know that God has been good, God is good, and God will use all things for his glory and goodness. I want to run towards God with all that I go through, with all that is within me, with all of my beauty and all of my brokenness. I want to trust that he is bringing good from it. I want to be used by Him. I want to share our blessings through bereavement. I want our son to know that God is good.
Thank you for today’s scriptures and devotion. ❤️
Thank you for your beautiful witness Lindsey. You are a shining light for Jesus.
Angie I am continuing to pray for you and your husband.
Revelation 21:4 gives me comfort and confidence for my future. Psalm 31:15 gives me comfort and confidence in my present. This comfort and confidence is predicated on the character of God, that He is, at all times, good. This world is filled with trials and tribulations. Heaven is unimaginable in its scope and wonder. Both can produce anxiety for those of us who like order and predictability and the known. Ahhh but that is where faith comes in – faith that God is good and God is loving and, above all else, that God is true to His Word. He keeps His promises, every one. He is the One in Whom lies all comfort and confidence. My present and future is secure. I am, and will be, ok.
Wooh Amen!
I lost my biological mom at 5 and my stepmother at 19, both very tragically. I miscarried our second baby in February. But God has brought goodness from these broken and twisted circumstances. I don’t know if I wouldn’t have met my husband or lived the life I have if I hadn’t went through losing my mom and stepmom. I experienced God’s divine provision and goodness in new ways after losing our baby . In the moment I couldn’t understand Romans 8:28-29, I questioned it even. But today I can see God how God wove himself into each of these circumstances and the decisions I have made in my life since then. While the reality of loss and grief is so excruciating, I KNOW God will be in it. Every time.
I love this, Rebekah. Great perspective.
Praying for you Angie!
The broken and twisted things of this world are being used by God to (Rom.8:28-29) work together for the good of those who love God…to be conformed to the image of His Son. When those broken and twisted things come to mind – as they often do – think of them as instruments/tools in God’s hands to make us more like His Son. Instead of dwelling on the pain and loss, consider how God is changing us to reflect Jesus. Then praise and thanksgiving can come from a truly grateful heart.
Joni Eareckson Tada often quotes, “God will permit what He hates to accomplish what He loves – Christ’s image in me.”
If you were to ask me what is the worst thing that has happened to you, I would say it is my parents’ divorce when I was 4 years old in 1965. If you were to ask me what is the best thing that has happened to you, I would say my parents’ divorce. You see when I was 9 years old I heard I had a Heavenly Father who loved me and would never leave me. I grabbed onto that with both hands and have never let go. God uses every single broken and twisted thing for my good. He is a good, good Father!
So powerful!! Thank you for sharing!❤️
I say the same thing about my own divorce. As a single mom of a 3yr old and a 5 yr old, I
Asked God the be “head of our household”. He has done amazing things and brought for 2 wonderful Jesus loving adults. It wasn’t an easy road, but He should himself faithful
And a lovely provider in the most amazing ways in the scariest times. I wouldnt trade a minute of it, and it’s almost shocking to hear myself say that at this point (27 years later!)
I have been going through some incredibly difficult times lately – it just seems like one thing after another is going wrong and I am trying to be strong in my faith and accept that this is meant to teach me and bring me closer to God, so today’s readings were good reminders of that
My computer was not loading SRT this morning. When it finally did, the first thing I saw was Dorothy’s line,
“He is the reason for our hope, and the hope of the Lord does not disappoint (Romans 5:5).
I had been trying not to but, crying. I had just received an email from our principal as to the ways our staff is going to make saying goodbye to our students special, and I will not get to be a part of them. I was crying for what my students and I would miss, but…God in His always loving, always caring way sent comfort from His word for He is our reason for hope and He does not disappoint. I know my students know I love them. I know they feel valued and respected. Today I will tell them about our situation. I may not be able to respond as quickly, as encouragingly, or as helpfully as they and their parents are used to. The principal will tell our staff as well because there are things in my classroom that need done that I cannot do. What I can and need to do is finish report cards, make lesson plans for the next two weeks, and do student data sheets.
I am having trouble being and doing all things presently.
Thank you for your many prayers for my husband and myself. I KNOW, I CLAIM, it is TRUTH that is the reason he is doing better. His fever maintains, even with acetaminophen…but yesterday his eyes were open and that is good. I am still fever free, just very tired. I am praising God for the rain today as it means I cannot mow or do anything maintenance wise outside. The health department called yesterday. When he is fever free for 72 hours…then he waits 10 more days to be released. As his caregiver…I am quarantined now, as well as 14 days after he is released. (I will have time to rest.) One step at a time. Thank you Lord, for You’ve got this…and me. I love you Lord. Thank you.
I very much appreciate your prayers but, I LOVE reading the posts of your growth in Him and your glorifying and praising Him the most. That is the very best shalom. I trust the prayer, but am revived as I soak in the praise for our Lord. Thank you sisters. God is good, all the time.
Angie, WE are praying for you!
Sorry I hit send before I corrected. So on this sentence “We may not loke what His reason or why but He has a reason.” it should be like not loke.
“He is the reason for our hope, and the hope of the Lord does not disappoint (Romans 5:5).” This sentence says it all I believe. Therer have been many times in my life, and I’m sure in your’s also, I have felt the Lord has disappointed me but I look back or will look back and see the good and hope and love that has come from what occurred. My father would always tell me, “God has a reason for everything. We may not loke what His reason or why but He has a reason. We may not know His reason until we get to Heaven ourselves either. But God has a reason, so have faith.” My faith is what it is now do in great part because of my father. The hope God gives us is so great that sometimes we overlook it or we don’t want to see it.
Psalms31:3-8 really spoke to me this morning and I offered it up as my prayer too. Have a Blessed weekend dear sisters.
I’m glad today’s reading included Psalm 31. I recall the many times this particular psalm gave me expression to my own pain. I’m so very grateful for psalms like this which have encouraged and taught me how to cry out to the Lord who is my refuge, a strong fortress to save me!
Though the Lord has already brought much healing to the deep wounds of becoming “a reproach, especially to my neighbors, and an object of dread to my acquaintances” as well as ”forgotten like one who is dead,” there is a shadow of grief as the scars are touched today. However, like the psalmist, I can say, “Blessed be the Lord for he has wondrously shown his steadfast love to me when I was in a besieged city. I had said in my alarm, ‘I am cut off from your sight.’ But you heard the voice of my pleas for mercy when I cried to you for help.”
And to be reminded that one day all this pain and mourning and twisted brokenness will be completed healed and redeemed, wiped away, is a song of great and everlasting hope!
When I carry my burdens of grief to Jesus and ask how can I bear it, I am often met with a vision of the cross. No matter what I experience, pain, loss, hurt, a lack of friends, it pales when I am confronted with the cross. Even when I feel I don’t deserve what I am dealt, I find myself, again, staring at the cross.
It’s a hard image to look at, but the more I look, the more beautiful it becomes. Somehow the most twisted form becomes the most glorious.
I find another curiosity from looking at the cross, I begin to look at the hideous things of this world in a different light. As my perception of Christ changes, so does creation, from the gross little worms crawling around in their own filth to the homeless people. They are all good because created them to be.
A fallen perspective puts things out of order and ranks some things as worthless, what God says is good, we have deemed gross.
When my perspective is processed through the cross, instead of gross, my eyes are slowly opened to glorious, good, and perfect.
Yes, we still deal with fallen humanity, as in the now, but not yet, but through the eyes of Jesus, even the most hardened person becomes a glimmer of the God who created them.
Oh I love this Rebekah. Thank you for sharing. I am going to look at the cross differently for now on.
That’s so good and true! Thank you for sharing.