His Garments

Open Your Bible

Psalm 22:18, John 19:23-27

Text: Psalm 22:18, John 19:23-27

I rarely find myself at the movies these days, but I was invited by some friends to go and see the new, updated Cinderella movie and loved it. It was fun to see all the little girls at the theater, dressed up in their beautiful blue gowns, dreaming of what it would be like to live the fairy tale. The scenery in the movie was beautiful, the costumes were stunning, and the story vividly illustrated the power of kindness, love, courage, and forgiveness.

Most of us don’t live a fairy tale of ball gowns and glass slippers, but the broader storyline is one we can relate to. Our real life exposes the juxtaposition of cruelty and kindness, harshness and compassion, hate and love, good and evil.

I can’t image the depth of emotion Jesus’ mother must have experienced, seeing her son— the Son of God—hanging in the balance of life and death. She watched as the four Roman soldiers mocked Jesus and divided up His outer garments, the seamless tunic she may have made with her own hands being raffled off. Death is hard enough to look upon, but to witness such horrible torture, mockery, betrayal, and hate is difficult to stomach or even imagine. Yet, in those moments of extreme suffering, Jesus models once again the power of love, forgiveness, and grace.

The soldiers concerned themselves with things that don’t last—His garments—missing the immense display of love happening right in front of them. While they cast lots for His belongings, Jesus spoke to His dear mother for the last time. He saw her grief, and before His last breath, He transferred her care to His beloved disciple and friend, John. Jesus’ love for His mother stood in contrast to the mockery of those who hated Him—a reminder that we are known, seen and loved by God, even in the most painful and humiliating of circumstances.

We tend to value material things in this life, things that threaten to bring out the worst in us. Like those Roman soldiers, we trust what is temporal, covering ourselves with false garments—pride, fear, even hatred—that harden and betray our hearts. These worldly concerns distract us from looking up to see the Father’s great display of love for us.

Sisters, let us cast away our false garments and put on His garments of grace, compassion, and love available to us through Christ’s work on the Cross. Only in Him will we find eternal peace, hope and joy.




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91 thoughts on "His Garments"

  1. I have 3 children; 1 son & 2 daughters. I love my son so much. I went through a very difficult time with him & after he was born. I could not image having to stand by & watch as he is being brutalized for the sin of the world. The strength God infused Mary with is beyond my imagination smh the peace that surpasses all understanding… I love my girls too. Each one bringing on a new set of challenges. It’s something about a mother’s relationship with her first born & especially when it’s a son. I only pray that I can have half the courage, trust, & peace Mary had. I thank her for obeying God so that we might be saved as well!

  2. Bonnie says:

    I have always been fascinated with “the disciple Jesus loved.” Why did He love him especially? Why didn’t they just use his name? And today I see that it is in the book of John, and the beloved disciple is John. Was John just being humble by not naming himself? How often I sing ‘Jesus loves me’ and feel so good about myself because He loves me so. Maybe I would do well to be a little more humble in my thinking.

  3. Vanessa says:

    I think often of the relationship between Mary and Jesus, simply because of the love I have for my own sons. I can not imagine the emotions that she had move through her on that day! So thankful that His love for us reaches even far beyond her love for him. Happy Easter!

  4. Mrs. Daniels says:

    I needed this today. Thanking God for highlighting areas where I am wearing false clothing and rejoicing that He models and enables the better way.

  5. MNmomma (heather) says:

    SRT sisters…..asking for prayers for my dear friend who lost her mom last night. The last few months have been a dramatic struggle, filled with a lot of pain and difficult times for the family…..thank you sisters for lifting up my sweet friend and her family….

    1. Angie says:

      Praying for your friend

    2. I’m prying for peace and comfort for her. “May the God of peace fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” Romans 15:13

    3. tina says:

      Heather, lifting up your friend in prayer…May the Lord God wrap His ever loving arms around her and her family…giving them the peace that so surpasses ALL understanding..I also pray that your friend, know that God is walking through this season with her, though some days it may not feel so…
      Big hug to you Heather…xx

    4. Crystal says:

      Heather, your friend is not alone. Lifting her up in prayer.

    5. Cindy T. says:

      Heather, Praying for your friend. Terribly sorry for her loss.

  6. Jeanne says:

    Yes, Lord help me to cast away my false garments and put on His garments of grace, compassion, and love available to us through Christ’s work on the Cross!

  7. Bethany says:

    I can’t imagine Mary’s feelings at this moment. From a mother’s perspective it’s so heart breaking! But what joy she must have felt when she saw the whole story unfold three days later!!