His Garments

Open Your Bible

Psalm 22:18, John 19:23-27

Text: Psalm 22:18, John 19:23-27

I rarely find myself at the movies these days, but I was invited by some friends to go and see the new, updated Cinderella movie and loved it. It was fun to see all the little girls at the theater, dressed up in their beautiful blue gowns, dreaming of what it would be like to live the fairy tale. The scenery in the movie was beautiful, the costumes were stunning, and the story vividly illustrated the power of kindness, love, courage, and forgiveness.

Most of us don’t live a fairy tale of ball gowns and glass slippers, but the broader storyline is one we can relate to. Our real life exposes the juxtaposition of cruelty and kindness, harshness and compassion, hate and love, good and evil.

I can’t image the depth of emotion Jesus’ mother must have experienced, seeing her son— the Son of God—hanging in the balance of life and death. She watched as the four Roman soldiers mocked Jesus and divided up His outer garments, the seamless tunic she may have made with her own hands being raffled off. Death is hard enough to look upon, but to witness such horrible torture, mockery, betrayal, and hate is difficult to stomach or even imagine. Yet, in those moments of extreme suffering, Jesus models once again the power of love, forgiveness, and grace.

The soldiers concerned themselves with things that don’t last—His garments—missing the immense display of love happening right in front of them. While they cast lots for His belongings, Jesus spoke to His dear mother for the last time. He saw her grief, and before His last breath, He transferred her care to His beloved disciple and friend, John. Jesus’ love for His mother stood in contrast to the mockery of those who hated Him—a reminder that we are known, seen and loved by God, even in the most painful and humiliating of circumstances.

We tend to value material things in this life, things that threaten to bring out the worst in us. Like those Roman soldiers, we trust what is temporal, covering ourselves with false garments—pride, fear, even hatred—that harden and betray our hearts. These worldly concerns distract us from looking up to see the Father’s great display of love for us.

Sisters, let us cast away our false garments and put on His garments of grace, compassion, and love available to us through Christ’s work on the Cross. Only in Him will we find eternal peace, hope and joy.




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91 thoughts on "His Garments"

  1. jjfro says:

    This quote: "These worldly concerns distract us from looking up to see the Father’s great display of love for us." Reminds me that I am overly concerned about the politics of the day. I find myself raging at the news every time something new happens. Something unfair. Every time my elected representatives make what I think is a bad decision. When they do something contrary to scripture as my representative. I wear the false garment of anger and it completely distracts me from the big picture of what God is doing. Whatever God is doing, it is motivated by love,I can count on that. So why do I get caught in the maelstrom of earthly problems? Because that's what's happening at eye level. The garments were auctioned at eye level. Mary had to look UP to see Jesus on the cross. When we look UP, we see what love is doing. And it blows us away when we really see. Because it is always doing something, whether we see it or not. I want to see it.

    1. debbates says:

      Amen! so very true. Must remember to look up to Jesus, instead of the insanity at eye level. Thanks for this.

      Be blessed today sister.

    2. Deb says:

      Interesting thought…you have to look up to see Jesus on the cross…which should remind us to look up at all times.

    3. Molly says:

      Look UP! So beautiful! Thank you!!

    4. Bonnie says:

      Me too!! I am so disturbed and angered by politics and news…I am the Peter who would be lopping off ears with the sword. But I keep trying to focus more and more on Jesus. I know my frustrations would get the best of me if I weren’t in His word every day.

    5. Ashlee says:

      Wow, what a unique and true perspective! Love this!!!

  2. Michelle Faile says:

    Great! So touching, I needed to hear this! Too often I put my hope in temporal things.

  3. Mandy says:

    Perfect! I need to read this one every day!

  4. Cayley says:

    I love reading the story of the Crucifixion afresh. It reminds me how GREAT His love is for me, that He would go through all that suffering on MY behalf!

  5. SusieT says:

    What a curious, mind-bending Truth: He who died beaten and naked on the cross – for my sins – is the Only One who can clothe me in righteousness! Praise You, Jesus!!
    And thank you, SRT Sisters, for this wonderful Community of Believers that teachs, inspires, and lifts up one another in prayer! May you be abundantly blessed!

    1. So thankful for that Truth, Susie! Thanks for joining us today!


  6. Linda says:

    Tina… Prayers and love from one mom to another.

    1. tina says:

      Linda, thank you so much for your prayers and love….what a blessing…Thank you..

      Sending you and yours a big hug wrapped in love…x

  7. Kelly_Smith says:

    I find it difficult to carry the heart and soul of these quiet moments with me throughout the day. The lists, tasks, and distractions quickly chase away the sacred. I start each morning with a prayer to be like Mary, eyes fixed on Jesus, really feeling the weight of sacrifice and love. By day's end, I am with the soldiers, casting lots. My focus off the Savior and on to the "worldly concerns that distract us." Luther said, "The trouble with life is it's so daily." That is the challenge for me, to carry the brokenness and solemnity of this time at the foot of the cross with me through my day. Lord, keep my eyes firmly fixed on You! Don't let me forget so easily the great work of grace You have done on the cross.

    1. sharijune says:

      Hi Kelly,
      You expressed my feelings too. However, you expressed them so vividly in a way I can not only relate to but also remember.
      I love your honest heart. You are, in all sincerity, an amazing writer. I have told many friends about you. I'm praying this morning that God will use your voice powerfully for Him (in ways greater than you can imagine).
      Love, Hugs , and Blessings to You!

      1. Kelly_Smith says:

        Thank you so much :) I appreciate your prayers, Sharijune!

    2. debbates says:

      I'm the exact same way! I love the closeness I feel to Jesus in the morning, during my devo and quiet time. It may even linger for some time… but, as the day grows longer.. and stuff.. distractions… responsibilites…continue to pile on, my resolve to stay in fellowship with my Lord throughout the day, desolves. And I, llike you, am right there with the soldiers as well. I pray that we both can stay in fellowship with Jesus throughout the day.

      Be blessed sister.

    3. Deb says:

      Kelly, thanks for sharing. I do the exact same thing! As Paul said, I want to do what is right, but my flesh gets in the way.

    4. MNmomma (heather) says:

      Oh man! I am right there with you! I start the day drawn into Christ….focused on Him…..and then, somewhere along the way, I let my gaze fall back…start to do things "my way"…..become overwhelmed….exhausted………..I am praying right with you this morning!

      "The trouble with life is that it is so daily"……yep! Nailed it!

    5. Crystal says:

      My feelings exactly! I never comment but your words mimic exactly how I feel inside. I try so hard to carry each days message with me but usually by lunch time I’m back to the same sinner I always am, like I never cracked open my bible that morning. Is my heart so hard that I can’t even make it through half the day before I totally forget everything I learned/read/know? It’s highly frustrating! I want to be the wife, mother, daughter, friend that Jesus put me here to be but I fall short daily. My faith is so weak, the devil knows how/and when to weasel his way in. Prayers sisters

    6. Kelly I can totally relate. I get my quiet in the morning with Jesus then I’m distracted the rest of the day with responsibilities and leisures. And not focused on Him.

  8. ~ B ~ says:

    I can't help but think to the many times garments, especially robes, are mentioned in scripture. From being torn as a reflection of emotional distress, being used to reveal miracles, to being mentioned in regards to aligning oneself with Christ. Even referrenced in the beginning in Genesis 49. The importance of what a robe was to metaphorically represent obvious, just in its use throughout the word and yet here, like the one who adorned it, tossed around and bid upon. I can't help but think that to some effect, the soldiers had an emotional value placed upon the garment, as seemed to be the norm in the day. Even if just in valuing its design and its materialistic worth. I wonder who ended up with it. If after Christ's death and resurrection, the soldier who won it, looked at it with guilt and shame. If his heart broke at his part in Jesus' pain. If he held onto it or tossed it out to avoid pain or if it meant anything. I wonder if Christ used it as way to reach him. All these questions just swirl in my head because I know who my Christ is, who my savior is and He suffered on that cross for me AND those soldiers, for his mother and his beloved disciple. I know He uses painful things, things that bring shame upon us to move us, to cover us in His Mercy……I know that in Him all things are possible, for me and those soldiers alike.

    I know that in Christ I wear a new self, a new robe. I am to have thrown off the old and to wear the new, daily. I know that each time I choose to wear the old robe I am no different than the soldiers below Christ on the cross, in front of Mary, I am saying "You're not enough. Your pain isn't worth the effort of being new each moment. It's too hard. I'm casting off this robe for one of my own design." Ugh, the idea that I could, that I do, for even a moment toss Christ's worth aside. That I wouldn't adorn myself in His Grace and Mercy, His Love and Forgiveness because I'm in the middle of something painful, hard. I am prayerful that in my walking, in my speaking, my moving each day, in all things, effortless and tough, that I remember I am clothed in Christ and that all I do reflects that. ~ B

    1. Kelly_Smith says:

      Your insight is spot on for me this morning–drawing a comparison to Paul's instructions in Ephesians to take off the old and put on the new. My middle daughter gets so attached to her favorite clothes. I put them away when she outgrows them or wears holes in them. She will dig them out and wear them again because they are her favorite. New clothes hanging in the closet, old clothes worn instead. This is my spiritual practice. Jesus has given me new garments, yet I keep adorning myself with the old. Holes, ill fitting, out of style. Joining you in prayer that I might "remember I am clothed in Christ and that all I do reflects that."

    2. I love the connection you made to the robe that we wear in Jesus. I cannot shake those clothes. They are gifted to me for all eternity. That is my identity thanks to the cross.

    3. MNmomma (heather) says:

      yes! yes! yes!

    4. Beverly says:

      B, your comment spoke to my heart. After reading your words, I prayed, “God, I don’t want to wear my old robe anymore.” Though the old robe is comfortable and easy and safe, my new robe never fails to bring me strength and courage and joy. The old is selfish, the new is focused on others in love. What a sweet perspective and incite into this reading. Thank you for sharing this wisdom today, B!

      1. Katie says:

        B, thank you for this! I was reading of the veil being torn when Jesus dies and I kept thinking why does this matter?! This insight answered it perfectly. I am so thankful that the Lord gives us answers through sisters that are connected by and through Him.

    5. Ashlee says:

      Amen sister!