Hezekiah’s Prayer

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 37:1-38, Isaiah 38:1-22, Isaiah 39:1-8, Psalm 30:1-3, Micah 7:18-20

Text: Isaiah 37:1-38, Isaiah 38:1-22, Isaiah 39:1-8, Psalm 30:1-3, Micah 7:18-20

Lately, I’ve been wrestling with the belief that I am not “enough.” It’s a horrible feeling that usually starts off with a slow, torturous game of comparison. Theodore Roosevelt said “comparison is the thief of joy,” and boy, was he right. When I start comparing my belongings or influence or talents with others’, I always walk away feeling unsatisfied. I stop seeing all the ways the Lord has blessed me—all the things I have to be grateful for—and instead focus solely on what I believe is missing in my life.

As I’ve opened up to others about my struggle, I’ve discovered that I’m far from alone. It seems many women have internalized a critical voice eager to tell them how they don’t measure up as a wife, friend, mother, or employee.

At first I thought the antidote to this horrible feeling was to believe in my own “enoughness”—to  raise my self-esteem, so to speak. Certainly the enemy relishes in our feelings of inadequacy that hold us back from the freedom promised in Christ (Romans 8:2). But as hard as I try to speak truth to myself, to remember that I’m valuable as a daughter of God, it becomes far easier to measure myself by the world’s definition of its values, like status, wealth, beauty, and social media followers.

I’ve come to realize that the true antidote to my feelings of inadequacy is the voice of the Lord. His Word lovingly reassures me that, though my sinful condition causes me to fall short of “enough,” I don’t have to be—because He is.

“You are God—You alone—of all the kingdoms of the earth.”
– Isaiah 37:16

He is enough. Not me, not you, not admirable King Hezekiah, not that friend with the seemingly perfect Instagram life. Yahweh, the Lord of all, He is the only One who can deliver us. Freedom is found not in finally perfecting ourselves, but in surrendering to Him.

I still play the comparison game from time to time. I see people and believe they have it all together, which promptly triggers a storm of discontent within me. I find myself longing to be just a little more like them, hoping that will finally bring me satisfaction. But behind that temptation is an even deadlier lie: Maybe I don’t really need God after all. Maybe I can get to the point where I’m good enough on my own. Maybe learning to be self-sufficient isn’t such a bad thing. 

The story of King Hezekiah reminds me that even the most powerful people can’t save themselves. No matter our circumstances, what we all need is the mercy of Jesus. Christ lived the only perfect, wholly worthy life and submitted to a painful death on a cross so that we could participate in His resurrection. True freedom for us can only be found in surrendering to God’s mercy and strength.

Hear the voice of the Lord today as He gently calls His children to turn to Him, to rest in Him. He alone is God. He alone is enough.


Kaitie Stoddard is a professional counselor who recently relocated from Chicago to Colorado with her husband. She has her Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and is passionate about helping couples and families find healing in their relationships. On any given weekend you’re likely to find Katie snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains, checking out new restaurants with friends, or catching up on her favorite Netflix and podcast series.

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81 thoughts on "Hezekiah’s Prayer"

  1. Cecelia Enns Schulz says:

    Sunday’s message at church was about inviting God into our everyday life and expecting his kisses. Intimate, personal touches from him. The night before I finally watched Moms Night Out and was given one of those kisses. This morning another. This “not enough thing”. I hear it often, believe it all too often. But who am I not enough FOR? I worry that I’m not enough for my littles, for my husband and other friends and family. I worry that I’m not enough for God. But it is truly myself I’m believing I’m not enough for. I CANT do it by myself. I CANT compare myself to what looks like perfection and not come out lacking. But, God chose me. Picked ME! Before I was even born. Long before I picked him. And IN him, I am more than enough. I can do ALL things! This is the truth I long to hold onto, God’s truth. I long to consistently submit to his evaluation of my life and BELIEVE it! He made me, a masterpiece! I am his beautiful, beloved daughter. I am enough IN him.

  2. Ashley says:

    I love this post, as I too often struggle with comparison. I have tried to memorize the end of 2 Cor 10:12 as a reminder.
    I’ve also very much felt the culture tell me “you are enough!” In many ways. And it just never sits right within my spirit. Lately I’ve been so thankful that I don’t have to be “good enough” for God. There’s such freedom in that.

  3. Diane Huntsman says:

    Hear the voice of the Lord today as He gently calls His children to turn to Him, to rest in Him. He alone is God. He alone is enough.
    Thank you for this!!!

  4. Melody Suarez says:

    Right now I’m planning a wedding, I’m a nursing student and I was recently the maid of honor for a wedding. There was a couple times last week where I just didn’t feel like I was enough. I was struggling and striving to be a perfect student, friend and fiancé. It’s so so hard sometimes to surrender that up to God and say, “I’m nothing without you”
    I’m going to need him so much going into this next season and I pray that I go to him first before trying to do it all on my own.

    1. Kelly says:

      Melody – I hear you! I feel like so often our culture does not recognize that the engagement season can also be challenging ! It’s a beautiful season yes, but it also means that so many brides are taking on a lot of transitions at the same time. Working/ studying full-time, preparing for marriage, potentially moving, AND Planning a wedding! I’m a wedding photographer and I often find my brides feel the same way – feeling the pressure of expectations and feeling like they just can’t cut it . but many don’t know they are not alone! I’m so grateful that we have a God who does not expect us to be perfect to walk into marriage – and our husbands won’t be either. With so many things on your plate I know it’s really hard to surrender them to the Lord – I struggle with it too – but even with everything else you’re still making the time to spend with the Lord and do this bible study! Just wanted to give some encouragement ! Congrats on your upcoming marriage!

    2. Emily says:

      I was in my engagement season this time last year, and I definitely understand the demands on your time. Striving, as you’ve probably already figured out, is so exhausting. Don’t strive so much that you forget to enjoy this season of anticipation with your fiancé and families. Rest in the Lord, and He will fill you up.

  5. Victoria Rae says:

    I just got engaged and I just want to be “the best fiancée” and “the best” wife every day… and constantly fall short because we are so not enough… we alone in God can even hope to get through a day!

    1. Kelly says:

      Congrats on your engagement!! God will equip you ! But i understand where you are coming from! I’m a wedding photographer so I pursue my couples and get to know them to better tell their story but have to check myself not to compare my own relationship with the ones I have the privilege of capturing! But we need to find our peace in the Lord just like you said !

  6. Gabriela says:

    I was reminded today in Is 37:16 “you are God – you alone – of all the kingdoms of the earth” including my kingdom where I rule as queen.
    God is sufficient for all my needs today and tomorrow. My focus must be on Him and off of me.

  7. Lauren says:

    I feel like I compare myself to others frequently; even when God is telling me not to. Comparison is like a worm that gets into my brain and I have to drive it out. I am working on it daily. I feel like this reading was meant for me today.

  8. Mel says:

    I’m not good enough- I’m good enough on my own. I go back and forth between those two thoughts all the time- especially when online. For that very reason I gave up Facebook for Lent and have replaced it with ‘she reads truth’. It’s amazing how many times I feel the impulse to check my status and see if anyone ‘liked’ me- as if that influenced my self worth. Then, reading all the negativity made me feel like maybe I wasn’t doing too bad and I actually had it together. Both not helpful to my mental or spiritual state.
    Replacing Facebook with reading the comments after the devotional has been so good for my soul. I love checking back through out the day to see what nuggets of truth God may have for me! Thank you all for sharing your hearts and being so honest!