Hezekiah’s Prayer

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 37:1-38, Isaiah 38:1-22, Isaiah 39:1-8, Psalm 30:1-3, Micah 7:18-20

Text: Isaiah 37:1-38, Isaiah 38:1-22, Isaiah 39:1-8, Psalm 30:1-3, Micah 7:18-20

Lately, I’ve been wrestling with the belief that I am not “enough.” It’s a horrible feeling that usually starts off with a slow, torturous game of comparison. Theodore Roosevelt said “comparison is the thief of joy,” and boy, was he right. When I start comparing my belongings or influence or talents with others’, I always walk away feeling unsatisfied. I stop seeing all the ways the Lord has blessed me—all the things I have to be grateful for—and instead focus solely on what I believe is missing in my life.

As I’ve opened up to others about my struggle, I’ve discovered that I’m far from alone. It seems many women have internalized a critical voice eager to tell them how they don’t measure up as a wife, friend, mother, or employee.

At first I thought the antidote to this horrible feeling was to believe in my own “enoughness”—to  raise my self-esteem, so to speak. Certainly the enemy relishes in our feelings of inadequacy that hold us back from the freedom promised in Christ (Romans 8:2). But as hard as I try to speak truth to myself, to remember that I’m valuable as a daughter of God, it becomes far easier to measure myself by the world’s definition of its values, like status, wealth, beauty, and social media followers.

I’ve come to realize that the true antidote to my feelings of inadequacy is the voice of the Lord. His Word lovingly reassures me that, though my sinful condition causes me to fall short of “enough,” I don’t have to be—because He is.

“You are God—You alone—of all the kingdoms of the earth.”
– Isaiah 37:16

He is enough. Not me, not you, not admirable King Hezekiah, not that friend with the seemingly perfect Instagram life. Yahweh, the Lord of all, He is the only One who can deliver us. Freedom is found not in finally perfecting ourselves, but in surrendering to Him.

I still play the comparison game from time to time. I see people and believe they have it all together, which promptly triggers a storm of discontent within me. I find myself longing to be just a little more like them, hoping that will finally bring me satisfaction. But behind that temptation is an even deadlier lie: Maybe I don’t really need God after all. Maybe I can get to the point where I’m good enough on my own. Maybe learning to be self-sufficient isn’t such a bad thing. 

The story of King Hezekiah reminds me that even the most powerful people can’t save themselves. No matter our circumstances, what we all need is the mercy of Jesus. Christ lived the only perfect, wholly worthy life and submitted to a painful death on a cross so that we could participate in His resurrection. True freedom for us can only be found in surrendering to God’s mercy and strength.

Hear the voice of the Lord today as He gently calls His children to turn to Him, to rest in Him. He alone is God. He alone is enough.


Kaitie Stoddard is a professional counselor who recently relocated from Chicago to Colorado with her husband. She has her Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and is passionate about helping couples and families find healing in their relationships. On any given weekend you’re likely to find Katie snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains, checking out new restaurants with friends, or catching up on her favorite Netflix and podcast series.

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81 thoughts on "Hezekiah’s Prayer"

  1. Gabriela says:


  2. Lea says:

    It is so easy to compare my marriage, my kids, my home, and my faith to those I see on Instagram. Thank you for this message today!

  3. Amanda Mae says:

    Thank you for this refreshing perspective on conquering the battle of comparison and lack-mentality with the truth of God’s adequacy.

    At first I thought, “oh no, this is going to be one of those ‘Just be thankful!’ devotionals”. In this desolate season that word is less than encouraging – it stings like “songs sung to a heavy heart” (Ps. 25:20) when I feel like a fake forcing myself to “count my blessings”. Then I beat myself up for not being good enough at being thankful, and the terrible cycle of shame continues…

    I loved engaging with today’s word and seeing Hezekiah’s honest prayer and his constant acknowledgement that Gid alone is Lord. God answered him and he had reason to be thankful. This word encourages me to be honest with God and gives me hope that He WILL answer, and that then I will also be able to rejoice and give thanks to Him.

    1. Emily says:

      Your honesty is appreciated, too! Those seasons are not enjoyable, but cling to God and His goodness, and a grateful heart will be sure to follow. :)

  4. Keri McCue says:

    “Freedom is found not in finally perfecting ourselves, but in surrendering to Him.” This is such a powerful truth!! Needed this reminder this morning :)


  5. Churchmouse says:

    Yes. The importance of those pesky, often overlooked pronouns. When Hezekiah first seeks Isaiah’s counsel, he suggests that Isaiah reach out to “Yahweh, your God.” In fact Hezekiah uses that phrase twice. Then Hezekiah receives a threatening letter that the king of Assyria is about to bear down on Israel and Hezekiah should not expect deliverance. Hezekiah is now up against the wall and running out of time. He goes to the temple , lays out the ominous letter and prays. This time it is ” Lord our God.” Isaiah then sends a message to Hezekiah, telling him that because Hezekiah prayed, the king of Assyria will not carry out his threat. Dear sisters, is the Lord your own? I know so many who seem to rely on the faith and prayers of others (the “your God”). Today’s Scriptures remind me that I am responsible to cultivate my relationship with the Lord (the “our God”). Is it not time for me to know the Word so that the verses come to mind as needed? Is it not the time for me to have an intimate prayer life so that I can honestly say I am praying without ceasing ? Is it not time for me to stop comparing my lack of spiritual depth to others and to start developing it within myself? Feeling convicted this morning but also confident that God equips for the task.

    1. Jennifer says:

      Oh this is wonderful, thank you Churchmouse.

    2. Heather says:

      Thank you for this insight. It brings clarity to hear the details explained like this. And I echo your call to own our spiritual lives through Scripture & prayer. I pray daily that God would give me a hunger & passion for him & he does not disappoint. The more I read and pray the more I cannot get enough of him.

    3. She Reads Truth says:

      Churchmouse – I love this: “Dear sisters, is the Lord your own?” Praying that we would all know the Lord as our own and approach him boldly as Hezekiah did. He hears!

      – Stormye

  6. ~Amy F.~ says:

    Today is the funeral of a lady who served on the mission field with her husband for 24 years, the wife of my dad’s best friend. As I listened to her sons praise their mother at the wake last night, I was inspired and convicted. Here was a woman who loved her husband and children in a way I can only hope to emulate when I have my own family. Most importantly, however, this was a woman who loved her Lord. Her son said she always did what she thought was right. Her husband said she took time to read her Bible every single morning; her devotional was bookmarked the day before she died, because no matter what was going on in her life, spending time with her Savior was a priority for her.

    As I’ve been convicted to follow her example and become the kind of woman known for fearing the Lord, the devotional this morning is timely: “Freedom is found not in finally perfecting ourselves, but in surrendering to Him.” This sister did not become the woman she was by strategies: she became a godly woman because she loved her Lord and submitted to Him. As I take up the challenge I feel from the Lord to love Him more, to deny myself, to follow Him, may I remember that it is not I who must do the work in me: it is Christ. The action on which I need to focus is not increasing my self-discipline or implementing a prayer plan or any other strategy born out of my own self: it is surrendering to Christ. May I learn to submit my will to His more faithfully from this day forward, and God grant that I may touch even half of the souls this lady impacted before He calls me home.

    1. SarahMay says:

      Amen! What a testimony. Praise the Lord for her life and legacy. And the impact her life continues to have on those who hear about her.

    2. Churchmouse says:

      Amen and amen!

    3. Gema Muniz says:

      Amen, may we have people in our lives that motivate us to live a life of servitude to God. Thanks for sharing sister.

    4. Kendra says:

      Love this, amen!

  7. Maggie says:

    what a timely devotion for me today…comparison IS a thief of joy. God has blessed me/us with gifts for us to discover and enjoy…I need to focus on that instead of the “not enough”s in my head.

  8. Katalina says:

    Oh my god, it was like reading my feelings just a couple of years ago. I used to think I was worth less than nothing. I idolized so many other people and despised who I was, wishing I could just… disappear. It’s not like anyone was going to miss me. I was just existing in a world that didn’t care about me. I had become my worst enemy with a constant voice belittling me every chance it got. Years had passed with no hope of freedom. I was a prisoner in my own mind and I was turned into a puppet of my depression. I wanted to end it desperately. Then God gave me one more chance, showed me mercy and put on full display His love for me. When you experience God’s overwhelming love when you thought you were undeserving of anything beautiful and sacred, it was like a new light burned it’s way through the darkness that has haunted me for so long. My story is one I want to share to bring hope to others who believe they can’t make it because you can. I promise, God keeps His promises and He will see you to it till the very end when it’s time to begin your new journey. You will be triumphant just as I was. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1648564041824138&id=100000116739105&set=t.100000116739105&source=42&ref=bookmarks