Betrayed and Arrested

Open Your Bible

Mark 14:41-50

Betrayed. My stomach turns at the word. I remember vividly when someone I loved dearly and deeply turned into an enemy. There was a proverbial knife in my back and I was hurt, angry, and aching. I wonder how many of you have walked through betrayal. It is awful. You’re powerless to stop the pain and you keep wishing in vain that it could somehow be a different story.

Jesus wished it could be a different story, too. Just before this scene in Mark where He is betrayed by Judas and arrested, He was in a garden on his knees in deep distress, begging His Father to take the cup (Mark 14:35). Jesus knew what was coming and that it would feel unbearable. He’d asked His three dearest friends on earth to pray for Him, too—but three times, He comes to find them asleep. In His deepest hour of need, dreading what lies before Him, His friends can’t even keep their eyes open.

I can’t imagine how lonely this must have felt. And yet, Jesus is not a victim, but a volunteer.
In the middle of a crowd armed with swords and clubs, in response to the excruciating task set before Him, Jesus says, “…the Scriptures must be fulfilled” (v.49).

And even as He utters these words, “…everyone deserted him and fled” (v.50). Jesus will face this dreaded mission alone, and eventually even His own Father will have to turn His back as Jesus takes upon Himself all of our shame and iniquity—all our brokenness upon His broken body and into His breaking heart (Mark 15:34).

Son of Man, Son of God, Living Word—betrayed for our sake. 
He drinks the cup of death that we deserve, so that our cups might overflow.

Sisters, have you been betrayed, wounded, discarded, deserted, abused, unfairly treated?

You are not alone.

Our Savior suffered, too. He suffered for us, so we could know that we never face betrayal or any sort of suffering alone. Emmanuel, God with us. Let’s take our pain, our breaking hearts, our anger, our questions, and all the things in life that make us feel powerless and helpless to Him today.

He was arrested so we could be set free.
He was deserted so we could know we’re never alone.
He was betrayed so we could be held in the arms of Love.


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87 thoughts on "Betrayed and Arrested"

  1. Mary Martha says:

    I just saw your comment, Amy, and want you to know I’m praying as well

  2. Lara says:

    I just saw your comment as well, Amy. I am so sorry as will be praying for you and your family.

  3. Amy says:

    I know most everyone has already been through this study and my comment will probably go unnoticed, but I need prayer. My family needs prayer. My dad needs healing. He was diagnosed with a terminal brain cancer this past October and we are watching him waste away. It’s so so so very difficult; he has always been my strong and steady go to and now he can’t shower by himself. Even now, he seems fearless, but I’m scared to death. Not because I don’t know if he will go to heaven; for that I am certain, but I’m afraid to feel anymore of this excruciating pain in my heart. I have often asked God many times where He is and why is this happening. Please, pray for my family and I. Thank you.

    1. Hope says:

      Hi Amy. This is so sad. I saw your comment and wanted you to know I’m praying for you and your family. -Hppr

      1. Tonya Hassell says:

        Hi Amy! I wanted you to know that I’m so sorry for your pain and I will be praying! <3

    2. Bethany says:

      Just saw your comment Amy, but I am praying hard for your family! Praying for healing for your dad, and peace and understanding for you and your family! The Lord will never abandon you, lean on him through this hard time and he will ease your burdens.

    3. Susan says:

      Amy, it’s been a long time since you left this prayer request, but I saw it today. I don’t know what your reality and needs are now, but I’m asking God to fill you with his presence and peace.

    4. Rachal M says:

      Dearest Amy, it has been a while since you asked for prayer but I wanted you to know I read it. And I lift you up in God’s sweet, loving arms of peace and love. May His Spirit fill you in ways you know it’s Him. Bless you and know God is with you!

  4. Bernard says:

    really enjoy to read your article and it's really great article. i'm a fan of lord of the ring and i like Sting and also like Sting Sword i have all swords of lord of the rings and it's amazing.

  5. Natasha says:

    Thank you I needed this – especially today. Many feelings whelming up inside me, and God's Spirit is working in me to trust God at all times.

  6. Steph says:

    Not a victim but a volunteer!!! I want to wear that attitude today!!! Believing that I am set free by the blood of Christ. It’s so monstrously wonderful. Sweet Jesus Christ my sanity. Claiming this today!

  7. Kasey Tuggle says:

    It’s so comforting to know that God is ALWAYS with us! And we have the opportunity in every situation to make the best of it, to choose joy, to try to further God’s kingdom and not waller in self-pity. Jesus changes everything!!