Betrayed and Arrested

Open Your Bible

Mark 14:41-50

Betrayed. My stomach turns at the word. I remember vividly when someone I loved dearly and deeply turned into an enemy. There was a proverbial knife in my back and I was hurt, angry, and aching. I wonder how many of you have walked through betrayal. It is awful. You’re powerless to stop the pain and you keep wishing in vain that it could somehow be a different story.

Jesus wished it could be a different story, too. Just before this scene in Mark where He is betrayed by Judas and arrested, He was in a garden on his knees in deep distress, begging His Father to take the cup (Mark 14:35). Jesus knew what was coming and that it would feel unbearable. He’d asked His three dearest friends on earth to pray for Him, too—but three times, He comes to find them asleep. In His deepest hour of need, dreading what lies before Him, His friends can’t even keep their eyes open.

I can’t imagine how lonely this must have felt. And yet, Jesus is not a victim, but a volunteer.
In the middle of a crowd armed with swords and clubs, in response to the excruciating task set before Him, Jesus says, “…the Scriptures must be fulfilled” (v.49).

And even as He utters these words, “…everyone deserted him and fled” (v.50). Jesus will face this dreaded mission alone, and eventually even His own Father will have to turn His back as Jesus takes upon Himself all of our shame and iniquity—all our brokenness upon His broken body and into His breaking heart (Mark 15:34).

Son of Man, Son of God, Living Word—betrayed for our sake. 
He drinks the cup of death that we deserve, so that our cups might overflow.

Sisters, have you been betrayed, wounded, discarded, deserted, abused, unfairly treated?

You are not alone.

Our Savior suffered, too. He suffered for us, so we could know that we never face betrayal or any sort of suffering alone. Emmanuel, God with us. Let’s take our pain, our breaking hearts, our anger, our questions, and all the things in life that make us feel powerless and helpless to Him today.

He was arrested so we could be set free.
He was deserted so we could know we’re never alone.
He was betrayed so we could be held in the arms of Love.


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87 thoughts on "Betrayed and Arrested"

  1. Mrs. Daniels says:

    I’ve known deep betrayal in my life that the memories of can leave me breathless and stunned to this day. It is a learning journey often filled with pain as I turn to Jesus for healing of these wounds and the strength to walk with Him through them and while living with the aftermath. He is faithful to me -pouring truth and love into my life. And yet I so easily stumble and dessert the truth and my living savior at what seems like the slightest provocation or inconvenience in daily life. My sin and unbelief shows itself daily. It is discouraging. I am tempted to hide from Him in shame. But he knew long ago how I would struggle and he loves me and desires my healing. So I half turn-learning to trust He will forgive me, that he loves me and he’s always there doing just that.

  2. Mary Alice says:

    What is so amazing to me is that we as humans want to retreat, we want to plot revenge and make things right for ourselves when we are betrayed. But, Jesus, he is the human example that shows no matter how you are betrayed, look to the Father, ask for understanding and the ability to forgive, and forgive the one who has betrayed you. We do it every,single,day to our Father in heaven, how could we possibly seek revenge for those souls around us who betray us, but expect different from our Father? Thank you Lord for the ultimate power and love that you had to continue on the path that God required of you to save us from separation from you for eternity because of the betrayal we inflict!

  3. TMH says:

    I admit I haven't been keeping up to date with these daily readings but I'm already having a bad week and I decided to take some time out of my stressful week to catch up on these readings. Recently, I have been betrayed and it has really been getting to me and reading this reminds me of how Jesus too was betrayed and he suffered for all us and it just makes me so thankful to him for everything.

    1. So glad you joined us today, sister! Praying for the rest of your week!


  4. Lyanelly says:

    I have to admit that in the many years that I have heard the story of Christ on the cross it has never affected me. I saw Jesus as a God, not a human. Big deal he endured suffering that’s what he was suppose to do, right? I am ashamed to have seen something different today. Jesus was a man, a good man, a loyal man yet he was betrayed by someone so close to him! That got to me. Loyalty is what I hold on to, and to know that such a good man was betrayed by his own. I feel the deep hurt and loneliness Jesus must have felt being arrested. Arrested by the same ppl he saw at the temple day in and day out. Betrayal to know they had a sleezy plan all along. Just before that he was “anguished” praying to God. Anguish means expressing intense pain, wounded tortured, sorrow, irreparable loss. Thats what anguished means, he wasnt just praying, he was so deeply tormented. This journey for him was not easy yet he did it! There has to be a higher purpose. He supposely did it for us. For me that i take it for granted. He was in deep distress to the cross that God sent an angel to strenghthen him! Finishes with “the scriptures have to be fulfilled”. What?! How many times have i thought of giving up over small things! I admire this man!!!!!! i can’t say that i fully get the point of Jesus dying for our sins, but i do believe there is a spiritual world out thee that we do not comprehend but that all this is being done amd was done for that spiritual purpose.

  5. Laura_H says:

    It is truly incredible how God never fails to give exactly what you need when it is most needed. I had a tearful, at times angry, conversation with a close friend about living with pain and betrayal while still trying to trust and seek God’s plan. This devotional (and 2 before it) speak such truth, truth that i desperately needed to hear. We are not alone! We can take our suffering to God and relieve our burdens. Praise God for his unending mercy. Thanks you, SRT, for continuing to spread the truth when it is most needed.

  6. Amy A. says:

    So thankful for this reminder. Such a beautiful portrayal.

  7. Pam says:

    Morning Ladies! Wow! I have been enjoying SRT since the fall. I have missed much during this Lentin study. I wish I wouldn’t have. I’m thankful I can go back and catch up. I have still been in the word.
    Reading peoples comments is so encouraging. I seem to feel that I’m the only one going through these hard times. I agree that I want to learn what God has for me in this time of my life and I don’t want to sit in my self pity. I’m so thankful that Christ willingly died for my sins. He understands and He loves me/us! Thank You Jesus for Your sacrifice, Your love, and Your leaving heaven and becoming a man and taking on human flesh….You understand! May You be praised may You have all the glory!!! Thank You for forgiveness, mercy, and grace!