Betrayed and Arrested

Open Your Bible

Mark 14:41-50

Betrayed. My stomach turns at the word. I remember vividly when someone I loved dearly and deeply turned into an enemy. There was a proverbial knife in my back and I was hurt, angry, and aching. I wonder how many of you have walked through betrayal. It is awful. You’re powerless to stop the pain and you keep wishing in vain that it could somehow be a different story.

Jesus wished it could be a different story, too. Just before this scene in Mark where He is betrayed by Judas and arrested, He was in a garden on his knees in deep distress, begging His Father to take the cup (Mark 14:35). Jesus knew what was coming and that it would feel unbearable. He’d asked His three dearest friends on earth to pray for Him, too—but three times, He comes to find them asleep. In His deepest hour of need, dreading what lies before Him, His friends can’t even keep their eyes open.

I can’t imagine how lonely this must have felt. And yet, Jesus is not a victim, but a volunteer.
In the middle of a crowd armed with swords and clubs, in response to the excruciating task set before Him, Jesus says, “…the Scriptures must be fulfilled” (v.49).

And even as He utters these words, “…everyone deserted him and fled” (v.50). Jesus will face this dreaded mission alone, and eventually even His own Father will have to turn His back as Jesus takes upon Himself all of our shame and iniquity—all our brokenness upon His broken body and into His breaking heart (Mark 15:34).

Son of Man, Son of God, Living Word—betrayed for our sake. 
He drinks the cup of death that we deserve, so that our cups might overflow.

Sisters, have you been betrayed, wounded, discarded, deserted, abused, unfairly treated?

You are not alone.

Our Savior suffered, too. He suffered for us, so we could know that we never face betrayal or any sort of suffering alone. Emmanuel, God with us. Let’s take our pain, our breaking hearts, our anger, our questions, and all the things in life that make us feel powerless and helpless to Him today.

He was arrested so we could be set free.
He was deserted so we could know we’re never alone.
He was betrayed so we could be held in the arms of Love.


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87 thoughts on "Betrayed and Arrested"

  1. Anni says:

    Wonderful passage that reminds us how truly selfless Jesus was. He suffered and agonized over the betrayal that he knew was coming. His 3 closest friends let him down in the garden when all he wanted was their prayers. The passage has such raw emotion that I empathize with Jesus rather than sympathize with him. The devotional is beautifully written and it comes at a time when I need this in my life. Thank you

  2. thekholtz says:

    "Sisters, have you been betrayed, wounded, discarded, deserted, abused, unfairly treated? You are not alone."
    These words were so powerful to read. I have had some things going on in my personal life that have left me feeling so betrayed and alone. Sometimes it's easy to forget we are NEVER alone. Definitely a reminder I needed!

  3. Hayley says:

    This is honestly the first time that I have realized that Jesus deeply understands my gut wrenching feelings of betrayal. I year ago I experienced the trail on a level that I have never in my entire life. It rocked me to the core and challenged so much of what I thought was truth. In the midst of it all I clung to Jesus for dear life and every single day he gave me abundant grace. I literally oozed Grace from every pore in a way that I never thought would’ve been possible. It was clearly supernatural. I’m so grateful to be on the other side of that dark season of my life and I’m also grateful tonight for a savior who not only held me up during that time but who also deeply understood what I was going through

  4. Antimony says:

    Kind of in the middle of this right now. Trying to recover from an incredibly personal betrayal. And just experiencing a crisis at work that I just never even imagined I would face. Feel so overwhelmed with these crises all coming at once. But also know that they have driven me back towards God in a way that little else could. Pray for me. Having to make some very tough decisions in the next couple days.

  5. Stefania says:

    My hearts break at this passage. I’m playing one of the apostles (James/son of A) in the Passion Play that my Church puts on two weeks before Easter and this just got way more personal. It definitely puts a different perspective on my role when we’re in the garden of gethsemane scene. It really makes you realize that He wasn’t just referring to the apostles back then but to us now too. wow. Thank you for this study. please keep the passion play cast and crew in your prayers please as we begin our opening night this sunday. god bless sisters :)

  6. Jesus knew and loved the man that he knew would one day betray him. What love without expectation. I’m coming from a desert place – a place my own choices led me – fearful to even join a discussion and praying group of women. Believing God led me here for a reason. Today’s reading confirms that even more. This passage just wrecks me – ultimately it’s the sin of every man that brought Jesus here – my sin. But he loves us more than we can ever love… oh how great the Father’s love for us.

    1. Stephanie says:

      Amen! We are all in the same boat, no one deserving So happy you joined us:)

    2. Stephanie says:

      Amen! No one here is better or more deserving of His great love than anyone else. Isn’t that so amazing. ! “And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. ” (Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭18‬ NLT)
      So glad you’re reading with us!

  7. Amanda says:

    I’ve experienced several moments of betrayal the past few months – shocking and hurtful instances that’ve left me feeling shattered and bitter. I needed this reminder today, that Jesus suffered through the pain of betrayal in order to save me. To save US. Jesus, help me lean on you the next time the sting of betrayal makes my heart feel defeated and in need of repair!

  8. Sandy says:

    "Let the scriptures be fulfilled" really spoke to me and it is heart breaking as it takes me to yesterdays verse "Not my will, but yours". Thank you Jesus! Thank you SRT for this amazing Lenten study. I have been lead down a lighted path this season to see where I can more obedient to Him, examine my sinful places and truly see how heavy of a load He carried us. So enlightened this season.

    Happy First Day of Spring SRT Sisters!

    1. shereadstruth says:

      Oh, I love this, Sandy! Thanks for sharing. Happy First Day of Spring to you!
