Worshiping the Lord

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 12:1-32, Deuteronomy 13:1-18, Deuteronomy 14:1-21, 1 Corinthians 10:14-31

My mom and I are good friends. Like all good friends, we can get ourselves into passionate, playful arguments about very important topics—like vanilla extract. Yes, you heard that right: vanilla extract. I’m a purist. She was too, until taking the advice of a TV chef.   

“It all tastes the same in the end,” she says. And that, my friends, is where our playful little argument begins. Now, I understand the benefit of using imitation vanilla on a budget. Dropping thirty dollars on a little bottle of flavoring may not be the best way to steward our finances when there are more pressing needs. It’s an extravagance. But I do think it’s important to recognize there is a difference. Greater value is given to vanilla in its purest form than to a watered-down imitation of it because it’s unlike anything else of its kind.        

Our God, the Lord of lords, is also unlike anything of His kind. Anything, anywhere, in all creation. He is the one true God. And in Scripture, we see God place deep value on worshiping Him, untainted by idolatry. This is because He is holy and alone worthy of receiving not just our worship, but that which is genuine and from the heart. More importantly, when we find ourselves securing our affections to anything outside of God, it’s only a counterfeit imitation of true worship. It’s an insult to our Father who is over all things and conceived us in love. 

In today’s reading, Moses addresses worship practices that are, in short, a hot mess. The people inhabiting the land that God had promised the Israelites are worshipping every kind of idol, constructing Asherah poles, pillars, and altars built for human-made statues (Deuteronomy 12:3-4,8). 

Moses urges God’s people to recognize the difference between the current practices in the promised land and the worship of the one true God, between bowing before a statue crafted from human hands instead of the God who spoke metal, wood, and light into being. They are called to mark a difference between what is pagan and what is pure, not just in who or what they worship, but in how. Avoiding idolatry wasn’t only about avoiding bowing down to statues—it was about adopting a way of living that aligned with being set apart. “For you are a holy people,” Moses says, “belonging to the LORD your God” (Deuteronomy 14:21).

Fortunately, Mom and I agree that being a purist in baking is not anywhere near as important as it is in worship. You and I may not be called to the same instructions as the Israelites living under the old covenant, but we are called to worship with pure hearts all the same. Today, let’s sit in the presence of the God who alone is worthy of our heart’s deepest affection. 

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45 thoughts on "Worshiping the Lord"

  1. Jane K says:

    In the last couple of days, there have been so many good verses and wisdom shared here. It has given me a lot to think about. I like what you shared, Victoria Fowlkes on the Sabbath. I have been feeling convicted on how I keep the Sabbath. I understand the reasoning for keeping Sabbath on Saturday. With most Christian churches worshipping on Sundays, it would make it challenging to switch days. I know I am commanded to not neglect the gathering together with the body of Christ, Hebrews 10:25. I realize that I need to stop treating the Sabbath as just another day for me to play. I go to church, and then I do whatever I want. Thank you also, Taylor, for bringing up tithing. I have left this to my husband, and he is very generous, but I also need to be involved. I am continuing to pray for all the prayer requests. Praising God for your ultrasound Victoria!! Also, praise God for using you, Mari, to lead younger staff at work. Melanie, I am praying for your father in law, your dad, your family and for strength and wisdom for you. Dorothy, I am continuing to pray for Finley after her procedure. Mauren I am praying for your granddaughters. I was wondering if there is an active youth group or Wednesday night group in their area. It was so beneficial for my daughters to get involved when they were in school. Also, my youngest daughter had a spiritual mentor from our church who helped her develop her faith. Praying God would bring people into their lives that would speak truth and wisdom to them. Thank you, Blessed Beth, for sharing how God spoke to you about your husband and his faith. God is good! One of my daughters is in labor now as I write this morning. Would you please pray for a safe delivery and health for her and her baby, please? Her name is Morgan. Thank you!

  2. Traci Gendron says:

    Vs 23 “Everything is permissible,” but not everything is beneficial. ” Everything is permissible,” but not everything builds up. 24 No one is to seek his own good, but the good of the other person.
    We seem so far from living this way in todays world. Can you imagine if we did? We need more love and less hate. To do everything for the glory of God. To fear Him. Keep His commands and listen to Him. Worship Him and remain faithful.

  3. ERB says:

    MAURA, a few of my friends just got back to me about a Bible study for your granddaughters!! They ALL recommended the same thing!!! It’s called God’s vessels, and is associated with Faith Bible Chapel. Their website is godsvessels (.com) …they are supposed to start up next week!! I checked the website out and it really does look AWESOME!!!! I haven’t heard about any housing options yet, but will keep my feelers out there!!

    You asked how I have been doing… my body is slowly adjusting, and my seizures haven’t been as bad or as frequent, but I am still VERY tired and have NO umph! My energy level is super low and very inconsistent. I spend most days in bed resting and sleeping… definitely not ideal, but God has been giving me a LOT during this time and I am VERY thankful (as small as it seems) for the progress and the revelations. Your continued thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated!! Thank you sweet friend!! ❤️

  4. Cindy Hanna says:

    This week’s podcast addressed “adding and taking away” found in today’s reading. Really good thoughts about creating our own idols when we add and elevate any other heart desires to the place God alone should occupy. Examples were given: when we say “I love God AND fitness… or God AND my family….we have basically elevated any other items to the status of an idol. Keeping God alone in the first and highest places of our heart is the only way to honor his holiness. Blessings and prayers for this community of sisters. Your words an encouragement to me.

  5. Victoria E says:

    I have many thoughts this morning but will try to be succinct! First thank you to all who prayed, our appointment went well! Continued prayers through our EDD of March 24 would be very much appreciated. Second I love the “vanilla extract debate!” I really laughed at that one. Third, I’ve been struggling with the particulars of how we tithe, I recently increased the amount we were tithing but then ran into trouble as medical, school, and car related bills suddenly appeared out of nowhere! I believe I may have to decrease my giving temporarily to make ends meet and I feel some type of horrible guilt over this though I know that God is not angry with me for not giving up to 10%. Please pray for us that we can make good decisions with our finances and honor God with them. I still pray the same for all here. Thank you!

  6. Mari V says:

    YES! Our God! The one-and-only tue God is worthy of our heart’s deepest affection.
    I’ve been given the opportunity and I’m so grateful to lead younger staff at work. I may not be the boss but I am so excited and privileged that I’ve been given the opportunity to lead. I’m grateful for my new boss who has taken a chance on me. She is amazing! May I set the example of our one true God to this new young staff. NEVER me ALL Jesus!

  7. Mari V says:

    YES! Our God! The one-and-only tue God is worthy of our heart’s deepest affection.

  8. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    This is a little lengthy but thought I’d share it as the subject of tithing came up. I found this when I was preparing a lesson on “What Does the Bible Say About Giving? and is titled, “The Man Who Gave 90 Percent.”…
    “R. G. LeTourneau (1888 – 1969) was a Christian industrialist who dedicated his life to “being a businessman for God” He was hugely successful, designing and developing his own line of earth-moving equipment.

    LeTourneau was the maker of nearly 300 inventions, and had hundreds of patents in his lifetime. As he succeeded financially, he “increased his giving” to the point where he was giving 90% of his income to the Lord’s work.
    “I shovel out the money, and God shovels it back—but God has a bigger shovel.” – R. G. LeTourneau

    You may be thinking, “I could give 90% too if I was a multi-millionaire Maybe so, but LeTourneau didn’t start out wealthy.

    A gentle challenge: Whatever percentage of your income you are currently giving, make a lifelong plan to bump that percentage with every opportunity.”

    My husband and I learned a long time ago, that you can’t “out-give” God. …There were times when my husband was in Bible College, working a job that paid $5 an hour, and days where we weren’t sure where the grocery money would come from – but we always tithed. And God always provided…and still does.

    When tithing is mentioned in the O.T., 10% was the starting place. In the N.T. no amount is mentioned, only that each one is to give cheerfully as he purposes in his heart. (2 Corinthians 9:7)Just before that in 2 Corinthians 9:6, Paul says, He who sows sparingly, reaps sparingly and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully – which R. G. LeTourneau certainly testifies to!

    The key to giving is prayer – asking God what He wants us to give. It may be more than we have in mind or it may be less. But He sees, He knows, and He leads!

    A blessed Wednesday to you all, and Happy 1st Day of September!