Who Is Worthy?

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 28:1-29, Isaiah 29:1-24, Revelation 5:1-14

Text: Isaiah 28:1-29, Isaiah 29:1-24, Revelation 5:1-14

“We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!”

Yeah, I was a kid in the 90s. Anybody else remember imitating Wayne and Garth to declare your unworthiness over things like Nintendo skills, Lisa Frank sticker collections, or Air Jordans? My assessment of worthiness is different now, but I’m still inclined to assess things by my arbitrary categories of value. I am not immune to questioning my own worthiness in the face of a really lovely turn of phrase or a well-managed garden.

But is my worthiness the relevant question? It surely seems to be the contemporary question, one Paul clearly answered for us in Romans, long before we ever started trying to compete for Instagram likes.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
– Romans 3:23

It’s almost a relief, really; the playing field is leveled and we have all fallen short. And it answers the question of human worthiness: Which of us is worthy? Not a one.

So what are the qualifications for worthiness? God’s people were waiting for someone who was worthy. And their list of qualifications was far more than a wink and a well-executed somersault.

He was to be both the root and the stem of David (Isaiah 9:7, Luke 1:30-32). He would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14, Luke 1:27-28, 31) and God’s Spirit would rest on Him (Isaiah 11:2, Mark 1:10). He would be both the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5) and the Lamb who would be slain (Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24).

All that, and yet the list was still completely simple: He had to be the Son of God (Isaiah 9:6; Psalm 2:6-7). He alone is worthy to take the scroll and open its seals, worthy to bring salvation and bring justice (Revelation 5:1-14).

But His worthiness doesn’t end there. He is to receive all the riches of heaven and earth—all material things, all praise, all everything belongs to Him alone. Suddenly the complicated question becomes simple again.

Dutch journalist, statesman, and theologian Abraham Kuyper said, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, ‘Mine!’” That about says it all. Christ is worthy, and all honor is due to Him.

This simplifies my plaguing difficulties in wondering where I sit in the pecking order. It eliminates the question of “who deserves this more?” And frankly, it resolves my need to be celebrated by the world. When I turn my eyes from myself and point my compass to the True North, Christ Himself, I cease scrambling for a place at the table because I find myself at rest, pointing to the One who is truly worthy.

Because of Christ, we can join with the angels and the archangels and the whole company of heaven and sing a new song:

You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
because You were slaughtered,
and You redeemed people
for God by Your blood
from every tribe and language
and people and nation.
You made them a kingdom
and priests to our God,
and they will reign on the earth.
—Revelation 5:9-10


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61 thoughts on "Who Is Worthy?"

  1. Tricia C says:

    He is so worthy and I am not. So glad for Christ’s death on the cross for me, to make me worthy. Hallelujah!
    I have loved the last two days of devotion. I was behind a bit so read both today. What a blessing!

  2. Monica says:

    This was a favorite so far in this study. Rebecca did such a beautiful job of pointing us to our True North, to a place of rest where we need not strive, but receive and worship. Loved this so much!

  3. Traci Fredricks says:

    if at EVERY moment of my day and life, I can keep this truth center. And then, be at peace pointing to the only one who is worthy of attention, adoration, praise and my very life- may God keep in PERFECT PEACE the one whose mind is stayed on Thee! thank you SRT for doing the pointing in such beautiful fashion. I am forever grateful for your ministry of the word of God.

  4. Jen Downs says:

    I loved, loved, LOVED the quote from Abraham Kuyper. I love the visual that there is nothing in my human domain that God does not cry MINE over.

    Even my sin! He didn’t want me to sin, and He is faithful to insure consequences because He is a good Father, but if I allow it He will bring beauty from ashes and even use my sin for His glory.

    Thank you Jesus!!

  5. Casey says:

    I love how Rebecca points out the worthiness of Christ, especially in a world where we’re constantly trying to prove our own worthiness. We try to prove it to friends, family, strangers and even God. And yet, the only worthiness that matters is that of Jesus. Because without Him, we would be stuck with Romans 3:23 without the hope of the next 2 verses: “…and [we] are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith” (Rom. 3:24-25). This reminds me that the only worthiness that I should be declaring to others and to myself is Christ’s, not my own! My own worthiness (or attempt at it) has no good news attached to it. It will always be selfish and empty and full of that struggle between pride and insecurity. But when we focus on Jesus’ worthiness, it seems to put everything back in the right perspective.

    1. J says:

      The struggle between pride and insecurity – how well said, Casey. Thankful we have a Savior who is the very definition of Worthy to take the place of our futile and bumbling attempts at it. And for who? How silly it all seems brought to light, and how cyclically true for us all. Freeing to consider that even our best attempts will fail in comparison to Christ – not freedom to abuse grace and abound in sin, but freedom to accept that when we do fail, it is as He knew and already atoned for out of His unfailing love for us. He is holy, He is kind, and He is so, so good.

    2. RondaGale says:

      “My own worthiness … has no good new attached to it” !!! (love that!)
      But Jesus….The Good News!!! (love that even more!)

  6. Alanna Davis says:

    Praising God for His mission and for inviting me to join Him in it this morning:
    You are worthy to take the scroll
    and to open its seals,
    because You were slaughtered,
    and You redeemed people
    for God by Your blood
    from every tribe and language
    and people and nation.
    You made them a kingdom
    and priests to our God,
    and they will reign on the earth.
    —Revelation 5:9-10

  7. Sam says:

    I spend so much time trying to prove my worth to others. However, I never really stopped to realize that He alone is worthy. We aren’t worthy. However, He created us in His image and sent His son to die for us. We may never be worthy, but we were WORTH IT to the only One who matters. Who cares what the world says? I want what my Father God says!

  8. Sarah D. says:

    Hey everyone, could you please pray for me? Been battling with Satan’s temptations that are coming at me. Please pray that I do not fall into temptations again and that my faith in Jesus overpowers every doubt and fear. Pray that I do not just read His Word and walk away, never applying and acting on what is said. Pray that I embrace His grace and that I push all distractions aside. That I remember that I am forgiven, even despite my mistakes. That I realize that Jesus still died and rose for me, even though He knew I still would turn from Him. That I read, apply, and act and become more like Jesus, as I learn more about Him. Thank you all <3

    1. Jade says:

      Of COURS I’ll pray for you, you are my sister in heaven! And anyone who does not pray for their sister…I do not know what to say!

    2. Stacie says:

      Praying dear one, your words are a reminder and challenge for me as well.

    3. Jen Downs says:

      Oh Sarah, how I can relate. I was so broken in 2006 because of my own sinful actions. Fellow Christians who called themselves friends brought condemnation and I almost fell for the devils lies that this one was TOO BIG for God to forgive.

      Oh but He does! I will pray for victory over the stronghold of sin. I will pray for victory over the devils lies.

      God alone is worthy and He created you because you are deeply loved and desired by Him. Place your feet on the Cornerstone my sister and walk in that freedom.

    4. She Reads Truth says:

      Sarah, praying for you sweet friend. Asking the Lord to give you strength and resolve. Grateful for you and a God that is far greater than our sin!

      – Stormye

    5. Emily B. says:

      Oh, Sarah, you are not alone in the battle of the mind. What’s helped me recently is to hold onto the truth that I am a victor through Christ. It’s not something I have to wait for; I have victory NOW. I’m praying that you can cling to Him and the victory that He bought for you on the cross.