What the Lord Requires

Open Your Bible

Deuteronomy 9:7-29, Deuteronomy 10:1-22, Micah 6:7-8

My family will soon take a vacation to New England, the land I called home for every summer of my childhood and then some. We’ll cross Washington Bridge leaving Manhattan glimmering to the east, and wind through Connecticut’s tree-lined highways. Then we’ll hit the Massachusetts coastline, dotted with perfectly manicured hydrangeas and gray-weathered houses that stand at the sea. Finally, we’ll cross the border into New Hampshire, get off I-93, and I’m there. I know every beat of the drive, every bend of the road. I am at my most “me” when I stand among New Hampshire’s lakes and mountains. I shut off every piece of technology (no social media, no email, no phone), and bask in what is, to me, perfection. 

But we always have to go back to our current home, jolted back into reality. And I’m reminded that the gift of experiencing vacation in your favorite place means that reentry will always be a little painful: laundry, dishes, the flat landscape of my current state and the scorching southern heat, made all the harder because I just experienced something I find to be so very good.

On Mount Horeb, Moses experienced perfection beyond human imagination when he encountered God. The Lord’s radiance was so glorious, Moses had to cover his face. Moses glimpsed the glory of the Lord, the unimaginable sweetness of His perfect goodness. 

And yet when Moses returned to the Israelites, he was jolted back into the reality of a broken world: the Israelites, led by Aaron, had constructed an idol, a golden calf. Moses, who had just tasted and seen the source of all good, saw a people who had turned away from God. Moses knew what they were turning away from, better than almost anyone who has ever lived. So his anger and mourning were deep, as were the Lord’s. The Lord threatened to destroy this people, but Moses begged the God who he had just met face to face to change His mind. 

In today’s reading, Moses recounted this story to a new generation of Israelites as a reminder of a beautiful truth: God is real. He loves His people. And the shalom-filled life God gives in His commands is worth striving for. In Deuteronomy 10:12–22, Moses’s beautiful speech presents the scope of the gospel. He reminds his people of God’s requirements, of the call to follow Him we find in Jesus (Deuteronomy 10:12; Matthew 4:19).  We see precursors of Paul’s instruction for believers to put off their old selves in Moses’s command for the Israelites to no longer be stiff-necked (Deuteronomy 10:16; Ephesians 4). And Peter’s explanation of how God made a people who were once not a people is a parallel to Moses’s reminder that “Your ancestors went down to Egypt, seventy people in all, and now the LORD your God has made you numerous, like the stars of the sky” (Deuteronomy 10:22; 1 Peter 2:10).

Moses’s zeal for the Lord, and earnest prayers born out of knowing the goodness of the Lord offered the Israelites a picture of what it meant for God to renew His covenant with them. Jesus is this God incarnate, who came to earth to write a new covenant and call us to follow after Him. Follow Him, and the sweetness of kingdom life is ours.

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51 thoughts on "What the Lord Requires"

  1. Mandy Ferrugia says:

    So much focus on “remembrance” during this study… Remember who God is, remember what He has done, remember to love Him fully and offer Him all your praise, remember how sinful we are and how we can’t do this without Him, remember to seek Him with all our hearts and to follow Him every day, remember that He alone is God and nothing else will ever satisfy or save us. So many good things, may we always remember and give God all the glory every day!

  2. Mandy Ferrugia says:

    So much focus on “remembrance” during this study…
    Remember who God is, remember what He has done, remember to love Him fully and offer Him all your praise, remember how sinful we are and how we can’t do this without Him, remember to seek Him with all our hearts and to follow Him every day, remember that He alone is God and nothing else will ever satisfy or save us.

  3. Mandy Ferrugia says:

    So much focus on “remembrance” during this study…
    Remember who God is

  4. Mandy Ferrugia says:

    So much focus on “remembrance” during this study…

  5. Victoria E says:

    Good morning sisters , great comments all! @Maura I will be praying for you in your current situation. @ Foster mama so glad to hear the meeting went well. @Melanie praise God your father is getting a kidney! I will pray for the surgery and his recovery. Please pray that i and everyone here can clearly see how to follow the instructions in Micah 6:8. Seems straightforward but sometimes I know I feel like I get distracted and forget to do these things or I’m. It sure how to in certain situations. Thank you!

  6. Cindy Hanna says:

    I saw a thought provoking quote yesterday. “Don’t trip on what is behind you.”

  7. Mandy Ferrugia says:

    So good Victoria! Amen!

  8. Cindy Hanna says:

    Like others here have already mentioned… my focus is being faithful in what God brings to me…Today.