My family will soon take a vacation to New England, the land I called home for every summer of my childhood and then some. We’ll cross Washington Bridge leaving Manhattan glimmering to the east, and wind through Connecticut’s tree-lined highways. Then we’ll hit the Massachusetts coastline, dotted with perfectly manicured hydrangeas and gray-weathered houses that stand at the sea. Finally, we’ll cross the border into New Hampshire, get off I-93, and I’m there. I know every beat of the drive, every bend of the road. I am at my most “me” when I stand among New Hampshire’s lakes and mountains. I shut off every piece of technology (no social media, no email, no phone), and bask in what is, to me, perfection.
But we always have to go back to our current home, jolted back into reality. And I’m reminded that the gift of experiencing vacation in your favorite place means that reentry will always be a little painful: laundry, dishes, the flat landscape of my current state and the scorching southern heat, made all the harder because I just experienced something I find to be so very good.
On Mount Horeb, Moses experienced perfection beyond human imagination when he encountered God. The Lord’s radiance was so glorious, Moses had to cover his face. Moses glimpsed the glory of the Lord, the unimaginable sweetness of His perfect goodness.
And yet when Moses returned to the Israelites, he was jolted back into the reality of a broken world: the Israelites, led by Aaron, had constructed an idol, a golden calf. Moses, who had just tasted and seen the source of all good, saw a people who had turned away from God. Moses knew what they were turning away from, better than almost anyone who has ever lived. So his anger and mourning were deep, as were the Lord’s. The Lord threatened to destroy this people, but Moses begged the God who he had just met face to face to change His mind.
In today’s reading, Moses recounted this story to a new generation of Israelites as a reminder of a beautiful truth: God is real. He loves His people. And the shalom-filled life God gives in His commands is worth striving for. In Deuteronomy 10:12–22, Moses’s beautiful speech presents the scope of the gospel. He reminds his people of God’s requirements, of the call to follow Him we find in Jesus (Deuteronomy 10:12; Matthew 4:19). We see precursors of Paul’s instruction for believers to put off their old selves in Moses’s command for the Israelites to no longer be stiff-necked (Deuteronomy 10:16; Ephesians 4). And Peter’s explanation of how God made a people who were once not a people is a parallel to Moses’s reminder that “Your ancestors went down to Egypt, seventy people in all, and now the LORD your God has made you numerous, like the stars of the sky” (Deuteronomy 10:22; 1 Peter 2:10).
Moses’s zeal for the Lord, and earnest prayers born out of knowing the goodness of the Lord offered the Israelites a picture of what it meant for God to renew His covenant with them. Jesus is this God incarnate, who came to earth to write a new covenant and call us to follow after Him. Follow Him, and the sweetness of kingdom life is ours.

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51 thoughts on "What the Lord Requires"
This is an old plan but how wonderful people can read it at several different moments across months and years and it still bring sweet truth that meets us all where we’re at right at that moment.
That’s the power and beauty of God’s Word and of His Spirit speaking into each of our hearts.
This evening I’m thankful for the reminder that there will be a perfect harmony again one day.
And to pursue that by following Jesus today.
This study was apt as I deal with hurt from one of our former church members and where reconciliation has not been possible which breaks my heart considering that is what we aim for as brothers and sisters in Christ.
It’s helpful for me to remember to, as well as continue praying for restoration (though if i’m honest it feels impossible)
that it will all be made right one day and there won’t be any disunity.
This reading today gives us a wonderful picture of God’s heart – full of love, justice, kindness and mercy; slow to anger and quick to forgive.
What a reminder of God’s mercy and love for the Israelites and us! How quickly we turn and deserve such wrath. Thank you for interceding on our behalf, Jesus!!
Lord I thank you for all things and I thank you everything lord you are good and I thank you!
I loved this reading so far. I love the passion Moses has and such the desire to help the lords people.
Hi Maura! I’m so sorry about your grandchildren having to be exposed to that… have you looked into True Girl at all? They’re a Christian ministry aimed at tween and teen girls for exactly what your granddaughters are dealing with! I hope that helps! I’ll be praying!!
I have no idea why my comment was posted in part so many times. Sorry!!!!
Maura, I will be praying for you and your family.
I feel led to share something that may be helpful for your granddaughters. I am part of a wonderful community called the Daily audio Bible. There is a Daily Audio Bible Kids where a sweet boy reads and discusses scripture daily.
Maura, I will be praying for you and your family.
I feel led to share something that may be helpful for your granddaughters. I am part of a wonderful community called the Daily audio Bible. There is a Daily Audio Bible Kids where a sweet boy reads and discusses scripture daily.
Maura, I will be praying for you and your family.
@Sky Hilton The other devotional I do today had to do with idols. It’s so true that many things start one way and can end up being harmful to us and idolatrous. Here is.a link to the teaching and the More Moments section if you want to check it out:.
I have treated so much of technology as an idol over God. I need to disconnect more to connect with God first. May you all have a beautiful night!
“It was not His will to destroy you.” After continual rebellion and turning from Him, God did not desire to harm the Israelites. During times of hardship in my own life, I pray I would remember this truth. God prunes us because He loves us, although pruning can feel like destruction at times. I pray we would be surrendered to God and would not become bitter, becoming blind, or forgetting the promises of God when life is difficult. For we are a “stiff necked” people, so in need of God’s patience and pursuit, as we are prone to wandering.
ERB – I get up in the morning and do SRT. I have been listening to more christian music at home and in my car. Then I head out into the world and feel that peace diminishing. I can only imagine how Moses felt when he turned and saw the idol that the Israelites made. Especially after such a great encounter with God!
MAURA – I will pray for you. I was married to a man that seemed Godly and he turned away in such a defiant way I couldn’t believe it. He divorced me for know real reason, but self centeredness. I have been ashamed to admit that I’m married for the third time! But God gave me a wonderful man that He knew I needed. Through that marriage I now live in Colorado. The housing market has skyrocketed. God will provide!
MELANIE – I donated my kidney to my son. We went through it with flying colors. Praying the same for your father in law.
SARAH JOY – As I was saying my prayers this morning, I felt that God was telling me my mission is my son. To make sure he turns back to God. That it is the most important thing I can do for him. So, thank you for your comment. It was what I was hearing in my prayers!
I always enjoy reading the comments of all the SRT community members who post. I agree with @SarahJoy that the world can feel so overwhelmingly broken recently. I am praying for all of the women, including @Maura, and for all the young girls and young women in this world, now more than ever.
I am praying for all my sisters and remembering who God is!! ❤️
So much focus on “remembrance” during this study… Remember who God is, remember what He has done, remember to love Him fully and offer Him all your praise, remember how sinful we are and how we can’t do this without Him, remember to seek Him with all our hearts and to follow Him every day, remember that He alone is God and nothing else will ever satisfy or save us. So many good things, may we always remember and give God all the glory every day!
So much focus on “remembrance” during this study…
Remember who God is, remember what He has done, remember to love Him fully and offer Him all your praise, remember how sinful we are and how we can’t do this without Him, remember to seek Him with all our hearts and to follow Him every day, remember that He alone is God and nothing else will ever satisfy or save us.
So much focus on “remembrance” during this study…
Remember who God is
So much focus on “remembrance” during this study…
Good morning sisters , great comments all! @Maura I will be praying for you in your current situation. @ Foster mama so glad to hear the meeting went well. @Melanie praise God your father is getting a kidney! I will pray for the surgery and his recovery. Please pray that i and everyone here can clearly see how to follow the instructions in Micah 6:8. Seems straightforward but sometimes I know I feel like I get distracted and forget to do these things or I’m. It sure how to in certain situations. Thank you!
I saw a thought provoking quote yesterday. “Don’t trip on what is behind you.”
So good Victoria! Amen!
Like others here have already mentioned… my focus is being faithful in what God brings to me…Today.
Maura I am sorry you have all this to deal with. I will pray for God’s peace and provision for you.
Just got work I had about five minutes before clocking in. MAURA, i’m praying for you.
I love what you said Kelly about if you wonder God’s will for Your Life- Simply stated but truly the truth. It all starts with just keeping our focus on Him, which is hard to do I have a tip as well that I cherish and that is my worship music! I started listening to Klove, or our local Christian station 20 years ago while go through a painful divorce It carried me in my hard times, and yet I still listened to it. It’s on my car station and my house music station. It continues to keep your focus throughout the day on what is important. And you know what, I have a 21-year-old and a husband that unknowingly will sing along to words that have settled in their heart! How awesome that feeling is when I hear that!! My grandchildren and friends hear it when they are in my house, and when I had a training studio, it was usually on there as well. So I encourage you to find a Christian station that has a feel you like, and tune in daily in your car, in your kitchen and see how powerful it is! Praise, Happy, Sad, Overwhelmed—There is a song for all! Have a good week everyone!!
PS–Still missing you so much Churchmouse and praying you are well. I just can’t imagine, because you have commented daily for years, and we miss you.
Good Morning Sisters, I always am a bit aghast at Moses coming down the mountain to find the golden calf and can only imagine how devastating that must have felt. I got to spend the weekend with all my Lovely girls, and I would ask for prayers for my older grands as the social media and videos that have become a lot of their life, have really been hard on them, a lot of scary R rated movies that no child, much less adult should ever watch. Please pray for them to have The strength to turn away from these things, when the parent they are primarily with sometimes has told them they are chicken if they don’t want to watch. Please pray for me wisdom to say what I need to and send me any good Christian devotions that might be out there for girls age 8 through 11. I wish there was an online kids read truth. Also, they are starting at a new school, pray for good friends and teachers like Angie. ☺Please also pray for me today, I have an initial status conference for my divorce, I am sad to say, and though I can’t stay in this, my second marriage feeling the loss of all I had hoped it would be and the reality of how much it will take for me to afford to be on my own. So Thankful for these months I have with at my Sister’s house, Please pray for His provision, as I need to move out at the end of October, and eyes to see and my heart to hear what He is providing. I am specifically asking for at least a 2 bedroom place, with a yard or a park close by and big enough that when my girls all come for visitation with my daughter, until she can move closer, it is doable. Colorado prices are a bit insane, but we know the God who has all of it in His hands and always provides in amazing ways, is my God. I am so looking forward to His answers. Asking for a lot of here. Thank you all, I so appreciate it. I am a bit overwhelmed. So, if I am not responding much, please know I love you all and am praying for and with you. And your words as always are blessing me. His Love, Peace and Joy to you my Sisters.
Deuteronomy 9:22,29 is what stood out to me today. When Moses prayed he referred to the Israelites as “Your people” “Your inheritance” whom You brought out. It was a great reminder that for us who have received Jesus, we too our His people, His inheritance – brought out of our sin and bought by the precious blood of Jesus! God did so much for us – how is it that we find it so hard to simply obey Him. It is all He requires. My prayer is that I will daily fear God, walk in His ways, love Him and serve Him with all my heart. Sadly, I know I will fail because I’m a sinner yet, I rejoice in knowing that God is faithful to forgive me and cleanse me from all my sin! (1John 1:9) Every day is new and fresh. Every day is another opportunity to do it right – to love, honor, obey and serve Him. Praising God for this new day and the next, and the next, and the next!
@Melanie – praying for your dad’s surgery and a speedy recovery.
@Foster Mama – praise the Lord for answer to prayer! I will continue to pray that God will keep on working in each heart.
Also praying for other requests that were previously made. Blessings to all my SRT sisters and prayers for all those in the path of hurricane Ida.
Thank you so much for your words, Sarah Joy. I think this was for me, because I was feeling very purposeless being stuck at home, like a soldier without a mission or mission field. I will endeavour to intentionally invest in those around me at home. This meant a lot, and seemed quite relevant. Stay faithful.
I’m convicted by the heart of Moses in today’s reading (Deut 9:13-14, 26-29). He could’ve taken the easy way out, allow God to just get rid of this exhausting people and take the blessing for himself. But he didn’t, he cared deeply for not only God’s chosen, but also God’s name among the nations. Would I “argue” with God like Moses did if the same offer was on the table for me and my descendants?
This series is repeatedly making it clear how great the scope of Gods love is. He was so angry with His people’s repeated acts of rebellion He wanted to destroy us but he showed us mercy and sent His Son to Die for us in order to save us!!!! It’s unfathomable. He loves us so very much. All we have to do to be saved and to be made righteous is to believe that Jesus died and rose again for our sins. Once we are saved we are to walk humbly with Him. He repeatedly tells us how we can love him in return. If we love Him we are to be OBEDIENT to Him. Keep His commandments. Love God (the first 4 commandments) Love others (the last 6). This is why I continue to stress the importance of remembering the forgotten 4th commandment to keep the 7th Day Sabbath Holy!!!! We are saved by Jesus blood alone keeping the commandments can’t save us! But now that we are saved we live our lives in love and obedience! The commandments are our wedding vows to our Loving God.
Love your analysis “the commandments are our wedding vows to God” It makes so much sense now. ❤
SarahJoy- I needed to hear this. Both my husband and I serve in disaster response but last year I left my position as an employee and became a volunteer in order to stay home with our 2 boys. He has been deployed serving others affected by disaster and since it is what I used to do as well, it felt like I wasn’t helping others by staying home. But you are so spot on that my family is my mission field and I am right where I need to be. I needed your words this morning so thank you for following the Lord’s leading and taking the time to share that with me today. What an encouragement and beautiful reminder.
Kelly, your comment Saturday reminded me of hoe truly amazing this community is! Thank you for your prayers. The mission trip went well. We had lots of fun and have had great conversations. We’ve had good contacts with the kids and teens, and little seeds have been planted. It was hard to leave but I’m trusting that God can make these little seeds sprout out and grow then into a big tree at his timing (Matthew 13:31-32).
I REALLY liked what Melanie Rainer wrote to go along with today’s scriptures!!! And will be ruminating on these 2 paragraphs especially:
“ On Mount Horeb, Moses experienced perfection beyond human imagination when he encountered God. The Lord’s radiance was so glorious, Moses had to cover his face. Moses glimpsed the glory of the Lord, the unimaginable sweetness of His perfect goodness.
And yet when Moses returned to the Israelites, he was jolted back into the reality of a broken world: the Israelites, led by Aaron, had constructed an idol, a golden calf. Moses, who had just tasted and seen the source of all good, saw a people who had turned away from God. Moses knew what they were turning away from, better than almost anyone who has ever lived. So his anger and mourning were deep, as were the Lord’s. The Lord threatened to destroy this people, but Moses begged the God who he had just met face to face to change His mind.”
SUCH an awesome perspective!!! One that has never FULLY “clicked” for me before…just the sheer magnitude of trying to FULLY comprehend what Moses was experiencing (directly being in God’s presence) is blowing my mind!!!! WOW!!! I like the analogy of being “JOLTED back to reality” as well!!! SO good and so REAL!!!! Really appreciate these wise words and this revelation!!! Thank you!!!
I also found it interesting that the scripture again points to God coming down in dark clouds and fire, directly speaking to the people.. Deuteronomy 9:10 …a lot to think about here!!
I also highlighted Deuteronomy 9:17-20 and was struck by Moses pleading and praying for Aaron, who God wanted to destroy for his betrayal and disobedience. May I have a heart that prays like Moses did on that day, and may I recognize (& remember) that God DOES listen to us and the cries of our hearts!!
I loved Deuteronomy 10:8-9 …what an INCREDIBLE inheritance!!!
And I, of course highlighted Deuteronomy 10:12-22 such great reminders!!! The resident alien verses especially stood out to me here…I think because of what’s happening with the world right now.. and also to remind me that ‘I am a stranger living in a strange land’ (my body is here on earth but my spirit desires to be with God). We are all of us, refugees…searching for the same thing: a safe place, a home!! And it is good to be reminded that God is the ONLY place that we will ever find that peace, fulfillment and assurance. Let us remember that, and remember each other in that!!
Micah 6:8 also stood out!! I LOVE this scripture and the meaning/reminders that go with it!!! …but I do have to say, that this verse has been used as an excuse, by means to justify and hide behind the words alone… and not actually deal with and follow the depth of meaning behind them. These are not just words, they are a way of life!!! A very good reminder for me!!
Be blessed today dear sisters… xoxo ❤️
Yes! Even Jesus came off the mountain top and went back into the world to serve.
The Israelites do not only have to remember how God provided for them in the wilderness and the commands He has given them. Moses calls them to also remember their sins (Deut. 9:7). How they disobeyed God and provoked Him. Not because there’s no forgiveness but because it’s important to remember. To remind ourselves how easily we are led astray and do not fear, love, and worship God. And how He remains faithful despite all our unfaithfulness.
Praise Jesus!!
Thank YOU a thousand times to all who prayed with and for us…we think things went well on our weekend visit (although that remains to be seen since it is an incomprehensibly volatile situation). There are more hurdles in future but, we have peace that God was present and we did our part; that’s the best we can do then need to surrender.
Blessed week, my sisters ❤️
This thought feels a little unrelated, but perhaps someone needs to hear this today.
Yesterday, I woke up and checked the news. Lately, I have felt disconnected from the world with our school year ramping up and getting all of us going in the right direction. Stories of lives lost, storms coming and devastating situations all over began to cause me overwhelm. “Dear God, this world is such a mess! It just gets worse! What do I do? How do I carry all of this weight for your world?”
And I remembered a dear father figure reminding me that we have a lovely community growing in our home. We have three girls: 11.5, 10 & 7. They are where I want to invest first and most. Our family is the community I need to pray for first and seek to encourage and teach. I can easily get distracted by needs outside our doors – so many! However, teaching our children to “fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees…” seems to be plenty most days. My life touches and leaves small impacts all over, but may my focus first be on where God has placed me: in this little house with my little crew of five.
May you all see where you’ve been placed and give your all to investing in those people God’s placed in your daily life. “Our mission field is right in front of our two feet.” – Jill Briscoe
MELANIE, so awesome!!! Thank You Jesus!! I am praying right now!! May the Lord’s hand guide the surgeons hands…God is the great & mighty physician & healer!! Also praying for you and your family…here’s to feeling better and seeing the magnificence of God!!!
Good morning SRT family! Feeling convicted by today’s reading especially Deuteronomy 9:16 “You had turned aside quickly from the way that the Lord commanded you.” I pray for a heart that desires obedience more than the desires of my flesh. I can do all things through HIM who strengthens me! (Philippians 4:13) Lord may you strengthen my spirit so I can be obedient to you! I hope everyone has a blessed Monday <3
I often wonder what God’s will in my life is. Thank you Kelly, for giving your straight answer. One that makes complete sense. I wish I could tattoo it on my wrist so I could read it every day.
Good morning Praise report my father in law is getting a kidney transplant as we speak. Please cover him in prayer for no complications and a good recovery. However my kids don’t feel good nor do i so we have to stay clear for until all better. My girls start school today so praying for a great year and school to stay in session all year
Amen. May we praise Him today, for all He has done and all he will do. Praying for you all this Monday!
“He is your praise. He is your God, who has done for you these great and terrifying things that your eyes have seen.” – Deuteronomy 10:21
Deuteronomy 10:12 (above)
and Micah 6:8,
He has shown you, O man, what is good;
And what does the Lord require of you
But to do justly,
To love mercy,
And to walk humbly with your God?
Why is it so difficult for me (you, the world) to follow this simple, straightforward instruction? We all know the answer (we’re human/easily distracted/tempted by the evil one). Praying that I will be more focused and diligent in remembering to honor the Lord with obedience.
Praying for yesterday’s requests and praising for the good reports.
ADRIENNE – your post yesterday brought a smile, same here! 30 years, I’m always running late and his motto is similar, if you’re not early, you’re late!
If you have ever wondered what God’s will for your life is, you can start with this: “to fear the Lord your God by walking in all his ways, to love him, and to worship the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul.”
If I can keep this straight, the other questions about His will for me will be answered.
Thanks for the insight Kelly.
Wonderful reading today. Thank you.