Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 53:5

Text: Isaiah 53:5

We believe memorizing scripture is one of the best ways to carry the Word of our God with us wherever we go—to have God-breathed truth, instruction and reproof in our hearts and minds as we live unto Him each day.

This week we’ve chosen a powerful verse to remind us of Christ’s sacrifice.

“But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.”
– Isaiah 53:5, ESV

Write this verse down—copy it twenty time if that helps! Post it on your mirror or at your desk, in your car or on the fridge—anywhere you’ll see it often. Save the image below as your phone’s lock screen so you can read these words of truth throughout the day.

We want to be a community that is intentional about scripture memorization. Will you join us?



(31) Comments

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31 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. apkzip.com says:

    I just love Sundays! Waking up and wondering what the verse is going to be and what the lock screen will look like :)

  2. Sarah Rising says:

    Imagine what Isaiah must have felt, what he saw when writing about our Lord. There was nothing beautiful in his appearance to attract us. Yet by His wounds we are Healed!

    God’s Word is beautiful and brings life!

    1. Trish says:

      Absolutely beautiful! I never considered the perspective of Isaiah.

  3. Monica Whiteley says:

    I just love Sundays! Waking up and wondering what the verse is going to be and what the lock screen will look like :) the downloads have been such a great reminder for me!! Such beauty in the design and the words. Thank you!

    1. Carrie C says:

      Yes totally agree! Beautiful, well designed images to aid us in our scripture memory. Thank you.

  4. Beth Warner says:

    Thank you thank you thank you Jesus!!!

  5. Beverly says:

    Yes! Such sweet perspective in this verse. Reminding me that when I’m down on myself, hard on myself, in a metaphorical funk, or harshly judging (myself or others)… it is in these mental places where I am not focused, where my eyes are on myself, consumed with selfish pride.
    But when I am focused on Him, remembering His pleasing and perfect sacrifice… then I am healed, free, bound up in His love and grace, right where I need to be, at peace, humbled.
    A perfect verse to meditate on for the week. To set my heart and mind on Him. Which is right where they need to be, always.

    1. churchmouse says:

      What a sweet reminder from you today : that I’m no longer bound to my sin or shame but bound to Him in love and forgiveness and acceptance, “bound up in His love and grace.” A beautiful visual. Thank you for sharing!

    2. Barbara says:

      Amen! And AMEN again, Beverly!

      I echo the intent and content of your words.

      It's almost like you wrote my heart and thought… sort of creepy (lol) but also very affirming and lovely.

      God Bless,

  6. Carmen says:

    It’s interesting that I believe this for others, but not always for myself!

  7. Lisa Brooks says:

    For me, for each of us He did this. There is no greater love!

  8. joanne says:

    Was saved here. So powerful and significant to me. I smiled when I saw the reference.