Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Lamentations 3:22-23

Text: Lamentations 3:22-23

We believe memorizing scripture is one of the best ways to carry the Word of our God with us wherever we go—to have God-breathed truth, instruction and reproof in our hearts and minds as we live unto Him each day.

This week we’ve chosen a promise to keep close this Lenten season.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.”
-Lamentations 3:22-23, ESV

Write this verse down—copy it twenty time if that helps! Post it on your mirror or at your desk, in your car or on the fridge—anywhere you’ll see it often. Save the image below as your phone’s lock screen so you can read these words of truth throughout the day.

We want to be a community that is intentional about scripture memorization. Will you join us?

(36) Comments

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36 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Beverly says:

    I love how the NIV translation begins:
    22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
    I am not consumed! My circumstances will not overwhelm me because of His great love. This brings so much hope and peace. And a comforting reminder of how mighty our God is. Grateful His compassions for me, for us never fail.

  2. Connie says:

    Please pray for Meghan. She is a drug addict. She is going to end up dead. I gave this verse to her yesterday. Pray with me that she goes to teen challenge and God grips her life. Thankyou SRT for sharing truth. We all need his word over us.

    1. Annie says:


  3. Lea says:

    I can’t seem to save this week’s print image. This could quite possibly due to my older phone, but didn’t know if I was alone in this. This week’s is extra beautiful.

    1. Rebecca says:

      I’m having problems saving the image too.

      1. Padgett says:

        I can’t save the scripture memory verse either! And I have a new iPhone so that’s not the problem. Dang.

    2. Rebecca Jill says:

      I held down my finger for many seconds to select the image on my phone. Then it gave me the option to save it. It worked! Beautiful truth!

  4. Verna says:

    My favorite Scripture!

  5. MNmomma (heather) says:

    Each day is a new beginning…..the opportunity to live my life for Christ. Yesterday I did not start my day with my SRT study, however, for the first time since last fall I laced up my running shoes for an outdoor run. For the first time in what seems like forever we have double digits ABOVE zero. The road was icy and snow covered (we live on a long dirt road), but oh the joy. Praising my savior for the sunshine, the promise of Spring….that time alone….just me and Him…..no distractions. Man have I missed that time…..I don't get that same feeling of oneness on the treadmill or doing circuit training….stride by stride I drew in closer to Him……ahhhhhhh….what a renewal of Spirit……..Great is thy faithfulness!

  6. Lisa says:

    A love that NEVER ends. Mercy that NEVER ends. Every sunrise is a reflection of His faithfulness. And with EVERY sunrise comes new mercies and second chances. A new chance to love and be loved by a kind and faithful Father. How great the Father’s love for us! This morning my heart is full beyond words!

  7. janice says:

    I had a rough yesterday…one angry gal..Yep angry!! A few days ago I had been thinking how my earthly daddy protected me…as the days went on I remembered that on March 5 he died. It's been over 15 years but the thought, situations arising that stirred up protection, surrounded me. Then yesterday that lack of protection from another slayed me. But today I read and smile. For I know His mercies will overwhelm me today. As I read, my heart opened.

  8. In Christ I'm Found says:

    Pour your Love and Mercy every morning into my heart and life Lord, how I need it!