Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Joel 2:13

We believe memorizing scripture is one of the best ways to carry the Word of our God with us wherever we go—to have God-breathed truth, instruction and reproof in our hearts and minds as we live unto Him each day.

This week we’ve chosen a call to cling to this Lenten season.

“Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love”
– Joel 2:13, ESV

Write this verse down—copy it twenty time if that helps! Post it on your mirror or at your desk, in your car or on the fridge—anywhere you’ll see it often. Save the image below as your phone’s lock screen so you can read these words of truth throughout the day.

We want to be a community that is intentional about scripture memorization. Will you join us?



(77) Comments

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77 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. MrsCeciB says:

    im late joining and starting my lenten season but i need it more than ever. this app replaced my FB app and will now be my new “go to” during the day as i struggle to make it through each day. i am so broken, so hurt, so lost. Jesus, please help me. I cannot do this alone. I need you to guide my words, my actions, my marriage, my life. You are the only one who can help me through this and I have full faith that you can and will. Amen!

    1. suznk says:

      Lifting you up to the Healer/Restorer/Redeemer, sister. Hold tight to Jesus. Look only to Him.

  2. Lauren says:

    So excited to grow deeper in my relationship with the Creator and learn about who he says he is. I am ready and humbling myself.

  3. Amy says:

    I am really enjoying this bible study!!! I am looking at the bible in a whole new way!

  4. Megan Brumley says:

    I have a huge praise! My heart cannot stop singing. My husband lost his job two years ago this month. The last two years have been painful for our family. Ours prayers have grow thin and our souls hurting. This week, God gave us a huge answer. My work is going to pay in full for me to go back to school!! I’m in awe of Gods grace and blessings!!

    1. Shanna Richardson says:

      That is great news! God is good

  5. Whitney says:

    I am so grateful for this community!

  6. Debby Blake says:

    Love this study, the comments from everyone in this group, and the focus on God’s love, grace and mercy. So thankful to be a part of it. Set the beautiful verse as my lock screen!

  7. Amanda says:

    Yes! Just yes!

  8. LaurenC_ says:

    The very essence and heart of the Lord —


    Let us return to Him with open arms!