We believe memorizing scripture is one of the best ways to carry the Word of our God with us wherever we go—to have God-breathed truth, instruction and reproof in our hearts and minds as we live unto Him each day.
This week we’ve chosen a call to cling to this Lenten season.
“Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love”
– Joel 2:13, ESV
Write this verse down—copy it twenty time if that helps! Post it on your mirror or at your desk, in your car or on the fridge—anywhere you’ll see it often. Save the image below as your phone’s lock screen so you can read these words of truth throughout the day.
We want to be a community that is intentional about scripture memorization. Will you join us?
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77 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"
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How often do we get versus to save and share like that. I’m making it my lock screen now ….I just gotta remember where/how. Lol
I love the movie ‘return to me’ where Minnie driver plays a girl who receives a heart transplant and falls in love with the donors husband. When they find out it’s traumatic for both of them and they end things. The guy realizes soon that he will never be the same without the one who has his heart so he travels to find her in Italy and they live happily ever after. I think in life we are shocked sometimes to know that God always pursues us and only wants us to know him and return to him and enter Into the waltz with him tons.
Reminded of the prodigal son from this verse. Love how Jesus spoke in tangible ways that we could relate to even though he’s so out of this world. He does not treat us as our sins deserve. Return to the Lord! Somehow God fearing yet God loving. No matter what He is good!
Reading these post and a lot of our sisters are in pain right now! I am praying for strength for you and for our God to bless you and shed some light thru these tough times! I recently had an experience were I needed strength … I prayed and prayed for strength and I was blown away by his physical warmth and strength it gives me chills! We are not always alone sisters, and we can’t do it alone!! Give it all to Him!
This verse has always been well known to me. In the Divine Liturgy this is a part, and I can sing it my head…what a comforting verse.
I have never participated in a Lent Season study. However I was looking for something to draw ,e closer to God because I’m in so much pain and turmoil in my life right now. I’m physically, emotionally and mentally drained. I feel as if my life is falling apart right before my eyes. And my faith is so being tested. Day by day in participating in the Lent Study I find a encouraging word to get me through another day.
I’m so sorry you’re having a hard time – God wants you to
Draw closer to him in this time and lean on him. Cast all your cares on him and he will keep you afloat x
I’m sorry you’re navigating such a difficult season in your life. I’ve just (sort of) come out of such a season and my heart aches for you. Be encouraged in the fact that you feel called to God. Cling to that calling. Only through Him do we have any hope of recovery. I will be praying for you sweet girl.
Trust in The Lord
im late joining and starting my lenten season but i need it more than ever. this app replaced my FB app and will now be my new “go to” during the day as i struggle to make it through each day. i am so broken, so hurt, so lost. Jesus, please help me. I cannot do this alone. I need you to guide my words, my actions, my marriage, my life. You are the only one who can help me through this and I have full faith that you can and will. Amen!
Lifting you up to the Healer/Restorer/Redeemer, sister. Hold tight to Jesus. Look only to Him.
So excited to grow deeper in my relationship with the Creator and learn about who he says he is. I am ready and humbling myself.
I am really enjoying this bible study!!! I am looking at the bible in a whole new way!
I have a huge praise! My heart cannot stop singing. My husband lost his job two years ago this month. The last two years have been painful for our family. Ours prayers have grow thin and our souls hurting. This week, God gave us a huge answer. My work is going to pay in full for me to go back to school!! I’m in awe of Gods grace and blessings!!
That is great news! God is good
I am so grateful for this community!
Love this study, the comments from everyone in this group, and the focus on God’s love, grace and mercy. So thankful to be a part of it. Set the beautiful verse as my lock screen!
Yes! Just yes!
The very essence and heart of the Lord —
Let us return to Him with open arms!
I love seasons. I love living in New England and experiencing its seasons – the beautiful and the challenging. For four weeks, we have been hit relentlessly with snow storm after snow storm. As this winter season has mirrored my own heart's season – I've been consciously trying to lean in and accept what's been going on outside my window, as well as inside my heart.
But today. Today God gave us the most beautiful, bright and sunny yet chilly day in the past month. With the smell of spring wafting off the ocean, buds breaking through on the branches, and the red tips on the tree outside my window showing new growth. I know that winter is not over yet, but today was a glorious and joyful reminder that spring is indeed on the way! And I can dare to fully hope that spring is also on its way into my heart. Overflowing in gratitude for His gracious gifts of abundant compassion and faithful love for us – always.
The winter calls me to Return. And the spring reminds me of His Goodness. Thank you, Lord.
Beautiful! My feelings at this moment, all the way in Texas, stated so eloquently. Thank you for your words. And thanks be to God for this community of believers.
Just said a prayer for you. I know all too well the way you feel, and I am always thankful for the spring in life that refreshes our heavy laden Spirits.
Praise you Lord for how you use these women to encourage so many. For talents and creativity, for beauty and wisdom that you give and for hearts you’ve changed in order to lovingly and bravely share their gifts with others. Most of all for the gift of your word. For the joy found in fellowship. For the sisterhood in the Gospel and a life that yearns to follow your Son. Amen
Elise, I love this so much that I wrote it down for my morning prayer tomorrow. Sending you blessings and love, sister!
Just set this beautiful reminder as my lock screen on my phone! Thank you for all the
encouragement . I love your readings and that they are helping us all on journey with our Lord.
During communion this morning I prayed this verse over and over again. It prepared my heart for worship and going before my Savior. Thank you for encouraging and reminding me to hide these words in my heart. My soul feels a little lighter today as I think and meditate on this verse.
I’m so glad I have this daily word to follow through the Lenten season. I’ve been struggling with how to focus more on God and his word, and this is the exact study I needed. Thanks!
love this and all your daily devos always so fresh !
Added to my lock screen! I’ve always struggled with memorizing scriptures. This SRT devotional just keeps getting better and better!
I have never memorized scripture before. Growing up, we memorized prayers, but never scripture, so I am excited for this journey. Also, I just ordered a chalkboard for our family room and I am going to have my artist daughter write the verse each week. Thank you.
Thank you Lord for your Word that promises you are gracious, merciful, slow to anger and ABOUNDING in steadfast love!
Added to my lock screen! Thanks for this beautiful and practical tool!
What a beautiful scripture and a beautiful image!
Love having it saved as the lock screen on my phone! Great idea!
I love this so much! How wonderful it is to know that no matter what the world or others think of me, the lord loves me.
Amen, Holly. Grateful He loves us always. His love is faithful and steadfast.
I have been struggling with how much the father loves me and just how much he cares so this verse was so needed. Saved as my lock screen for the week
Rend your heart and not your garments…the Lord does not care for the outward expressions that we may put forth! He wants our hearts every single time! He does want us to fake it till we make it! May the Lord greatly bless you all today:)
I love thinking of God’s goodness with the four attributes in this verse. Thank you for the handy & beautiful image of it to use as the lock screen on my phone. I see it every time I’m about to connect with the world & probably need to read & just set the phone back down!
'love this Robin!
Tear your hearts. . .wow. . .something to deeply contemplate. Yes, a very good verse to begin the Lenten season. I am not a good memorizer, but I know it is best to “hide God’s Word in my heart”. Blessings!
Yes Jarm, this comment made me word search “rend” and think more about it. Sometimes we rush past the first few words. Sin should make us have such bitter sorrow we rip apart our heart with remorse. I know when my children mess up and come to me with heartfelt remorse in their attitude I have an easier time giving grace than when I have to confront them over a poor behavior or choice they have made. Thanks for getting me to contemplate “tear your heart”
… He relents from sending calamity. Lord help me remember how much you love me.
So thankful for this truth today and for a God who welcomes us home with open arms despite our sin and brokenness. He wants us to return to Him and to allow Him to change our hearts. Sometimes it’s hard to fathom how much He really does love us (especially when we can be so hard on ourselves)!
Good morning. Thanks for the verse! Not only will I work on memorizing this scripture, I will also work to be just like HIM.
Not only am I SO thankful He is ,”slow to anger and abounding in love”, but I pray He will make me like himself in those areas in the days ahead.
I loved this verse!
Great verse to start with.
Powerful and encouraging. No matter how often we turn from Him, He will always take us back because of His abounding grace, mercy, and love. AMEN!
Love this morning’s reading. I do feel alienated from God at times, usually when I feel I’ve done something He would not approve of. And that in turn causes me to not talk to Him. It’s a cycle that I didn’t recognize until lately. I’ll never be good enough to earn Being in His company. It’s my heart He wants to change; everything else will follow. I will keep this verse with me and memorize it! And my continued prayer will be for a complete change of heart! Happy Sunday!!
Amen, Rosemary. It IS our hearts that He wants to change. And the wonderful thing is that is will ALWAYS be changing our hearts until we reach eternity. I say this because I used to think my heart changing was a one and done event. But I'm seeing more clearly that He is always changing, growing, refining me and my messy heart. Grateful that His mercy and love are beyond what I could imagine – He is always working to make me new.
I hope that you have a blessed day meditating on His goodness and compassion.
Yet another beautiful passage featured prominently in the liturgy. What an amazing God we have that we can keep returning to Him and His mercy will keep enduring!
How easy it is at times to hide from the Lord. We think we aren't good enough (and we're not!), we've made too many mistakes and we even think He is ashamed of us. Those are all lies from the enemy! Jesus Christ is just the opposite! We don't have to get good to get God. He is waiting with open arms, inviting us in. Come home, come home! He already knows our heart, He knows if we have fallen but He doesn't want us to stay that way. Even the "little sins"…everyday mistakes I call them, He forgives and forgets and all we have to do is ask.
So He invites us…Return…for He is gracious, merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. The NLT says right before that: "Don’t tear your clothing in your grief, but tear your hearts instead." ”Thank you God that I don't have to worry that you will beat me down for my errors or shortcomings. Instead you love and keep loving unconditionally but long to make me more like You. Work on my heart, Lord!!
Beautiful snowy and cold Sunday morning. Praying for all of sisters in warm, sunshine-y and tropical climates today. You just don't know what you are missing, lol. ♥♥♥
Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love”
Father God. .here I am, returning to You, with my bags of sin, and hurt, brokenness, and all that is not of you…..Thank you for your Grace…your mercy, and Lord, thank you that you are slow to anger, and always ready with your forgiving arms to welcome me back…I am in awe of your steadfast and abounding love, over and for me…Thank you. Lord..Thank you..
Keeping this verse close to my heart today…Blessings to you all, Sister's…Happy Sunday..xxx
My bags of sin, hurt, brokenness and all that is not of you….please take it all Lord and help me not to pick it up when I finish talking with You!
Blessings to you my friend-across-the-Big-Pond! ♥
Amen..candacejo…sending love right back across the pond to you and yours…xxx
Beautiful prayer Tina! Praying it with you today!
Amen, Tina. I am constantly in awe of His faithful and overflowing love for me – especially when I all too often do not deserve it. Grateful for His grace and compassion. Blessings to you, sweet Tina.
really gaining from the studies! this scripture has been on my mind the past couple of days..to rend our hearts, what a call!
I’m going to place this verse up on my wall as a reminder to keep returning to Him! Thank you for your beautiful ministry of love SRT sisters! This app is such a blessing!!!
Absolutely love this! A great way to get closer to our Great God!
Thank you, it’s really uplifting!
I adore this app! You guys have a good thing going here. It’s the highlight of my days! I’m a missionary ins South Africa and life with Jesus has been dry and hard for years. Truly–this app has breathed fresh life into my walk with God and carried me through many tough days lately. Thank you!!
Praise God for you Ashley! Praying over your heart and the work of your hands. Grateful you are here. The Word and encouragement here is definitely sacred.
I always come back to Him and He always accepts me!
Love this! So excited to have a consent reminder of God on such a worldly possession!
Set it as my lock screen! Such a great way to memorize verses. I look at the lock screen so much throughout the day, it should be easy to memorize!
Love that You provide a photo for the iPhone lock screen! Very innovative and easy to do! I love this app. God Bless