Weekly Truth

Open Your Bible

Ruth 4:14

Scripture is God-breathed and true. When we memorize it, we carry His Word with us wherever we go. 

During our time in this reading plan, we have worked to memorize Ruth 4:14. Continue to repeat it to yourself as a reminder that our God is a God of redemption. 

The women said to Naomi, “Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you without a family redeemer today. May his name become well known in Israel.”
 —Ruth 4:14

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29 thoughts on "Weekly Truth"

  1. Mercy says:

    @Susan Lincks: praying for your healing and your encountering with God’s mighty rescue. May you come to experience how good He is.
    @Churchmouse: praying for the safety of your daughter’s family in FL and granddaughter’s treatment tomorrow.

  2. Rhonda J. says:

    I really gleaned SO much from the book of Ruth, although I do know the story, I didn’t really “get it” before. But- now that I have felt that way personally in my life it really resonated with me this time! I had been married twice, and my second husband broke it off just 2 1/2 yrs into the marriage, breaking our new family of 3, new house, and new dreams. I was devasted. I really thought I was a failure, broken, thrown-away, division of friends and family…everything I had thought I had, was pulled out from under me (although, in retrospect, I was very blessed that he supported me and was a very good father with equal custody)! I did not dream I would be a single mom for 6 or so years. but I was realizing life happens, and we are not in control of things.

    But God- I needed that valley in my life, I needed my focus to shift from myself to Him.

    I told my husband that the story of Ruth reminded me that he was my Boaz, my redeemer. I prayed (and prayed…) and God answered my prayers and “miraculously” brought my husband and me together! I love that in this story, we know that Jesus is our ultimate Redeemer! The little things are coming together for those that love Him and pray to Him and follow Him. It doesn’t happen on OUR timeline, and it’s hard in the wait, in the valley, through the sorrow, threw the ugly cries!

    I was able to share the story of our Redeemer with a young man that was open to receiving prayer the other night at our Homeless outreach. I let Him know that if he gives his trust to the Lord in earnest, he will see his life change. He may not see it instantly, but pay attention and watch Him work! God is good! I’m so blessed to share the many testimonies of what God has done with my life! So if you feel like nothing is happening with your prayers, hold tight, listen to the Holy Spirits nudging, and know He hears.

  3. Michele Frank says:

    Me too!

  4. Corallie Buchanan says:

    I’ve loved this study

  5. Dorothy says:

    Sisters, in my devotional/journaling Bible I have a devotion for Ruth 4:14-15. Under this devotion is a section titled, “Reflection” and I would like to share this with you, I found it very enlightening and meaningful:
    “There are three Key ingredients to living a beautiful life that honors God: BEING LED by the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT, SEEKING GOD’S WILL with ALL our hearts, and FOLLOWING THE EXAMPLE of those who bear great spiritual fruit in their lives. When we HONOR GOD, we experience a heavenly harvest that will help us to TASTE AND SEE for ourselves that THE LORD IS GOOD.”
    The emphasis is mine. I felt it was needed in those places.

    Be blessed and live a life that honors our Lord and Savior, sisters.

  6. Rose, from Kenya says:

    ‘…May His name be well known’ In our church it’s been mission month, and our theme is ‘Till the whole world hears’… May God’s name be well know to the ends of the earth.

  7. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Happy Sunday ❤️ “May His name become well known…” (Ruth 4:14b). I think of the way Jesus taught us to pray. When I focus on God first, I remember who He is and what He is like. I know Him well in my heart. His covenant love is sealed upon me and within me. His name is Father first in my heart. He is our Father. He loves His children. He loves me. Once this truth settles the dust in my spirit, I am at peace. When I need help, seek first my Father. Our Father in heaven. Open hands, letting go of worry. Open heart, praising His name because I know Him. I pray for more of His kingly rule in my heart and in my life. No matter what. “Your Kingdom come”, bringing peace and blessing. The only lasting peace comes from Jesus. “My peace I give to you…” (John 14:27); “take heart, I have conquered the world” (John 16:33); “Be strong and let your heart show strength, all you who wait for Yahweh” (Psalm 31:24). Stay full of the sweetness of God. Hate anything that lures me away from Him or His truth. An empty heart can be filled with many things. Take my questions to God, take my emptiness to Him to be filled with His answers. Slow down and wait for the filling. And out of His abundance, my life will pour out His name. Father, make this true in my life today, let Your sweetness satisfy my desires. Let Your love, mercy, and grace quiet and fill my soul. Your Kingdom has come, keep coming and filling my heart with Your goodness and truth. May Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Until… Maranatha. Amen.

  8. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    “May His name become well known…” (Ruth 4:14b). I think of the way Jesus taught us to pray. When I focus on God first, I remember who He is and what He is like. I know Him well in my heart. His covenant love is sealed upon me and within me. His name is Father first in my heart. He is our Father. He loves His children. He loves me. Once this truth settles the dust in my spirit, I am at peace. When I need help, seek first my Father. Our Father in heaven. Open hands, letting go of worry. Open heart, praising His name because I know Him. I pray for more of His kingly rule in my heart and in my life. No matter what. “Your Kingdom come”, bringing peace and blessing. The only lasting peace comes from Jesus. “My peace I give to you…” (John 14:27); “take heart, I have conquered the world” (John 16:33); “Be strong and let your heart show strength, all you who wait for Yahweh” (Psalm 31:24). Stay full of the sweetness of God. Hate anything that lures me away from Him or His truth. An empty heart can be filled with many things. Take my questions to God, take my emptiness to Him to be filled with His answers. Slow down and wait for the filling. And out of His abundance, my life will pour out His name. Father, make this true in my life today, let Your sweetness satisfy my desires. Let Your love, mercy, and grace quiet and fill my soul. Your Kingdom has come, keep coming and filling my heart with Your goodness and truth. May Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Until… Maranatha. Amen.