weekly truth

Open Your Bible

Titus 3:5

Text: Titus 3:5a

We long to be a community who not only reads and studies God’s Word, but also writes it on our hearts so we can lean on it throughout our day, speak truth to ourselves and others, call it to mind and have hope.

Today let’s memorize this amen-bringing, hallelujah-inducing, praise-hands-worthy gospel reminder from the apostle Paul’s letter to Titus:

“He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy…”
Titus 3:5a

Jot this verse down a few times in your journal, tape it by the kitchen window or on your desk at work, save the image below as the lock screen on your phone— do whatever works best for you to allow this truth to sink into your heart and mind as you walk forward in this new week. His mercy—not our goodness—has saved us! Thanks be to God!



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42 thoughts on "weekly truth"

  1. Blair W says:

    Thankful for this truth!

  2. Julie says:

    What a good reminder of his power and work!

  3. Sherry Lynn says:
  4. Cassandra Dobutovich says:

    Sisters, I am so encouraged by this community. I am a little behind in the Titus series but The Lord has meant it to be at good work in my heart and because of His great transforming power. I am being taught deeply about grace. All my life I have known Jesus but in my heart I clinged to my works/behavior/attitude righteousness. This has kept me and from knowing true freedom. I had experienced some extreme heartache this last year that caused some severe anxiety and depression and hopelessness. Hopelessness is not the face of someone who knows the grace and mercy of our God through his Son Jesus but I was there. I still, at times, feel the aching swell of this sin in my heart that pulls me away from my Lord. I am going through the RZIM Academy as well and the first reminder we have gone through is 1 Peter 3:15, “But in your hearts, honor Christ The Lord as holy…” This really caused me to consider if I had done so. I recognized that I had not been living in this way. That despite my feelings, struggles, sin and trials Christ was still Lord and I had not established this into heart. I was reluctantly serving and seeking and did not desire to honor Him. It’s A struggle, no doubt, and it’s a conscious effort that needs to be made at times to seek The Lord. But the beauty of this is that God knows what he has “gotten himself into” with us and when it’s difficult for me to keep my eyes on Him, he ALWAYS makes it easy to come back and keep my eyes on Him longer. I think that this is what Was meant when He stated his yoke is easy and His burden is light. He is very welcoming and opposite of all the world says to do and how to get there. We are blessed to be known by Him. I am blessed through every doubt and struggle because HE is always there.

  5. Andrea says:

    Beautiful & such a gift you have, Angela!

    1. AnnaLee says:

      Amen to that, Andrea! :)

  6. Angela says:

    Is anyone ever heard of the song Love by Nat King Cole? It goes something like this

    L is for the way you look at me
    O is for the only I see
    V is very very extraordinary.

    Well to get to the point I wrote out a diffrent version of the song turning it into a praise/love song toward God. Yay!


    L is for the love You’ve shown me
    O is for the One that makes my life complete.
    V is very, very lovely
    And E is everyday that Your beauty I see

    All my love I forever give to you
    My eyes now opened to Your grace so true
    My life I surrender.
    According to your will mold and make me
    You are the only one my heart adores

    L is for the love You’ve shown me
    O is for the One that makes my life complete.
    V is very, very lovely
    And E is everyday that Your beauty I see

    All my love I forever give to you
    My eyes now opened to Your grace so true
    My life I surrender.
    According to your will mold and make me
    You are the only one my heart adores

    You are the only one my heart adores

    You are the only one my heart adores

    You are the only one my heart adores

    I wonder what other love songs I can change into praise songs.


    1. Brendasan01 says:

      That is beautiful! God bless you sister!

    2. AnnaLee says:

      I. Love. This! You, my sister, are so cool! There's so many secular songs that have totally touched my heart about God's love for me/expressed my love for Him. Little lyrics here and there that perfectly frame our relationship, His never-ending grace for me. Isn't it beautiful that everything shouts His glory– that even things meant for men can be praise? God bless you, sister. Love you! Be blessed this week!

    3. Jordan says:

      Love this! So beautiful. If you come up with any more songs to change, post em here! <3

    4. What a fun way to turn a song around towards God. Please continue sharing!