weekly truth

Open Your Bible

Titus 3:5

Text: Titus 3:5a

We long to be a community who not only reads and studies God’s Word, but also writes it on our hearts so we can lean on it throughout our day, speak truth to ourselves and others, call it to mind and have hope.

Today let’s memorize this amen-bringing, hallelujah-inducing, praise-hands-worthy gospel reminder from the apostle Paul’s letter to Titus:

“He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy…”
Titus 3:5a

Jot this verse down a few times in your journal, tape it by the kitchen window or on your desk at work, save the image below as the lock screen on your phone— do whatever works best for you to allow this truth to sink into your heart and mind as you walk forward in this new week. His mercy—not our goodness—has saved us! Thanks be to God!



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42 thoughts on "weekly truth"

  1. Pam says:

    Thank you Lord.

  2. Liane Michelle says:

    AMEN!! God's grace and mercy knows no bounds and this is something to be incredibly thankful for!! Without it, we would all be missing out on the glorious eternal life He has prepared for us in heaven. Thank you so much ladies for being here this week and helping me dig deeper into the Word! God spoke volumes to me this week. He has been doing a great work within my heart and soul and I pray that He is is doing the same in yours.

    1. AnnaLee says:

      He is, Liane! Thank you for your brilliant comments, the Lord is blessing us through them! Let us rely on His grace and mercy more and more each day! Blessings, sister.

  3. Ashley Churchill says:

    I read this in my Titus commentary today by John MacArthur- " Gods purpose in choosing and saving us is to make us like Himself- holy, pure, blameless, righteous, and perfect. The evidence of our election is found in our justification. The evidence of our justification is found in our sanctification, the evidence of our sanctification will be manifested in our glorification". After I read that I was literally sitting at my table in a local cafe mouth ajar just processing the whole thing. wow. wow. wow.

    1. AnnaLee says:

      Ah! I love it! Praise Him! I want to copy and paste it to sit and think on it later! Praise God for you, sis!

    2. Wow is right! What a great quote!, Ashley!

  4. Denise says:

    Dear LORD cast your glory on all of my sisters.!!

  5. AnnaLee says:

    “He saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy…”
    Titus 3:5a

    Yes. He showed me this last night in a HUGE way. Father… let me not rely on my good works to bring me what only you can give. Have your way in me, Jesus. Have YOUR way. Not mine. Amen.

    1. Finally getting caught up with this study! Ahhh! Love that prayer of Jesus having His way in us! What a beautiful prayer! I'm so thankful He revealed His truth to you. I love all that He shows us when we spend time studying His word. Blessings sister!

  6. Lanette says:

    Very thankful for this today!!

    1. AnnaLee says:

      Isn't it such a breath of fresh air? Praise Him!! Let's breathe it in. :)

  7. Fay says:

    Thank you GOD for you mercy,kindness,compassion toward us.

  8. Diane says:

    this salvation we enjoy is only because of His love and mercy toward us. I am mindful of the privilege we as believers have of getting this, the world has no use for grace, mercy or salvation. their world is ordered by an eye for an eye,the lies they have believed that give them some sleep at night. But, we who know the truth can celebrate this amazing gift. Ps. 91:16 is a promise I am resting in today.
    with a long life I will satisfy him. and let him see my salvation.

    1. AnnaLee says:

      Amen. Let every breath be for Him. Always! Praise Him! <3

    2. Love that verse. And how refreshing that we can rest in the fact that this gift of salvation is not based on our works! What a wonderful gift He gave us! Thanks for sharing!