We Are His: A Lenten Introduction

Open Your Bible

Acts 8:26-40, 2 Peter 1:16-21

Text: Acts 8:26-40, 2 Peter 1:16-21

It is impossible to overstate our need for a Savior.

During Lent, Christians traditionally meditate on Scriptures that point us to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When we see our desperate need for salvation through the lens of a cross and an empty tomb, we are reminded that nothing we cling to for security outside of Christ Himself can offer us any real or lasting hope.

Isaiah’s original audience, in the 8th century BC, was made up of people in the process of losing their homeland. They wondered what God’s solution would be, and if He even had one. Isaiah was written during a season of cultural and political unrest in Judah. Their good and steady king, Uzziah, died just as the opposing armies of Assyria chose Judah as their next nation to conquer. As the people of Judah waited and worried, Assyria subdued them and carried them off into exile.

Whatever hope God’s people had put in their homeland was gone. All they had left to appeal to was the God of their fathers. All they could hope for was that God would intervene and save them. Lent reminds us that this salvation is all any of us can hope for, even as this season declares that Hope has come.

One of the most profound and beautiful qualities of Isaiah is how filled it is with references to the coming Savior of the world. Isaiah, more than any other book in the Old Testament, describes the coming of Christ in great detail. This prophet tells us about the One born of a virgin, on whom the Lord would lay the iniquity of us all. This Suffering Servant would be our Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace, and by His wounds we shall be healed. He has called us by name; we are His (Isaiah 43:1).

During this Lent study, we will make our way through the message of restoration in the book of Isaiah. During the final week, we will also read Scripture passages from the Gospels that correspond with the events of Holy Week. Through Isaiah we will look ahead to the Savior, and through the Gospels we will look back on the salvation that is given to us in Jesus.

May your time in Isaiah cause you to worship the risen Christ.


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407 thoughts on "We Are His: A Lenten Introduction"

  1. Delilah says:

    I’m joining late as well. But this is wonderful!

  2. Laura says:

    God is so kind dispite who we are inside I’m talking bout myself I’m greatful that God can see all that’s filthy inside of me and still loves on me and desire to clean me up and make me whiter then snow, Lord knows I need it and some. Truths of Jesus

  3. Barbara says:

    I’m joining this study late as well, I love the book of Isaiah. God bless you and your ministry @shereadstruth. #lovejesus

  4. Treniece says:

    Thank you so much @ Andi and yes I am looking for groups because I know i can’t do it by myself

  5. Treniece says:

    I was wondering if anyone had scriptures in mind that I can read where as I’m turning 20 on this Thursday and I really want to be closer to God but I feel like he has giving up on me because I don’t come to him instead I feed into Satan hisself and I know I shouldn’t I’m just very lost in my faith not sure where to turn ..

    1. Andi says:

      Hundreds of scriptures talk about how amazing our God is.
      For the next few weeks, focus on this thought: God loves you with a love that is unimaginable and unending. There is nothing you can do to make Him stop loving you! I have a dark past but I asked Him to forgive and He did immediately! We all fall short of perfection. All you have to do is say “Father, I love you. Thank you for loving me in all things, no matter what I may do. Please forgive me and help me to be more like Jesus.”
      As you start to talk more and more to Him and your relationship grows, the easier it gets to say no to temptation. Satan will try his best to keep you from the amazing life God has for you but he is defeated and has no place in your life. Speak it out against him! He is forever subject to the name of Jesus Christ!
      Treniece, try to find a local church that has small groups or some type of bible study. The relationships I make during the week at my small groups are the ones that help me along the journey

      1. Shawn Carter says:

        Prov 3: 5&6 Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.

        Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.

        1. Treniece says:

          Thank you @Shawn those were really helpful

    2. Shelby says:

      Treniece, it took me a very long time to forgive myself for the sins I had committed, and commit everyday. We can never comprehend the love God has for us, it is unfailing, timeless, and so pure. You are loved, and you are forgiven. Repentance can be a truly beautiful act and don’t be ashamed to embrace your past mistakes, instead, thank God for bringing you to where you are today and loving you in spite of them. God knows your heart, all you have to do is call on Him. Acts 3:19 Turn to God so that your sins may be wiped away, so that times of refreshing may come to the Lord.

      1. Treniece says:

        Thank you so much Shelby

  6. Treniece says:

    I’m new as well hoping to gain a lot from this

  7. Katie says:

    Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

  8. Heather says:

    I am very late in joining because I just found this; nevertheless, I am excited!

    1. Katie says:

      me too Heather! Getting caught up tonight! May God bless us during this very special time where we meet Him in His word!