The Root of Jesse

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 10:5-34, Isaiah 11:1-16, Isaiah 12:1-6, Romans 8:19-22

Text: Isaiah 10:5-34, Isaiah 11:1-16, Isaiah 12:1-6, Romans 8:19-22

It is a barren landscape we stumble upon in Isaiah 11.

In the previous chapter, God has struck down every kingdom that comes against Judah, using the imagery of an axe taken to all the trees in the forest. It is stumps and dryness as far as the eye can see, with the exception of one small sign of life:

“Then a shoot will grow from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit.”
– Isaiah 11:1

Jesus, born of the bloodline of Jesse, David’s father, is the only surviving hope in an otherwise hopeless world. He is a shoot, or branch, that will come back, bear fruit, and establish a kingdom of peace.

Were I an Israelite in the southern kingdom of Judah, oh, how I would have clung to those words. And, oh, how I want to cling to them today as I look around at the forest I’ve grown.

The trees in my forest are shaped like idols and they grow to stifle the work Christ is doing in me. I water these trees and trim their branches, in search of the life they promise to give. But every time—every single time—I find they bring emptiness instead. I know what it’s like to grow a forest, and I know what it’s like to see every tree cut down, for my idols to be stripped away, one by one by the gracious hand of my Father. When the painful work is done, I look up and see the true Source of the garden, the only remnant of life.

When the things of our lives are torn down, a visual path is cleared that reveals Jesus in a way we couldn’t see Him before the trees fell. This stripping gives us the strength to cling to the True Vine.

Jesus said it Himself. “I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without Me” (John 15:5).

Sometimes everything must be torn down in order for us to see that Christ truly is at the center of it all, the reason for everything, the source of our life and all life. Even in a seemingly barren land, He rises up. The root and the branch, the Alpha and the Omega. He was never absent. He has always been here. Through every story and circumstance, a vine running throughout all of history. Christ is in every last inch.

One day this will all be so evident. We will gather together under one banner and the entire world will know. “The nations will look to him for guidance, and his resting place will be glorious” (Isaiah 11:10). Until then, we wait, knowing that no matter how bleak or despairing the landscape appears, the One True Vine grows still.


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156 thoughts on "The Root of Jesse"

  1. Jen Gladwell says:

    Finding this study hard to get into when the scriptures are soooo long – especially now I am couple days behind :(

    1. Laura says:

      I hear you. I’ve been trying to catch up today.

    2. Jeanette says:

      I too am struggling a bit. It is my first Bible study. I am seeking Him, but so unfamiliar with the Bible and it is very difficult to read/understand.
      I am on day 9. I read it first online (Bible Gateway-The Message) and then one more time in my Bible, marking certain things. Some days, I write verses that speak to me in my notebook , or I journal if I am moved. Day 3 spoke and moved me.
      Just keep at it, we are learning and pleasing Him.

      1. Andrea S. says:

        Jeanette, I pray that God will speak tenderly to your heart as You read His word. I’ve done plenty of Bible studies and there are times when it doesn’t make sense to me either…but stay in His Word…He will speak to you :) keep moving forward and know that at just The right time he will speak so beautifully to your heart that you want even begin to fathom it❤️

      2. Jennie says:

        Don’t give up ladies! The first half of Isaiah can be really heavy and hard but trust me, it gets better… the second half gets a better with some hope filled, joy-filled, encouraging passages!

      3. Hannah says:

        I would recommend watching the Bible projects video explanations on the first half of Isaiah- great resource and really helped me get a better understanding of the context and big picture of the book.

    3. She Reads Truth says:

      Jen, you’ve got this! Praying that the Lord would give you a stamina and desire for His Word. Grateful to have you studying with us!

      – Stormye

      1. Debbi says:

        I am glad that I am not the only one. I am having such a hard time with Isaiah. My mind just wonders when I am reading such long passages. But I am striving to go forward. I do like reading all of the comments. I have learned so much from everyone else’s thoughts.

  2. Brenda T says:

    This devotional was incredibly beautiful.

  3. Adrienne says:

    The pruning that happens hurts but I can say that although things are hard in Life, it is so true God is always near and he will carry you through….

  4. Peggy Huffman says:

    prayers for Leah for God’s healing. Prayers for Heather and Zoe. I too have felt this way. Cling to God’s promises He is our light in the darknes

  5. Zoe says:

    I have been feeling very flat and bleak for over a month now. It’s getting me down. Prayers would be much appreciated ♥ Some days it’s all I can do to stick to the SRT plans when normally I love to read my bible and several other devotional. These days the words flow in and out of my mind without an obvious impact on me. Isaiah especially has been difficult to get through. Pray not only for the light at the end of the tunnel but that I find the joy of God in the dimness of the tunnel, too.

    1. Heather says:

      Zoe I’ve been feeling really out of sorts lately too and have also been struggling getting through this Devo. Prayers you can feel some lightness soon and we can both gain something from working through this Devo ❤

      1. Kristin says:

        Praying for you both to be renewed!

    2. diane says:

      Oh, Dear Sister in Christ, I read your words and my spirit could feel your dimness. I am praising you for continuing with SRT even though you feel it’s just going through the motions. God is with you, He knows you thoughts, feelings and everything you’re going through and He is glad you are here with HIM. You my dear friend in Christ are in my prayers. Lord, God Heavenly Father, praising you and rejoicing in your love. You have blessed us with so many riches. Thank you Lord for allowing us to see your beauty and love even in this dismal world. Lift Zoe up as she follows you, give her eyes to see your love and sight the understand your words. You Lord, Jesus Christ are our rock and savior and we give ourselves to you.

    3. She Reads Truth says:

      Zoe, praying for you in this. Asking the Lord to make your heart deeply desire Him and His Word daily and to have a thirst that can only be quenched by spending time with Him. Grateful for you and for letting us know how to pray for you.

      – Stormye

    4. Lori says:

      Thank you for sharing your feelings. I could copy and paste what you said. I have been struggling with my God connection lately, as well. I keep praying and studying but for some reason I keep feeling distant. I’m grateful for the ladies on here whose strong beliefs and testimonies keep me going.

  6. Jess says:

    This is truth I needed today. I realized that I was putting all of these things like the trees that are growing or getting in the way of seeing Jesus in my life. I love that the practice of recognizing this daily is a practice that I am learning during this study. Seeking who he is in my life has been one of the most overflowing things these last 10 days. Thank you for sharing Jesus with me through the truth of Isaiah.

  7. Brie says:

    Thank you for this site! The Lord has used it in so many lives!

    I am scared to admit lately I see God doing so much around me and yet I end the day with this distance inside me like He is far away and I have pushed Him there with my idols and walls.
    I want those to fall down yet I am so fearful that I don’t know how to let it happen.

    1. Nancy says:

      Brie, ask the Lord to have His Holy Spirit break down those walls and to open your heart and mind to see everything He has in store for you. He loves you so much! Praying for you my Sister in Christ.

    2. She Reads Truth says:

      We’re grateful to have you, Brie! Praying for you to feel the nearness of God and to seek Him through His Word every day.

      – Stormye

  8. Angela says:

    I have been wondering this question : what good is prophecy of deliverance and future hope when it did not happen to the people who lived at the time of the prophecy? I am trying to picture myself in the Israelite’s shoes, and supposed there were a few good people, what good did these prophecies serve for them when their lives might just as well be destroyed together with the unrighteous when the judgement came, and the promised deliverance did not even happen until hundreds of years later?

    1. Kovalentine says:

      Good question, Angela. I don’t have the answer but will ponder it. Part of me feels like the people then had a totally different perspective than we do today with our need for instant gratification. It is difficult to put myself in their place when I know the end of the story. ;)