The Risen One

Open Your Bible

John 20:1-31, Daniel 10:5-6, Acts 2:24-32

My husband dropped to his knees on our living room carpet and cried out, “Why, Andy? Why?” His brother ended his life after battling depression, and the grief struck with crippling weight. My husband stayed on the floor, his head swaying back and forth from the ground to the ceiling—and wailed.

I imagine this kind of debilitating grief as Mary Magdalene cried at the tomb, dropping to her knees, sobbing, “Where? Where?” She came to visit the remains of the miracle-worker who delivered her from seven demons (Luke 8:1–3). All she found was the stone rolled away, His body missing (John 20:1–3). The religious leaders killed the good Teacher and now someone stole His body from the tomb (John 19:1–42)?

Grief sometimes veils what’s right in front of us. When my mom died, I missed simple details like putting the milk in the fridge instead of the cupboard—and big details like paying rent. So, I cannot judge Mary Magdalene for jumping to conclusions when she saw the opened grave (John 20:1), looked into the tomb (v.11), talked with the angels (v.13), even when she asked Jesus for the body, mistaking him for the gardener (v.15). Maybe the veil of grief blinded her from recognizing the power of the gospel right in front of her eyes.

But her heart sought the Lord. She stayed and wept. She walked closer and looked. And Jesus met her right there.

I relate to Mary Magdalene. I find myself on my knees these days, grieving painful and uncertain challenges raising a rebellious child. I cry private tears, seeking the Lord. I know there are answers—probably right in front of me—but all I can see sometimes is empty space. 

Jesus saw Mary behind her veil of grief. He spoke Mary’s name, and immediately her shroud of blindness lifted. She beheld the Holy One who would not undergo decay (Acts 2:24–32) and burst into exuberant joy, “Rabboni!” (John 20:16). 

She wanted to stay with Him, but He told her to proclaim His resurrection and soon ascension, so she went to the disciples and announced, “I have seen the Lord!” (v.18). Then the Lord from Daniel’s vision (Daniel 10:5–6) appeared to them face-to-face (John 20:19–23). Even Doubting Thomas believed after he saw and touched Jesus for himself (vv.24–29).  

Seeing the Lord changed everything for Mary, for the disciples. But sometimes we have a hard time believing without seeing. Life cripples us with all kinds of grief—and we weep as with veiled faces. 

But God sees us behind our veils of grief like He saw Mary. He whispers to us through the Word (v.31) and calls us to faith (v.29). We are not alone. He is “God is with us” (Matthew 1:23, John 14:15–31).

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69 thoughts on "The Risen One"

  1. Erica Chiarelli says:

    Between reading yesterday and today’s devotionals, I cried. I always cry when I read of or think on Jesus’ crucifixion. He was the Son of God- all authority was His but He emptied Himself and became human. Even as all God & all human, He didn’t call on angels or exercise the authority He could have. He created this world- it is held together by Him…yet He allowed Himself the most humiliating & horrific death ever. He was beaten, mocked, His beard ripped out, His back ripped open, He was nailed to a cross, hands & feet. The Word says He didn’t even look human anymore. Wow. All that for me…for YOU. It’s beyond words. But because of all this, we can know & be friends with GOD. We can be free. We can have an abundant life & eternal life! It’s all just so amazing!

  2. Ali Adair says:

    I am so glad that we serve a Living Savior. Amen!

  3. Jamie T says:

    I just want to say how much I love Mary Magdalene. For staying at the tomb. Weeping just as many of us did while reading this week’s Truths. She is so faithful and I think if we follow her we are also following Him. ✝️

  4. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    I have found myself tearful more times than I can count these past two reading days recounting the crucifixion and resurrection. Jesus showing perfect obedience to death on the cross….for sinners like me. His blood poured out for me, crying even typing this….then reading today’s devotional….I too am raising a rebellious child who I pray returns as a prodigal some day….I pray I can walk in faithful obedience like Jesus….that I can release my son into God’s hands and have faith in His perfect will and timing. DOROTHY thank you for sharing your experience….I pray that God places people into my son’s life as he did with your son to bring him back to faith. Praying for all of you sisters and as always thankful for this beautiful community of Godly women. I have learned so much from the wisdom you all share here ❤️

  5. Alayna P. says:

    Despite being quite emotional reading this, I did get a little giggle when John mentions that he outran Peter and got to the tomb first. Something that really stood out for me was how Mary knew exactly who Jesus was as soon as he said her name. It made me think of John 10:3-4 “He calls his own sheep by name….and they follow him because they know his voice” ❤️

  6. Alayna P. says:

    Despite being quite emotional reading this, I did gif

  7. Rhonda J. says:

    Isn’t it amazing, Amazing Grace, that our God gives us? His compassion and love He gives to his people?! The more you read the word the more overwhelming it all becomes, how it all lines up, the prophesies, the new the old, the timelines, it just fathoms me how people don’t get it!! Yet I was one of those, and now all I want to do is know Him, and please Him, and tell about Him, our Lord Jesus and Savior- saving us from death, from sin, from sadness to love, and more love. Hallelujah! I cried while I was praising at church this past Sunday because of this Amazing Love and Grace.

  8. Traci Gendron says:

    BY HIS GRACE – I want to thank you for the job you do. We had the sweetest ICU nurse take care of my son. I don’t know how you all do it. She said that so much death has been really hard on her. She came in on her day off to help us through the passing of my son. I couldn’t have thanked her enough for that.

    Grief is a very lonely road. My heart literally felt like it broke when my son died. I had physical pain in my chest. I don’t know how anyone would get through it without having faith in God. I’m so thankful for my faith.

    Today’s reading touched me. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the sacrifice Jesus made for us. It makes you want to try harder. To Put Him first.