The Presence of God

Open Your Bible

Psalm 121:1-8, Psalm 123:1-4, Psalm 126:1-6, Psalm 127:1-5, Psalm 130:1-8, Psalm 131:1-3, Psalm 139:1-24

Book V
Book V is an invitation to exuberant praise; it is worship in light of God’s covenant love, His Word, and the reminder that His promise of David’s neverending throne would be fulfilled in the Messiah.

“If God is in the room with us—and He always is…”

My girls have heard me utter those words countless times to remind them that God is good, and He is always present because He wants to be (John 15:4–11). I need the reminder too. If I pause to contemplate God’s constant nearness, my reaction alerts me to the distance I’ve unknowingly put between us. It’s a sobering exercise that reveals how I’ve been living life self-sufficiently, despite knowing that apart from Him, life is meaningless (Psalm 16:2). 

Yet, God’s presence offers far more than a sense of peace; He is our protector and provider against the hardship we will inevitably face here on earth (John 16:33). 

Solomon tells us, “Unless the LORD builds a house, its builders labor over it in vain” (Psalm 127:1). I know I’ve spent day after day working to survive in my strength, getting up early and staying up late, while God offers protection, provision, and rest for those who turn to Him (v.2). Life apart from the One who creates and sustains it leads to emptiness and despair. Still, I attempt to fill my void with work and busyness, but why? Am I seeking approval, security, and identity? Whatever promised land I’m seeking out is pointless unless God is there with me (Exodus 33:15–16). 

The writer of Psalm 121 tells us all our efforts are futile. The “Maker of heaven and earth,” who “does not slumber or sleep,” already guards and protects our lives as our eyes are fixed on Him (Psalm 121:2–4). In doing so, we submit to His ways and His leading rather than our own, setting our pointless self-sufficiency aside. When we rely on the Lord and follow His lead, He protects our days, “[our] coming and going both now and forever” (vv.7–8).

The favor and esteem I hustle so hard to conjure up in the eyes of others seeking the very same thing—He offers those, too, simply through proximity to His presence. The protection I try to secure by the works of my own hands can be laid down because the truest fortune I will ever know is being restored by His presence (Psalm 126:1–4). The shelter and refuge I seek when trouble comes is found when I remember that my strength is admitting my weakness, resting in the shelter His presence provides both day and night (Psalm 121:5–6).

God knows what we need long before we’re aware of it. Pain, disappointment, and failure will surely come to us as we live life under the sun. His presence is a balm for that, too: for “those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy” because of Him (Psalm 126:5). He waits for us. If only we will humble ourselves and turn to meet the eyes of the God who is always in the room with us.

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41 thoughts on "The Presence of God"

  1. Dorothy says:

    Two items spoke to me today, the first was Psalm 130:”1 From the depths of despair, O Lord, I call for your help. 2 Hear my cry, O Lord. Pay attention to my prayer.” The second was “God knows what we need long before we’re aware of it.” Yesterday and last night I was worried, concerned, and even a little upset about being “on overload”. Between working 30 hours a week and taking care of my sister part-time, I was becoming “frazzled”. On the drive back to my sister’s house I prayer to God to show me what to do. I thought I was going to have to talk with my sister and brothers about a possible solution, but this morning one of my clients I work with said that after next week she won’t be needing me. God gave me my answer. Yes, I will have to pay more for insurance but for my health and sanity it’s worth it.
    BUT GOD…. HOW GREAT YOU ARE!!!! How You LISTEN to are every need. Thank You for everything You do and give us. PRAISE YOUR NAME!!! Amen.

    Be blessed and know God DOES answer prayers, maybe not the way you want or expect, maybe not when you want or expect, BUT GOD DOES ANSWER prayers.

  2. Kimberly Z says:

    @Sarah D praying for you! I too am in the same boat as I navigate whether or not I should stay at my current job. I have an interview with a different company but same position next week and the idea of leaving my current job seems too much to take on right now. But I also felt lead to apply for a different job so I hope I am doing the right by seeing what else is out there. I would also ask for prayers as my dad fights an infection from the surgery he had last week. It seems like we move 5 steps forward and 3 steps back. I know healing takes time and I pray for God to keep healing him emotional and physically.

  3. Kimberly Z says:

    @Sarah D praying for you! I too am in the same boat as I navigate whether or not I should stay at my current job. I have an interview with a different company but same position next week and the idea of leaving my current job seems too much to take on right now. But I also felt lead to apply for a different job so I hope I am doing the right by seeing what else is out there. I would also ask for prayers as my dad fights an infection from the surgery he had last week. It seems like we move 5 steps forward and 3 steps back. I know healing takes him

  4. Kimberly Z says:

    @Sarah D praying for you! I too am in the same boat as I navigate whether or not I should stay at my current job. I have an interview with a different company but same position next week and the idea of leaving my current job seems too much to take on right now. But I also felt lead to apply for a different job so I hope I am doing the right by seeing what else is out there.

  5. Cindy Hanna says:

    Good morning She’s! Late getting up today after watching my 2 year old granddaughter the day before. I woke up with an old hymn running through my head. “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms“ Safe and secure from all alarms. Haven’t heard this song in years but it’s appropriate to today’s reading. Thank you Lord for giving me a song to remember where my peace resides.

  6. Angie Mills says:


    I know your pain. As a woman who is in her mid-40s and has been single her entire life and never been in a dating relationship before, I understand the pain of reading Psalm 127 and not having the blessing of my own children.

    However, I have had the blessing of impacting many children.

    I absolutely love children and my heart is to disciple children to Christ. I started with babysitting and in high school I began teaching children’s Sunday school classes. I have always been involved in various forms of children’s ministry in the church from preschool all the way through upper elementary. I have taught and been a school librarian. I am an aunt to a wonderful niece and nephew and a second cousin to some sweet littles in the next generation that I love to spoil when I can. Now, I am a school librarian impacting the lives of preschoolers through junior high students and the children’s minister at my church.

    If you have a heart for children, but the Lord has not blessed you with your own from your womb, find other ways to impact children for the Lord. Find ways to spend time with kids. They need to know that adults love them and care for them. We never know what small act can help impact the life of another.

  7. Jamie Gilbert says:


  8. Allison Bentley says:

    6 Those who go out weeping,
    carrying seed to sow,
    will return with songs of joy,
    carrying sheaves with them. – Psalms 126:6 if this isn’t a perfect image of “Joy comes in the morning” I don’t know what is. It’s okay to cry out and weep with God- He feels our pain and sorrow and there holding us and helping us grow!! This is just such beautiful imagery that I can’t get it out of my head!