Book V
Book V is an invitation to exuberant praise; it is worship in light of God’s covenant love, His Word, and the reminder that His promise of David’s neverending throne would be fulfilled in the Messiah.
“If God is in the room with us—and He always is…”
My girls have heard me utter those words countless times to remind them that God is good, and He is always present because He wants to be (John 15:4–11). I need the reminder too. If I pause to contemplate God’s constant nearness, my reaction alerts me to the distance I’ve unknowingly put between us. It’s a sobering exercise that reveals how I’ve been living life self-sufficiently, despite knowing that apart from Him, life is meaningless (Psalm 16:2).
Yet, God’s presence offers far more than a sense of peace; He is our protector and provider against the hardship we will inevitably face here on earth (John 16:33).
Solomon tells us, “Unless the LORD builds a house, its builders labor over it in vain” (Psalm 127:1). I know I’ve spent day after day working to survive in my strength, getting up early and staying up late, while God offers protection, provision, and rest for those who turn to Him (v.2). Life apart from the One who creates and sustains it leads to emptiness and despair. Still, I attempt to fill my void with work and busyness, but why? Am I seeking approval, security, and identity? Whatever promised land I’m seeking out is pointless unless God is there with me (Exodus 33:15–16).
The writer of Psalm 121 tells us all our efforts are futile. The “Maker of heaven and earth,” who “does not slumber or sleep,” already guards and protects our lives as our eyes are fixed on Him (Psalm 121:2–4). In doing so, we submit to His ways and His leading rather than our own, setting our pointless self-sufficiency aside. When we rely on the Lord and follow His lead, He protects our days, “[our] coming and going both now and forever” (vv.7–8).
The favor and esteem I hustle so hard to conjure up in the eyes of others seeking the very same thing—He offers those, too, simply through proximity to His presence. The protection I try to secure by the works of my own hands can be laid down because the truest fortune I will ever know is being restored by His presence (Psalm 126:1–4). The shelter and refuge I seek when trouble comes is found when I remember that my strength is admitting my weakness, resting in the shelter His presence provides both day and night (Psalm 121:5–6).
God knows what we need long before we’re aware of it. Pain, disappointment, and failure will surely come to us as we live life under the sun. His presence is a balm for that, too: for “those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy” because of Him (Psalm 126:5). He waits for us. If only we will humble ourselves and turn to meet the eyes of the God who is always in the room with us.

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41 thoughts on "The Presence of God"
The Lord protects our coming and going!
We all long for God’s presence in our world full of chaos. God made sure we would never be alone and would always be able to talk to Jesus any time. I pray daily that my children and grandchildren will find Jesus!
He is always with us; He never leaves or forsakes us! He surrounds us, hems us in, is beside us, goes before us and is behind us! Wow; hallelujah!!
Sarah D praying for you! I missed one day of comments yesterday- I am feeling overwhelmed with my new job even though I enjoy it and having difficulty balancing being a wife and mom while working so much. I just constantly feel like I’m failing at one thing or another and I’m tired but haven’t been able to sleep well for the past few weeks. Please sisters pray for me – I don’t even know what I need at this point just to feel better and have strength and wisdom to do what I need to and nothing more. Thank you !!
There is nothing sweeter than the presence of the Lord. In the worst and best moments of my life, I know He has been there. Praise God for his presence.
I love that the presence of the Lord is always with us. Through every high and low, he is with us. I pray I would rest in his presence, instead of striving on my own.
Psalm 127 is one of my top five favorite psalms. Speaking of the futility of human’s efforts, I am guilty of it. King Solomon is so wise, and the tone is very much similar with the futility theme of Ecclesiastes lol, but somewhat more poetic.( Side note, can you imagine a king being a poet, like he’s not already busy enough with tons of policy reviewing and governing to do). These reminders of Psalm 127 could never get old for me, of how futile the daily things I tend to magnify them to be and waste my energy solving the futility. This to show the importance of involving God in everything that we are trying to build in our lives (marriage, raising godly children, friendships, jobs/careers, ministry, a new built home, a project, a fund raising, etc.). Involve God in your life’s projects so your work is not in vain.
@Sarah D, praying for you. You mentioned your body is feeling physically tired and the anxiety arises. This reminds me of the verse that says physical exercise will build the body, and godliness has more values (1 Timothy 4:8). I wonder if you might give some mood boosting exercise a go, baby steps to build up gradually. If you can set aside some time for a walk/small jog on the weekend, where there might be gardens/parks with flowers, it will help you feel at peace and enjoying the colorful nature/creation God makes. I usually liked to drive to a garden on the weekend, in running gears and then walk or jog from there. And also try some fruits/food that can contribute positively to the chemicals in our brain that balancing out the bad chemicals. When we worry, bad chemicals are released very strongly. Might be worth some researching on the food list. As I live in Canada with very limited sunlight in winter, some blue episodes do occur and I don’t like that. My husband always tells me to eat a banana a day as it boosts the mood (combine with oatmeals for breakfast maybe?), he said it’s considered a happy fruit. I never knew. And sunshine is always the best doctor. I found that going to the gym is hard as well in winter, and gym requires enduring pain/time, but once that can be overcome, gym helps your blood flow up/circle to your brain, balancing out all that stress/anxiety during a whole day of work, help you sleep much better, confidence level to increase and help tremendously with mood. We are made of spirit/soul/body. And the nourishing/nurturing for our soul and body is as important for our spirit. Bless you Sarah.
Lifting other prayer requests of our sisters to the Almighty God. Hope and wait for the Lord like those who wait patiently for the morning. Be blessed dear sisters.
I have been amazed & awestruck; reminded by & reveling in how so many chapters in the books of Psalms have been lifted & adapted to create variations on theme in many of my favorite recognizable, traditional & contemporary hymns from church. Good examples:
Psalm 16, v. 11 : …”in your presence is abundant joy; at your right hand are eternal pleasures”.
Psalm 42, v.1: “As a dear longs for flowing streams, so I long for you, God.”
Psalm 51: v. 17: “The sacrifice pleasing to God is a broken spirit. You will not despise a broken and humbled heart, God.”
Psalm 103: v. 1-2: “My soul, bless the Lord, and all that is within me, bless His holy name.”
Other SRTs have likely had a similar sense of “where & how I’ve heard this verse before”. It evidences the eternal, timeless, “evergreen” rhythm of submission & salvation; faithfulness & forgiveness; refuge & righteousness.
Why we memorize, Psalm 40: v. 3 in part: “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God”.
Whether in modern expression, or old-style of our elders, we unknowingly carry tunes in our heart, translated by & for the times. “This is our story; This is our song; praising the Savior all the day long”. As in Ecclesiastes, there is indeed nothing new under the sun, only the nearness of God.
ALSO I was touched by the sweet spirit shown by SRT sister, Angie Mill, as she replied to SEARCHING on the biological children SEARCHING does not have. Encouraging her to remain open to whatever God offers through through others’ children. In unexpectedly beautiful ways. Does it cover the absence & longing completely? Certainly not. But as Kara Gause alluded to in the devotional today; He hurts alongside us; He is inside our heartaches.
Two items spoke to me today, the first was Psalm 130:”1 From the depths of despair, O Lord, I call for your help. 2 Hear my cry, O Lord. Pay attention to my prayer.” The second was “God knows what we need long before we’re aware of it.” Yesterday and last night I was worried, concerned, and even a little upset about being “on overload”. Between working 30 hours a week and taking care of my sister part-time, I was becoming “frazzled”. On the drive back to my sister’s house I prayer to God to show me what to do. I thought I was going to have to talk with my sister and brothers about a possible solution, but this morning one of my clients I work with said that after next week she won’t be needing me. God gave me my answer. Yes, I will have to pay more for insurance but for my health and sanity it’s worth it.
BUT GOD…. HOW GREAT YOU ARE!!!! How You LISTEN to are every need. Thank You for everything You do and give us. PRAISE YOUR NAME!!! Amen.
Be blessed and know God DOES answer prayers, maybe not the way you want or expect, maybe not when you want or expect, BUT GOD DOES ANSWER prayers.
@Sarah D praying for you! I too am in the same boat as I navigate whether or not I should stay at my current job. I have an interview with a different company but same position next week and the idea of leaving my current job seems too much to take on right now. But I also felt lead to apply for a different job so I hope I am doing the right by seeing what else is out there. I would also ask for prayers as my dad fights an infection from the surgery he had last week. It seems like we move 5 steps forward and 3 steps back. I know healing takes time and I pray for God to keep healing him emotional and physically.
@Sarah D praying for you! I too am in the same boat as I navigate whether or not I should stay at my current job. I have an interview with a different company but same position next week and the idea of leaving my current job seems too much to take on right now. But I also felt lead to apply for a different job so I hope I am doing the right by seeing what else is out there. I would also ask for prayers as my dad fights an infection from the surgery he had last week. It seems like we move 5 steps forward and 3 steps back. I know healing takes him
@Sarah D praying for you! I too am in the same boat as I navigate whether or not I should stay at my current job. I have an interview with a different company but same position next week and the idea of leaving my current job seems too much to take on right now. But I also felt lead to apply for a different job so I hope I am doing the right by seeing what else is out there.
Good morning She’s! Late getting up today after watching my 2 year old granddaughter the day before. I woke up with an old hymn running through my head. “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms“ Safe and secure from all alarms. Haven’t heard this song in years but it’s appropriate to today’s reading. Thank you Lord for giving me a song to remember where my peace resides.
I know your pain. As a woman who is in her mid-40s and has been single her entire life and never been in a dating relationship before, I understand the pain of reading Psalm 127 and not having the blessing of my own children.
However, I have had the blessing of impacting many children.
I absolutely love children and my heart is to disciple children to Christ. I started with babysitting and in high school I began teaching children’s Sunday school classes. I have always been involved in various forms of children’s ministry in the church from preschool all the way through upper elementary. I have taught and been a school librarian. I am an aunt to a wonderful niece and nephew and a second cousin to some sweet littles in the next generation that I love to spoil when I can. Now, I am a school librarian impacting the lives of preschoolers through junior high students and the children’s minister at my church.
If you have a heart for children, but the Lord has not blessed you with your own from your womb, find other ways to impact children for the Lord. Find ways to spend time with kids. They need to know that adults love them and care for them. We never know what small act can help impact the life of another.
6 Those who go out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with them. – Psalms 126:6 if this isn’t a perfect image of “Joy comes in the morning” I don’t know what is. It’s okay to cry out and weep with God- He feels our pain and sorrow and there holding us and helping us grow!! This is just such beautiful imagery that I can’t get it out of my head!
I am looking to You, God! Please guide me to where I should be. Amen
Good Morning She’s!
I always wish I was like you beautiful women that can quote scripture, just throw it out there with your current feelings! Even being a Christian all my life, I have trouble with memorization! Yes, I know what the bible says…but don’t ask me to quote it! lol Can you relate Mari V?! (Prayers for your wonderful ambition to move up! You can do it!)
It is so challenging to be a Christian in an upside-down world. Exhausting actually. Frustrating. Isolating even at times. If you are like me, I feel my most joyful and confident amongst my church peeps! They get me! We can share, connect, and pray for one another. But when I am away (as currently, still up north visiting family), I get down, defeated, and lost in the cause. I hurt for my grandkids, I long for my only son and girlfriend to not be lukewarm, and I pray to say the right things and plant the seeds! Be bold? Be gentle? Be ouspoken? I flounder. Sometimes I just want to shelter in my little RV where we reside for now, and be in my happy place with my Godly music that covers my spirit in hope and comfort.
I Lift my eyes up to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth!! (I just quoted that, but I am singing in from the Casting Crowns song! :))
Have a great day! Give me a little prayer, as all the grands come out to the fair with us tonight! I need patience, tact, and love.
My middle daughter has a chronic disease that requires an MRI once or twice a year. I fight anxiety as she has it performed. I started writing out Psalm 139 and putting her name into it while I wait. It helps calm my racing thoughts as I remember that even with disease her body is still fearfully and wonderfully made and that her days are written in God’s book. While still hard, it has also become a sweet time of prayer.
So good. This study has aroused a bit of fear in me. I have felt throughout God’s words of, “my grace is sufficient for you.” This constant reminder that God is good in the good and the bad. And everything in my life is at peace right now, so it has felt like he is preparing me for the bad. And that scares me. Today it really hit me that I have been on this journey of self sufficiency, trying to build safeguards because of this fear. Our God is not a God of fear. He is telling me your safeguards are in vain. Rest in my presence.
I love this Elaine. I will remember that!
Thank you Kara for the reminder – “God is always in the room with us.” Praise God for all the truths we are reminded of in today’s readings…
The Lord watches over us now and forever – Psalm 121:8
The Lord has done great things for us – Psalm 126:3
With the Lord is unfailing love, so put your hope in Him – Psalm 130:10
The Lord is familiar with all our ways – Psalm 139:1-5
The book of Psalm has always been my “go to” book, it has been wonderful to revisit it for this study – I’ll be sad to see it end!
Prayers for..
@Taylor – that the stye will be completely healed and gone, and for your meet up with your gentleman friend – may God’s will be done, in His way and in His time.
@Sarah D – prayers for you as you reach out to your manager, may all go well and may the outcome help to lessen your anxieties.
@Tina – that God would continue to heal your heart in the loss of your daughter. Although the pain will never completely go away, I pray you feel it less and less.
@Searching- My heart and prayers go out to you and all others who were not able to conceive. May God give you perfect peace, and use you to comfort others who are going through it now.
Blessings to you all!…God is in the room!
So beautiful this morning–the scripture, the devotional, and the thoughts here.
There’s something about the horizon. And lifting my eyes up to see it. Hope and longing sits well with the peace of Jesus. The not yet is covered with the soil under my feet right now. Seeds of promise sown by the hand of our Master Gardener. By His hands there is toil, and always joy just because of His love for me. “I lift my eyes to You… show us favor” (Psalm 123). I will sing as I ascend to Your holy mountain, Lord. Over rocks and crevices, the difficult places, with every step I lift my eyes to the light of the horizon, to You, and You guide me. The beauty of each sunrise fills me with the promised assurance of Your return. I know Your Presence is with me day and night. There is much laughter that bubbles out in my days because of the hidden joy in my heart that knows You. And, there are also tears that flow over the hardness of the ground or other hearts as I go along the way. And, I know “those who sow with tears, shall reap with rejoicing… carrying the seed bag…” diligently going out (even) weeping, I will return with shouts of joy carrying a bountiful harvest… (from Psalm 126) “So I wait for the Lord; I wait and put my trust in His word” (Psalm 130:5). When I choose to trust in God, the anxiety of the unknown dissipates. “My soul is soothed and quieted” (Psalm 131:2). There is calm. There is hope. As I look down at His Word, the Holy Spirit reminds me to look up. And I lift my eyes again. And again. To Him, my Lord and Father. Abba. I see His hands giving me mercy and grace for the now, and the not yet. I realize that my faith is a gift. Not everyone looks up at the horizon and sees hope. To some it is a far away place between where they are and where they want to be. Father, use me to plant seeds of hope and Your truth around the feet of those who are stuck in despair, or sickness, or patterns of this world, or fear. Let there be joy and new or renewed faith that grows around us. “Search me O God and know my heart… lead me in the way of everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24). Let us return to You with a bountiful harvest. Selah. Maranatha. Amen and amen.
@Angie Mills- thank you for the background about the waters of Negev. I was wondering the significance of that! Praise God for His Holy Spirit working through people collectively! :)
@Tina- Amen! That Scripture Psalm 126:5 stuck out to me, too. The Lord does not waste the work we do for Him. I take this word as a promise. “We will reap with shouts of joy.” Galatians 6:9 – Do not grow weary in doing good, for in due time, we will reap a harvest if we don’t give up.
This Scripture so often repeated to me the last two years as I tended the garden of my family, living back home with my parents.
@Taylor — thank you for prayers! The doc said I tested negative for UTI, but they sent my sample out for more testing. I still have terrible cramps and shouted in pain this morning as I tried to get out of bed. It comes in waves. Right now, I feel ok, as I read the Word. They gave me antibiotics anyways and it was the quickest doctor visit! I had meds in under an hour! Crazy! Prayers answered! Praying God leads you and gives you wisdom about this guy you are pursuing. If it is the Lord, you will feel and clearly see Him in it.
@Searching – thank you ❤️
(Hope my heart emoji shows up!) Lol
All these Psalms are fire!!! I’m in a rush this morning to get to a women’s prayer group, but I was highlighting so much! Psalm 139 is dear to my heart. I could read it every day. Psalm 139:16
“Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in your book & planned before a single one of them began.” Such hope! God has a plan for us :)
Good morning sisters!! Thankful for the Psalms, as I can relate to crying out to God in my life right now. I would be so appreciative of your prayers as I reach out about my job to my manager. I think my body is just so physically tired of feeling anxious every day. I known the Lord is with me and he’ll use this for his glory, but man am I ready for that day when I don’t have to feel like this anymore. Love you all!
I loved today’s devotion and the Psalms. I spend so much time trying to do things on my own, my own will, my own strength, etc. Psalm 127:1 really spoke to me today especially as my guy flies in from Texas tonight. If it’s not from God, I don’t want it! I’ve spent so much time, especially in relationships, clearly not following God’s leading because I was more afraid of being alone than being in a relationship I knew was not God’s will. Not anymore! I’m too old for that lol :) Also Psalm 139:23-24 as I have been battling lots of anxiety in this busy season (my left eye has been twitching on and off for over 2 months). Lord I ask for your provision, protection, and rest today and every day. You are closer than my closest friend. May your will be done, and may I have the willingness to submit to it <3 I hope everyone has a blessed day!
@Sarah D praying for you!! Thank you for keeping us updated
I think I may have posted this before, but one of the women in a bible
Psalm 127:3-5 is still painful to read even though I am long past my child bearing years and have been able many times over to help others raise their children. I’ve seen many miracle babies and am praying for those working through infertility struggles.
Yes, God is ALWAYS with us and we are “blessed” in many ways in every circumstance. I sometimes (many times) have to give myself a talking-to and change my focus from what is wrong or what I don’t have and instead pay attention to what is right and what I do have.
TAYLOR – congrats on the new-to-you car and the improvement of the stye. Praying for wisdom and discernment as you spend time with the gentleman from Texas.
SARAH D – continuing to pray for your job and anxieties, and for the potential position change
MICHELLE PATIRE – praying you are feeling better
LAUREN GW – thankful for the step forward for your husband, praying for you both
MARI V – praying for you as you go through these classes. If one method of studying isn’t working, try another … Index cards, a related phrase that ties to the concept, come up with a jingle that helps you remember. I know you can do it! Lord, please guide Mari as she studies and seal this knowledge in her mind so that she can recall it when needed.
This has to be my most fav collection of the Psalms readings thus far. Psalm 139 is my go to – especially when I need reminding of whose I am. Love the line ‘He’s Always in the Room’. Emmanuel – God with us.
There is nothing else like knowing you are never alone. While I like having a little time to myself everyday I need companionship. I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit being in my life daily. And I love knowing that I can talk to Jesus anytime and He hears me. God makes sure we have access to Him all the time.
God’s Presence in our lives is revealed in His …
-Protection of us (Psalm 121)
-Favor toward us (Psalm 123)
-Restoration of our joy (Psalm 126)
-Blessings given to us (Psalm 127)
-Redemption of us (Psalm 130)
-Rest to the childlike spirit (Psalm 131)
-All-knowing and ever-present ways (Psalm 139)
Psalms 121, 123, 126-127, 130-131 were part of the Songs of Ascent that Israel’s pilgrims would sing as they made their way to Jerusalem to worship at the Temple. It could be a dangerous journey since their were bands of robbers on the way, thus they would sing of God’s protection (Psalm 121). They would remind themselves of the things that they were seeking as they traveled to the place where they experienced His presence: His favor, restoration, blessing, redemption, and rest.
Our pastor preached on Psalm 126 this Sunday. He talked about how the watercourses of the Negev were dried up for most of the year, but once a year, the watercourses would overflow from flash floods caused by melted snow and rain from the mountains. These floods would overwhelm the pilgrims on the way to Jerusalem because they were sudden and there was a large rush of water. In the same way, God’s restoration seems sudden and abundant to us, but He has been working on it and planning for it.
I couldn’t help but sing snippets of some Keith & Kristyn Getty songs I like as I was reading these psalms.
-“I Lift My Eyes (Psalm 121)” [One of my favorites!]
-“I Will Wait for You (Psalm 130)”
-“You Have Searched Me (Psalm 139)”
May we keep our eyes and focus on our Lord today, watching for His presence in our lives.
Thank you for your thought provoking question!
“It is in God’s presence that all we long for or seek is found. So how is it that I have to remind myself that the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient One is closer than my next breath?”
Nothing is possible without God.
The Psalms were my go to verses when my world fell apart.. I felt like a co heir to the words of the psalmist, almost a kindred to the words of pain, suffering and heartache…
Psalm 121:1 was what I had etched on my beautiful girls headstone and my heart..she is buried on the hill I see from my home..
“I lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from..”
In the early days, I used to looked up to the hill where my daughter is buried, but if I where to put my hand on my heart, the truth would be that I did not look beyond where she was buried. I could not raise my head that far, because of my grief.. and misunderstanding of how God worked or is.
I can stand now and look up and absolutely give thanks and praise for the life that is no longer here, but safe on ‘the hill’ beyond that hill, but also I can look up knowing, that God is where my help, to this point of my life, has come from, and I know He will be there in the day beyond today.
I have sown in tears..
He has put a new song in my heart, I reap in joy..
I have placed my trust in Him.
The Lord watches over me and mine because I place my hope in Him.
I will forever praise the Lord.
I will forever praise the Lord.
Happy Thursday dear hearts, always wrapped in love, hugs and prayers..❤
What a beautiful reminder…Immanuel..God with us. Amen
“The favor and esteem I hustle so hard to conjure up in the eyes of others seeking the very same thing—He offers those, too, simply through proximity to His presence.”
So good.
I love that! He is always in the room. ❤️
It is in God’s presence that all we long for or seek is found. So how is it that I have to remind myself that the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient One is closer than my next breath?
So true! Some of my go-to verses today which I stand on when I need to know that He is with me as I travel through life’s trials.
LAUREN GW- thank you for the update on your husband, I was thinking of you this morning, I will continue to pray.
ABIGAIL CHANG- how is your mum? Praying for you and your family
Praying for all of us that we would remember to “lift our eyes” so that we focus on our precious heavenly Father rather than our earthly circumstances. Have a blessed day everyone xx