The Power of Prayer (3 of 3)

Open Your Bible

Philippians 4:6-7, James 5:13-16, Psalm 131:1-3, Romans 8:26-30

Text: Philippians 4:6-7, James 5:13-16, Psalm 131:1-3, Romans 8:26-30

The question has been posed to me almost daily in this season: “What do you want to do?”

My husband and I are in a crux we didn’t plan for, one that necessitates a job change and possibly a move—and quick. There are three solid options on the table, one of which is to stay here in Denver, in the home we love, in the city we felt God calling us to a year ago. The others take us to the opposite side of the country, near where we both grew up. Neither option to move back east seems best today. I don’t know what to ask for, and I don’t know what to pray. My prayers lately resemble something like this: I don’t know, but You do, so just do it quick—even if it hurts.

I feel weak of praying. I don’t mean tired of praying, I mean weak in it. Praying feels like the weakest thing I could do and the most necessary. Never in all my life have I felt so out of control of my own life and person—and I’m weak for it. I feel bruised, sucked in, spit out, worn over, trampled, even crushed. I am like one with dry mouth trying to ask for a drink of water; more desirous than ever, and unable to form the words with a parched throat and cracked lips.

My will is strong, my body is weary.

In these moments, I’m tempted to keep quiet because God knows my prayers anyway; He knows the words I’d say if I could. In Romans 8:26, we read, “The Spirit also joins to help in our weakness.” It would seem more fitting if it said, “The Spirit will carry us along in our weakness,” but it doesn’t. It says, “joins.”

The Holy Spirit comes to us, gets down in the trench with us, imbeds inside us, melds against and with us, and helps in our weakness. This changes things. A parched person need not cry out for water if one who is satiated joins her pleas, groaning alongside her for what she needs.

This is what the Holy Spirit does for me and you. He dips down and hears those earnest and difficult cries, and He, who knows the will of God, takes every petition to the Father who gives good gifts (Matthew 7:11). Our prayers are not powerful because we ourselves are powerful. The power of prayer lies in the power of God.

I do not know what to pray for as I should, but I know the Holy Spirit joins with me. He knows what I need better than I ever could.

“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
-Philippians 4:6-7

Lore Wilbert is the Director of Community and Formation at Park Church, Denver, and writer at Find her on twitter @lorewilbert.


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133 thoughts on "The Power of Prayer (3 of 3)"

  1. Anna Rose says:

    I have often heard the phrase, ” Tears and prayers too.” I think this is depicted perfectly with this verse from Romans,
    “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.”
    The Holy Spirit always knows what is on our heart and he is always there to deliver the message to God even when we are not able to or when we are anxious.

  2. Kristin says:

    This last devotion was perfect. I have been there, so recently, in moments of desperation when the only words I could get out were, “Help me, Jesus.” It it so comforting to visualize the Holy Spirit standing there beside me in those moments. Holding me up. Bearing that heavy, heavy weight of life. Articulating the words that I cannot. I can cling to Him. He can be my strength when I have none.

  3. Joanna says:

    These last three days have been incredible. Thank you for these words and for the realness of them.

  4. Marlaena says:

    There is action for all things, even being cheerful! Let us not become stagnant and complacent in our day to day lives but walk forward with purpose in our day. If you are cheerful, praise! If not, pray! (Okay so pray anyway!)

  5. Pam B says:

    Lore, thank you for the beautiful devotions the last few days. These devotions on prayer have been just what I needed. Thank you for sharing your heart in such a relatable way. :-)

  6. Beanchanged says:

    “Never in all my life have I felt more out of control of my own life and person”. This is me, and the rest of that paragraph. The Holy Spirit is using your words as my own and I am telling Him I am sucked in, spit out and trampled these days. Parched from giving without receiving and unable to find the resources to ask for anything because I don’t know what it is I need. I am not in a life crisis, just 3 months away from my second child and I’m scared I can’t do it with grace or patience or love or just plain physical energy. Then I feel pathetic because come on it’s only two kids, millions of other women do this every day. And so I pray these feeble prayers and go about my day feeling unchanged, powerless but trusting in God because I know His Word is true and His will for me is good. It’s all I’ve got to hold on to.

    1. Allane says:

      Don’t feel pathetic. Going from 1 to 2 is a scary thing. I felt many similar emotions when our second child came. But you are right to say it that you, we all, need God’s grace, especially in this high-calling of motherhood. It is a high-calling indeed, but one that requires more than we are capable of, and that is where we need God’ grace!
      The transition may be difficult, but know that things WILL get easier as you adjust to the new dynamic and new needs. In the end, it is a beautiful thing for a child to have a sibling, I am so blessed every day by just watching my children (now three of them!) interact with each other. I am whooped every night? Yes! But I am blessed and that trumps everything!

      1. Beanchanged says:

        Thank you Allane for your encouragement!

  7. Sophia Aceituno says:

    Wow!!! I can’t. Thank you for being so open. My faith has been strengthened because of yours honest. I am going through something similar. I have been pulled out of a job that I have been there for almost 14 year. And put on permanent disability and I’m only 32. And we are a two income family. I know I should pray and I do try but like you, I feel like I have no words. I will keep pushing forward in prayer and I will hold on to the scriptures given to day. Thanks you again.

  8. Klaire says:

    I love how we all face similar situations, regardless of where we are in life. I know a lot of you are right smack dab in the middle of a similar struggle, but I’d like to share my story so it might offer you some hope. I was in this exact situation a little over a year ago. I remember sitting in my car with my boyfriend crying and unable to put into words how confused and terrified I was. I was trusting in God, I was praying… But I still couldn’t figure out which big decision was the right one. That’s when my boyfriend stopped me and explained that whatever steps I took, I could bless God in them. Whatever decisions I made, I could give the glory to Him. While I couldn’t discern which decision was right, I learned that I didn’t have to… But that didn’t mean I was useless. I could use my current situation to bring glory to Him. I could use my prayers to draw closer to God rather than beg Him to make it clear to me. I could take baby steps toward what I thought the “right move” was, while still being open to wherever He directed me. And I’m sitting here a year later, completely grateful, with a clear picture of how God has gotten me here. It took lots of little steps and lots of trusting in God, but it is so worth it. Allow Him to use you wherever you are, even if you don’t know where you’re headed. He’s got your back!

    1. cindy says:

      Thank you for sharing. This is so where I’m at. Draw closer… less of me Lord. Be blessed ladies, one day at a time.

    2. Steph says:

      Thank you for sharing your story, Klaire!

      My husband and I have been seeking God for months regarding our big decision. Trusting, seeking, trusting, seeking and still….silence.

      Our story is that we must move out of our rental home in the next few months – so the decision is to either stay in our current town (been here about 5 years) which we really enjoy, have finally made some great friends and are very involved with our church that we love…. Or move clear across the country on what seems like a ‘whim’. No jobs lined up yet and no clear calling from God to move to a particular area. We just feel like He’s saying “GO”. So option 1, to stay isn’t likely :)

      I feel a little like Abraham where God said ‘go to the land I will show you’…. Which is super vague and not helpful in my opinion. ;) – thanks God.

      Blessed by today’s Devo reminding me that the Holy Spirit is there with me when I don’t know how to pray.

      Thank you, Klaire for your words. That whatever step we take, whatever decision we make, we can BLESS GOD. I have been so focused on myself and making sure that I choose the ‘right’ place to go to so I don’t mess up God’s unknown calling or plan on my life. I realize now that I wanted to make sure God would bless ME in my decision and not seeing it as a way to Bless him instead.

      We had made the decision to move to a state we haven’t even visited yet, and while it felt good to make a decision, I was still struggling with making absolutely sure it was the ‘right’ choice. We are blindly trusting the Lord and are still open to a new calling from him, should he give it, but today I feel the anxiety and pressure leaving.

      Let the peace of God be present today! Praying Philippians 4:6-7 over my life today. He had GOOD things in store :)

      1. NorthbySouth says:

        Steph, I totally understand how you feel. I’ve been living like this for a few years now…being led by the “cloud” by day and the “fire” by night. Although it’s an exciting way to live especially because you see how God works thru you to bless and impact other lives. BUT it can be a little scary, uncertain and bewildering as you wait on God’s instruction. Oh yeah, He also sharpens your discernment of “the times” ;- )

    3. Tiari says:

      Amen!! I’ve always begged for clear signs and have only now begun to realize that I just need to believe and move and trust that He will be with me. That He may be glorified with each step I took towards Him. Thanks for sharing! Such truth!!

      1. Tamara B says:

        Sometimes we must take a step and let Him guide us. He can’t correct our steps if we are not moving