The Power of Prayer (3 of 3)

Open Your Bible

Philippians 4:6-7, James 5:13-16, Psalm 131:1-3, Romans 8:26-30

Text: Philippians 4:6-7, James 5:13-16, Psalm 131:1-3, Romans 8:26-30

The question has been posed to me almost daily in this season: “What do you want to do?”

My husband and I are in a crux we didn’t plan for, one that necessitates a job change and possibly a move—and quick. There are three solid options on the table, one of which is to stay here in Denver, in the home we love, in the city we felt God calling us to a year ago. The others take us to the opposite side of the country, near where we both grew up. Neither option to move back east seems best today. I don’t know what to ask for, and I don’t know what to pray. My prayers lately resemble something like this: I don’t know, but You do, so just do it quick—even if it hurts.

I feel weak of praying. I don’t mean tired of praying, I mean weak in it. Praying feels like the weakest thing I could do and the most necessary. Never in all my life have I felt so out of control of my own life and person—and I’m weak for it. I feel bruised, sucked in, spit out, worn over, trampled, even crushed. I am like one with dry mouth trying to ask for a drink of water; more desirous than ever, and unable to form the words with a parched throat and cracked lips.

My will is strong, my body is weary.

In these moments, I’m tempted to keep quiet because God knows my prayers anyway; He knows the words I’d say if I could. In Romans 8:26, we read, “The Spirit also joins to help in our weakness.” It would seem more fitting if it said, “The Spirit will carry us along in our weakness,” but it doesn’t. It says, “joins.”

The Holy Spirit comes to us, gets down in the trench with us, imbeds inside us, melds against and with us, and helps in our weakness. This changes things. A parched person need not cry out for water if one who is satiated joins her pleas, groaning alongside her for what she needs.

This is what the Holy Spirit does for me and you. He dips down and hears those earnest and difficult cries, and He, who knows the will of God, takes every petition to the Father who gives good gifts (Matthew 7:11). Our prayers are not powerful because we ourselves are powerful. The power of prayer lies in the power of God.

I do not know what to pray for as I should, but I know the Holy Spirit joins with me. He knows what I need better than I ever could.

“Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”
-Philippians 4:6-7

Lore Wilbert is the Director of Community and Formation at Park Church, Denver, and writer at Find her on twitter @lorewilbert.


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133 thoughts on "The Power of Prayer (3 of 3)"

  1. Hannah Dessel says:

    Lore, I deeply appreciate your vulnerability through this recent bump in the road for your family, thank you. I work for a college ministry in Utah, and we are going through a tough transition right now, too. It will be hard for me and the students, but also very freeing. A lot of unknown lies ahead. But I find myself not knowing how to pray, especially when I don’t feel deserving. So thank you for presenting these passages that defeat those lies and insecurities and help us ladies come before God. It’s so comforting to know that the Holy Spirit is an active intercessor. I’ve been feeling my hurt along with my students’ hurt often, and this is calling me to intercede along with the Holy Spirit. He hears us. That’s so crazy…

  2. Churchmouse says:

    Oh. My. Each day as I read the SRT comments, I write each prayer request in my book. So many with such heavy burdens and of course, I have my own. Sigh. This morning I was feeling especially burdened as I went over the list. Overwhelmed by the magnitude. Wondering if my prayers make much difference compared to the weight of so many. I was sighing more than praying. Oh, Lore, I needed your words! Thank you for reminding me that the Holy Spirit is here in the trenches, embedded with all the prayer warriors… And especially with those of us who are battle – weary. Praise God that the Holy Spirit grabs ahold of our hands and intercedes for us with unspoken groanings! His groanings rise above my own. Lore, your honesty and truth have given this soldier the strength to fight on for another day. And I know He will empower me in all my tomorrow’s. Cannot fully express my deep deep gratitude…

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Sending so much love your way, sweet churchmouse. I look forward to your encouragement each day!


    2. Megan says:

      Great idea writing the prayer requests down. I need to be reminded that these are real people with real prayer requests on the other side of the screen. Thank you that you do this, and for the idea!

  3. Jessica says:

    We just faced this choice, and we ended up moving. Away from family and friends, where we felt called, with a newborn. I know the Lord led us here for a reason but if is so hard and I struggle with frustration and anxiety each day. Lord, please guard my heart.

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Praying with you, sweet friend. So glad you’re here!


  4. I can so, so relate to the devotion today. Just last week we went from expats to being former expats without jobs. My prayers, too, feel weak. We need jobs that provide for our family but we want more than that. We want jobs that use our gifts and talents, that feed our souls and allow us to pour into others. It’s so very hard to trust, but at the same time trusting is all I know to do.

    1. Amy says:

      Praying for you, thisgalsjourney, as we are also facing this. We are currently expats and are considering becoming former expats without jobs, hoping that we listen and follow God’s direction for us. I can relate to the heaviness of your situation.

  5. Shannon says:


    1. Jennifer says:

      Praying for you Shannon!

      1. Shannon says:

        Thank you so very much!

  6. Shannon says:

    Praying for healing from breast cancer. Contouring to ask boldly.

    1. Gema Muniz says:

      Amen Shannon! May God provide you with the miracle of healing, for he is our doctor and our healer, he is the only one we need.

      1. Shannon says:

        Thank you!

    2. Vanessa says:

      Praying for you.

    3. She Reads Truth says:

      Asking God to be especially near to you today, friend. Grateful for your bold example.


    4. Megan says:

      Joining in prayer for you!! May Christ’s blanket of peace cover you during this time, and may you feel his presence ever so close to you.

    5. Madison says:

      Covering you in prayer this night and in the days to come! Jesus doesn’t love us in way that isn’t best. He is so good – every day. Even in the very hardest ones. I know this season is so very hard and I will be continually praying for you! Also if you are into books, John Piper has a very short, very powerful book called “Don’t Waste Your Cancer”

    6. Betsy says:

      Saying a prayer now.

  7. Shanelle says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. Last year around this time I was hit with so many decisions that would impact my future. To move back home or to stay in a new city. I felt paralyzed with indecision and all could remember saying was GOD please just do what you need already “even if hurts”. Fast forward and I’m in a much better place. I still don’t know what GOD has in store for me or why I had to move (I decided to move back home). I do know that it definitely changed me and my relationship with HIM. I really just wanted to say thank you for sharing. Sometimes it feels like I’m alone and that somethings wrong with me because I can’t quite discern. I pray that GOD reveals HIS plans for you and that he gives you the strength to follow/trust HIM.

    1. Gema Muniz says:

      Amen, Shanelle I think we have all found ourselves in these cross roads, but when we hold on to Gods promises we gain so much more than what we loose. I found myself in that dark place a year ago and I’m so thankful that I stood firm in Gods word, for now I see his plan for my life and is so much greater than I could ever imagine.

    2. Holly A. says:

      I am in a similar place now. Trying to discern if I should stay in my home town or move on. I have been stuck in not knowing what to pray so this really helps. It is frustrating when I do not feel I get any clear answers. It seems as though I can see a fuzzy outline but it is just out of reach. Nice to hear you both have also experienced this so I am not alone. I have been trying to figure out if there is something wrong with my approach but after reading this, I think it may just be the season I am in. I do trust Him. Always.

  8. Vanessa says:

    Anxiety is overwhelming me. I feel out of control and hopeful less in my current situation. My husband and I were getting divorced. He and I began to see other people once the petition was signed. When we decided to reconcile we let the people we were talking to know. The lady he was talking to was fine. The man I was has become angry. He went so far as to email my husband inappropriate things about he and I. We both got rid of our email accounts and will be changing phone numbers. My fear is that this will only make him more angry and he would try something more crazy. My husband is a police officer and says we don’t have enough to get a restraining order (he was calling me and texting me from different phone numbers but never saying it was him but saying things only he’d know) My husband says he’s intelligent and knows we need to prove it was him and without him stating his name we can’t since it’s different numbers. I’m afraid of what he’s going to do next if anything. My husband feels he’s done but I’m not so sure. I’m terrified and overwhelmed. Any ladies out there who are divorcing or separated DO NOT get involved with anyone Til you’ve healed and the divorce is final. Run from any man making you feel special. He is a vulture and knows you’re insecure. I didn’t believe it when a friend said it to me. I wish I had heeded her warning. Please pray with me that this man would stop and leave us alone. I worry for myself, my husband, and my kids. My husband and I were able to dismiss the divorce case and are doing well and are back in church together and putting Christ as the head of our marriage which we stupidly didn’t do before. I am so thankful for restoration. I am still concerned and anxious about this man and his motives. Please pray with me that God would calm this man and distract him with something else to do than harass us. And that my heart would be at peace. I’m sorry this is so long. Please pray for us.

    1. Vanessa says:

      *hopeless sorry typo

    2. Elle says:

      I am praying for you and for your family, Vanessa. May God watch over and protect all of you! Also, thank you for sharing your story of reconciliation. May God continue to bless and keep you and your husband.

      1. Vanessa says:

        Thanks so much.

    3. Jami says:

      Praying! And so happy to hear a story of marriage reconciliation!

      1. Vanessa says:

        Thank you so much. Our reconciliation is def a result of answered prayers. I cling to that now as you ladies pray along with us.

        1. Irina says:

          Melissa, ladies, correct me if I’m wrong. Is not it the truth that we are as Christians should not even consider divorce as an option for our marriages? Is not it our commitments to our husbands and children? I learned it when I came to Christ and accepted his term of taking a cross and following him… Is not it what we choose in every situation?

    4. Megan says:

      Praying for you Vanessa! Keep pressing on and holding on to his promises. He will never leave you nor forsake you!

      1. Vanessa says:

        Thank you.

    5. Kim says:

      While this comment is late, please know you’ve been in my prayers Vanessa. Hope you are well this day and will continue to pray for God’s presence and wisdom in your life. xo