The Plot Against Paul

Open Your Bible

Acts 23:12-35, Job 33:4, 2 Corinthians 4:8-12

When I was a girl, I was not good at sitting still. If I had a good book, I could get lost in its pages for an hour or two. Television, with all its mindless cartoons and gaudy commercials, only inspired an even deeper sense of ennui. I wanted to go somewhere. I wanted to do something. I was always standing at the hem of my mother’s skirt, asking, “What are we doing next?”

“This,” my mother would say, pointing around the kitchen, or the living room, or the pile of clean laundry in need of sorting, folding, and putting-away. “This is what we’re doing.”

Life can often feel like one long series of mundane tasks. In contrast, Paul and his life in prison reads like one magnificent action-packed screenplay. Suddenly, there is a plot among the Jewish people to ambush Paul and murder him in broad daylight. But, through deft maneuvering, the tribune is altered, and in the dead of night, Paul is sent away on a two-day trip from Jerusalem to Caesarea under heavy guard. Though all of this must have been supremely terrifying in the moment, there is also a sense that God is up to something—something purposeful, something meaningful. 

It’s easy to look at Paul’s dramatic, purposeful life and think that he was doing something right. But I think that would be missing the fuller story. Luke (the presumed author of Acts) includes a tiny detail in this narrative that can nearly escape the eye. It wasn’t just any young boy who alerted Claudius Lysias of the plot to kill Paul. He is unnamed, but we’re told he was “the son of Paul’s sister” (Acts 23:16).

We do not know how Paul’s nephew heard of this ambush. Did he walk through the market and overhear someone whispering? Was he buying eggs from a woman who let the gossip slip? Or did he happen to hitch up his donkey near some loud-talking would-be-murderers? We will never know. But nonetheless, at great risk to himself, he bravely informed Paul of the plans, and then informed a centurion and the tribune as well. He snitched. I wonder, when all was said and done, if that mob of forty men learned of this young boy’s actions. Was he safe after this? Even if no one learned of his identity, I have to imagine the boy went through the next few years of his life worried that the Jewish leaders might find out what he’d done. If they were willing to kill Paul, what would they do to this nameless young kid? 

Oh, to be an unnamed character in God’s great story. What I wouldn’t give to play such a supporting role in the work God is doing in the redemption of the world! I think, as a child, that is mostly what I wanted. Not activity or entertainment, but meaning. I wanted to believe that God might put me to use.

And the great news is—He does! He prepares good works for me to do in advance, works that will require great courage. And I do not have to go looking for those works. Just as the son of Paul’s sister found an opportunity for faith and courage, I do not have to strive to find God’s plan for my life. After all, it’s His plan, not mine. I can stay where I am—doing “this,” as my mother always said—trusting that God is with me, and that if I am present to Him, He will give me and guide me in everything I need to fulfill His calling on my life. 

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35 thoughts on "The Plot Against Paul"

  1. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    I often wonder what happened to the men who made an oath and wouldn’t eat or drink until Paul was killed. Did they break their oath?

  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I loved this devotional today! Sometimes my life can feel so mundane, one day bleeding o to the next. I love how Claire wrote that if you are present with God, he will show up in your life. I also love how we don’t have to go out and look for these good works he wants me to do, he will lead me in them.

  3. Caroline Bridges says:

    I was wondering what happened to this Devo when I went to go read it this morning.

  4. AG says:

    Acts is full of miracles and I’m praying for one today. I’m so thankful for the hope this chapter and the Lord have given me.

  5. AG says:

    I am behind on my reading but I am asking for prayers. My grandma is in the ICU with COVID and it is not looking good. I lost my grandpa in February this year and am struggling. My dad and mom were exposed to her before they knew she had it and my dad is diabetic and will be at high risk if he catches it. Please please pray for my family. I am trying to cast my fear and worries to the lord and put my faith in hope in Him and His plan.

  6. Skylar Hilton says:

    Paul’s perseverance for God and teaching the ministry.. and preaching about Him is something we all need. There were so many times Paul could have given up… but He never did because he understood that he was being sent for God, and that what he was teaching about was something much more bigger than him. Ultimately, I not only pray that we follow the plans God has for our lives… but to be brave in them, and preserver through them for Him as well..

    “The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life” Essentially, this life we have… the ups and downs of it .. comes from our amazing God! No one else!

    We might be persecuted by others, but God never forsakes us.. ever!. I pray that Jesus will use all of us as vessels.. so He could speak through us to others, and guide them back towards Him. May He forever be glorified within us.

    God loves you ❤️

  7. Beverly Watley says:

    Yes, I didn’t either. Thank you Beth.

  8. Beverly Watley says:

    Amen Dorothy, I am really getting to know about the middle of the Bible; meaning I feel like I’ve read the beginning and the end of the Bible but not spending to much time in the middle of how we get to the end (revelation). I have learned a lot about how the Father is and also the son, JESUS CHRIST. I also was wondering about Paul’s sister, not much was said about her after telling the boy to go to the Tribune and tell what she sent him there for. So blessed when it comes to reading the Bible. Thank you Lord and have an exciting week family.