The Lord’s Glory

Open Your Bible

Exodus 33:1-23, Genesis 3:8-10, Numbers 6:22-26

What is it you long for? We all have something deep inside us. The roadmap of our hearts leads us there, to the place where our treasure is found—the place where our hope, wonder, and worship reside.

God had promised to rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and bring them to a new home, a land of freedom and abundance. But His bigger promise was this: He would bring them back into relationship with Him, back into His presence. He would dwell among the Israelites and be their God (Exodus 29:45–46).

But God’s people put all of that in jeopardy by building the golden calf and inciting God’s anger with their idol worship. They were set to experience separation from Him again. Yes, He would still bring them into the promised land, but He would not accompany them there (Exodus 33:1–3). 

Because of their sin, Israel could not be in God’s presence—but Moses could. The Lord spoke to Moses “face to face, just as a man speaks with his friend” (v.11). And so on behalf of the Israelites, Moses pleaded with God to reconsider:  

“If your presence does not go…don’t make us go up from here. How will it be known that I and your people have found favor with you unless you go with us? I and your people will be distinguished by this from all the other people on the face of the earth” (vv.15–16).

Moses knew what was really at stake for the Israelites: the true promised land, God Himself. Moses knew that God was not merely a means to an end, not just the path to blessing. God is the blessing. God’s presence was the very identity of His people. If He wasn’t in the new land, then there was no point in going. Without Him, there would be no real blessing, no peace, no rest. 

So what does your promised land look like? 

Mine looks like a land of abundant provision, free from shame and fear, melancholy, sickness, and loneliness. Scripture tells me all of these needs and more are met now, in Jesus Christ, though He is far more than a means to an end. He is Alpha and Omega, beginning and end—and everything in between (Revelation 22:13).

He doesn’t just provide. He is our provision (Genesis 22:14). 
He doesn’t just make us righteous. He is our righteousness (Jeremiah 23:6).
He doesn’t just give us peace. He is our peace (Judges 6:24, Hebrews 13:20).
He doesn’t just heal us. He is our healing (Exodus 15:26).

And if we know Jesus, we are never truly alone. He is always with us (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23). His promise to each of us is this: “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14). 

In His attributes God reveals Himself to us—His character, His nature, and His heart. Like Moses, we can boldly ask to know more of God, to see more of His glory. This is why God delivered the Israelites, and it’s why He sent His Son to deliver us. God came near so we could truly know Him and never be separated from His presence again.

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32 thoughts on "The Lord’s Glory"

  1. Elizabeth Oster says:

    All I need is in Jesus!! Thank you, Father!!

  2. Kristen says:

    @Angie Mills Thank you for what you wrote about Jesus being our Rock and that we must be hidden in Him. I never made the connection to Moses standing on the rock and that he had to be hidden! God is Holy and we would have no chance if Jesus would not have endured all that He did! May we always be amazed and grateful for His finished work and the grace of God. I’m definitely not deserving. I was reading this devotional and our little cat was snuggling up on me! I thought how having his snuggles is a grace and gift from God. ( I have been afraid of animals. Our cat was found at my husband’s job in another state at the worksite. He told my girls that He was bringing him home. My thought was no way! Now I’m so grateful!) I pray we all are more aware today of His grace and blessings all around us and May we give Him praise as we do! Bless you all!

  3. Heidi V says:

    So many wonderful journal prompts in today’s devo!

  4. Allison Bentley says:

    Something I have never noticed before v11… his assistant, the young man Joshua son of Nun, would not leave the inside of the tent”. The Lord was preparing Joshua long before. Joshua was literally next to Moses and therefore witnessing the presence of God. Beautiful

  5. Eileen Dowd says:

    Thank you “Jenifer loves Jesus”. I got so much out of your prayerful thoughts this morning. To God be the glory!

  6. Linda J says:

    Thank you, Kara! Today’s devotional is excellent reminding us that God “isn’t just…”.

  7. Erica Chiarelli says:

    This was so good! God is our blessing, our rest, our peace. Every desire is to be for Him & met in Him!.

  8. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    *drawn :)