The Lord Rises Up

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 33:1-24, Isaiah 34:1-17, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 12:28-29

Text: Isaiah 33:1-24, Isaiah 34:1-17, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 12:28-29

I can hardly read the headlines without my heart feeling like it will fall out of my chest.

A local family is torn asunder by an abuser in their midst. Someone in the city has acted on their perverted sense of justice and gone on a violent rampage. Systemic evil is evident everywhere—in the courts, on the streets, in the schools, at the market. Idolatrous liaisons with demons incite entire people groups and nations to war with each other, stealing resources, asserting their superiority, and annihilating fellow divine-image bearers. Painful truth bursts out of the darkness and into the light, breaking hearts and dissolving trust. Destroyers, traitors, and betrayers swarm like locusts.

How much more of this heart-wrenching, stomach-turning news can we take? And this is only the news we are aware of in our limited perspectives.

Our world today is not unlike Isaiah’s. We are not unlike the sinners against whom the prophet declared God’s judgment. And so we echo Isaiah’s cry for mercy:

O Lord, be gracious to us; we wait for you.
– Isaiah 33:2

Our waiting is not in vain. Centuries pass through the annals of time, but God remembers every moment. Millions upon millions of people have walked this earth, but God knows every hair on every head. God hears the ground cry out—satiated with the blood of people whom He created in His own image. He will rise up and punish His enemies.

Destroyers, traitors, betrayers, the godless—tremble before the Lord. Hear what He has done, and acknowledge His might. He will fill Zion with justice and righteousness. There will be no escape for those who hate the King of kings.

But God offers amnesty to His enemies. His Son came as our Deliverer.

As Isaiah promised, the day of vengeance is coming when the King returns as the judge. His judgment is just and pure; He is not partial. Yet He is full of compassion and slow to anger (Exodus 34:6). His faithful love is evident throughout the Old Testament, generation after generation, and displayed in full in the person and sacrifice of Christ.

Oh, that we would look to the cross and behold our King in His beauty today! Take up your role as an ambassador and plead with your friends, your loved ones, and yes, even those who hate you, to gaze upon Jesus, our Deliverer. “Today draw near. Today give attention. Today hear! For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

This news, too, is overwhelming. But it overwhelms me in a different way. I can almost feel my heart leaping for joy out of my chest! I still wonder how this can really be, this gospel news that seems almost too good to be true. But the Good Shepherd says, “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32).

Behold the King in His beauty. Tremble before the Lord who is a consuming fire, and worship Him.


Gloria Furman is a wife, mother of four, cross-cultural worker, and writer. In 2008 her family moved to the Middle East to plant Redeemer Church of Dubai, where her husband, Dave, serves as the pastor. Gloria is the author of Glimpses of Grace, Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full, The Pastor’s Wife, and Missional Motherhood.

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84 thoughts on "The Lord Rises Up"

  1. Christina Hargrove says:

    So good to read these Words and reflect on our Lord with you, sweet Gloria!

  2. Keri McCue says:

    “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, 29 for our tGod is a consuming fire.” As many times as I’ve read these verses in Hebrews, today they hit me in a new way. I love that God continues to use scripture to reveal different things to us! It really is the living Word of God!

  3. Cathy says:

    Praying for you, Emily. I have 7 angels in heaven but praise the Lord, two blessings on Earth. Old hymns and new songs of praise and worship day after day brought me through. I had to trust and rely in Him and his timing. He will never leave or forsake you. You are never alone.

    1. Emily says:

      thank you Cathy. I can’t imagine going through this seven times but what a testament of His healing in your heart. I appreciate your prayers and understanding!

  4. Megan says:

    I have struggled with anxiety for many years but the past few months have been the hardest. An evil thought came into my head and I can’t shake it. This will probably sound silly to some but I was fearing that the devil will somehow take over my mind or something. I have been praying everyday and asking God for peace and comfort, but sometimes I cannot feel him. I feel like God is angry that I do not have enough faith and trust in him.. I know deep down he loves me but I just want to stop feeling so insecure. Sometimes when I read the Bible I just get so overwhelmed because I cannot understand it and that scares me too because I know the Bible is supposed to bring peace. Prayers are appreciated!

    1. She Reads Truth says:

      Praying for you, Megan! Asking the Lord to grant peace and understanding. Grateful for you.

      – Stormye

    2. Katalina says:

      Megan, I know how you feel. I didn’t struggle so much with anxiety as I did depression. I had horrible thoughts come to my mind about my life, who i am, and everything that surrounded me. Thoughts that i could never imagine having again. It was a very long process to get through and a journey that came with many obstacles. It lasted years for me but I pushed through and with the help of God, I overcame it all. I wrote about this in a post and If you’d like, you can read it. I hope it may give you some insight and know that you are not alone my darling praying for you!

    3. estelle says:

      You’re not alone, Megan! Praying for you.

    4. Sandy W. says:

      Praying for you. The enemy loves to fill our head with doubts and fears. Remember Jesus said He would never leave us or forsake us. He loves you deeply and unconditionally.

    5. Katie says:

      I struggle with anxiety, too. I’ve started praying Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace, for it is trusting you” in the moments when my anxiety kidnaps my emotions and tries to take over my thoughts. I know I can tell myself that Truth doesn’t change; even when I don’t “feel” like something is true, it still is. God has done all our work for us (Isaiah 26:12) and He gives us faith (But I received mercy because I had acted ignorantly in unbelief, and the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 1:13-14) Dear Sister, the war against our flesh is real and frustrating and feels overwhelming, but our good, loving Father is making us new! If you ask Him to teach you to trust, He will. Your struggle doesn’t take away His love. You are His daughter and He delights in you. I’m praying that you feel His love and that He sends you peace. I’m also praying that His rich gospel truths grow deep roots in your heart so that, in times of stress an anxiety, you will know that this is a temporary trial God is using to call you to trust Him. The Spirit who promised to be our comfort and peace is faithful; He will comfort you. Praying, Sister.

    6. Holly says:

      I’m praying for you, Megan! What helps me is to remember that God has already conquered evil. I remember my pastor saying that we should run from temptation; we don’t need to fight it because Jesus already fought sin and won.

      Thank you for your honesty and bravery,

    7. Micah lee says:

      Sometimes God gives us battles that we will not see the end of in this life. It’s frustrating and difficult to hear, but sometimes our anxiety is something that God is going to let us keep fighting for the rest of our lives. And he IS right there with us. Even if we don’t feel him. I haven’t FELT God in a few years now. I’m still not sure what is wrong. But I’ve decided that since it doesn’t seem to be going away, my job now is to walk in faith and keep showing up no matter what.

      1. Candice says:

        Thank, I needed to read this comment.

    8. Kristen says:

      As someone with similar struggles I want to encourage you to remember that God may answer your prayers through the people in your life. If you haven’t done this yet, I would encourage you to talk to a medical professional.
      I will be praying for you. I know it can be hard to feel understood. When you know the thoughts are irrational or overblown but you can’t stop them from shouting in your brain.
      Depending on the situation there may be ways to help that stop and clear the clutter so you can focus on your real struggles in a productive way.

    9. Laura says:

      there’s a great book called “understanding scrupulosity” that I highly recommend for exactly what you describe. I have come so far in 10 years following its advice. I also say this phrase: “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me, a sinner” and focus on each part of the sentence a little at a time.

    10. Kelly Nash says:

      I’ve struggled a lot with anxiety. Something the Lord spoke to me to do when I was anxious or fearful was to speak his truth. Sometimes literally say it aloud to myself. When I fear I won’t have enough money, I speak God’s truth- God will supply all my needs. When I fear my health is getting worse- I speak that God is my healer and so on. It has really helped. And when I don’t know God’s truth for a certain anxious thought, I can go to His word and find what He says. It’s been really helpful. I’m praying you can find a way to have peace!

    11. Meg says:

      From a fellow Megan who has anxiety– just lean on God. I have had a devil worshipper praying against me for almost a year now and that’s when it started. The panic attacks. Sometimes I can’t feel God I feel like. But then when I search for him I feel closer than ever. It’s a long and difficult road, but we have a big God. God who is good. I will pray for you, and know Jesus loves you always! 1 Peter 5:7, Joshua 1:9, John 10:10, and there’s another good verse in Matthew 6. :)

    12. Joanna says:

      Megan, I know exactly how you feel. I will be praying for you. I second the notion of going to see a professional. If you are able to find someone who specializes in Christian counseling, they will be able to tie in the Word with what you’re going through. You are never alone! God bless you.

  5. Amy says:

    Praying for you.