The Lord Rises Up

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 33:1-24, Isaiah 34:1-17, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 12:28-29

Text: Isaiah 33:1-24, Isaiah 34:1-17, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 12:28-29

I can hardly read the headlines without my heart feeling like it will fall out of my chest.

A local family is torn asunder by an abuser in their midst. Someone in the city has acted on their perverted sense of justice and gone on a violent rampage. Systemic evil is evident everywhere—in the courts, on the streets, in the schools, at the market. Idolatrous liaisons with demons incite entire people groups and nations to war with each other, stealing resources, asserting their superiority, and annihilating fellow divine-image bearers. Painful truth bursts out of the darkness and into the light, breaking hearts and dissolving trust. Destroyers, traitors, and betrayers swarm like locusts.

How much more of this heart-wrenching, stomach-turning news can we take? And this is only the news we are aware of in our limited perspectives.

Our world today is not unlike Isaiah’s. We are not unlike the sinners against whom the prophet declared God’s judgment. And so we echo Isaiah’s cry for mercy:

O Lord, be gracious to us; we wait for you.
– Isaiah 33:2

Our waiting is not in vain. Centuries pass through the annals of time, but God remembers every moment. Millions upon millions of people have walked this earth, but God knows every hair on every head. God hears the ground cry out—satiated with the blood of people whom He created in His own image. He will rise up and punish His enemies.

Destroyers, traitors, betrayers, the godless—tremble before the Lord. Hear what He has done, and acknowledge His might. He will fill Zion with justice and righteousness. There will be no escape for those who hate the King of kings.

But God offers amnesty to His enemies. His Son came as our Deliverer.

As Isaiah promised, the day of vengeance is coming when the King returns as the judge. His judgment is just and pure; He is not partial. Yet He is full of compassion and slow to anger (Exodus 34:6). His faithful love is evident throughout the Old Testament, generation after generation, and displayed in full in the person and sacrifice of Christ.

Oh, that we would look to the cross and behold our King in His beauty today! Take up your role as an ambassador and plead with your friends, your loved ones, and yes, even those who hate you, to gaze upon Jesus, our Deliverer. “Today draw near. Today give attention. Today hear! For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

This news, too, is overwhelming. But it overwhelms me in a different way. I can almost feel my heart leaping for joy out of my chest! I still wonder how this can really be, this gospel news that seems almost too good to be true. But the Good Shepherd says, “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Luke 12:32).

Behold the King in His beauty. Tremble before the Lord who is a consuming fire, and worship Him.


Gloria Furman is a wife, mother of four, cross-cultural worker, and writer. In 2008 her family moved to the Middle East to plant Redeemer Church of Dubai, where her husband, Dave, serves as the pastor. Gloria is the author of Glimpses of Grace, Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full, The Pastor’s Wife, and Missional Motherhood.

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84 thoughts on "The Lord Rises Up"

  1. Zoe says:

    Albeit temporary, the world is our home. It’s natural to feel stress about the goings on of our planet. My prayer is that our Heavenly Father blesses the women of SRT, women who yearn to care for their families and the broader community, with the strength and discernment to be in the world but not of it. To walk in the light of God’s will. To be a living sacrifice. To rest confidently in the truth that the world, in all its tragedy and beauty, sits in the palm of our Creator. We need not fear. We need only abide in Him and His word. God is good. Amen.

  2. Kacy swanson says:

    Finally, a passage full of hope & encouragement from Isaiah. When we are trouble, God is there. He knows and He will help. I have a new prayer every morning: “Be our strength every morning and our salvation in time of trouble.”
    Thankful for his unending grace while we wait for him!
    I’ve been doing 2 a days until I’ve finally caught up with you ladies. I started late but I’m finishing strong! ❤

    1. Lana says:

      You got this, Kacy!!!

    2. Candy says:

      Wow impressive Kacy! Isaiah is hard to get thru daily! And you did double!!!

  3. Desiree says:

    This just proves how timeless the Bible is. No matter how many years ago it was written. Absolute truth. Father God, thank you for your Word. I ask that you would be gracious to us.

    1. Mae says:

      amen to that!

  4. Kristine L says:

    Thank you for this!

  5. Kathleen says:

    Isaiah is showing me Gods strength is huge and powerful, his justice is grand and his plan was the only way. Some of this feels heavy, scary, overwhelming and repetitive but if I’m honest it will take all of this to understand that God gets our world, how hard and heavy it can be, and what need there is for him to take it away and fulfill a great void which is our sin.

    1. Jamee says:

      I agree. Scary and heavy and rocking my sense of love and peace. I think it’s necessary but I can’t deny that it is hard for me to read morning after morning.

  6. Reading this on the bus, the day after attack on London, while passing the building that were raided last night in Birmingham in relation to London attack, this scripture seems really relevant and timely!

    1. Tina says:

      Thought also about the attack and killings in London as I read this message…

      God be gracious to us..
      God be gracious to us…

      Stay safe, learning to float.. blessings. X

    2. Clare says:

      my thoughts too x

    3. Micah lee says:

      This crossed my mind as well ❤

  7. peanut cheese says:

    does anyone else sometimes struggle with the fact that one HAS to feel really sinful in order to experience the joy of God’s love? Sometimes I don’t feel terribly wicked to be honest. Therefore I sometimes find it hard to be overwhelmed by God’s love like the author of today’s deviotional puts it..

    1. Alice Carroll says:

      Me too, me too! I know I am, but I don’t feel it. Either the wickedness or God’s love. I don’t know the solution either, apart from seeking to know Him more and reminding myself of the truth – He really does love me.

    2. Tina says:

      Peanut cheese, Morning!
      God’s love is not dependant on things we do sinful or otherwise… we do not earn it, nor do we gain it… He gives it freely… Jesus has paid OUR price…
      I think when we sin, and repent, repent being the operative word, we are drawn closer, in that we know the wrong we have committed, ( not dissimilar to the man on the cross next to Jesus )and how bad we feel, so the feeling of forgiveness from the Heavenly Father and His love is all the more sweet.
      I have known Gods love and presence and joy, not because I have been ‘wicked’ but in my brokenness, my lostness, my weakness…. (2 Corinthians:9)
      You are right, We recognise and witness it more when we have sinned, because our default tells us we cannot be forgiven, that we will be judged… this is not so with the Father, He loves, He loves, He loves…., always …
      His Joy, His Grace, His Love is not earned, Peanut Cheese, claim it today… ask Him, talk to Him, He will not disappoint.
      Praying you have a most wonderous meeting with the Lord God Almighty today and in the coming days…
      Love, hugs and blessings dear Peanut Cheese.

    3. Christina says:

      You ARE really sinful, whether you feel it or not. Pride and self-sufficiency are sins, too. (This is coming from a “goody two shoes,” mind you.) It took me a long time to understand that just because I didn’t “break the rules” doesn’t mean I am sin-free. Sin is sin to God, and whether you tell a little white lie, say mean words to intentionally hurt someone, covet a neighbor’s new car, or commit murder, you are a sinner. ALL sin and fall short of the glory of God. There’s no way you can get into heaven on your own, and God’s love for us is so strong that He let His own Son die to save us! That is overwhelming love!!!

    4. Grammy Suzn says:

      I understand and relate to what you are saying. I have noticed over the course of many years that I am much closer to God when I focus on His greatness rather than on my need – even on my need for His mercy and grace, because ultimately it’s not about me. Too much of our church experience these days is focused on us and how God meets our needs – which He does. I feel so much closer to the Lord when I sing things like How Great Thou Art – Holy, Holy, Holy – Our God Is an Awesome God. The words from today’s reading that really struck me are : “For the Lord is our our judge; the Lord is our lawgiver; the Lord is our king; he will save us.” If I focus on who He is I can’t help but see how small – and sinful – I am.

      1. Tina BS says:

        Jesus is so good! I have struggled with the same issue about not seeing my wickedness (or lack of it) and not experiencing the overwhelming joy of his love. Even though I know that I love him and I know he’s there and I talk to him all day every day. Thank you ladies for all your comments! Before I set down to read SRT this morning I was asking God to show himself to me and to be close because my heart was seeking his presence and that “feeling” I was missing and he did just that! Through your sharing and His Word he has made me realize it’s not about me and how I feel but it’s about Him and Who He is! Sometimes we, I, forget that. Thank you ladies for your comments and thank you Jesus for knowing what we need to hear and how we need to hear it because your desire is for us to be close. Then as I searched more He led me to Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart (He becomes the desire of our heart!). How awesome is that! God is so good!

        1. Virginia says:

          I needed that reminder, “Not about me, it’s all about him…thanks Tina.

      2. Tricia C says:

        Thank you for that reminder. Just what I needed. Have a blessed day.

      3. Kendra says:

        So so true! I think we all need this reminder!

    5. Rachel says:

      I understand what you are saying and have felt that way myself. When I look at God and His holyness and then my life and even though I’m not sinning in big huge go-to-prison ways, every day I sin. I have judgmental thoughts, I yell at my kids, I’m envious of my friends life. I am a broken sinful woman BUT I am a saved-by-grace broken sinful woman. When I take my eyes of myself and what I did or did not do as well as not comparing myself with others sin, and look to the Perfect Holy One, I see my brokeness and true sinful state. Hope that makes sense and that you would feel God’s love in a very real way today. Don’t trust your emotions and feelings. Trust His word and His promises! ❤

    6. Audrey says:

      Tina I think you said this so well….Peanut Cheese I have felt/thought much of the same sentiment over the years. Truthfully it hasn’t been until this past year that I think I’ve started to experience God’s everyday, always present love. The shift came when I started understanding my brokenness….my pride in trying to mask that I wasn’t actually broken. My sin of morality (Biola University lecture series on Spiritual Formation by John Coe explains this SOOOO well!) where I thought I was a good Christian because I did all of the right things; I was more focused on appearing like I loved God than actually loving Him. It’s when God opened my eyes to all of that within me that I started to understand, know and experience His love, mercy and grace in new, bold, colorful ways. I encourage you to pray that God reveal your brokenness to you. What’s amazing is He won’t overwhelm us all at once. He pulls back the curtain of our souls inch by inch as we are ready.

      1. SarahMay says:

        Beautifully said. Also for me, the past 2 years, learning to spend time in His presence has changed ME. I see His hand, hear His voice more clearly. I see His direction and even correction flowing from His extreme and passionate love for me. It took being a Believer for 28 years or so before I realized the importance of significant time spent alone with Him. (And I’m only 36!). I pray more of our sisters will have this same experience. Our world is changed when we are truly different & set apart by our Savior.

      2. Mary says:

        Beautifully stated. Thank you Audrey!

    7. Lana says:

      Love your comment peanut cheese! It sparks reflection and thought! I so agree with the other ladies, particularly Tina and Audrey. I pretty much thought I was doing all the right things, and then God revealed that sometimes I let my ego turn me into a mess. No one has ever called it out before because I don’t think I actually verbalize my ego a lot, but it’s there. And if it goes unchecked, those thoughts can wreak havoc in my life.

      Then I realized that ego stems from not understanding how to truly love myself. And then, through SRT, I realized I didn’t have a complete understanding of how to love God as well. Then I realized they’re pretty much one in the same. When I spend this quality time with God and carve out a consistent section of my day to hang with him and learn about him, that time is a form of self care as well. I recently started up doing yoga again and I use that practice as a way to spend time with him too.

      Anyway, I don’t constantly condemn myself everyday either, though I do reflect on ways I could have done better. Conversations with others that could have been more loving. Things like, did I really have to share that one detail about my ex with my friend? Did I reaalllyy have to share it? And then I go to God with a sorry heart and ask for forgiveness and help with doing better.

      But even before I got to this point, I used to (and still) feel God’s love in gratitude. Taking a moment and truly reveling in all the things he’s done and given even though I don’t really deserve any of it. When I think about all the goodness, all the joy, all the ways he’s brought me out of bad situations, all the laughs, how he’s saved my tail on numerous occasions, how he’s walked me through fires of my own creating, his patience with me, and yes, my awesome plum/orchid duvet cover that I scored off Etsy that I’m currently cozied up in right now, I. Feel. Overwhelmed. With. Love.

      1. Melinda says:

        Amen, Lana! So with you. I’m overwhelmed more and more each day by His unmerited mercy and grace and provision! Well said:)

    8. Micah lee says:

      I’ve felt that way too. And I think for me personally it has a lot to do with my pride- something I’ve always struggled with, a root of other sin problems. I think that if I payed a little more attention to staying humble it would help this too. That’s jussi me though

    9. Casey says:

      I can completely relate Peanut Cheese (and I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who can relate in reading through the other replies!). Sometimes I catch myself feeling like I’m just going through the motions without any sort of actual attachment to the Lord, as if I’m just talking to the ceiling because it’s what I’ve decided to do each morning. I think I’ve found that the thing that helps me the most is talking to other people about the ways I’ve seen God be faithful in my life. And sometimes I don’t even have something that I can point to that was recent, but it’s as if just saying it out loud to someone else reminds me how good God is and that He is REAL and powerful and present in my life. It’s the same for me when I have had opportunities to share the Gospel with someone, as if sharing the Good News with someone else helps solidify it in my own heart. I’ve compared it to when you tutor someone in a subject and as you tutor and teach them, it becomes more ingrained in your own mind and you become more confident and sure of what you’re sharing. I’m just so thankful that God’s goodness and love is not dependent upon my emotions! I’m just praying for an opportunity to talk about Him today!

      1. peanut cheese says:

        Interesting point! I have also experienced how full of passion about God’s love I can become when talking to non-believers

    10. Elle says:

      This is such a good and honest comment. Personally, I think you need to do a lot of self reflection and really know yourself to know where you are broken or sinful. For me, it’s really the revolutionary love of Christ that is there regardless of how well I do in my life that shakes me deeply. This is big news to a type A personality where everything else is measured by achievement in my life. Knowing I can stop and breathe and that my value as a human is based on something out of my hands is amazing news. The other thing that really brings it home for me is the admonition to love your neighbors as yourself and really see God in everyone. I am not great with people and I’m quick to judge and I struggle a lot with loving people I don’t like. It’s only through God that my weaknesses here become clear and his forgiveness so critical because otherwise it would be tempting to just give up and rest in my misanthropy.

    11. Kristen says:

      I don’t remember if it was from a podcast or earlier in this study, but I was encouraged to pray regularly that God would convict me of my sin. I know it’s there… even if it’s not big, or glaring. I know I fall short every day… in not being patient with my kids, turning to the world for comfort instead of him, wasting time on social media instead of spending time with God. It’s been a challenge – but I am continuing to pray that through this exercise God will deepen my relationship with Him.

      It’s so refreshing to know that we have sisters struggling together to know and love God well. So grateful, again, for this honest and loving community!

    12. peanut cheese says:

      Wow I just wanted to look quickly before going to bed whether I received any responses and I’m really overwhelmed by the amount of recognition from others.
      There’s a lot I could say and ask in response to all that, but I’ll try to take in all stories at witnesses to inspire my faith in God.

      I do want to say though that I know that I sin every day in words, thoughts and actions and that I myself am part of the brokenness that destroys societies around the world. However, I don’t really feel the ‘contrite spirit and the broken heart’ (Ps 51) on a very regular basis. Also I don’t think that is really what God needs. Because then again we are trying to earn our grace (by focusing on ourselves and our feelings of guilt). And several ladies have pointed that out for me, too, thank you!

      So let me end with one short question then: what does God’s/Jesus’s love ‘feel’ like when sin is far, far away? This might be more of an Easter question than a Lent question, yet I’m asking: can we experience God’s love without having to focus on our sinful nature, because Christ was RISEN FROM DEATH?

      Again, thanks for all of your witnesses.
      Love, in Christ

  8. Kat says:

    I really needed this reading today. I’ve been away from God for so long and I am crying after reading His words to us. Thank you so much for helping me in opening my heart back up to him.

    1. Karen says:

      Praying that this is just the beginning of a deep relationship with your loving Father!

    2. She Reads Truth says:

      Kat, so encouraged by your words. Grateful that we have a God that opens hearts to Him. Grateful for you!

      – Stormye