The Lord Provides in the Wilderness

Open Your Bible

Exodus 15:22-27, Exodus 16:1-36, Deuteronomy 8:3, John 6:47-51, 1 Corinthians 10:1-5

As I ponder today’s title, “The Lord Provides in the Wilderness,” I can hear the subtle whispers of my heart, exposing what’s true: I want God and His provision, but I don’t want wilderness seasons for me or for those I love. This is because, when I consider wilderness seasons, I only perceive a lack. I see no room for an abundant harvest.

But what if seasons that feel barren are birthing the very characteristics that make us more like Jesus? What if our wilderness brings forth a kind of fruit that the barren ground of our insecurities and unanswered questions couldn’t possibly imagine? What if our perceived lack leads us to a greater dependence on God’s provision? Isn’t that the best place to be? Postured to receive God’s provision and not my own. 

As unexpected wilderness seasons have arrived, so has the much needed reorientation of my theology—both what I perceive and what I believe about God and His provision. And I can’t help but wonder, as I lean closely into today’s narrative, if maybe the Israelites’ struggle looked much like mine—like ours.  

Today’s passage offers you and I the same invitation in our wanderings that was presented to the Israelites thousands of years ago—to turn our gaze and look to Him, the One who provides not just material substance but His sustaining grace, even in the dry and weary wilderness. 

As Aaron was speaking to the entire Israelite community, they turned toward the wilderness, and there in a cloud the LORD’s glory appeared.
 —Exodus 16:10

The radiant glory and abundant provision of the Lord appeared even in the gloomy darkness of the wilderness. Day after day, month after month, year after year, the Israelites were positioned to trust God—to look upon His manifest glory through the miraculous rain of bread from heaven day by day (Deuteronomy 8:3). In Egypt, they’d had to work tirelessly to earn their bread, but God brought them to a wilderness to remind them their daily abundance comes only through Him. They could not earn it, and they could not live off yesterday’s manna nor faith. God’s people were called to trust Him daily as they partook of the daily bread. If only they had continued to fix their gaze and looked to Him in every circumstance (1Corinthians 10:1–5). And if only we would fix our gaze and look to Him. 

In our wilderness do we turn our gaze and look to God’s provision for us, Jesus Christ, the bread of life—the more sufficient and sustainable bread that came from heaven? Do we perceive this daily abundance, even in dry, barren seasons? Behold, Jesus Christ, our sacrificial provision for all our days!

And we, like the Israelites, don’t have to earn it, but we do have to bring our trust daily, believing that the Lord provides in our wilderness, causing the barren ground of our souls to produce eternal, abundant fruitfulness through the Spirit.

(43) Comments

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43 thoughts on "The Lord Provides in the Wilderness"

  1. Jeanna Vance says:

    Amen. Lord I give you my fear of the wilderness. Lord teach me to receive your comfort and your provision each day.

  2. belle ingersoll says:

    “ And we, like the Israelites, don’t have to
    earn it, but we do have to bring our trust
    daily, believing that the Lord provides in our
    wilderness, causing the barren ground of
    our souls to produce eternal, abundant
    fruitfulness through the Spirit. “
    what absolutely beautiful truth . . . thank you so much for this beautiful ♡ check ! ✞

  3. belle ingersoll says:

    “ And we, like the Israelites, don’t have to
    earn it, but we do have to bring our trust
    daily, believing that the Lord provides in our
    wilderness, causing the barren ground of
    our souls to produce eternal, abundant
    fruitfulness through the Spirit. “

  4. Anita J says:


  5. Jacquelyn Karel says:

    This is speaking directly to my heart this morning. I have a two month old son and we have been struggling with breastfeeding. This passage and devotional remind me and convict me to trust God with daily provision for my son.

  6. Abbie Evans says:

    “But what if seasons that feel barren are birthing the very characteristics that make us more like Jesus?

    What if our wilderness brings forth a kind of fruit that the barren ground of our insecurities and unanswered questions couldn’t possibly imagine? What if our perceived lack leads us to a greater dependence on Gods provision? Isn’t that the best place to be? Postured to receive Gods provision and not my own.”

    This quote from the devotional hit so real in my life and how good God is through season of wilderness and barrenness. September 2021 I was almost 7 weeks pregnant when they discovered my baby had implanted in my right fallopian tube. One surgery later I was left with one fallopian tube and no baby. we had issues conceiving in the fist place so I was felt with this feeling of barrenness that I thought would never end. God’s provision, His love, His grace, His mercy is what saved me. I am not the same woman I was before my loss. God took my season and truly refined my spiritual journey and brought me closer to Him. I don’t understand why I had to endure that loss but I do know the blessings that have come forth since that day could have only come through a season of wilderness. Through the grace of God I am now 11 weeks pregnant with no medical intervention to conceive. It was a true miracle that can be explained only by this: God. Thank you Lord for the seasons of refining. Thank you for never leaving my side.

  7. Heather Williams says:

    I definitely see myself in the Israelites of this passage. I would be extremely tempted to complain and provoke self-pity in the times of waiting and wandering and I would definitely have a difficult time with self-control when gathering the manna each day. These are two strongholds that I can see playing a part in my life as recently as yesterday!
    But we are called to trust the Lord in the wilderness. To have self-control over the indulgences that we can control and to live in the moment of trial, knowing that God is great and he will guide us through the uncertainty and risk we feel.
    Please pray for me to live this out as I start my first year of teaching and build my marriage.

  8. Heather Williams says:

    I definitely see myself in the Israelites of this passage. I would be extremely tempted to complain and provoke self-pity in the times of waiting and wandering and I would definitely have a difficult time with self-control when gathering the manna each day. These are two strongholds that I can see playing a part in my life as recently as yesterday!
    But we are called to trust the Lord in the wilderness. To have self-control over the indulgences that we can control and to live in the moment of trial, knowing that God is great and he will guide us through the uncertainty and risk we feel.

  9. Heather Williams says:

    I definitely see myself in the Israelites of this passage. I would be extremely tempted to complain and provoke self-pity in the times of waiting and wandering and I would definitely have a difficult time with self-control when gathering the manna each day. These are two strongholds that I can see playing a part in my life as recently as yesterday!

  10. Terri Baldwin says:

    Jesus Christ is our bread of life——Believe! And have eternal life in God’s Eternal Kingdom. Jesus gave His flesh for the life of the world.

  11. Amy EB says:

    However much they needed, everyone was satisfied with the manna. The Lord’s provision was so abundant that all their needs were met everyday. The bread was provided for them they just had to gather it. Even in a barren wilderness, the Lord provided, the people just had to turn to Him.

  12. Ellen Denning says:

    Well. This entry was amazing. Words I hadn’t considered, but has changed my perspective. Thank you!

  13. Jeanna Powell says:


  14. Christel Fleming says:


  15. Annesta Lunde says:

    I really needed these words today.

  16. Portia Strange says:

    Thank you Lord for your Word! So good! I was reminded, during today’s reading, that I have a front row seat to the Israelites really getting to know God’s character & promises throughout Exodus. They had been enslaved for 430 years (12:40). So, I could imagine that they heard & saw firsthand the Egyptians idol worship & perhaps were even influenced by it (if I’m not reading too much into it). So, in 15:26, God tells them to ‘…diligently listen, do that which is right, give ear to his commandments, & to keep all his statutes…’ I’m not sure that they really knew what all of what God considered right nor what His all of Him commandments & statues were yet. They did know that He was their powerful protector (having witnessed the 10 plagues, pillars of cloud & fire, parting of the Red Sea, & the bitter water made sweet).

    Also, I loved how God commanded Moses & Aaron to keep ‘…an omer throughout their generations…’ (16:32-34) so that they would remember what God had done for them & how He’d provided. It begs me to question, how I can be more intentional about recording God’s past faithfulness & providence for me so that I don’t forget.

    After Googling it, I learned that the Isralites didn’t reach the Promised Land until the book of Joshua & that an 11 day trip took them 40 years! Lord, I don’t want to prevent myself from thriving spiritually, being all that you want me to be, doing all that you want me to do due to my sin. I don’t want to take 40 years to get somewhere that should only take less than a month! Help us Lord!

  17. Chris S says:

    My goodness!! This is beautiful. I want to print EVERY word!! Underline EVERYTHING!! HIGHLIGHT EVERYTHING!

  18. Mercy says:

    Thank you so much Oghosa for a wonderful devotional! I love a blunt truth devotional and you surely delivered. Things I gathered from our scriptures today:
    1) Follow God’s instructions and rules, for God SURELY will test! God tests His people using hardships (3 day no water, bitter water) to see if they follow through with His laws (Exodus 16:4). He still tests now, nothing different. When’s the last time you’re low on food, low on bank account and wonder why? Testing.
    2) He humbles us by letting us go hungry and then will feed you/provide for us, just to teach us He alone is our sole need (Deuteronomy 8:3). The righteous never beg for bread (Psalm 37:25), YET hold the phone, there’s a type of God-ordained hunger, or God-ordained lack for the purpose of His Provision.

    He so loved that He gave His only Son to die in our place. He so loves that He disciplines as well, and so loves that He chastises every son He receives (Hebrews 12:6). This is a hard one to swallow, KJV uses the word “chastise” by the word “scourge” (whip lash), He scourges every child He receives! Ouch. Truth, sharp edged truth! Look at the Israelites here- His firstborn. I feel that the mainstream preaching of God is like that of a lovely gentle grandpa figure, just so sweet, floating on air/clouds, causing many people to be shocked when hit with the reality that God is the chastising GOD. For lack of knowledge/preaching on this side of God. He is the GOD who chastises every single child! He will chastise, and don’t we all need chastising/the rod coming from Kingdom of darkness into Kingdom of Light. When people ask me what is God like to you, the first image of God is a tough commander, He has been dealing very rough with me from Day 1, though gentle at times (sweet times), but He won’t just hold my hands, He lets me cry and suffer too. I have been scourged. The Israelites were scourged, again and again, painful stages they had to go through. The word scourge is true to its meaning if you ask me how it feels. On hindsight, I am super thankful for the Israelites (the firstborn of faith) bearing so much pain as recorded here, so that we/the gentiles can learn and be grafted to their house/commonwealth of Israelites through faith (Romans 11:17). God is fair, if He chastises the Israelites, He also chastises us the Gentiles as He receives us into His house, one body, one man, under one lordship GOD. I see grace on us, having it much easier with a manual (bible) to navigate, knowing what’s encouraged and commended by God and what’s never to do or even think of. We shouldn’t play with God’s rules just to see what He will do. Remember the whip lash/the scourge of chastise – if you want to entertain the thought. Never to receive God’s grace in vain (2 Corinthians 6:1).

    Praying for you my dear: Mari V(congrats on your bold step, I am taking a course too, rooting for you), Michelle P (praising God your family’s safety, surely angel encamps around your house), Bobbie Leathers (your story encouraged me greatly, love it).
    Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend wherever you are. Be blessed dear sweet sisters!

  19. Marina Sayadian says:

    This is so beautiful!

  20. Marina Sayadian says:

    So very true!

  21. Emily Mitchell says:

    Love this! Really needed this encouragement today. Thank you!

  22. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning She’s, Thank you for all the good insights! The devotional was spot on and so relevant! It’s crazy how the whole old testament is the constant “wilderness” (hardships- failing trust and grumbling, turning from God) to the “glory” (provision and saving, turning to Him). He IS Always there, unmoving and probably with a big eye roll!) Think of your kids how from toddlers to young adults, we see that same cycle as parents. We allow them to fall from a young age, as to learn and grow, but we are there ready to catch them, love them, encourage and lead them.

    The song “Same God” is just such an anthem for the Almighty God, that He was there for the Old Testament greats and He is still our Miracle God today! Hope you can cling to that in your wilderness.

  23. Mari V says:

    Good morning She’s! My beautiful sisters all over the world! My apologies ahead of time for my repetitiveness. Five years ago this week, most of you here know I made the  hardest decision of my life. And even then I didn’t say anything here for a couple of months later. I left a 20+ year marriage as it became unsafe for my children and I. I left what I was used to into the unknown.. The good thing is I was able to flee to a safe place. The home I grew up in. My kids and I. God has provided for every single need! Sometimes there is abundance and sometimes there is not but we always have what we need. My God, Jehovah Jireh, my provider, continues to be faithful. As I mentioned yesterday, I’m stepping out in faith and attempting to take a college course as I really need to move up to continue to provide for my family. Of course knowing that my God is the ultimate Provider!

  24. Danielle B says:

    God is our provider, even in what we don’t know that we need. It is helpful to take time to stop and think about the many ways he has provided in my life, so in my wilderness seasons I can remember and continue to trust Him rather than grumble and complain. There has been manna and sweet water. There has been shelter and protection. Even more wonderful there has been the gift of my salvation.

  25. Heidi says:

    The thing is this- we will be in times of wilderness in our lives- that’s life in a broken world. The question is, what will my posture be and when the wilderness is behind me will it have been in vain or will I have a deeper, more satisfying understanding of my Savior and God? Will I be the same person I was “pre-wilderness”, only with some bitterness thrown in because “how dare God allow that for me?”, or will I be an even greater force for His Kingdom to be ushered into this world for the lost and hurting who are searching..?
    Honestly, the choice is ours…

  26. Aimee D-R says:

    Father, almighty, ultimate creator of life, reward my faith, forgive my doubt. In Jesus name, Amen

  27. Kenya Rafferty says:

    I love the concept of the Manna representing Jesus. Because there is so much simplicity in the bread – that is all God said they needed – and Jesus is the same. He is all we need.

  28. Allison Bentley says:

    Jennifer Loves Jesus- what a beautiful prayer- thanks for sharing!

  29. Allison Bentley says:

    35 “the Israelites ate manna for forty years,” wow!! My first thought was how delightful it would be to not have to “meal plan” for my household- nope sorry kids; quail for supper manna for breakfast and lunch! Then my mind started to wonder eventually resting in the fact that He provides for me daily- even when I meal plan! This wilderness of a tired momma who has to force her kids to eat anything other than junk is still a moment to show Gods glory! Happy Friday sisters!!!!

  30. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    “The one who trusts will not panic” (Isaiah 28:16). Morning by morning there is manna from the hand of our Father. He provides. Beginning with the breath in my lungs. The light for my eyes. The sound of rain for my ears today. I see, touch, smell. I slow down and I trust in His provision. “And who among you, by being anxious, is able to add one hour to your life span?” (Jesus, Matthew 6:27). I trust You Lord. For I know that this life is only to prepare me for the next. I receive today as a gift. May I open it well. If worry creeps in, transform it to trust. I trust You in the hard things. I trust You while I wait. Let Your peace be mine. Saturate me in Your presence and shine through my skin. Help me Father, to stop rushing and start looking. Refresh my eyes to see what You provide. Thank You Jesus for being my daily Bread from Heaven. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

  31. Jackie says:

    Thank you, Oghosu Iyamu, for the reminder to turn our gaze on God in this season of wandering in the wilderness. He will provide!

  32. Searching says:

    Praying for you SARAH D – for wisdom and direction to the right path for you, for the anxiety and nausea to cease.

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – I had already read about the Siau family tragedy and will continue to pray for them.

    MARI V – congrats on taking that step! You’ve got this!

    MICHELLE PATIRE – thankful your family is ok after that scary situation! Glad to hear your family will be locking house and cars in the future. I lock everything! I lived alone when I first moved to the quiet rural area I live in and had a very bold stalker leaving notes and trying to talk his way into the house. Sheriff got him but it was beyond scary.

  33. Rea Queen says:

    Thank you for sharing BOBBIE LEATHERS. God is our PORTION! We lack nothing.

  34. Sandi Stanley says:

    I want to be postured to receive God’s provision through my wilderness season.

  35. Bobbie Leathers says:

    About 14 years ago, my husband and I had to move to a new city for his job. Our kids were grown and I was just starting a new career in my middle age. I really didn’t want to move but I did know that God was leading and so I obeyed. Note: just because God is directing, doesn’t mean that it’s going to be easy. I have lived in many places and this city has been, by far, the hardest place I have ever lived. For years, I cried out to God. If I could have just one close friend here (besides my husband), I would be grateful! But God had a different plan. He gave me a promise that He would provide all I needed in my desert place. That I would bloom where I was planted and that He would provide streams in the desert.
    Isaiah 41: 18-20, Isaiah 43: 18-19
    I have found a niche here, a job that I love and a place of service in my local church. Above all, I know that God is my Provider and that He is always faithful to His promise!

  36. Bobbie Leathers says:

    About 14 years ago, my husband and I had to move to a new city for his job. Our kids were grown and I was just starting a new career in my middle age. I really didn’t want to move but I did know that God was leading and so I obeyed. Note: just because God is directing, doesn’t mean that it’s going to be easy. I have lived in many places and this city has been, by far, the hardest place I have ever lived. For years, I cried out to God. If I could have just one close friend here (besides my husband), I would be grateful! But God had a different plan. He gave me a promise that He would provide all I needed in my desert place. That I would bloom where I was planted and that He would provide streams in the desert.
    Isaiah 41: 18-20, Isaiah 43: 18-19

  37. Angie Mills says:

    Things God provided for His people in today’s passage:
    -His glory
    -Object lessons
    -Eternal life

    Jesus now provides all these things for us. He is the Living Water that refreshes our souls. He is our Healing. He is the glory of the Father, full of grace & truth. His body is the flesh. He is the Bread from Heaven. He is the Lord of the Sabbath. In Him, we find our rest. He is the Word of God. He gives us warnings & commands, teachings & object lessons. He reminds us of everything the Father tells us. He is our Eternal Life. He is our Protection. With Jesus, we can be satisfied because He is more than enough to meet our needs.

  38. Bobbie Leathers says:

    About 14 years ago, my husband and I had to move to a new city for his job. Our kids were grown and I was just starting a new career in my middle age. I really didn’t want to move but I did know that God was leading and so I obeyed. Note: just because God is directing, doesn’t mean that it’s going to be easy. I have lived in many places and this city has been, by far, the hardest place I have ever lived. For years, I cried out to God. If I could have just one close friend here (besides my husband), I would be grateful! But God had a different plan. He gave me a promise that He would provide all I needed in my desert place. That I would bloom where I was planted and that He would provide streams in the desert. Isaiah 41:

  39. Penny Courtney says:

    I am in a wilderness season and I will look to God for my provisions. He is faithful and merciful. Thank you Father for staying with me through this season, and all other seasons. Thank you for providing what I need when I need it.

  40. Kelly (NEO) says:

    So true, Oghosa Iyamu. Thank you.

    Todays reading brings to mind the song “So You Want to Go Back to Egypt” by Keith Green.

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – so heartbreaking for the Siau family. Praying for Christy and her SIL’ full recovery – physical and emotional. Praying God’s comfort for the whole family.

  41. Becky Berube says:

    Fixing our gaze, trusting, believing that God will and does provide. How often do we turn our gaze like the Israelites and spin our wheels grumbling instead of looking up in hopeful anticipation of God’s provision?

  42. Debbie -Pursued by Him says:

    “I can hear the subtle whispers of my heart, exposing what’s true: I want God and His provision, but I don’t want wilderness seasons for me or for those I love. This is because, when I consider wilderness seasons, I only perceive a lack. I see no room for an abundant harvest.“

    “ God’s people were called to trust Him daily as they partook of the daily bread. If only they had continued to fix their gaze and looked to Him in every circumstance (1Corinthians 10:1–5). ”

    “ Behold, Jesus Christ, our sacrificial provision for all our days! And we, like the Israelites, don’t have to earn it, but we do have to bring our trust daily, believing that the Lord provides in our wilderness, causing the barren ground of our souls to produce eternal, abundant fruitfulness through the Spirit.”

    …oh to trust in Jesus and Jesus alone EVERY moment! This I pray for all of us!

  43. Arina says:

    He is Yahweh Rapha, the God who heals.