The Lord Promises Freedom

Open Your Bible

Exodus 4:18-31, Exodus 5:1-23, Exodus 6:1-13, Psalm 68:4-6, Isaiah 6:4-5

When we are in the middle of the darkest times of our life, hope can feel impossible, even foolish. We long for God to intervene. We may even question whether God notices, cares, or is as good as we know we should believe He is. Maybe you can automatically think of a time in your life when the dark was so thick you couldn’t see a way out. Maybe you’re living it now, whether personally or sharing in our whole world’s collective groaning.

For countless generations, people across eras and cultures have found solace in Exodus, a tale of a people suffering under the boot of a cruel ruler. Though Exodus ultimately tells a story of triumph, it didn’t start that way. Moses and Aaron’s first visit to Pharaoh was a failure, at least on the surface.

The plan seemed clear. Moses was given two signs to show God’s power to Pharaoh. When the Israelite elders saw these miracles, it was enough to rekindle their hope. Finally, God answered them! And “when they heard that the LORD had paid attention to them and that he had seen their misery, they knelt low and worshiped” (Exodus 4:31). Of course, Pharaoh would be impressed too, right? Maybe even afraid of a bigger, truer God he couldn’t dare defy?

But after Moses and Aaron’s first meeting with Pharaoh, things only got worse. They weren’t asking Pharaoh to free all the enslaved people just yet. They asked for a few days off, a festival reprieve for the Israelites (Exodus 5:1).

Instead of believing, Pharaoh mocked. Instead of seeing weary fellow humans, he saw lazy, whining slaves. Instead of compassion, he heaped more impossible demands on them. It’s calculated, astonishing cruelty, meant to break their spirits and keep them in their place. And for a time, it worked. After moving his family to Egypt for a mission he barely felt qualified for, Moses found himself questioning the point of it all, asking God, “Why did you ever send me?…You haven’t rescued your people at all” (vv.22–23). 

And still, God sees. God’s response is an appeal to the past, a reminder of the covenant He made with their ancestors—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob—even before they knew His name. God saw exactly what was happening. He heard their pain, He saw the violence, and He hadn’t forgotten His promise.

“Therefore tell the Israelites: I am the LORD…[I] will rescue you from slavery….I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and great acts of judgment.” —Exodus 6:6

We know how this story goes, how it extends and echoes throughout the narrative of Scripture. We can now see it as a preamble to the ongoing story of redemption, a story with places in the middle where God seems slow and absent and silent. And in those middle places, in the brutal days and dark nights of their labor, God is still working. The rescue is only beginning.

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78 thoughts on "The Lord Promises Freedom"

  1. Karen Ng says:

    Even in the midst of grief and sorrow, God knows the pain and He will deliver us someday. His presence is with us in the day and night.

  2. Nana Dwobeng says:

    God still moves in the our darkest times. God remains faithful and keep to His promises. He moves mountains for us, bless His holy name

  3. Nana Dwobeng says:

    God still moves in the our darkest times. God remains faithful

  4. Destiny Brummett says:

    Although we may not see God’s promise fulfilled right away, we have to trust in Him regardless of our present circumstances- remembering what He’s done in the past. His faithfulness throughout the Bible and in our own lives

  5. Mel Ekey says:

    Beautiful. There are so many times that I have struggled with my faith due to the feeling of absence. This perspective explains that feeling. And the thought of God going through so much to keep his promises is so empowering.

  6. Kylia Van Horn says:

    Thankyou Jesus for reminding us of your presence and rescue in the midst of the chaos

  7. Aaliyah Rardin says:

    I am so encouraged and filled with hope. I’ve read Exodus before but diving in deeper with this and God is just speaking with me directly about His heart and love for us (me). I am walking through a hard season but in the midst of all that is going on I have hope and the understanding of God that He sees and is working even when I can’t see it or it doesn’t feel like it. Thank you, Lord!

  8. Magan Strickland says:

    Praying with you!

  9. Carol Crossman says:

    Yes, God often seems absent or unavailable at the darkest times. I cry out, oh God where are you? Why did you let this happen? It is often hard to understand and I know God has a plan even if I can’t see the “ big picture “. God keeps his promises! We have seen that during this and other studies.

  10. carlie layton says:

    Amen ❤️

  11. Katrina Cornelison says:


  12. Stephanie Wabi says:

    Just want to say that sometimes things get harder or worse than they were after we asked God to intervene and so we don’t think that He’s even in it to begin with but that’s not the case! And these few chapters of Exodus clearly show that! God is always right there with us – the rescue is just the beginning!

  13. Lex says:

    Yesterday, I found out that I was only approved for a partial loan for grad school and will have to pay the rest on my own. It was very stressful and discouraging, but I am reminded of time and time again when God has provided. I can relate with Moses and the Israelites a lot in only seeing the immediate obstacle right in front of me. However, I am praying for my financial situation and trusting that the God who called me to this situation will provide a way for me to walk through it.

  14. belle ingersoll says:

    what a beautiful reminder that when we are in the thick of it we turn to other things to “ fill us “ even though the only true fulfillment comes from the Lord ! ✞ ッ

  15. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord I thank you!

  16. Kelly Hopper says:


  17. Sarah Dillon says:

    Such a powerful reminder!

  18. Cindy SalingKeener says:

    It’s good to be reminded that if we were “dropped in” at this point with Moses, we would be confused, frustrated, and feeling hopeless. But God!!

  19. Tammy Hicks says:

    Thank you Lauren! ❤️ I pray things ease up for your family and you come out on the other side with clarity and even more awareness of God’s presence.

  20. Lauren C says:

    As I was reading the passages and devotional, I was just thinking about how God still moves in the midst of our trials – He still sees us and He often still has something to teach us through it all, even when it’s hard to see at the time. Though on a vastly different scale than what you’ve been through, my husband and I have had a tough week in our house, dealing with disappointment and confusion, and my random opening of this app to THIS study was by no mistake. Thank you for sharing your story – I’m thrilled to hear how you’re getting to watch your husband and kids work through their grief and begin trusting the Lord and rejoicing when discovering the way He is glorified and we are loved and seen even in the midst of our suffering.

  21. brianna tammen says:

    Needed this

  22. Tammy Hicks says:

    On the other side of incredibly dark times I’m so grateful that I can look back and see how my God was moving even when we didn’t feel it or at all see it at the time. In the last two years my husband and I both lost our fathers who weren’t even 60, lost both my paternal grandparents after my dad, my 14 year old daughters best friend took his own life and my family of six and a Great Pyrenees spent 6 months (not consecutively) in hotels due to two septic tank floods in our home. That’s been fixed now. I say all this just to share that we have been through some serious dark stuff and while much of it still lingers, the Lord has been so present in my life and continues to strengthen me every day. I also am watching my husband and children grow at their own paces as they handle their grief and begin trusting the Lord for their comfort and joy. I know he’s pulling us into deeper relationship with Him and with one another and I praise Him for that!

  23. Sydney Talley says:

    Hi! I live outside Nashville and just want to say I’m so sorry you’ve experienced this in our town! If you don’t already have a church home, we would love for you to come visit us at Judson Baptist, just south of town almost in Brentwood. Our kids ministry is wonderful and safe, our church family is loving and we have several families who homeschool that you could connect with and receive support from!

  24. Julia Brown says:

    Victoria White, you are right that the spiritual warfare is real and strong right now. I also homeschool and find that so many people are against us, who we are not just what we choose to do. I will pray for you, to find a community of like minded people and that those in your complex will have a change of heart and be glad to welcome your family. Please know you are not alone, though I am sure it feels that way right now. God’s on this, in his timing. Hugs!

  25. Portia Strange says:

    There is SO much truth to unpack in today’s reading! I really enjoyed it! Here’s what I got from it:

    -v.5 If we refuse to obey God, I’d be hard pressed to wonder whether we really know Him.
    -vv.6-19 Obeying God doesn’t always mean that difficult circumstances will be made easier and/or disappear altogether. Nor is obedience a 1-way ticket to an easy, comfortable life.
    -v.22 Don’t allow difficult circumstances to cause you to question God’s purpose for your life.
    -vv.2-8 God chooses to remind Moses of what He’s done, who He is, & what He’ll do.
    -v.9 The people’s difficult circumstances & pain cloud their view of God’s true character & promises.

    Thank you Holy Spirit!

  26. Becky Berube says:

    Praying for you and your cat’s safe return.

  27. Becky Berube says:

    Glory, praying for you and all of your community. May God give you peace and rest and comfort the families involved.

  28. Collette Yarbrough says:

    Praying for supernatural strength and grace for what you are going through!

  29. Christel Fleming says:

    Thank full… His truth, who He is, is all we need. In the brutal dark days & nights God is still there, working, where we may feel He is absent or slow, His truth come shining through, He has never left and He never will, He knows, lay it at His feet, give Him control, let Him lead ❤️

  30. Kimberly Ziehl says:

    Victoria hang in there! Praying you find your cat Robin. Animals are family too and I know it’s hard when things happen. Cats are smart though and I hope she will return.

    After my dads accident two months ago I remember feeling so angry that God let this happen but also feeling like I wouldn’t know how to get through this without him. I was feeling guilty for how I felt but yet God kept showing up in mysterious ways. I pray if youre going through a hard time you feel Gods presence with you. Through the good and the bad God is always with us.

  31. Kimberly Ziehl says:

    Victoria hang in there! Praying you find your cat Robin. Animals are family too and I know it’s hard when things happen. Cats are smart though and I hope she will return.

  32. Roxane Richardson says:

    Victoria I am praying for you and your family. Keep standing on the word of God and firm in your faith. God will do the rest.

  33. Leslie says:

    Everything always looks so bleak when we are in the midst of a dark storm. We doubt we will ever come out of it unscathed, but God is always there to protect us and is continually saving us. We just need to continue to have hope in Him and in His promises. Two years ago my sons dad was awarded more time during the school year although I knew it would be a disaster, and I was angry at God, but through out these two years, he has shown me why he did it and that anger quickly disappeared. I doubted Him, and for what. He ALWAYS has a plan for us.

  34. Robin Kirby says:

    Thank you ladies. I was having a hard time today. My cat has been missing for four days and I had started giving up hope that he will return. I have been praying and praying. God will answer my prayer.

  35. Hannah Stewart says:

    Praying for you!

  36. Victoria White says:

    I really needed this today! We just moved from Northern Virginia to the suburbs outside of Nashville TN. We got the keys on Friday morning to our new apartment. We are on the 3rd floor and I have small kids. 20 months, 3, and 8. I homeschool so us being home with trips to stores, parks, museums, is our regular. Well, not even 10 minutes after we arrived on Friday the people below us came up and were aggressive and angry about my kids. Every day since we’ve been here it’s something else, complaining, property mananger visiting 3 times
    It’s been 6 days today. My children are just being children. I have background in child development and everything is developmentally normal and necessary that they are doing. Nothing obnoxious or outlandish. Spiritual warfare is real yall because the hits keep on coming. I’m hanging on to the truth that my God is greater and stronger. In my weakness he gives strength. Please pray for peace and strength for my family. We are so tired! I choose to trust in the One who calls me his workmanship and see this as an opportunity to be molded like the potters clay! Blessings and love to all!

  37. Victoria White says:

    I need

  38. Mercy says:

    The baptism of fire (Matthew 3:11) and becoming like pure gold (1 Peter 1:7) go hand in hand. Thank you Kathy for posting the Job verses. I love the observations you shared, my thoughts exactly. Becoming pure gold has a price that we pay, not God’s. In Exodus, this testing fire is blazing full force through the cruelty of Pharaoh. I could see the parallel in our culture today, the cruelty of certain leadership is an instrument for God to deliver, for another great exodus, may we see past this. All the while, the verse that got my attention was, “but they hearkened not unto Moses for anguish of spirit, and for cruel bondage” – Exodus 6:9. It’s a heartbreaking story we are reading here, a tragedy. This gives me another perspective as to why sometimes (hurt) people (unknowingly to me) will not listen, absolutely will not listen, even though the Lord can send me or you to counsel them to the right direction. It’s not just fleshly stubbornness like we normally think, may this verse appeal to the mercy within us to understand a deeper reason for their rejection. We can never know the extent of somebody’s anguish, and the extent of cruelty they have been enduring that causes them to turn deaf ears to us. It’s not about us. It’s about them. It’s not easy being in leadership, so many rejections can cause us to step down/resign if we don’t see past ourselves. Be blessed dear sisters.

  39. Tricia Cavanaugh says:

    God is so Awesome! He has been with me through some difficult times. Sometimes I tend to forget that. Lord, please put your provision in my mind when I forget. Blessed Wednesday Dear Sisters!

  40. Kimmie says:

    God is stil working…

  41. Tami C says:

    Hello ladies. I just listened to a sermon by Larry Brey from Elevation Church on the life of Moses. The teaching is called “Let’s face it”. All of your comments are so insightful. I’m so glad I found this! Blessings!

  42. Jessica Marcus says:

    God did something remarkable for me last year. He literally parted the seas and I walked through. I came out with 10 times more than I had too. I’ll never forget who I am to God! He showed me, he shows us! So In the dark places, in the valleys, don’t forget what he showed you in the light, on the mountaintop!

  43. Alyssa Minor says:

    Thank you for recommendation

  44. Rhonda J. says:

    The SRT podcast was really good to go a little deeper into the beginning of Exodus! Highly recommend it! I always like the part of scripture where Moses feels inadequate in his speech because I feel like I’m not so good with my words and knowing what to say to unbelievers and those in need. But I know God will use me in His own way, He equips me!
    Also, I would like to recommend a couple of songs that come to mind after reading and listening to the podcast- The God Who Sees by Nicole C. Mullens, the 12 min. long version that is under The Rock, The Rabi Fondation on youtube, and the song SAME GOD by Elevation Worship!

    Have a great rest of your day friends!

  45. Saile Guzman says:

    God is good. All the time. In the waiting, in the joy, in the struggle. All the time.

  46. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Why is it so hard for us to trust God – in everything? We have seen the testimonies of His almighty hand, His wonders, His miracles in scripture. Yet somehow, we doubt – at least I do anyway at times. And yes, Moses had his doubts, but lets not fault him to much without first looking at our own hearts. God is always in control. He is sovereign, His way is perfect. It is He that has freed us from the slavery of sin, He has redeemed us – hallelujah! Father God, please help me to trust you always. Remove my doubt, help me to be faithful and to walk in Your ways and to sing praise to Your name and rejoice in You. Amen (Psalm 68:4)

    A blessed Wednesday to my SRT sisters!

  47. Traci Gendron says:

    Thank you all for such good comments! I was struggling with the scripture today. Not sure why, but I had more understanding of it after reading the comments.

  48. Laura Hernandez says:

    I am so glad that I’ve joined this study as I needed to be reminded that I too am His child. As I go through these trying times that I’m experiencing, I need to remember that His love and my faith will see me through.

  49. Dorothy says:

    Though I may be up in years, my faith continues to grows. God and Christ have never left my side. I KNOW I CAN rely on Them to be there when I call out. These last few weeks I have had to say BUT GOD…. several times and I received an answer.
    Sisters be blessed and KNOW GOD AND CHRIST ARE ALWAYS WITH YOU.

  50. Julie Bailon says:

    Thankful that the eternal God, self-existent One sees us, hears us, and makes himself known to us.

  51. Anne Carlson says:

    Brianne, Excellent point! Grace gives us healing with God’s power, and discipleship builds our strength in obedience. Whew!

  52. Anne Carlson says:

    Brianne, Excellent point! Grace gives us healing and discipleship builds our strength in obedience. Whew

  53. Kristen says:

    When I read Michelle Bauer’s comment about how the people didn’t listen because they were tired and exhausted. I thought of the Scripture in Proverbs that says: Hope deferred makes the heart sick. May God help us to remember in those times that He is Holy and Sovereign. His thoughts and ways are above ours. His timing may not be ours, but He is still on the Throne and May continue to look to Jesus, our only hope.

  54. Andraya Bitschy says:

    Exodus has really got me thing a lot about God mercy and grace. We see so many times where Moses is doubting and at one point even ask God to pick someone else entirely and God very easily could have said ok I’ll find someone else but Instead he says no Moses I’m going to give you the tools to do what I have asked you to do.

  55. Jasmine Cummins says:

    Thank you for making that clear to me. I was so surprised, too! God keeps his promises. So should we. ❤️

  56. Kathy says:

    “…and you haven’t rescued your people at all.”
    These words from Moses made me think of Job 23: 8-10. “Behold, I go forward, but he is not there, and backward, but I do not perceive him; on the left hand when he is working, I do not behold him; he turns to the right hand, but I do not see him. But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.”
    Moses was where God wanted him and doing what God had told him to do, but it wasn’t going at all like Moses thought it would. It turned ugly and messy really quickly. In the podcast Jen Wilkins says that the hallmark of human steadfastness faltering is two phrases: “This is harder than I thought.” “This is taking longer than I expected.”
    I have been like Moses and Job so many times. I’m doing what I believe God wants me to do and it’s not what I expected. It’s hard and it’s messy and I don’t want to do it anymore. But God is at work and the result of what He does through those ugly, messy circumstances is that “I shall become like gold.”
    The thing that’s really cool about refining gold is that the refiner knows the gold has become pure when he can see his reflection in it. And to see his reflection he has to be really close to the fire. God is right there with us as we walk through the fire. And every step we take is making us more like Him.
    Have a blessed day!

  57. Angie Mills says:

    Before Moses even went to Egypt & approached Pharaoh, the Lord warned him that Pharaoh wouldn’t listen. He told Moses to do the wonders He had given him to perform but that He would harden Pharaoh’s heart. God also told Moses that He would have to kill Pharaoh’s firstborn son. However, when Moses got to Egypt, it seems that he forgot what God had told him. It’s like he remembered the promises and forgot the warnings. How often do we do the same thing? How often do we remember God’s promises but forget His warnings? Or, we do the opposite — remember His warnings but forget His promises. We must remember God’s promises & His warnings. GOD’S JUSTICE & HIS GRACE WORK TOGETHER TO REDEEM HIS PEOPLE.

  58. Annelyn P says:

    Growing Faith, thank you for the update. Praising God for his faithfulness and his encouragement.

  59. Brianne Major says:

    I was most surprised today by the part of the story where God almost killed Moses on the way to Pharoah because he had not upheld the covenant of circumcision made with Abraham. All of that work to prepare Moses for this task, and to almost kill him on the way due to lack of following that covenant. It reminds me that the little things DO matter to God. The tiniest actions that may seem trivial ARE important. He wants us to be all in.

    1. Ariel R says:

      Thank you for this interpretation ❤️ I was struggling with this section and am really encouraged by your words

  60. Kenya Rafferty says:

    Up to this point, Moses has doubted God 5 times. Out loud. To His face. God is being clear and heaping good news on Moses but Moses can’t see past the terrible situation in which His people are living. How many times are we in that place where we can’t see past? But I have to remember that we are just in the beginning of this book, and in those moments, we are just in the beginning of Gods greater plan. How hard it can be to know and see that and not doubt.

  61. Michelle Patire says:

    I read these chapters and just see the stubbornness and unbelief of humanity. @Danielle B, you are so right. It is easy to be annoyed at Moses or the people for their constant doubt. I pray God keeps us compassionate instead of annoyed at people’s unbelief.

  62. Taylor says:

    Lord thank you for your unshakeable faithfulness throughout history. May we allow your past track record to remind us how much you love us and WILL deliver us from whatever trial or struggle we are walking through.

  63. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Father God, you hear our cries. You know our hearts. Help us hold on to you as we rejoice in your answers whether now or later. Help us remember your promise and trust your will on earth as it is in Heaven. Fan the flame of our hearts as we place all hope in you through unshakable faith. In the Name above all names. Jesus.

  64. Ava Anderson says:

    I can k

  65. Gayle R says:

    I just watched the Bible project yesterday! So helpful in understanding everything!

  66. Danielle B says:

    It can easy to read and judge Moses knowing the end of the story, but when you see it from Moses perspective he didn’t know the end. How often do I allow the unknown or what’s seem unlikely to keep me from following God’s will. In those moments what is needed is trust in the one who is always faithful!

  67. Nancy Singleton says:

    I’m thankful God loves his chosen so much that He hasn’t given up on us in spite of our stubbornness & sin!

  68. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    A promise of freedom sounds great to the ears in distress. A voice of hope kindles the embers of our heart. The wind of faith must blow upon the embers to fan the flame to life in the waiting. Eyes on Jesus. Remember how He lived. Remember how He died for us. How He loves us. He. Loves. Us. He redeemed us from the oppression of evil taskmasters. Even in dispair, the promise of freedom reigns in my mind. If I hold to what I know is truth, my heart’s fire keeps glowing, and my faith keeps blowing upon the fire to keep it going. With this flame, I thee wait. In affliction, I wait. In darkness, Jesus is light. In me, He glows. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

  69. Aimee D-R says:

    God’s promise is eternal. Hallelujia!

  70. AG says:

    Gods timing and our own may not be the same. But that doesn’t mean that God isn’t working. We have to keep our faith

  71. Michelle Bauer says:

    Even though their spirits were broken and they were so exhausted from hard labor that they “did not listen” to Moses and God’s promise of deliverance – God was still at work to deliver them – He made a promise to do so….. from my vantage point of knowing the end of the story …. He did! Will he not do the same in our own story?

  72. Michelle Bauer says:

    Even though their spirits were broken and they were so exhausted from hard labor that they “do

  73. Growing Faith says:

    Thank you to ADRIENNE, KELLY (NEO), ELIZABETH DODSON, BARBARA ISABELL, and anyone else who has been praying for my sister Leticia. I didn’t think the news would be as positive as it was yesterday, so I am amazed at how God answered our prayers. The surgeon said Leticia’s wound looks better than expected based on what the doctor told her, so thank God for that! And a little bit of confusion: the test result that said she had strep was from before the surgery she had last Thursday to remove the necrotic tissue, so I’m praying the surgeon was able to remove everything that needed to be removed and that the antibiotics will keep infection away until her wound is able to heal fully. Yesterday’s reading was a good reminder to me of God’s power and faithfulness to His children, and my need to trust fully in Him. Thank you, Lord.

  74. Mary Ann Graves says:

    So true

  75. Kelly (NEO) says:

    God told Moses that Pharaoh would not listen, yet Moses seems to have forgotten that part.

    How often do I do the same? Jesus said that I would have trouble in this world yet I am suprised when it comes. REMEMBER that He also said that He has overcome the world and He will never leave or forsake me. This world and its troubles do not have the final say.

    As a sidebar, Moses’ son needed to bear the sign of the Abrahamic covenant before going into Egypt. Moses couldn’t do it, so his wife did. Not a good moment in the marriage!

  76. Arina says:

    I’m guilty of this, thinking that God doesn’t hear when my problems aren’t solved immediately. Believing that God’s promises aren’t true when things become harder before getting better. God could have given up on Moses and the Israelites then. They were so unwilling to trust God, so short-sighted. But God just keeps pushing His plan. He keeps His promise, no matter what we do. We can’t make Him give up on us.

  77. Jill Ravensborg says:

    As a supplement to the podcast & readings, if you have time, I recommend listening to “The Bible Project” podcast/app about Exodus.