God’s people had been living as slaves in Egypt for 430 years to the day on the very night Pharoah burst into Moses’ and Aaron’s presence, urging them to leave.
“Get out,” Pharoah said. “Go”
After living as captives in Egypt in a place that was not their true home, the children of Israel grew complacent in their lifestyle of faith. Would they trust God to suddenly, urgently lead them away from a life that was known and comfortable even though it wasn’t where they were designed to live? Would that urgency of fleeing on foot in a great mob under the leadership of Moses, the one who faced the anger of Pharaoh in a house full of death, be enough to send them out into the unknown, away from safety, security, comfort?
God is a God of rescue. We may wait years for deliverance from areas we are captive: fear, hard relationships, difficult living situations, physical or spiritual poverty. Deliverance testifies to His power. “He saved them for his name’s sake, to make his power known” (Psalm 106:8).
There will be a moment where we too sense Him saying to us, “Now. Go. Get up.” There will be an opportunity to depart what has been comfortable, to exodus into a place unknown and frightening and exciting all at once.
Will we speak that truth? Help that friend? Reach out to that lonely person? Move to the new neighborhood? Stay in the current neighborhood with a renewed purpose to be the one that reflects the God that longs to be worshiped?
As Christians who have been comfortable in our setting, our surroundings, our language, are we willing to be led out into an emerging new landscape? What does this look like in all that has been familiar—our friendships, our family relationships? How will God’s urgent, insistent call to rise change how we speak in difficult conversations?
God will lead if we will go. He promises as you go, He will lead you to take courage as you walk away from what has been familiar. Out of comfort. Into the wilderness. Only there will you come to know Him and depend on Him like never before.
You were not meant to stay in captivity. You were meant to rise up and go out, in the middle of the darkness, in the middle of the chaos, into a new place of relationship with Him. Rise. Go!

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47 thoughts on "The Exodus"
Lord you are good!
“ you were not meant to stay in captivity . you were meant to rise up , in the middle of darkness , in the middle of the chaos , into a new place of relationship with Him . Rise . Go ! “ wow ! what beautiful truth in this paragraph ! ✞ ッ
“ you were not meant to stay in captivity . you were meant to rise up , in the middle of darkness , in the middle of the chaos , into a new place of relationship with Him . Rise . Go ! “
Wow!! I’m behind on the readings by a week and a half, but God… He wanted me to be behind so I can read this on His divine timing for my life. A week and a half ago, this would have just been another day of devotional reading.. Amazing nonetheless, but it wouldn’t have touched me like it did today. I feel like He totally spoke to me because today’s reading about being called to rise, is where I’m at in this new season of my life. This week hasn’t been easy on the outside with all its circumstances, but on the inside I feel a deep sense of joy, and I know it’s God. I’m so excited that He is working in and through me to show others who He is through how He’s working in my life. And I know it won’t be easy but it’ll be worth it for Him, and that He’s got me through it all. It’s hard to explain fully but it’s such a profound peace.
Continuing to pray for you all and all the requests. Sending love and light.
Perfectly said! Thank you! ❤️
When Pharaoh let them go, If the Israelites had been asked, they might have said “Let’s take a well traveled road to a nearby land.” When God led them on the road of the wilderness toward the Red Sea, I’m sure there were those who questioned the wisdom of that decision. They probably thought they knew a better way. But God knew their nature and that that road would take them right back to captivity. How often do I see circumstances and decide how I think things should work out and question God when he has a different plan? I see a path that makes sense to me and I don’t know why God would lead me on a harder path. But I don’t know what sort of turn I’d take if I’d gone down the other path. God has a plan for my rescue and knows my nature just like he knew theirs and I need to remember what he’s already done for me and trust that His path is best.
I needed this tonight.
Very fitting devotion for where I am in my life right now. God told me to leave technology sales and make beautiful outdoor spaces for others with Him. It has been a scary but thrilling experience to start my own business with complete reliance on Him. If we will just obey and “Go” – the blessings of obedience are overwhelming!
This has been my favorite so far! It’s so fitting to my life right now. God is saying GO! Do those things that you’re scared of doing for I am leading you to exodus….and through my power by your faith in me, I am keeping you safe!
…Gwendolyn ☺️
For the Beginning of Exodus, God led His people by the farther and harder route, through the wilderness and then the Red Sea, foreknowing human tendency would be to shrink back at the face of war (Exodus 13:17) and U-turn to their familiar Egypt. Don’t we run away from war, too afraid of death (our own self dying)? Don’t we rush back to the temporary relief and comfort that sin provides (that old bondage place) when enduring God’s word is too hard? Aren’t we perhaps very similar to the Israelites we read about today, and we are perhaps also blind to our own mistakes? Every route we take is ordained (the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord- Psalm 37:23), and God ordains the harder route for His children. I used to be told, if I receive Jesus, things will be easy. No no no, not always! Please make no mistake, it is the HARDER route which God has ordained. There’s nothing comfortable about the wilderness. But take heart, the pain enduring in the wilderness (by obedience to GOD) is only temporary, but the pain of remaining in Egypt (and reject God’s rescue mission) is eternal. So to someone who might be contemplating if they should say yes to GOD when He says “Go, get up now, time to leave”, please say yes, please don’t lean on your own understanding (it won’t always make sense, how would crossing the sea on foot make any sense?). I pray you will just rip the bandage, endure the pain, exit the bondage place, go through the wilderness of exodus, allow yourself to be stripped of the so-called comfort, be broken down by GOD in the process, you will be put back together by HIM into a new person. I learn this concept from the military (They break you down through hardship in order to build you back up) and I see this resemblance today in how God works. His Word also tells us there is a time for everything under the sun, a time to break down, and a time to build up (Ecclesiastes 3:3). No wonder why God’s children are usually compared to being soldiers (2 Timothy 2:3-4). Being deconstructed before being made new. And because of God’s great faithfulness that endures forever, He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear, He will provide the way of escape for you, that you may be able to endure the test (1 Corinthians 10:13). Say Yes to God, you women of valor. I pray you will. Be blessed dear sisters.
God commanded the Israelites to celebrate the Passover every year. They needed to remind themselves where they had come from and who delivered them. How often do I remind myself who my Savior is and what I’ve been delivered from?
The children of Israel became complacent in their lifestyle of faith. Am I complacent? We are not meant to stay in captivity. We are meant to rise up! Will I listen?
God is a God of rescue. He will do it. He will move you out of a place and bring you into another plan for your life. He will take you out of despair, anxiety, depression, loneliness, longing. It might not be the time you want, but His timing is perfect. He will rescue you. Keep your eyes on Him.
42 It was a night of watching by the Lord, to bring them out of the land of Egypt; so this same night is a night of watching kept to the Lord by all the people of Israel throughout their generations. – Exodus 12:42
This struck me for the first time today, in spite of all the times I’ve read through the Bible. God is our provider and protector, through everything in our lives. There’s nothing going on in the world or with us that escapes His notice. What a gracious and powerful God we serve and love ❤️
42 It was a night of watching by the Lord, to bring them out of the land of Egypt; so this same night is a night of watching kept to the Lord by all the people of Israel throughout their generations. – Exodus 12:42
Loved todays reading. In a season of life where it feels a bit lonely considering I am 30 and not married I know Gods timing is much bigger then mine. I continue to pray when the time is right my heart will be open and ready. So many times we have things that weigh us down and stress out and it seems like sometimes a light just switches and it no longer becomes a worry. Other times it seems like the weight of an issue can drag out for a long time. It’s comforting to know God will lead if you let him.
Loved todays reading. In a season of life where it feels a bit lonely considering I am 30 and not married I know Gods timing is much bigger then mine. I continue to pray when the time is right my heart will be open and ready. So many times we have things that weigh us down and stress out and it seems like
Loved todays reading. In a season of life where it feels a bit lonely considering I am 30 and not married I know Gods timing ia much biggert
Loved todays reading. In a season of life where it feels a bit lonely considering I am
Loved todays reading. In a season of
I love how Moses took the bones if Joseph with him ….. Joseph said, “ God will certainly come to your aid ; then you must take my bones with you from this place.” “Rise up and go out, in the middle of the chaos, into a new place of relationship with Him. Rise ! Go!”
That’s a lot of people……you would think it would be pure chaos.
I love this!
I noticed that too. It kinda goes into my wonder of why God hardened Pharaoh’s heart if we have free will and Pharaoh could have just been selfish and non-believing to begin with and naturally have a hardened, stubborn heart.
I’ve been struck by the tiny details of this event. God knew the people needed gold to make items for the tabernacle, but carrying that much gold in large quantities would be difficult and likely require lots of beasts of burden. Instead, God already had the Egyptians decked out in fine jewelry that was easy to carry! God knew what He was doing even when it didn’t make sense to the Israelites. Same goes for His work in our lives!
Exodus 12:32 “…and also bless me.” I am sitting on this today. Pharaoh obviously believed but why did he ask for a blessing? Was it out of selfish ambition? Or true fear of the Lord? How often do I do this??? What are my motives??
Brenda, you have me picturing the Israelites playing the “telephone game“, lol! Perhaps that’s why God chose to be a pillar of cloud and fire at the front of the group. Everyone just basically followed the person in front of them and you get the idea that they could all see the cloud. Scary and exciting at the same time!
My husband and I have reached that stage in life where retirement is looming before us. I will confess that I find it just a little terrifying. So, the words Vina shared spoke so strongly this morning. I pray every year before school starts that God will let me know when it’s time to go. My prayer now will be: Lord, keep my heart soft and my ears attentive so that when you say, “Now. Go. Get up” I will hear You and respond in obedience. Help me to trust you enough to depart what is “comfortable, to exodus into a place unknown and frightening and exciting all at once.”
He can be trusted to lead us in the way we need to go.
I have a prayer request. I am having a routine colonoscopy on Thursday. It’s just a screening, but there’s always that little voice in the back of your head that says, “what if something’s wrong.” Pray for peace. And, pray for strength and fortitude as I drink that really yucky stuff!!!
Be blessed and a blessing today, sisters!
I saw a clip yesterday that talked about Psalm 121. The man explained that this Psalm needs to be read within the context of Exodus. He said God Himself was the helper and protector of His people. He was their shade by day (cloud) and protection at night (pillar of fire). He protected them from the deadly sun by day and from the lethal snakes and scorpions by night.
He goes on to say that what Yahweh did for the people is a shadow of what Jesus would do for us. Jesus on the cross endured the full extent of sin and death and overcame death through death. Jesus on the cross provides the shade of grace that is both protection and provision for His people today. I never thought of this Scripture n that way.
He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Him! Praise God for His grace and mercy that we may be saved!
A question I was taught to ask myself years ago when in The face of a difficult or uncertain decision is “what hangs in the balance of my response?” If I say no to the thing He’s asking me to do, or yes to the comfortable, reoccurring sin I’ve kept in my back pocket for years- what impacts, influences, future lives hang in that balance? Who will never come to know Jesus because of my refusal, or- who will find Him and spread His word like wildfire because of my Yes? What 2nd and 3rd and 12th and 34th generations will be sharing His love and truth in unknown places because of my Yes?? I mean come on- what if Moses stuck to his No?? I believe God would have still reduced His ppl, no doubt- but Moses would have missed the opportunity and adventure of a lifetime. I don’t want to miss anything.
In an act of obedience (and a story too long for right now but may post sometime..), I have followed God’s lead to apply to Dallas theological seminary and just found out I was accepted. It’s been an interesting process so far, seeing Him hands-on, literally direct all of it. Y’all I didn’t even know what degree to go for because He’s yet to lay out the full plan in front of me of why He is asking me to do all of this. But? He knows His plans for me and for the parts He’s holding back on sharing right now, He is working out all details on my behalf. It’s still an enormous journey and with a small practice to run, 3 young children, and other areas of commitment, I’m quite curious to see how He plans to pull it off. But I’m saying yes. My husband is saying yes (as his support and acceptance of new roles in our family is going to be a must). And I know that above all He will give me the desires of my heart, so really I can trust Him.
A request of prayer- we have some VERY close friends who are not believers. Our children are close, we all vacation together often… of the parents, one is Hindu the other grew up with a “religious” mother who believes in Jesus but portrayed it poorly and he is now not just “not a Christian”, but against Christianity- thinks it is ridiculous. The fact the 4 of us have become such amazing friends is a testimony to God because somehow they overlook our “flaw” of being Christians. ;) I’m going to have to tell them about school and my plans and it’s going to be difficult. Heck- I STILL DON’T KNOW THE FULL PLAN YET!! They have very logical, “engineer” minds and they won’t get it.
PRAYER: 1. that God would spark curiosity in their hearts over this weird thing their friends are doing in the obedience to their God. 2. that He will help them to keep open minds and acceptance of us as friends through all of it. Who knows- maybe (hopefully??) this can be a testimony and witness to them of how trustworthy our God really is…
Imagine also how long it must have taken the 2 million plus livestock to cross the Jordan. I had never thought about that before always imagining them going across the Jordan in an hour or so. But that Red Sea must have opened up for a long time. How amazing our God is!
How overwhelming His love for His people! It makes me want to lean in even closer and ponder today’s reading, realizing just how big its message is for us today! The world has forgotten His truth and power, but He will not be diminished or dismissed, the wrath will come. But God, for those who love Him we will be delivered from evil. Thank you Lord Jesus for giving us this promise. We are yours forever.
When God sent the plagues on Egypt, He showed His power & authority over nature, wild & tame animals & vegetation, illnesses & diseases, weather, economies, governments & nations, people groups, time & space, life, people’s hearts, those who are His people, those who are not His covenant people, our idols & false gods, and satan & his demons. Thinking about this list reminds me of Jesus’ miracles and how He showed His divine power & authority over the same things. God has power & authority over everything because He is Lord above all lords & King over every king.
“You were not meant to stay in captivity. “
May I be willing to “rise up and go…into a new place of relationship with Him.”
I read most of Psalm 106 and and am in awe of God’s kindness and determination to be known as who He is to people who stray or don’t know Him. I’ve been reflecting on God making Himself known to Egypt, plague after plague, desiring they turn and know Him. His purpose in glorifying Himself, I believe, is for all to know who He is: good, faithful, kind, fair, just, and all-powerful. He doesn’t stop trying to do this. To this day, He seeks for us to truly know Him. I am thankful to see this pursuit of love and being known.
God seeks to be known by us, just as we seek to be known by others.
With freedom comes responsibility. Like water poured out into a container, it is useful for quenching thirst, versus being poured out on the ground where it goes where it pleases without any containment. It just soaks away into the ground. There is some good there, maybe, but not when you are thirsty. In the exodus from Egypt, the people were free, yet they were contained by rituals and statutes. God knows us. He knows our weaknesses and limitations. And He provides His strength and guidance in love. Worldly freedom looks like the water poured out onto the ground, mostly wasted. God gave freedom that brings life upon life, living water poured out for the good of many. We are His containers, carrying hope of thirst quenching water. With our freedom we choose to serve others, quenching a thirst within us asking, what is my purpose? In serving God and others, our lives become rich and joyful. Where selfish pride brings arrogance and discontent. Freedom is not free, it comes with a price. And our freedom was paid for by Jesus Christ. Thank You. Lord, let me be a good steward of Your abundant freedom. May my feet follow Your path wherever You call me, to stay or go. With patience I wait for You. All for Your glory. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.
Jennifer, love your analysis. It really gave me a better understanding❤
Brenda that’s an interesting thought! Perhaps only the men gathered around Moses for instruction? Even then, it was approximately 600,000! The crowd must have been buzzing, passing the word on to each other. It is mind-boggling!
Forgive my doubt, reward my faith Father God. In the saving name of Jesus I pray, Amen
I was listening to the podcast today and one thing struck me. They mentioned how many people (estimated) were exiting from Egypt and the estimate was 2.4 million people. When they mention things that need to be communicated to all those people, I just wonder how they managed to communicate among that many people. Growing up I never thought about that many people when I read this passage. I always just sort of pictured Moses standing on a rock yelling the instructions to the group.
Someone had commented yesterday about the Egyptian people turning to God and being safe from His judgment, well some did turn toward God. “A mixed crowd also went up with them” Ex. 12:38.
In the instructions for observing Passover, there were provisions for the alien and stranger to join the covenant and celebrate.
God always has room at His table for those who earnestly seek Him
“Only there will you come to know Him and depend on Him like never before.” Arise. Go.