The Dedication of the Temple

Open Your Bible

2 Chronicles 6:1-42, 2 Chronicles 7:1-22, John 1:14

Sometimes my children ask me questions when my brain is in some other hemisphere—like deadlines, laundry piles, and remembering to order school lunches. “Can we go to the park later?” “Can we eat ice cream for dinner?” “Can we fly to the moon?” Okay, no moon-flying over here—but it doesn’t matter what they ask me; when I reply with a half-listening “Yes,” they expect whatever I promised. However, I often completely forget. 

But God never forgets His promises (2Chronicles 6:10,15–16). The writer of Chronicles reminded the returning-from-exile Judeans that even though they didn’t hold up their end of the covenant relationship with God, the Holy One of Israel never skipped town.

This account reveals the details of God’s continuation of the Davidic covenant by Solomon, David’s son, completing the building of the temple of the Lord. I imagine the people listening to this story could almost smell the twenty-two thousand cattle and a hundred thousand sheep and goats being offered to Yahweh (2Chronicles 7:5). They could almost hear the blowing trumpets and envision the glory of the Lord consuming the sacrifices with fire from heaven, and His glory filling the temple (v.1). 

I appreciate the details of this record of Israel’s history because they needed to remember their origin story as they started a new chapter back in the land. The returning, humbled people needed to recount who God was and who they were so they could move forward as God’s people. 

Sometimes we might need to re-enter the story of God too. We easily forget our faith origin in the gospel of Jesus Christ and start putting faith in other things. We put our faith in hustling for the promotion, curating a Pinterest-worthy home, or building our name as a brand on social media. But all these lesser faiths and stories start to lure us away from the one, big, eternal story of God—and of our Savior, who is full of grace and truth (John 1:14). 

Maybe this is one of the reasons the writer of Chronicles thought it necessary to include God’s promise to Solomon after the dedication: If Israel turns from God again (which they do), but then turns back to God, He would hear their prayer, forgive their sin, and bless the land (2Chronicles 7:14). 

This is the story I need to return to over and over again—especially when I mess up. This is the gospel of grace, right here in the pages of Chronicles. Is there something in your life distancing you from God? Are you feeling like you’re in a season of exile? If we turn from our sin, seek His face, and ask for forgiveness, we once again find our home in God’s story (1John 1:9)—because God keeps His promises.

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43 thoughts on "The Dedication of the Temple"

  1. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love that God dwells with his people and makes allowance for them when they wonder away. He knows that they will and promises that they will be able to find their way back to him.

  2. Rhonda J. says:

    Hi Ya’ll-

    Great reading today, I am really enjoying gleaning all the great reminders of Chronicles! There is one true God of Israel, Father of Abraham, Isaac and David. He reigns forever, Hallelujah! I am so thankful for his gift of Jesus, who takes our sin away. We must still repent daily in his forgiveness, and utilize the Holy Spirit to help us against our flesh. It is challenging, but it is doable through Him. He enables, leads, directs, nudges, flags us down…knocks us down…breaks our foot. Am I following Him, or doing my own work? Lord, please, I want to follow your lead but my flesh does otherwise. I like to be the one in charge, the decision maker, the reward receiver. But God–YOU are the way-maker, and there is not room for both of us. I thought I was doing your will, but I need clear signs.

    I feel like it is the devil attacking our pain group. He does not want us to come together, we are better isolated. BUT God- He has put this on our hearts, and I know it will prevail. A new friend from the group has offered to pick me up in the morning! I have not been outside my stilt home yet (down the stairs), so I pray I navigate and do okay. (my worry is it is my bad leg (unstable with drop foot and nerve damage) that is the “one in charge, standing” leg now.

  3. Molly R says:

    I love the reminder that this was the post-exile people returning and war-torn in spirit, mind and body. The broken, tail-between-the-legs, reminder that at the height of the glory of the temple of Solomon, God knew what Israel would do, again, and He still faithfully fulfilled His promise to fill the temple, to live amongst His people.
    He will be with me at the height of my mountaintop experience, knowing I will fall in sin, and He will pick me up, brush me off, remind me I am His daughter, and take my hand to continue forward in the work He called me to do, by my side, filling my very broken and weak heart. Man, God is good, so so good.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Praying for
    Lehua K- glad you’re back and praying your bosses are receptive to your concerns.
    @Rhonda- so sorry about your mishap and hope your healing ❤️‍ comes quickly and completely.
    @Michelle Patire- lifting your whole situation before the Lord. He hears the cries of your heart! Keep pushing forward and trust Him to keep you in His care. Easier said than done sometimes!! ❤️
    @ GrammieSue- lifting Steve in prayer that all goes well!
    Lifting all my She’s today for God’s grace to fall on you.

  5. Michelle Patire says:

    @Sharon, Jersey Girl- you are the second person to share that scripture with me. Thank you for listening to the Holy Spirit and praying over me. ❤️:)
    this was my REPLY yesterday to you. Hope you see this one!! I actually wrote out the entire Scripture after I posted that yesterday!!

    Thank you again for all the prayers. I acknowledged them last night on the previous day’s comments. @Brenda – I hear what you’re saying. I honestly have no road map for what God wants to do. I guess maybe I am expecting Him to give me a job or miraculously make something happen. But I can’t predict God, that’s true.
    Thank you @Searching, Lisa Z, Mari V, Kim Z, Mercy, Foster Mama, Rhonda J (have been thinking, maybe it is good for you to be “resting” instead of “running” – you do so much! May God help you in this time hear Him and dwell in His presence in a different way), Cee Gee and everyone else. You ladies are special.

    <3 praying peace over my mind, today.
    @Lehua glad you are back! @Taylor, we missed you yesterday!

  6. Rebecca W says:

    2 Chronicles 7:32 got my attention when Solomon speaks of the foreigner coming and praying and asks the Lord to “do whatever the foreigner asks of you so that ALL the the peoples of the earth may know your name and fear you.” Reminded me of the New Testament when Jesus includes the Gentiles with the chosen Jews to believe in him. So even though the Lord came through the line of David, his grace and salvation is for every single person on this earth.
    I’m grateful and humbled to be part of His family!

  7. Dorothy says:

    Once again I’m again I’m going to quote from my Thrive Devotional Bible, this is as if God were talking to you or me, “You are My child and I love to answer you. There is great power in humility and prayer. Real change starts in your heart, permeates your home, and then echoes throughout the world. You have the ability to lift up anything in prayer, and I will hear you. You also have the gift of repentance, and in one prayer you can make yourself right with Me. I will forgive you, and that blessing will affect mot only you but also the people around you.”
    “DON’T EVER GIVE IN to hopelessness or sin. I have given you the power to live above such things. Walk with Me, bring everything to Me in prayer, and watch My mighty hand move over your life.” (The emphasis is mine.)
    I need to humble myself more and go to God and Christ more in prayer.
    Lord God, I humble myself to You and ask for forgiveness and love. Watch over myself, my sisters in Christ, my family and their families and world. In Christ name, amen.
    Be blessed and God loves you no matter what.

  8. Kimberly Z says:

    This devotional really strikes home for me. God never forgets his promises. I was listening to an Above Inspiration YouTube tv this morning while I was getting ready and they were talking about how if it’s on your heart God will see it through. I find that comforting for somebody who desperately wants to have kids and be married. @Lehua K. So glad you’re back! Praying for you.