The Covenant Ceremony

Open Your Bible

Exodus 23:20-33, Exodus 24:1-18, Matthew 26:26-29, Hebrews 9:18-22

Playing make believe in the fields, building forts in the woods, dancing in the woods—this is how my best friend and I spent our childhood together. She was the sister I never had. With a bandana, we tied our wrists together and proclaimed ourselves “blood sisters.” We didn’t take any action, but in our imaginations her “blood” ran through my veins and mine through hers. Archaic as it seemed, we believed that would unite us in an unbreakable way. 

What I grasped better as a child than I do as an adult is that blood is more than physical cells. In our Western world, we generally view blood as a way to test and treat disease or a way to dramatize a movie. We are so far removed from a sacrificial culture that we struggle to see the true power of this red liquid.

In the age of Moses, people believed that blood could sanctify and blood could bind. Don’t miss what happened when Moses took the sacrificial blood and threw half of it on the altar and half of it on the leaders of the people. This was not a scene from a horror movie or a superficial gesture. With the sprinkling of blood, the God of grace and the people of slavery were united. Moses took the blood, splattered it on the people, and said, ‘This is the blood of the covenant that the LORD has made with you’” (Exodus 24:8).

Fallen people have always needed a way to be right with the perfect Lord. Throughout the ages, God has graciously provided different ways and covenants to commune with His people. In the Old Testament, we see animal sacrifices, rules, and promises, and we might be tempted to think it’s outdated. But even today we need a mediator to access our holy God. 

As believers on this side of the cross, we celebrate a new covenant that God made with His people. It is now Jesus who intercedes on our behalf with the Father. Rather than oxen blood thrown on an altar and our leaders, it is the blood of Christ that cleanses our sins and binds us to the Lord. The blood of Christ truly transforms us into God’s children.

As daughters of the King, we are blessed to be able to commune with the Lord at any moment. This access is made possible only through the new covenant of Christ. May we remember today the power and beauty in the blood that Jesus shed for us.

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27 thoughts on "The Covenant Ceremony"

  1. Jeanna Vance says:

    “It is the blood of Christ that cleanses our sin and binds us to th mee Lord”

  2. martha phillips says:

    Thank you God for sending your son, Jesus as the new covenant and giving us access to you forever and ever through your son and what he did on the cross for ME. Poured his blood out for ME. Wow. Thank you!!!

  3. belle ingersoll says:

    “ as believers on this side of the ✞ , we celebrate a new covenant that God made with His people . it is now Jesus who intercedes on our behalf with the Father . rather than oxen blood thrown on an altar and our leaders , it is the blood of Christ that cleanses our sins && binds us to the Lord . the blood of Christ truly transforms us into God ‘ s children . “

    what a beautifully spoken paragraph ! thank you for sharing this very sweet truth to my heart today !

  4. Anita J says:


  5. Mariah says:

    I am not a mother, and I truly cannot imagine the pain of losing a child. However, it’s important to consider that this text was God speaking directly to His people at a specific time in history. This was an instruction for their providence in their new life out of enslavement under the Egyptians. We are no longer under the old covenant but the new. Jesus fulfilled the first, and he establish the second.

  6. Briana Bennett says:

    After reading this this morning, I asked Siri to play me a song while I was making breakfast for my kids. Out of all the songs she could play, “thank you Jesus for the blood applied” by charity Gail came on. Whewww!!! Praise God!!

  7. Terri Baldwin says:

    The blood of Jesus gives true purification, and passes into our veins to become our life. “Believe and Live!”

  8. Olivia Vollmer says:

    Yes, it’s hard to read. I’ve lost 4 babies. Thankful to have 1 earth side. I also think of Hannah and Sarah and how God used their barren years for His glory. There is a purpose, as hard as it is.

  9. Marya Kat says:

    Kaitly I have had three miscarriages. Also two abortions when I was very young. Honestly this passage didn’t jump out at me when I read it. My thought is that it was a promise for that particular time and place. As believers we can take heart that we will see our children again. But believe me, I know the sorrow never completely goes away. Grace to you,

  10. SEARCHING HERE says:

    KAITY MEADE – my understanding of this section is that the promise/blessing was for the specific purpose of increasing the population of the God’s people. God’s plan was a gradual transition so that as their enemies were defeated, the population would have increased to handle the additional land and responsibilities.

  11. Kaity Meade says:

    Any fellow babyloss mamas struggle with 23:26 and the fact that no miscarriage is a promise of blessing/covenant?

  12. Erica Chiarelli says:

    The use of Blood shows us how serious God was/is about sin. It doesn’t just deform and ruin but it kills and destroys. It needs to be taken seriously by us as well. We are not under the Law but under grace. But we cannot live however we want! Thank You Jesus for the Blood!

  13. Teresa McCune says:


  14. Mercy says:

    Some points I gathered after reading today’s Scriptures:
    1- We have angelic assistance when going to the place God sends us to go. Angelic assistance in areas of protection and bringing us into the location successfully.
    2- When we get there, God steps in. God works TOGETHER with His children in driving out wickedness in that place. Note: not God alone, nor His children simply watch on as passive bystanders, but both. I will send terror to your enemies, and hornets, I will hand them over to you, and YOU will drive them out (Exodus 23:31). We have a part to play, we drive them out. It’s team work mentality I see in this section, God in us, and us with God.

    May we remember this reading when God sends us to a new office, a new workplace/department, a new vacation, a new project, a new neighborhood, a new country, a new mission trip, etc. to abolish the ungodliness there. Please know we have angels and God Himself accompanying.

    Have a nice Friday and lovely weekend. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds His people, both now and forevermore (Psalm 125:2).
    Be blessed dear sisters.

  15. Alayna P. says:


  16. Dorothy says:

    So I found out last evening how the Lord can bless a person out of the blue.
    My sister called while I was reading the posts on SRT and asked for me to come over because she couldn’t hardly move — her sciatica nerve had been acting up. So I went over, we ended up calling an ambulance and she went to the hospital. Long story short — after waiting several hours and multiple tests they decided to admit her. Then she had to wait for a room. I decided to leave because there wasn’t much else I could do. I stopped at Applebee’s Restaurant to get something to eat. While there a gentleman sent a note over that said, “I see Jesus in you. Blessing, and his name.” The waitress pointed out who it was and I waved to him. Then after he had left that same waitress came by and told me the gentleman had paid for my meal. I was almost in tears by this time. The Lord knew I had had a hard day and blessed me.
    Be blessed and pay it forward in someway today, to some one, sisters.

  17. Susan Deedon says:

    I’m reading it chronologically too! I think I’m on day 32… and just starting exodus!

  18. Kasey Deschaine says:

    I’m currently reading through the Bible chronologically…I restarted Exodus for the second time bc of this study! I really enjoyed todays reading and the symbolism and importance associated with the blood (not in a gory way). But just the significance of the blood in OT law and how that is fulfilled in the NT. I also love the devotions that constantly reference the book of Hebrews where you can see the unification of the OT/NT books. That and the Hebrew’s study by Jen Wilkin! Loving this series so far! Thanks SRT ♥️

  19. Kasey Deschaine says:

    I’m currently reading through the Bible chronologically…I restarted Exodus for the second time bc of this study! I really enjoyed todays reading and the symbolism and importance associated with the blood (not in a gory way). But just the significance of the blood in OT law and how that is fulfilled in the NT. I also love the devotions that constantly reference the book of Hebrews where you can see the unification of the OT/NT books

  20. Kasey Deschaine says:


  21. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    The closer I get to God, the more I love Him. The more I love Him, the more I love others. I stand on the blood of the covenant, the promise of salvation. So I can do all things through Him. It’s not about me, it’s about Jesus. It’s about others. My priorities are shifted, my focus is changed, and I want to lead others to the peace of Christ rather than focusing on myself. Only He can guide us safely around the corner, to the unknown that lies ahead. He goes before us to protect us on the way and bring us to the place prepared for us (Exodus 23:20). Be attentive to Him and listen to Him (v. 21). Nevertheless I am continually with thee (Psalm 73:23). When I am anxious, I pray. I remember the Word of God. I breathe in the gift of breath. I am grateful for another day to love my people. I am grateful for this day. It is enough. Lord, help me be patient as You unfold the moments ahead, little by little. Help me trust Your timing. Amen.

  22. Aimee D-R says:

    The precious Blood of Jesus shed for me..for all. Amen

  23. Maria Baer says:

    “… and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.” I love when God shows me verses that I have never seen before and they just hit you with their simplicity, but also with their power.

  24. Krystyn Carey says:

    Yes, thank you Jesus for making a covenant with us through your sacrifice.

  25. Jo says:

    I agree Kelly (NEO)! What a wonderful day it will be when we will be in His presence seeing the fullness of His splendour, hallelujah!
    This today reminded me of the hymn “Power in the blood”- sins stains removed in its life-giving flow, the power of His blood removes all evidence when we come before Him in repentance and we are free to live daily in His victory x

  26. Kelly (NEO) says:

    The covenant meal! The leaders of Israel ate in God’s presence. “Then Moses went up with Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of Israel’s elders, and they saw the God of Israel. Beneath his feet was something like a pavement made of lapis lazuli, as clear as the sky itself. God did not harm the Israelite nobles; they saw him, and they ate and drank.” Ex. 24:8-11
    That is some point in time I’d love to visit when a time machine is invented :-)

  27. laura caldwell says:

    Thank you Jesus for your blood that washes white as snow.